

The editors publishes a selection of letters in which readers tell how the magazine helped them to equip life. Congratulations on the anniversary. Raffle prizes.

Feedback 13115_1

Dear readers! Today we publish a selection of your letters in which you tell how the magazine helped you equip life. We are grateful for the responses: they are evidence that our ideas live in your homes and you can embody, it would seem that even the most incredible idea, it is only for the ideas of your home. "

N. E. Perminova

Kirov region, Kirovo-Chepetsk

Dear magazine "Ideas of your home", hello! I did not embody the dream of a cozy home, but your publication helped in my professional activities. College Youth. As soon as "IVD" was published, I became a regular reader and subscriber and based on your materials developed textbooks: "Interior and modeling space" and "Modern repair technologies". We have introduced a new training course, and "IVD" literally replaced the textbook (lies on the desk of each student). My students perform practical work on redevelopment of apartments, develop instruction-technological maps, presentations. Many graduates learn further by receiving the profession of designer. Will this is a huge merit of your magazine.

Dmitry Kachin

Udmurtia, Sarapulsky district, p. Sigayevo.

Good day! My name is Dmitry. The ones of the "ideas of your home" are rare, it is very difficult to buy it. Openwork useful: many ideas and information on building themes, just what you need. Unas in the outback draw knowledge (in terms of aesthetics) just nowhere.

The dream of my life was to build a house and that there were many children in it. The house I built himself in six years in some hands. The race turned out to be a long distance, but he cost. During this time, two sons and daughter and daughter were born with his wife.

It all starts with the idea. Inesl attach hands, you can roll the mountains. We must not be afraid, but to do what is conceived, without obliging anyone. Thank you for the ideas.

Natalia Vereshchagin


Hello, respected edition!

I buy your magazine for a long time. I used to view it, and the interesting materials cut out and folded into the folder. So they got a lot of ideas that I was very useful. Thanks to the "IVD" I found the apartment of my dreams. When they did repairs (we purchased an apartment in a new building), often came neighbors and asked where I found a designer. Auzava, that I am inventing everything myself, wondered: a simple housewife so designed her housing. Aha opened his folders, chose what I like, and add a little. For example, the design for the living room I saw in the magazine, but added a mirror in a niche, and under her fireplace. I want to tell you a lot Thank you, because without the magazine "ideas of your home" I would not have invented anything like that, and with your help I had very cozy accommodation.

N. V. Prokofiev

Voronezh region, Novokhopersk

Hello, respected editors of the magazine "Ideas of your home"! My husband and I are your long-standing fans. Taking this opportunity, I want to express your gratitude to your team for the perfectly decorated, filled with useful and cognitive information magazine, for the "healthy" Russian language, which can not boast of any edition. Inspired by your ideas, we issued a "sea" bathroom. On the wall-plastic panels with the colors "Ocean". On the mirror-brought crabs covered with varnish. For toothbrushes, adapted sea acorn. The door is like on a fishing vessel: a network with the seashells confused in it and a real steering wheel. All this sets up a romantic way to dream about distant countries ... Good luck and prosperity to your magazine!

V. Domatnikova

G. Velikiy Novgorod

Good afternoon, employees of the magazine "IVD"!

A person always wants something new and unusual. Irrogramist, drawing from childhood, and I had a bedroom idea, which I called "peach space." Index there are no expensive elements, it can be attributed to the category of budget. We embodied the ideas together with my husband. Room 10m2, strongly elongated. Therefore, we divided the space into three zones: a dressing room (at the entrance), sleeping and "morning" (zone at the window). The first was separated by the plasterboard wall, and opposite it, with the help of cut stencils, was performed beige and bronze paints. Figure: Moon, stars, planets. Here, our "cosmos" begins. The boundary of the "Morning" zone is a mirror on the wall. Fallen zone is the composition of the head of the bed. Planet is sewn from a sea wave color material with an abstract pattern, imitating islands. The continentis is made of fur, the beasts are cut out of multicolored pieces of skin, eyes and hoofs are made of beads. Sun lamp. Akota painted from nature: this is our wonderful marquis.

Walls we painted the yellow-pink paint of the ocher shade. It turned out softly, Neurko, cozy, real peach. Wooden floor was painted in an unusual color-milky chocolate. I will have our own Mir- Unique. There is no other such land. If desired, everyone can create its own peaceful, kind, gentle. We thank the magazine "The Ideas of Your House" for such wonderful publications as "Roman with Plasterton", "Clean Air Operation", various articles with redevelopment options, especially for small apartments.

Larisa Kornekova


Hello, dear editors!

For many years I regularly buy your magazine. I must say that along with a purely aesthetic pleasure, which I always get, lying through it, he helps me expand the idea of ​​modern building technologies and design, suggests interesting thoughts, stimulates the birth of creative ideas. Thanks to you, we had a children's "Mermaid" (for daughter 8 years old), "football player room" (for a son 13 years old), "Bavarian" living room, "Mediterranean" kitchen and a strict black and gray bedroom. Tanning daughters we painted wallpapers (not intended under painting) acrylic paint: blue sea, beige sand, white marine foam. Vmorus lives a mermaid and float fish (gypsum figures of fish painted my daughter, and we stuck them on the wall). The wave hides the straight corners of the walls. The visgole made a panel of seashells. Frame for mirrors - from sea pebbles and pearls. In the slap, luster-painting with stained in paints. Costs were insignificant: paint, decorative materials, fabric. For the Son's room, as he is interested in football, we have chosen as the main green, white and black colors. On the wall near the bed- Application: football field. The table was separated by laminate so that it turned into a partition, which divides the room into the zones of study and recreation. Living room - in the style of the Bavarian Country House: Imitation of a fireplace made of plasterboard and wooden slabs; Finishing with wood, beams and corner supports from the Eurobruse, covered with varnish. The walls are painted on the wallpaper and decorated with screen butterflies and dragonfly. Textiles - in country style.

Lyudmila Petunina

Moscow region, Dubna

Hello, respected edition!

I am pleased to buy your magazines, I have accumulated almost the entire subscription since 2000. I like to simply flip them, considering that one thing, then another. We suffer interest about the news of the market, household appliances reviews. I love the heading "Design project". Still, the bulk of people lives in small standard apartments, so it is extremely interesting what options designers are offered, especially since such apartments easily imagine our friends and acquaintances. I would like to wish the whole team of the editorial board of success, good luck and say thank you for your work, which really helps, because not everyone can invite a professional designer, but you want to live in beautiful cozy interiors, and your magazine contributes to this very much.

Elena Nikiforova


Hello, "ideas of your home"! When we purchased a new apartment, I myself developed a design project. Yv this helped me your articles "Pipe Call", "Clothes for Fire", "Custodian Tyne", "Palette for Interior" IDR. My family consists of four people: I, my husband, two sons - 10 and 18 years old. We all wanted a spacious apartment, but that everyone had a personal territory, and the interior came out soft and at the same time alive, bright. The style of the apartment can be defined as fusion. So, in the room of the elder son, the minimum of furniture, simple formula of minimalism and high-tek, in the younger bright colors and elements of the ethnics. Combines the room theme: paintings with floral motifs, embroidered curtains, decor. Extraked to reach harmony. Ateper dream that my work is published in the "IVD".

Alexander Vasilyev


Dear editorial! From the heart I congratulate you on a wonderful anniversary. Ten years for the magazine - in my opinion, the age of heyday. You have already proven what people need, you have developed your own circle of loving faithful readers who are helping to fit life, to ensure other quality of life. I think that the idea is the most valuable gift, and the number of gift ideas that we get with each number turns the next log output to a real holiday for us. Yane will list your original solutions embodied in my apartment: they are too much. Simply, taking this opportunity, I want to say thank you and wish long life. Av future would like to see materials about what expenses should be provided for when planning a budget to support the house in perfect condition.

Tamara Averochna

G. Zelenograd

Hello, dear edited by my favorite magazine! I want to admit that it has discovered the "ideas of your home" recently, but by purchasing one day, became a regular reader. It was your magazine that I gave me confidence in myself, helped believe that all the conceived can be realized in life with their own hands. Family we have a small, but friendly and cheerful (I, husband and son 10 years). On the family council, we decided to start repairs with the nursery. The main problem was in a cold wall. We built a construction from the bar, laid the insulation, closed the plywood, and the carpet with a long pile was attached to her. Then installed the backlight. Applied multi-colored wave pattern with the help of a hand-made stencil. It turned out beautiful and cozy. I wish you to inspire readers, pleaseing with interesting articles.

We conducted a prize draw for readers who sent us letters. N. E. Perminnova, V. Plotnikova, D. Kachin will receive sets of household appliances: kettle, blender, scales and toaster. We are grateful to everyone who responded, because for us the feedback is very important - your messages are a compass in a sea of ​​reading interests.

Why do we love birthdays? Warm words that are talking about friends and colleagues on this day are a confirmation of what our business needs to people, it benefits, and it means that you need to work even better, go ahead without stopping. They help evaluate their own consistency and stimulate further development, awaken creative forces. Thanks to everyone who is always with us for good wishes!


Architectural studio


The ARNET company cooperates with the magazine "Ideas of your home" practically from the day of its foundation. Therefore, for 10 years, we are not just associated with affiliate, but rather warm friendships. We respect your edition with great respect, as it is a kind of self-tutorial, which develops, forms the taste and introduces the studio clients with innovations of the interior market and relevant trends in architecture and design.

It is especially nice that the professional achievements of our architects do not go without attention and regularly appear on the pages of your magazine. Congratulations!


Architectural and construction firm


Dear friends!

With great pleasure and from the bottom of my heart, we congratulate the editors and all employees with an impressive 10-year anniversary. We are glad for you, we are proud of you, wish the prosperity and success in your work, which is so needed today!

Everyone knows well that the value and prestige of the company are not always determined by its size or capital. We respect you for the cheerfulness and optimism, which filled with the activities of the editorial board. We hope that our cooperation will last not yet one year at the same professional level.

"Boomerang RS"

Design Bureau


10 years old time! There was every work ... But a cohesive team, a complete set of ideas, with the help of their friends, all the obstacles bypassed. Anniversary came! Meet!

Marco Tuunienne

General Director of Electrolux Representative Office in Russia


Congratulations to the team of the magazine "Ideas of your home" with a wonderful anniversary. During its existence, you have won a large audience of devotees. You not only professionally talk about current trends in the interior design, offer creative solutions of talented designers, keep up to date with the latest market innovations, but also help readers find the individual style of your own home. Original ideas and non-standard approaches, for which we loved the ideas of your home. I want to wish the magazine longevity and new interesting projects.

Nick Vinis

General Director of Rockwool Russia


We sincerely congratulate on the 10th anniversary of the magazine "ideas of your home"!

It is possible without exaggeration to say that the "ideas of your home" is one of the most favorite publications of Russian readers, including the employees of our company.

Gurry can always find professional reviews, development news for the construction and arrangement of the house, many useful tips and beautiful photos.

We wish the editors of an inexhaustible source of inspiration, new, even more interesting materials, well-being and prosperity!

Janno Paus

General Director of Tikkurila


Dear friends! Finnish concern Tikkurila heartily congratulates the team and readers of the "ideas of your home" with the anniversary! Thanks to your advice, thousands of readers made comfort and beauty to their homes. Some of the most loyal partners, we sincerely hope that the products of the Tikkurila concern will continue to help architects, designers and all readers to embody the most courageous ideas. On the same side, we guarantee high quality and new developments in the field of varnishes and paints for the Russian market. We once again congratulate all employees of the magazine with the holiday, we wish you success in all endeavors.

Elena Rugovikova

Leader of Velux Marketing Department


It so happened that with the magazine "Ideas of your home" a lot of us: and the love of beautiful design and comfort in the house, and "ideological" (from the word "idea", because on our site the most popular section- "43 ideas for attic ").

The current jubilee of the magazine is 10 years of success and ... some special energy. You managed to combine incompatible: Fresh, even dear design and practicality, logic. You offer what is real and at the same time, and at the same time, everything is awesome. We congratulate our partners with the anniversary and wish the prosperity and the same youthful zador!

Olga Levitskaya

The director of the salon "Lamps. Small Ordina, 39 "


Congratulations on the idea of ​​your home with the 10th anniversary!

All these bright 10 years "ideas of your home" managed to maintain a unique style and form a good taste from the audience, giving the best practical ideas for a cozy home.

We wish that in the future, as all these 10 years, ideas were successful, interiors, and all the ideas were embodied.

We wish objective opinions and extraordinary thoughts.

Andrei Vasilyuk

Representative of Villeroy Boch in Russia


Dear professionals "ideas of your home"!

Honor and joy to be with you all this time! With your help at home and apartments cease to be standard, and become oases of style and beauty. Let's jointly carry wonderful people! Thank you for your hard work.

Alexey Yermolin

GROHE Marketing Director in Russia and Eastern Europe


Congratulations on the "ideas of your home" with a 10-year anniversary!

Over the past 10 years, the magazine has become an authoritative publication, thanks to which readers can independently create a stylish interior and get professional designers. We are pleased that cooperation that began many years ago continues today and readers will learn from your materials about the novelties of Grohe plumbers. We wish you creative success and inspiration!

Andrei Liner.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company GK "Parquet Hall"


We sincerely congratulate the "ideas of your home" with the anniversary! I want to wish that exceptional brightness, cheerfulness and cozy heat of your magazine pages attracted more and more readers.

L. Petrosova

Head of the Marketing Department of the Arkheg-Parquet Company


Time Test, or Love for Three Symbol IVD

A few years ago, having worked with the magazine, we broke up in search of a new advertising player. Azvonki from readers of the magazine lasted for another 2 years. It's like with Cheshire Cat: the cat is no longer, and his smile with you. Now we are together again. A large stable circulation, a latitude of views, flair for a new, orientation on a wide range of readers and specialists, the ability to change, ahead of practice, - it likes to us as participants in the process and readers. Keep it up, "IVD"!

Mikhail Comenadants

Ideal Standard


Dear friends!

Let me warmly congratulate you on the anniversary. Over the years, the magazine "Ideas of your home" has become a recognized expert in the field of the latest trends in the interior of private buildings. Just specialized publications, it stands out not only by a subtle sense of style and a variety of design ideas, but also, which is very important, high professionalism and objectivity in the presentation of information. Everyone who is associated with the design of interiors will find a lot of useful in it.

I wish the editorial board of professional growth, the opening of the new columns and is just as high to keep the raised bar.

Elena Karamsheva

General Director of the Jiel trading company


Congratulations to the team of the magazine "Ideas of your home" with a 10-year anniversary. For 10 years, we cooperate with a great pleasure with the magazine, which is characterized by the detail and availability of presentation in the coverage of complex and specific topics. There are many practical advice designed for any target audience, not only on architects and designers. The information part is not inferior to visual. Design projects deserve separate attention, everyone can find something for themselves. You are one of the most informative and interesting publications, we wish you to stay out of time: always ahead!

Mikhail Chizhov

Marketing Director Hansgrohe Russia


The decade of the "ideas of your home" exit to the Russian market practically coincides with the 10-year presence of Hansgrohe in Russia. During this time, we have grown in parallel and developed, rejoiced by success of each other and provided affiliate support.

I would like from the whole team of HansGrohe to congratulate the "IWD" with the anniversary and wish the publication to preserve the conquered leading position in the presented printed segment, as well as conquer the hearts of hundreds of thousands of journal readers across the country!

"IVD", you help to make our life more beautiful and more comfortable!

Sergey Kelikov

Head of Business Development of the company "GRANDFOS"


Congratulations on the idea of ​​your home with the 10th anniversary!

During our cooperation, the publication has shown himself with a reliable partner, and its authors have repeatedly proved their professionalism in the coverage of the most difficult topics.

We want to wish you to continue to provide specialists and consumers with reliable and professional information on modern home-building technologies. Akollecta journaling creative success, prosperity, new ideas!

Igor Lazarev

General Director of the company "Old Man Hottabych"


I am glad to congratulate the team of "ideas of your home" with an anniversary. All these years, the magazine is a ideological inspirer and practical guidance for anyone who wants to change their home for the better. We know that for sure, since many readers, as well as the participants in our joint projects come to the shops "Old Man Hottabych" for the embodiment of these ideas. I sincerely wish the team of interesting projects, continue to remain your favorite interior log for millions of readers.

S. P. Lugovkin

Director of Technical Marketing Center Daichi


Congratulations on the "ideas of your home" with the anniversary and wish you further improve the skill, which for so many years allows the magazine to lead the interior publications. We are used to seeing relevant information on the "ideas" pages. Daichi as a distributor of High-End climate technology is very important to cooperate with the publication, capable of writing about the difficult simple and accessible. Igele you keep it all for new readers.

R. V. Syvushov

VIRS Development Director


Dear editors of the magazine "Ideas of your home"!

Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! Being an interior fashion legislator, your magazine stimulates the interest of readers to the beautiful functional objects of the situation. Professionally talking about updates and recent developments in the manufacture of furniture, you help people navigate in choosing models and assess their advantages. We wish you further creative success!

I. A. Pashkin

Director of the salon "Ceramics"


Everyone who is a little interested in modern design, the "ideas" stitch is a desk book. After all, with the help of the journal, you can give the features of originality to the line of originality, change its aesthetics, mood, and therefore the quality of life itself.

Here are looking for and find the most important and interesting solutions and practical recommendations. It's nice that in many implemented projects there is a place of salon "Ceramics". We are a considerable merit of the magazine, which became the legislator of interior fashion. I want to wish the "ideas" to continue not to change myself, while remaining a guiding star in the world of design.

Elena Kovalkina

General Director of the Association "Diana"


Among all Russian printed publications, writing about the arrangement of the dwelling, the "ideas of your home" - the most authoritative, dear and truly favorite readers, which does not just offer ideas, but also helps to embody them. It is pleased that its popularity is growing every year, and the magazine itself gently retains its best traditions, while remaining for hundreds of thousands of readers to the wise adviser, a reliable expert, an interesting source. From the soul, congratulate the team with a 10-year anniversary! We wish for many years ahead to maintain an excellent creative form, to be an inexhaustible source of ideas, inspire and inspire!

Jan-Gerd Foss

Leader: general director "PROFIN RUS"


Congratulations on the idea of ​​your home with the 10th anniversary!

Over the years of its existence, the "idea of ​​your home" won authority, actual problems are always discussed on the pages of the journal. Journalations are distinguished by high quality, professionalism and knowledge of the technical side of the question. The success of the "ideas of your home" is the result of the vast efforts of the entire editorial office. We are glad that you have a professional team of excellent specialists. We wish the editors headed by Yulia Evdokimovaya longevity, memorable projects, as well as to remain a constant leader among professional editions.

Thierry Fournier

Leader: general director of Saint-Goben Construction Products


Dear friends!

The company "Saint-Goben Construction Products" from the Soul congratulates the team of the magazine "Ideas of Your House" with the 10th anniversary.

Your publication offers readers the best decisions on the arrangement of residential space. Willow as no other know that the real house should give to its inhabitants comfort and warmth. We are very pleased that the insulation of Isover entered the piggy bank of your best ideas to create a comfortable climate in the house.

Andrey Kirillov

General Director "EKODOM"


Our company from the heart congratulates the magazine "Ideas of your home" with a 10-year anniversary! We have a special relationship with your edition. For 6 years, we give advertisements in each room and for readers calls we understand how popular magazine is growing, how his audience grows every year.

We wish the "ideas" as long as possible to remain interesting for readers, maintain a leading position among good journals about comfort and beauty in the house!

A. V. Orel

CEO "Kof Palette"


Our house is the most expensive thing that we have. Ito that you always have a lot of ideas, how to make it comfortable and more beautiful, just wonderful. You still have 10 times to 10 years of fruitful creative life, many new colorful publications and bright ideas. Let your life be as multicolored and unusual as the pages of your magazine. Happy anniversary!

L. G. Kulikovskaya

Director of the Decorative Stone Department Chelsea Stone


10 years is so little .... but 10 years for the magazine is so much !!! Congratulations on the holiday is always nice. Congratulations on the anniversary are nice especially. Magazine is the best! Always used the ideas and remain faithful fans of the only and unique publication! This is a "live" practical magazine! Let the "ideas of your home" will be in every home, each apartment, every office! We wish to stay in the forefront of the designer and architectural thought!

K. M. Sukharev

General Director of the ABS Stroy Group of Companies


Our company cooperates with the magazine "Ideas of your home" for 5 years. We like the professional approach of journalists, editors, employees of the advertising department. It is not surprising that the magazine is a leader in journalism on the topics of construction, repair, design for 10 years. We wish a friendly team to still keep leadership, attract a new audience, raise interesting topics. We are pleased to work with you.

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