How to get rid of spiders in the house: Effective folk and store equipment


We tell why spiders may appear in your house and how to deal with them in different ways.

How to get rid of spiders in the house: Effective folk and store equipment 1317_1

How to get rid of spiders in the house: Effective folk and store equipment

Spiders in the apartment - an unpleasant phenomenon, but most often safe. If you live in a moderate climate in a place, most likely, they do not need to fear them. Everything that they are capable - to scare a little and cause dislike. But it is not necessary to put up with them, since the most often insects sign up that other pests started alongside. Therefore, we tell how to get rid of spiders in the country, in a private house or apartment.

All about combating spiders at home

Causes of appearance

What to do if the insect noticed

- Normal

- poisonous


Folk ways


Causes of appearance

The appearance of insects on your housing may depend on several factors. We list the most popular reasons.

  • Houses too warm. Many insects, and spiders - no exception, with the onset of the cold season, they are looking for a warm place for wintering: crawled into the clips, windows, different angles, and including so fall into the apartments. And the warm medium indoors forces them to stay in it for a long time
  • You have a big humidity. This is another reason that can attract them. This is especially true of the premises where the wet is very often, which is why insects live in bathrooms, kitchens, baths and boiler rooms. And if in this place is also warm, then they are for sure there.
  • You do not support cleanliness. Dirt indoors, garbage, residues of food - all this loves to themselves different midges, flies, cockroaches and other animals. They are a delicacy for arthropods, so spiders live where it is easier to hunt.
  • There is a lot of food. This is an indirect reason, according to which arthropods penetrate your home. If you leave the crumb on the table, do not remove food into containers and a refrigerator, throw out open packs on the shelves, then, most likely, they will be interested in different pests that spiders eat. By the way, on the latter, you can find flies and cockroaches: if you notice the houses of the web and her owners, it means that there are other insects in the apartment somewhere, on which hunting is conducted.

How to get rid of spiders in the house: Effective folk and store equipment 1317_3

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What to do if the insect noticed

If you saw it at home, you should not be afraid. What you are calmer, the easier it is to catch it. To begin with, inspect the Taurus: it is important to understand, a poisonous individual or not. Most of these arthropods are safe, but still be careful. If the spider is black, the caller without hair cover, on it, bright red spots in the shape of an hourglass are Karakurt. He is one of the most dangerous in Russia, dwells most often in the south of the country.

What to do with ordinary individual

This does not represent any danger to you. Therefore, it can be caught using the helm.

You will need a glass (better transparent) and a tight sheet of paper or cardboard. The mechanism of the trap is simple: cover the insect on top of a glass, grid between it and the surface sheet. If the pest is sitting on the ceiling, the catch will be even easier: do so that the spider falls into the container, cover it from above with cardboard. Then release it to the street.

If the artist hung on a web, you will need scissors. Cut the thread and substitute the glass, it will immediately turn out to be in it. Close it from above and put out on the street.

How to get rid of spiders in the house: Effective folk and store equipment 1317_5

What to do with a poisonous individual

If you suspect that you are a poisonous representative of the detachment of arthropods, to act very carefully. It is impossible to give yourself to bite.

There are special gadgets that help to collect insects. It can also be made a sticky roller for cleaning clothes: the pest will simply stick to the adhesive layer. Or use the vacuum cleaner if you have a rather powerful model. You can try to catch it with a glass and cardboard, in this case you should take a large container to eliminate the risk of being down.

After catching a segment, you need to let go outside. Do it away from residential buildings.

If you live in the region where poisonous representatives of the sediment of arthropods live, read in advance what you can meet you. Also keep your home special spray, which will help neutralize the individual before catching.

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Entirers will help to get rid of spiders in the house. Mix two main types: poisons and repelters.


Poison and other chemicals to get rid of pests can be represented in different forms: sprays, aerosols, various liquids and even traps.

Aerosols work more efficiently, since more often individuals are sitting motionless on a web or any other surface. Therefore, the means that are designed for pests running around the house: gels and traps - they will not give a quick result.

Conduct only in gloves. It is also better to wear a respirator or a tissue mask. Usually, with the help of aerosols, pest habitats are treated: plinths, corners, slopes of doors and windows. Follow the instructions on the package: Most often, manufacturers recommend closing windows and doors, bring people out of the room, all sprayed, wait about 20 minutes and air the room.


Ultrasound dischargers are sold in stores for home. This is an effective means for spiders in the apartment, and for other insects. The discreteners work as follows: they make sounds that do not like arthropod and make them leave the places where they are not glad to see them. The man does not hear these sounds, so the device is harmless to him.

How to get rid of spiders in the apartment people

If you do not want to use insecticides and other chemistry, you can try to eliminate insects with proven folk ways.

Make general cleaning

This is the first thing you should take when dealing with pests. Get rid of crumbs even in the most hard-to-reach places, spent the corners, eaves and plinths. Check the space under the bathroom, sink and toilet. Remove the web you will find.

Unfortunately, one cleaning is not able to cope with the unreasonable tenants. They still hide somewhere, and also lay eggs with future offspring. Therefore, you need to choose one or more funds that you will deal with them.

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Use essential oils

You will need oil of peppermint. It must be divorced in a liter of water. The resulting mixture fill in a bottle with a spray gun. Treat fragrant habitats with liquid: Different cracks, plinths and corners.

Instead of mint oil, other bright aromas can be used, for example, replace it on the tea tree oil, eucalyptus, citrus (lemon or orange). The pests do not tolerate sharp smells, so they will leave the place where you conducted processing.

How to get rid of spiders in the house: Effective folk and store equipment 1317_8

Take vinegar

Take 9% table vinegar. Mix it with water. Ingredients should be in the same quantity: for processing enough half of the glass of one and the other. Apply a solution on plinths, angles and other places of possible habitat. Arthropods will not survive contact with acid and die.

Bursted by chestnuts

Pests do not like their smell. Therefore, spread the chestnuts in different places of the apartment. So that they are brighter, the fruits can be broken into several parts.

Spread over sheep wool

Also pests do not like the smell of sheep wool. Therefore, in the house (especially in the places of their habitat) it is worth expanding yarn or simple shoes of wool.

Turn off the light

This advice is usually effective when delivering from spiders in a private house or in the country. Bright light from the windows, with a porch and other highlighted areas attracts different insects. So try to turn it off when you do not use it. And close the entrance doors and windows in the rooms where the lamp is turned on.

How to get rid of spiders in the house: Effective folk and store equipment 1317_9


To scare away from the dwelling of new individuals, it is important not to forget about preventive measures. The first and most important thing that you should do is to support the house clean, and also monitor the level of moisture in the premises.

Conduct regular cleaning, take the garbage more often, do not stand it in the room for a long time. Do not leave dirty dishes for a long time in the sink, wipe all the surfaces dry. This also applies to the shells and baths, and shower cabins. If your housing will be interested in cockroaches (for them, food remains and permanent access to moisture are ideal conditions), then spiders will appear next.

Check out the rooms, leave the door to the bathroom open, so as not to create dampness in small rooms. If you have devices that dried air, then try to use them regularly. For example, it can be air conditioning in which there is a special mode, or special dehumidifiers.

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