Freeze vintage!


Review of the freezing market: characteristics of cabinets, tumbers and flashes. Features of the defrosting of the device and the use of the "Fast Freezing" regime

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Freeze vintage!
Freeze vintage!

Freezer-cabinet GN3056 (Liebherr) with NO Frost system, Energy consumption class A +. The device is equipped with a tray for berries and greenery. An open door will report a beep

Freeze vintage!

SW 356 R refrigerator and freezer SW 230 F (Vestfrost) nearby look like Side-BY-SIDE

Freeze vintage!

Built-in freezer-stand EG 1513 (Kaiser)

Freeze vintage!
Terms of storage of products in the freezer, month
Freeze vintage!
Freezing concept:

1, 7-drainage cartridge;

2- motor-compressor;

3- device for cooling the oil;

4- condenser;

5- evaporator;

6- pipeline;

8- capillary and suction tubes

Freeze vintage!

Freezer-stall FW 244 C (Vestfrost), useful volume - 244l, power consumption class A ++

Freeze vintage!

Model SFR 167 NF (indesit) with seven sections. Of these, tri-navigating boxes. The device autonomously retains cold to 13h

Freeze vintage!

Freezer-stall SW 158 C (Vestfrost) can be closed on the lock. Useful volume - 158l, per day is ready to freeze 19kg products

Freeze vintage!
Freeze vintage!

Freezer-tube GID 14A50 (Bosch) with three retractable transparent sections. Include two cold batteries

Freeze vintage!

The GP1466 model (Liebherr) will freeze up to 16 kg of products per day and in case of power disconnection will save the cold in the chamber to 30h

Freeze vintage!

Embedded freezing cameras in the kitchen furniture perfectly fit into the interior. The top can be used as an end. True, the purchase of such an appliance is better to take care to repair, when planning a kitchen, in order to make the most effectively use the kitchen space.

Freeze vintage!

Built in kitchen cabinets The freezer AU 86050-4i (AEG), useful volume - 100l

Are you an avid dachank? So you need to somehow save the collected harvest: sleep, put it, pick up, cook the jam IT.D. Akak Vitamins? After all, with such a processing, most of them are lost. One of the few ways to preserve vitamins in products - rapid freezing in the freezer. If the freezer of your refrigerator is not able to cope with the abundance of the gifts of nature, it's time for you to go to the store for a separate freezer cabinet.

It has long been in Russia to save products, used the cellar with ice blocks. They were mainly stored meat and fish. Vegetables and fruits began to freeze later when technologies appeared to provide a sharp decrease in temperature. In this case, the products are frozen faster, and therefore the cellular structure is preserved and they do not have time to lose their taste and freshness. Frozen products can be stored for a long time, they have a wonderful appearance and taste. Ini dyes, nor preservatives, nor flavors - some solid vitamins. It is useful to frozen not just fresh, but only freshly plated vegetables and fruits. Products "from ice" are used when cooking soups, side dishes, various hot dishes, sweet fruit desserts and many others.

Semi-finished products

Freeze vintage!
Photo D. Davydova can be prepared and freeze semi-finished products from the dough: donuts, dumplings, dumplings and much more. They are placed on a small tray, then pack into polyethylene packages, freeze and stored. To bring them to readiness, it will only be left to throw in boiling water or oil.

Edible supplies freeze completely or pre-cut them into pieces. You can freeze vegetable soup and blanched mixes or prepare a mixture for a side dish - for example, finely chop the broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. This "assorted" must be put in the freezer in small polyethylene packages and as needed to get and fry.

Cabinet, cabinet or stalling?

First we will deal with the appearance of freezers. It must be said that they do not shine beauty and the design of them is noticeably modest than refrigerators. They are white white, less often stainless steel. Freezers may look like cabinets, couch or lari. But at the same time they have the same to freeze and store products.

The most popular cabinets, such as A75235GA (AEG), GN 2156 (Liebherr), NFG 309 (Vestfrost, Denmark), SFR 167 NF (Indesit, Italy). They are more familiar to us, because at first glance, almost indistinguishable from one-chamber refrigerators. The dimensions of these devices (VSH) - approximately 2006060cm. The total volume of such an aggregate is about 250l, but can reach 607l, like the model EL 61 (ELCOLD, Denmark). By the way, getting acquainted with the characteristics of the freezer, specify which amount is indicated, because there are useful and total volumes. The first determines the number of products that can be stored in it, and the second takes into account all the space, including various gaps. Obviously, the second parameter is greater (about 4-6%), so manufacturers sometimes chuck, indicating only the total volume. The internal space of the freezer-cabinet is divided into six to seven sections with shelves and doors; Sometimes instead of the shelves use extendable boxes. The advantage of such devices is that they can form a single front with a refrigerator, looking under the Side-BY-SIDE model.


1. Any packaging is a package, a container or foil - should be clean, elastic, impermeable for the smell of products located next door.

2. Products need to be packaged to hermetically and isolate from air access and contact with other supplies in the refrigerator.

3. Polyethylene packages and foil are very popular. They are easy to contact, easily pack and remove excess air from them. It is desirable to accommodate 200-600 meals.

4. Plastic boxes are used when freezing liquid and puree products.

Model-stands will easily fit in your home, because without problems fit into the kitchen, and their upper part can serve a bedside table. Cockup devices are usually three or four compartments, volume and height 2 times less than that of full-sized fellow. They are separately worthy - GSD 10V20 (Bosch, Germany), FR 12H (Ardo, Italy), GP 13660 Premium (Liebherr) and embedded in Furniture- FR 10 SA (Ardo), GID 14A50 (Bosch), EG 1513 (Kaisch , Germany). The cabinets do not use special demand due to its small capacity. Usually, preference is given to the refrigerator with a large freezer.

Manufacturers pay special attention to the arrangement of the inner space of freezers. For example, baskets and drawers with telescopic guides are easily advanced. The aprovy walls of the boxes make it possible to see the contents. Products are better stored in lattice baskets than in plastic boxes, since the air can be freely circulated. It is convenient when special trays are provided for freezing berries, fruits and vegetables. Products are laid out on the tray, and they are evenly cooled, without trying to each other. This is especially valuable for berries.

The beauty is the freezers-LARI (CFR 260 A, ARDO; GTS 30120, Liebherr; FW 158 C, Vestfrost), which look like chests. Their volume sometimes even exceeds the similar parameter of the cabinet models and can be 461l (GTP 4726, Liebherr) and more. Bought Lari mainly for installation in country houses, in the cellar for freezing and storing meat and fish (for example, they are suitable for those who are fond of hunting or fishing). In Zhodidskaya apartments, such devices rarely appear, because too cumbers and they cannot be used as a bedside table, because the door opens up. Yes, and when distributing different products, they are not very comfortable, because there are few special boxes and hanging baskets, so that the supplies have to put on each other.

Tips hostess

1. Do not load more products into the freezer than is indicated in the instructions. Do not tamper them because free air circulation is necessary.

2. You can not put inside drinks in glassware, as it can burst.

3. Cool all products to room temperature before putting them in the freezer.

4. Do not install the freezer next to the stove, heating devices. Try also so that you do not get straight sunny rays.

5. Do not forget to translate the freezer into "Storage" after the "fast frost."

Frost from the inside

So, the type of freezer is selected. Now it would be nice to consider its technical stuffing. The design of the evaporator is important, in which due to evaporation of the refrigerant and cooling. The vaporizer of the freezer can be opened, and then at a temperature difference (opening of the door, laying room temperature) on it is formed. It "works" as a heat insulator, reducing the cooling capacity of the device. Such a freezer should be defrosting, as well as the refrigerator, about 2 times a year. The device is disconnected from the network, remove the products, open the drain hole and substitute a pallet for melt water under it. The NO Frost system has become a chopstick for many, allowing not to defrost the freezer. The fact is that when the evaporator melts the heating elements (tanes), usually 1 time per day. Water in the drainage system merges in the tray standing on the compressor, and evaporates. But even with such a system, it is worth it once a year to turn off the freezer and carry out hygienic cleaning. It is convenient to do before downloading new products.

Let us turn to the marking of asterisks. Their amount corresponds to a certain temperature. Each star is equal to -6 C. It is easy to calculate that the camera C *** is ready to store frozen products for a long time at a temperature of -18 s, and when **** products are not only stored for a long time, but also quickly frozen.

There is also such a parameter as the freezing power is the amount of products that the freezer is able to freeze the day. We will have ever, for example, vertical cabinets, it is 19kg per day, and the model ZZ 261 F (Vestfrost) can freeze and 26 kg per day.

Moroza management

The temperature controller, the mode switch and color indicators are located on the control panel. Green- "storage", yellow- "fast freezing", red signals about elevated temperature or an open door. The temperature is adjusted by mechanical or electronically. For example, if the electricity was turned off, after its inclusion, the electronic sensor "Measures" the temperature inside the freezer and reflects it on the display.

Since the freezer, as well as the refrigerator, works around the clock, its economy. There are seven power consumption classes that are denoted by letters from A to G-respectively from the highest to the lowest. Manufacturers are tirelessly working to improve this parameter, and classes A + and even a ++ have already appeared. But it is not necessary to forget that the operation is also influenced by the energy consumption: the temperature of the ambient air, the frequency of use of the "fast freezing" mode, the number of openings of the IDR door. Naturally, the higher the temperature in the room and the more often the door opens, the more electricity is consumed.

If for any reason the electricity will be turned off, most of the freezers will be able to keep cold without power supply due to good thermal insulation and seals. Depending on the model they are able to keep cold to 52h. If the temperature still rose above -9 s, the products that were in the freezer cannot be kept for a long time.

And you are so cold ...

To preserve all the nutritional properties of vegetables and fruits, they need to freeze as quickly as possible after collecting. Fresh products, even being in the refrigerator, lose most of the most useful substances during the first few days. Moreover, the freezing process itself should flow as quickly as possible. Fast freezing mode - the secret of the success of the safety of any products. Thanks to him, there remains a maximum of nutrients and vitamins. The more harsh, the freezing occurs, the better the taste and nutritional properties will be preserved. Usually, the temperature of rapid freezing is-24 C. If it is higher, large ice crystals tearing the shell of their cellular tissues are formed in the products. Then, when defrosting through these gaps, juice flows, which means that the nutritionality and taste are lost.

Freeze rules

1. The faster the products are frozen after harvesting, the more vitamins are preserved in them.

2. Freeze only ripe and fresh vegetables and fruits, without any defects.

3. Products before freezing should be carefully flushed and dry well.

4. Frost-free supplies can not be frozen again.

How does the "fast freezing" mode work? It should be included in 5 hours before the time you are going to put products in the freezer. The compressor starts to work continuously, and the temperature in the chamber decreases sharply. After that lay products. Now it remains in a day to enable storage mode.

The price of frost

The cost of freezers depends on the manufacturer's company (AEG, ARDO, BOSCH, INDESIT, LIEBHERR, VESTFROST, KAISER IDR.), Size and technical "filling" (the presence of a "fast freezing" mode, NO Frost system, control features, energy consumption). The most affordable (of course, because of its size) - freezers-stands. Their cost varies in the range of 8-15 thousand rubles. The most popular standard cabinet models are 10-30 thousand rubles. Azen Lari - 12-35 thousand rubles.

Vitamin C, mg / 100 g

Products Fresh Quick-frozen After thermal processing
Cherry fifteen 14.3 five
Plum 10 9.5 four
Apples 16.5 15.8. 3,3.
Green pea 26.6 18,1 15.3.
Onion 33. 25. 7.

The editorial board thanks the representative offices of East Trading Company (Ardo), Vestfrost, Liebherr, Indesit Company, "BSH household appliances", Electrolux for help preparing material.

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