Minimalism + Colored Variations


Moscow One-bedroom apartment with an area of ​​67 m2: simple lines, quiet colors, concise solutions formed the basis of elegant design.

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Minimalism + Colored Variations
The principle of color contrast in the finish and helped beat the difference between the scale of parts and highlight individual zones, create an interesting rhythm of white and blue rectangles
Minimalism + Colored Variations
In the tone decoration of windows: in the kitchen-Roman curtains, in the living room - curtains, followed by dense rollers hidden
Minimalism + Colored Variations
A massive refrigerator is hidden for a specially completed partition kitchen. However, the stainless steel cover visually "facilitates" its dimensions
Minimalism + Colored Variations
To the bedside tables on both sides of the head of the bed adjoin the backlit panels hidden behind the matte glass
Minimalism + Colored Variations
The border between the hallway and residential areas is indicated by flooring: a porcelain stoneware and board of Merbau, distinguished by a metal molding, are found at the outer wall of the wardrobe
Minimalism + Colored Variations
Mirrors and transparent glass helped save the ease of the interior even with the neighborhood of such bulk items as a bath, combined with a shower, and a wardrobe with a washing mounted in it
Minimalism + Colored Variations
Opposite the entrance to the apartment there is a glass door to the kitchen, further exit to the glazed balcony, covered with light lining. Open "Light Perspective" permeates the entire trajectory of movement in this direction
Minimalism + Colored Variations
Small mounted cabinets with glass doors in the kitchen - the item is rather decorative: the equipment and the dishes have enough space in the floor modules. The rest is the reserve
Minimalism + Colored Variations
Plan before reorganization
Minimalism + Colored Variations
Plan after reorganization

What does a modern man appreciate in his home? Simple lines, calm colors, concise and functional solutions. This is exactly what has become the starting point of the elegant design of a small Moscow apartment.

Minimalism + Colored Variations

For the set of objects and spatial solutions, this apartment corresponds to the spirit of the functionalism: the location of the zones, proportions, the trajectory of the movement is carefully thought out, lines and forms are extremely strict and strongly in clear geometry, underlined expressive, but overall low-colored color contrasts. The visa is the well-noble strict combination of beige, blue and dairy. The owner from the very beginning wanted to see blue in the interior. Soda side, this cold tone. How it is impossible to answer the chosen concept. Solid, according to Vladimir Romanova, should have taken care of this color to the common palette, since with more active use its use would have happened to be gloomy. Therefore, the designer decided to limit the local zones: only one of the walls in the living room, as well as a bar counter, is painted in blue-grayish. The same color, but a darker table-ender in the kitchen and the details of the rack in the corridor, as well as rollers (in the frame of white window bindings), which successfully complement the design of the living room.

Bar stand

The idea to build a bar rack arose from Vladimir Romanov, as soon as he was talking about studio solutions. It would be impractical to erect a full-fledged partition between the living room and the kitchen, because there was a visually to increase the space of the public zone. The owner of the apartment is a man of chickens and happily takes guests, and therefore additional seats needed. Such a small square table and a couple of chairs have been accurate in the corner of the window, and the bar rack perfectly approached the receptions. The design of the bar racks was erected from foam blocks at the construction phase of the partition between the living room and the hallway. The countertop is made of blue Coriana, the same as a tabletop in the kitchen. From the side of the soft corner, the rack was covered with wallpaper and painted in the same color as the wall in front of the window. From the side of the kitchen for decorations used the waterproof paint Multicolor (Italy), to easily polluted the surface of the footwear could be easily flushed. The Bar Rack Curtain is adjacent to an almost imperceptible compact cabinet. It serves as an additional place to store dishes.

The fragmentary use of deep contrasting color made it possible to highlight the central kernel of the apartment, this is a seating area in the living room in front of the TV and a bar counter. The latter functionally separates the space and at the same time is an element that connects individual zones (living room and kitchen, hallway, studio and access to the balcony). To make an additional emphasis on this element, they picked up a bar chairs with dark red seats: three active color spots sound a solemn chord.

Minimalism + Colored Variations

Bar rack plays the role of a separating partition between the kitchen and a mild corner of the living room. Lowering on the bar stool, it is convenient to watch TV or maintain communication with those who sit at the table by the window or on the sofa. Bar tabletop widths are quite enough for dinner serving

The working area of ​​the kitchen, located L-shaped, is organically included in the general studio space: it does not stand out and serves as a strict background due to clear calm lines and common with living room color scheme (blue and beige). We contrast the floor coverings of various shades of beige: in the kitchen and the hallway, light porcelain stoneware, in the living room and the bedroom-dark massive board Merbau, which is well answered by the general strict style of housing.

Art in the interior

In which interior works of art look more organically and expressive- in a classic or minimalist? In-eye connoisseurs tend to choose the first. Of course, the salon painting XIX. In heavy gilded frames, much more appropriate in the ampurist interior than in the loft or constructivist studio. Unless, of course, we are not talking about inconceivable without risky contrasts postmodernism. But abstract painting, primitivism, expressionism XXV. (as well as modern photography and graphics) are great in the ascetic geometry of constructivist decorations. This was repeatedly demonstrated by the geniuses of architecture, for example Le Corbusier in the famous villa of La Roche, - the picturesque works attached to the interiors an amazing charm and emotionality. A painting picture on the wall of the living room harmoniously corresponds to the color range of the interior and introduces the mysterious plastic motif into a clear functional environment.

An important role in the interior plays light. Moreover, it concerns both artificial lighting and natural. The apartments windows overlook the sunny side, and through wide window openings daylight freely penetrates the room. Thanks to a successful installation in the entire apartment of matte glass doors and open access from the living room in the hallway, natural lighting reaches the most remote corners. So, in the bathroom in the afternoon there is enough natural light - through the glass door here in the fall of sun rays from the windows in the kitchen and the living room.

Minimalism + Colored Variations

Minimalism + Colored Variations

A corner perspective of the living room closes a glass rectangle to a bedroom, resembling a window. The ceiling (2.7 m) seems higher thanks to the absence of embossed decorations on it and lamps- "Cubes"

With the outer simplicity and laconism of decorative solutions, the dwelling has gained individuality and the ability not to arrive, but to amaze interesting angles. Compeble minimalism in the choice of expressive means and the small budget of the apartment project optimally comply with the needs and tastes of the customer and demonstrate the possibilities of modern design.

Tell the author of the project

Since the area of ​​the apartment is only 67m2, I decided to give preference to the studio layout in order to maximize the "reveal" space, make it more free and comfortable. We erected a septum from foam blocks between the living room and the hallway, with a cabinet embedded by a wardrobe, and the kitchen and the living room were divided by a bar with a bar. The focus of foam blocks extended the wall from the corridor into the kitchen, just enough to hide the refrigerator behind the resulting partition. He touched the redevelopment and bathroom with a bathroom: they were combined, having demolished the partition separated by both premises. We wanted to transfer the doorway to lay the wardrobe more conveniently, opposite the window. However, the wall between the bedroom and the living room is carrier, so inevitably there would be difficulties with the coordination, and they refused from this idea.

Designer Vladimir Romanov

The editors thank the shopping center "Stockmann" for the accessories provided for shooting.

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Designer: Vladimir Romanov

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