National cuisine


On the peculiarities of French, Italian and Japanese cuisine at home and about the details of the traditional and romantic table setting

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We are obliged to culinary traditions by many pleasant moments. Aesley compose a romantic dinner without leaving their native walls? We will tell us about the features of high kitchens of different peoples at home and about serving items today.

French gurmanship

Not only the list of ingredients required for the preparation of evaches, but also an entourage, recreating the atmosphere of a country will depend on the choice of national cuisine. The famous French expression "Art De Vivre" ("The Art of Living") applies, in particular, to prepare well to the ability, and put it on the table. Bone porcelain, distinguished by unusually thin and smooth lines, or flawlessly smooth glaze of classical porcelain will become a restrained "framing" submitted. The aoriginal edges of the plates will give a covered table with a special chic. When serving the table in a French style, the abundance of silver is appropriate. Stylized under ancient silver cutlery, the use of partial polishing will emphasize the beauty and taste of cooked treats. The alluring the forks and knives are necessarily a devices for a cheese dessert, common from the French. Judge such, it would seem, the elementary thing, as a set for spices, will make the table setting the original.

Fish soup with vegetables

National cuisine
In gastronomy, professionals dictate. Chef Ilya Zhdanov

Sibas fillet 30 g Kabesta Kohlrabi 25 g
Dorada fillet 30 g Cabbage Brussels 15 g
Shrimp 30 g Leek-shallot 30 g
Carrot 15 g Fish broth 150 g

Fillet Sybas and Dorada cut into portions. Process shrimp, remove the shell. Provided by concentrated broth, allow the carrots, Kohlrabi and Brussels cappist, add a bow-shallot. Pieces of raw fish and shrimp lay out in a portion plate and pour boiling fish broth with vegetables. Decorate thyme sprigs.

National cuisine
National cuisine
National cuisine
National cuisine

1. Handbag (press cardboard, print, rhinestones, 7300rub. Candlestick (metal, silvering), 6610rub. Beads (Bohemian glass, silk flower), 5950руб. ("Accents"). Vessel for wine, 7500rub. Icornin, 7500 rub. Tray, 7800rub. ("Window in Paris")

2. Handbag with print, 2450 rub. ("Accents"). Cutlery, 500 rubles. For 1 pc. Sink asiaTait, 2040 rub. ("Window to Paris"). Walkway for table (textiles) SIA (Austria), 2000 rubles. (GRANGE)

3. Set for cheese (metal, silvering), 1900rub. Campons for glasses (metal, silvering), 1500rub. ("Accents"). Set of dishes deshoulie`res, 2940 rub. Glasses (glass engraving) Deshoulie`res, 1650 rub. For set

4. Dish (Murano glass), 3990 rubles. ("Accents"). Napkin with embroidery, 1500rub. ("Window to Paris"). Ring for SIA napkin, 850rub. For 1 pc. (GRANGE)

National cuisine
5. Decorative vase in the form of a swan (metal, silvering), 3400 rub. ("Accents"). Candlestick GOODWILL, 1800 rub. (GRANGE). Plate for soup, 900rub. Pasting plate, 1000 rub. Napkin, 800 rub. ("Window to Paris"). Glass (stained glass) KROMER, 670руб. For 1 pc. Cutlery deshoulie`res, 9060rub. Waters with embroidery, 8800 rub. ("Accents")

Dogging Italy

The spirit of this bright country can be reproduced and outside its borders - you just need to cover the table accordingly. Ancient culinary traditions of Italy go back to the era of antiquity. Food culture here is special: the feast does not tolerate the rush and has a lively conversation. The main colorful solution that determines the entire stylistry of serving, of course, will be the colors of the Italian tricolor: green (dining decor), white (paste) and red (textiles or flowers). The gastronomic symbol of Italy - Pasta is usually served on large wide dishes. Punching an unusual alternative (after all, it pleases not only a wonderful kitchen, but also a unique atmosphere) We offer a long narrow dish of Murano glass. There is a bouquet of flowers to displease the table.

Any detail, whether it is a figurine or candlestick of an unusual shape, makes the decoration of the table well-thought-out and harmonious. For example, wine filed in a crystal counteal produces a stunning impression. Objects that have once decorated the Tables of Aristocrats, are now an indispensable part of the serving. Decanterchers for wine- can have a different form. Vessels with a wide neck are designed for young wine, and with a plug - for old wines, as their fragrance is thinner and less resistant.

Italian salad

Potatoes 60 g Olive oil 15 g
Celery 60 g Mustard 5 G.
Mix of salad leaves 60 g Pepper black 2 g
Octopus tentacle 100 g Basil 5 g

Potatoes boil, cool, cut into slices. Wash the leaves of salads and celery, the latter is cut into straw. Osming tentacles to boil in salted water 2-3 minutes, cool. Salad leaves and basils to break their hands on large pieces. For sauce connect olive oil with mustard and black pepper. Pour all products with sauce, add lemon juice and mix.

Pasta with seafood

Fetchini 80 g Capers 5 g
Shrimp 50 g Wine white 20 g
Sea scallops 50 g Tomatoes in its own juice 150 g
Squids 50 g Celery Stem 40 g
Leek-shallots 20 g Basil Fresh 10 g

Process shrimp, remove the shell. Mollusks (sea scallops) and squid large cut. Wipped vegetables (leek-shallots and celery stem) add tomatoes in their own juice and stew 15-20 minutes. Wipe through the sieve. Weld by paste according to the general rules for 4-6 minutes. Fry a fry fry seafood on olive oil, pour the glass of white wine and a cooked sauce from vegetables, mix thoroughly. Add grated parmesan cheese (or any other taste). Connect the resulting sauce with pasta and season with fresh basil (you can also add other spicy herbs), decorate capers.

National cuisine
Stock Food / Fotobank


National cuisine
National cuisine
National cuisine

6. Enjoy the atmosphere of Italy, without leaving your own kitchen. Serving in Italian with mini-fat costs. At the bottom of the shallow portion box, put a paper napkin. Circle Note the contour of the flavors. All this is convenient to use for a buffet when you invite many friends.

7. Going into a fascinating gastronomic journey to the Apennine Peninsula, capture the knife and fork, the shape of which is suitable for Italian dishes. Cutlery, 500 rubles. For 1 pc. Decorative ice SIA, 650 rub. ("Window in Paris")

8. Dish (metal, gilding), 1550 rub. A figurine in the form of a nut (tree), 3900 rub. ("Accents"). Glasses, 480 rubles. For 1 pc. (GRANGE). Fabric Fadini Borghi Olimpia (Lege Alto)

9. CacheRel serving plates (China), 2110 rub. For 1 pc. Porcelain plate Taitu (Italy), 3160rup. Colored glasses (glass engraving) deshoulie`res, 1060rub. For a set of 6 pcs. (GRANGE)

National cuisine
10. "What is the Glory of Dante in comparison with Spaghetti?" Dish in the form of sheet (Murano glass), 2410 rub. ("Accents"). Wine glasses (stained glass), 1200 rub. For 1 pc. ("Window in Paris")

Exquisite Japan

In any country, the food is a noticeable part of the national culture, especially this applies to Japan. You can submit the European Kushan, based on everyday experience, but to do it with Japanese dishes will not work: the difference between customs and traditions is too large, too many nuances.

Japanese cuisine impressed extremely simple. The Japanese are convinced that exquisite food is designed to be not only a means of saturation, but also a holiday for the eyes, joy both for the body and for the soul. The motto of Japanese cooking: "Do not coordinate, and find and open!" The food must cause a number of sensations: look beautiful (so that you can get aesthetic pleasure from the contemplation of the finished dish), be fragrant, moderately hot or cold. The palette of dishes includes five colors - white, black, yellow, red, green. The alphaony clearly pronounced the change of seasons, and each of them is their paints, which is necessarily reflected in the interior of the room, and in the table serving. The season affects the decoration of dishes. Snow color muted blue tone range of the winter period. Red and white are considered festive and harmonize with everything. The remissions of the year should say the form and texture of utensils, taste and color of food. It is well known that there are no knives for dishes of Japanese cuisine. Hashi (chopsticks) are wooden and plastic, quite often they are lacquered, and also decorated with a pearl.

Principles of Japanese art- free composition, asymmetry, emptiness as a decor. Vaeta emptiness objects are free.

National cuisine
Plate, 855 rub. Spoon, 85 rub. (Deshoulie`res)

Sashie "Sea Wolf"

Sybas 300 g Soy sauce 15 g
Daikon 150 g Lemon 5 G.
Ginger 10 g Lime 5 G.
Vasabi 5 g Algae Nori 1 g

Prepare "Decor" and the base of the radish Daikon. Sybas to cut on fillet without skin; Leave head and ridge for decoration. Sibas fillet cut into portion and shock on the fish ridge. Serve with pickled ginger, vasabi and soy sauce. To decorate the pieces of lemon and lime, algae nori.

National cuisine
Plate for sushi and roll (ceramics, glaze), 420 rubles. Kettle, 890 rubles. ("Japro")

Assorted sushi and rolls

Kamchatsky crabs 15 g Cucumber 100 g
Shrimp Tiger 15 g Avocado 40 g
Sea scallops 15 g Mayonnaise 7 g
Fig 200 G. Tobiko 20 g
Vinegar Rice 20 g Vasabi 3 g
Mirin 20 g Ginger 15 g
Algae Nori 2 g

Swim rice, fill it with vinegar and myrin (Japanese sugar seasoning, alcohol idr.). Shrews remove the shell, cook in boiling water 2-3 minutes. The first phalanger of the crab is cutting portion. Part of meat to connect with mayonnaise. Using the nori algae sheet, part of the refilled rice and chopped with straw cucumber, as well as avocado and Tobiko (bating caviar), roll it all in roll. Prepare rolls from rice, cucumber, wash and nori, then sushi with a marine scallop, as well as with crab and boiled shrimps. Serve with pickled ginger, vasabi and soy sauce.

National cuisine
National cuisine
National cuisine
National cuisine

11-12. Plate, 910 rub. Saucers, 155rub. For 1 pc. "Palette tastes", 1080 rub. For a set of five saucers (deshoulie`res)

13-14. Stands and stand for them, 480 rubles. ("Japro"). Saucers, 480-590 rubles. (Deshoulie`res)

The editors thank the salons "Accents", "Window to Paris", "Purpur", Grange, Lege Alto, Deshoulie`res, Japanese Supermarket "Japro" for help in the preparation of material.

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