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5 interior painting options: book miniature, sandy mountains, glowing geometric shapes, spiderman, pegless cane leaves

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Photo A. Glukhov

An example of a "candelabrow" style imitating wrought patterns. Villa Mysteries in Pompeiy

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Painting on Ville Libya in Porto Primo near Rome. Color combinations serve modern decorators and designers to follow the role model
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An example of the "architectural" style where the elements of structures and decor are reproduced in detail
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Creit-mycken art. Detail of the Palace wall mural in Tirinf. XIIIIV. DON.E.
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Fragment of Etruscan painting transmitting a festive atmosphere

People decorated the walls of the dumping painted from time immemorial. Hands of talented architects, decorators and designers Wall painting - the most powerful means. Some inspires medieval book miniature, other spiderman, third-of-art Salvador Dali, but the results are equally impressive.

On the feast with the duke

In the modernist living room, combined with dining room and kitchen, the ball rich rich blue color, geometric shapes of furniture and architectural structures. Along with these energetic modern techniques, the authors of the project- Architect Valentina Proleskovskaya, Designers Anna Trosko and Dmitry Kazakevich, introduced an impressive wall painting into the interior. It is made based on the masterpiece of book miniatures XVV. "The magnificent hourly of the Duke of Berrhi". The sample of the sample was chosen a scene of a court feather, striking with bright colors. Winteriere is allocated to the terracotta monochrome, which creates a chamber equilibrium with blue. Work on the painting took place in several stages. At first, the masters laid a thick layer of plaster plaster on the reinforcement, thoroughly leveled the surface. Azatat came artists with drilles - and on a flat wall, cracks appeared, potholes and other "defects". After that, it was painted, seeking the effect of the old fresco.

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Photo V. Nefedova
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Photo V. Nefedova
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Photo V. Nefedova
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Photo V. Nefedova

The creative approach of modern masters to the original will emphasize two frames hanging on the brackets at some distance from the wall. They highlight fragments, attracting attention to them. Illumination is very organically introduced

Sanding mountains

The contours of the fragments of the future image created using a flexible metal profile by gluing it to the aligned surface. Also the sections that differ in color are also. Then, as Anton Kozmin says, one of the authors of the project, the contrary plots were smeared with glue and sprinkled with the sand of a large fraction painted into a certain tone. When the image is entirely as a mosaic, profiles were removed. The exposed strips also missed glue and poured sand.

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Photo by E. Kulibaba
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Photo by E. Kulibabularized image of a mountain landscape in the kitchen, where blue is dominated, made in the author's technique using painted sand. It successfully distracts attention from the ventilation box, "dissolving" protruding design

Thinking time

The lead artist studio "Aroma Color" Tatiana Letto: "The room belongs to a 15-year-old adolescence. Despite the young age, he is interested in esoterica. The young man insisted on the blue tone of the wall, which corresponds to the color of his aura. So the main coloring solution was determined . Like many at his age, the owner of the room "hurries to live", believing that time is unborn. There was a second starting point of the driving time reproduced on many canvases. "

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Photo by E. Kulibaba
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Photo by E. Kulibaby Teen actively participated in the process of creating an interior. A results on the walls arose circles that resemble gigantic traces left by the guests of our planet and visible only from a bird's eye view. Glowing in the dark squares and triangles- First elements of Malevich, the artist whom the young owner of the room appreciates very high

In web networks

This apartment is owned by a young business woman. Most of the time she spends at work and only in the evening is at home. Therefore, the authors of the project Gulya Akhmetshina and Sergey Barabadze sought to create an evening atmosphere in the interior. "In this apartment, there must be fun," part ", nbsp /> - the Guly notes - but in no case it was impossible to move the face and turn the space in Disneyland." According to architects, they used the citation method, referring to the king of Pop Art Andy Warhol. So there appeared furniture from coca-cola boxes. Avot the idea of ​​"settle down" a spider person in the room belongs to the hostess. This mythical image of our time perfectly fits into the theatrical dwelling interior.

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Photo by K. Ovchinnikova
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Photo by K. Ovchinnikova
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Stock Foto Photo by K. Ovchinnikova

A promising image of the Spiderman, created by artists by Julia by Julia, and Mikhail Nemtsov, causes the feeling that the Spiderman quickly comes to the audience, thereby unwittingly involving them into a kind of fantastic space. Deliberately enlarged scale reminds of the atmosphere of cinema hall with a huge screen

Shelest of silence

The guest room reigns a pacifying atmosphere. It creates almost monochrome sand color gamut, simple elegant forms of traditional furniture and the sophisticated painting of the ceiling, resembling the virtuoso simplicity and freedom of masters of ancient fresco. Architect Kira Shelmanova and the artist Alexander Belov went unconventional way, deciding to portray on the ceiling instead of the sky pegs on the wind cane leaves.

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Photo by E. Kulibaba

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Photo by E. Kulibabababobabyly The ceiling is associated with the sky, choosing the corresponding plots. In the case, the painting is perfectly combined with the wallpaper pattern on the walls, exactly coinciding with them by tone. It gives the room a special chamber

Scenes on the walls

The history of the wall painting is back to the drawings of a cave man. The preserved images of buffaloes, bulls, horses affect the imagination of our contemporaries accuracy and expression.

B1900g. In Crete, the Knos Palace II Meltage Selfi.E., where, according to legend, the mythical minotauri died. The palace, in which there were even sewage and the supply of hot thermal water, surprised not only with its sizes and architecture, but also amazing frescoes with friable dolphins, flying fish, carrying a bull. Another bright image of croto-mixed culture is flirty beauties with complex hairstyles, in festive robes. One of them researchers were lovingly called Parisanka.

CXVIIIV Literally from the ashes of Volcano Vesuvia rebelled the ancient Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The houses of wealthy citizens are distinguished by the splendor of the interior decoration - forging, mosaic, frescoes. The art of Europe was influenced by this revelation. CXVIIIV Siblings of the aristocracy as a mandatory final element of education went to Grand Tour. An introductory trip by the cities of Renaissance Italy, a visit to the ruins of ancient Greece and Rome, especially Pompei and Herculaneum, was considered necessary for the proper formation of concepts about beauty and style in young people. The result was the first truly international style - neoclassicism. At the beginning of the XVIII - early XIX. He dominated in the interiors of Europe and America. Communication with this great legacy is tangible today. Decorators trying to determine the deep fiery shade of red, say Pompaysky. The decoration of the most famous Pompeary Villa Mysteries with 60 rooms continues to copy our contemporaries again and again. Do not be surprised if, luraged fresh magazine, you will come across a familiar plot.

There are four styles of Pompian painting. In the II - end Iv.Don.E. The walls painted in the "inlaid" style. The geometric ornament imitated the cladding of the base of the walls of marble slabs, jasper. VIV.DON.E. The "architectural" style has entered the fashion. Smooth walls dismemberd illusory columns, pilasters, cornices, portica. Multifigure compositions on mythological plots often placed between the columns. Landscapes depicted according to the laws of perspective expanded the inner space of the premises. The third, "candelabrone" style (end of the iV.Don.E. - 50s. Iv. N. E.) In the counterweight, the pomp is a rigor. Linear ornament in a bright background emphasizes the wall plane, imitating wrought patterns. The fourth, decorative style combines the features of the two previous ones. The masterpieces of an antique wall painting were out of time. They are absolutely relevant to this day.

Technique frescoes

There are many art painting techniques, but the most traditional and most common is, of course, the fresco. It turned out to be very durable and in terms of the preservation of the oldest samples, and in terms of its relevance. Fresco (from Ital. Fresco- "Fresh") is the painting of walls on raw plaster. When drying, the finely transparent crystallized calcite film, fixing the paint, is formed. Artists need to work quickly until the foundation has dried, and impeccable, otherwise you have to remove the layer of plaster and impose a new one to redo the unsuccessful fragment. This is probably explained by the ease and the immediacy of the images created in this technique.

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