Do not mistake the door!


Overview of the market of interroom shield doors: types of structures, material for the "filling" of the door leaf, methods of finishing, features of the configuration.

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Do not mistake the door!
"New interior"


Do not mistake the door!

Reversing door Rever series

(Tre-Ptre-PIU) with a rounded end of the canvas. Maximum height 3M (UNION)

Do not mistake the door!
"New Interior"


Model Continuum

(Tre-Ptre-PIU): Door- wall panel

Do not mistake the door!

(Ghizzi Benatti)

Curling aluminum molding - common means of decor of door canvases

Do not mistake the door!



Smooth deaf cloths of strict design are harmonized with walls

Do not mistake the door!
"New Interior" (SJB)

CONTEMPORANEA Collection, i.e. "Modern", was created for SJB designer Karmina Coppa (Carmine Coppa)

Do not mistake the door!
In the model "Riviera"

("Bersoni") The canvas consists of two shields combined with impact-resistant glass

Do not mistake the door!
In contrast to the previously used wooden bars, the cellular aggregate is not prone to charge, shrinkage and swelling when fluctuations in temperature

humidity regime

Do not mistake the door!
"New technologies"

Profiled chipboard successfully imitates the appearance of the framework

Do not mistake the door!
"Arboled" uses lightweight solid chipboard Egger
Do not mistake the door!
In the design of the doors of the "Flat" series (approx), trimmed with oak veneer, the influence of the Italian school is traced.
Do not mistake the door!
Construction of the canvas with filling MDF strips and short wooden bars (approx)
Do not mistake the door!

One of the most popular Agoprofil models (a shield door with three panels or panels and glass) can be vested with a veneer of various shades or painted in standard Union colors or in any color by RAL catalog

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In a series of exclusive doors, Energy Ambiente (Ghizzibenatti) applied cladding from small sheets of an olive tree veneer

Do not mistake the door!

Plastic layer provides monolithic design and resistance to moisture and temperature drops

Do not mistake the door!
Model of the Tango series ("Arboled") with glass insert, trimmed beech veneer and decorated with layout
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Model Symbol (GHIZZIBENATTI): Elegant combination of aluminum and veneer of a muble oak

Do not mistake the door!


Exclusive Italian doors are equipped not only by lock and hinges, but also a handle that is an integral part of the design.

Do not mistake the door!
"New Interior" (Pivato)

In the Unicom (Pivato) model, a combination of veneer sheets was applied, toned

Nero under Zebrano Nero, with different fibers

Do not mistake the door!
"New Interior" (Tre-PTRE-PIU)

Rever doors series

(Tre-Ptre-PIU) universal from all points of view: the opening is determined during installation, and strict design in combination with a set of finishing options allows "adaptable

go "to any interior

Do not mistake the door!
"Felici Salon" (Ep-Porte)

Model Platino Super (EP-Porte) with aluminum box and platbands. The canvas covered with "High" varnish

Do not mistake the door!
"New Interior"


Model Planus Tre Filomuro

(Tre-PTRE-PIU) with a thin aluminum box installed in one plane with the wall. Installation of such a door should only be carried out by qualifying


Do not mistake the door!
MBTM (Ghizzibenatti)

Inserts from matte glass with a mirror face - a new trend in the world "Door Fashion"

Do not mistake the door!

(Ghizzi Benatti)

Doors with convex decorative aluminum linings perfectly fit into the interior of a modern home

Hearing the term "shield door", the consultant in the cabin offering a rich selection of products is most likely confused. Sampling, try to find out in the work of modern design art "poor relative" - ​​an intravartic door of the time of mass construction, standardly colored, with a standard plastic handle and standard flat-platband.

The production technology of shield doors complicated, now apply new materials and ways to finish. However, the main constructive principles allowing to achieve high strength and stability of the geometry of the canvas with a significant savings of wood, remained almost unchanged. GOST 475-78 subdivided internal doors on frame and shield (with a solid or fine-pass filling of shields). From GOST 6629-88 Mention of frameworks disappeared: they simply ceased to be used in mass construction. Both standards do not apply to the doors of the wood of valuable breeds.

Multidious and unnamed

Since for the Russian consumer, the word "array" has a magical attractiveness, and the word "shield", on the contrary, causes a rejection, many factories and trading firms are trying not to focus on the internal device of the doors, limited by the characteristics like: "Massive lifting", "facing natural Veneer "IT.P.

The terms "door from the massif" or simply "array" without indication of a particular material can be used for promotional purposes and in this case mean only that the canvas does not have internal voids.

Concepts that do not make sense at all, such as the "door of a veneer" or "door of a pressed massif" (pressing, as well as extrusion, can be subjected to only crushed woody mass, but this term sellers may apply to glued Panels from lame wood treated on a milling machine).

Sometimes the panels are mistakenly called the canvas with imitation of inserts (for example, doors with a molded outer panel from HDF or plastic and filling with paper cells or extrusion OSP). Often such doors are veneered with a veneer with multidirectional fibers.

With a shield! ..

The panel canvas consists of a frame, aggregate and double-sided sheet covering, closing and frame, and the "middle". Framework (fillety) The door is collected from the frame and insert with the connection of the spin-groove or stroke. The frame may have transverse and longitudinal median bars that divide the canvas on the width and height, and a few inserts. Test days in the manufacture of both types of cloths use extruded and extruded slabs based on wood fibers or chips.

Do not mistake the door!
Union Doors Union:

A- in the InLay 170 P model (Agoprofil), a diagonal veneer of a nut with a pronounced texture was applied;

B- Model of the Dance Series (Barausse) - a combination of vertically and horizontally pasted arm of an African veneer

Covenively, new constructive types of cloths can be attributed to the so-called combined. This concept is very conditional, but, as a rule, it implies that in the manufacture of the frame door, complex elements that have strapping, trimming and filling, or decorative inserts from MDF, chipboard (OSP) or plywood are used to the shield cloth. The massive door (not to be confused with the frame door from the massif!) Made from one material throughout its thickness, it is a special design type that is quite rare.

Due to the ease and stability of the geometry, the shield canvases are most suitable for doors with a special opening (sliding, in the form of a book or accordion), as well as increased heights and widths. The shield can be given a rounded or S-shaped-shaped-in modern apartments there are walls laid down on the radius.

Opinion of a specialist

Cellular filling doors Wide distribution in Italy after World War II. Thanks to high technological, they quickly gained popularity first in Europe and America, and then all over the world. According to the design, the panel canvas most resembles ... the airplane wing. Frame from bars (analogue of spars and ribs), cellular filling, sheathing from thin durable panels - All this gives the ease, rigidity and ability to maintain unchanged geometric parameters as aviation structures and the door canvase. The turbulent industrial development of Europe in the post-war period contributed to the emergence in the industrial region Veneto (Northern Italy) of the Conglomerate of woodworking factories, around which the enterprises of metalworking and mechanical engineering, chemical and paint industry focused. This was caused by the need to provide all cycles of doors production with high-tech equipment and guaranteed quality materials. As a result, real global brands appeared - for example, Imola and Verona- in such a seemingly prosaic market of the market, like shield doors.

Viktor Garipov,

Commercial Director of Union

Now each of the listed elements of the shield door design is significantly complicated; They perform them from materials with elevated resistance to temperature and humidity fluctuations.

One of the most common types of panels are the so-called Tamburatnaya-with filled with cells from cardboard. These are the doors (and related to the economy-class, and many elite models) of Bersoni companies, "Optim", "Cranennel" (Russia), Union Porte, Agoprofil, Barausse, Tre-Ptre-Piu, Cocif, Pivato (Italy), Alavus , Kilsgaard (Finland). Cardboard cells are perhaps the most economical modern design material: it is very easy, cheap, compact during transportation. Stretched and glued to sheets of plating, this aggregator eliminates their local defenses and provides evenness and rigidity of surfaces intended for the finishing finish.

Possible version of the fine-pass filling of the MDF panels or plywood. The strips of these playing the role of ribs rigidity can be arranged in the form of a lattice, in parallel to each other or snake ("Eris Manufactory", Russia).

Do not mistake the door!
Union Doors Union:

A-model P of the famous Italian series Imola (a coating of laminatin can imitate both veneer and paint);

The DIRECTA (SJB) model may be painted or lined with veneer (eight finish options), swinging either "book"

The strapping of canvas with finely filling is most often made of well-dried wooden bars with a cross section 32 (40-60) mm (for the doors thick 40mm); Often, that the tree does not absorb moisture from the air and did not breed, the parts are primed by the compositions based on paraffin or olifa. Side bars are increasing in width (usually 2 times) at the scene of the latch. Most large manufacturers are used for a framework lamella (glued on a smooth fugu) or fascinated by length on a microscope bars from wood of non-autonomous conifers, and some Italian factories (for example, Pivato, Garofoli and EffebiQuatro) use Italian spruce from special nurseries. Corner pairs of bars strapping are usually performed using a wader or brackets. The shearing is painted most often serve 4-5 mm MDF or HDF sheets. For quite some time they began to use molded panels (sometimes called Door Skin), imitating the appearance of the panel door. Thin (10mm) panels of lamella wood, often with a milled embossed pattern, made on a software control machine, can play the role of the trim.

Opinion of a specialist

In the manufacture of doors, one-piece and empty extrusion chippers can be involved, as well as their different combinations. Soundproofing Soundproofing Soundproofing Other plates are more effective, but the doors are harder, and therefore the load on the loops and the nodes of their attachment increase. To facilitate the design, manufacturers apply plates with tubular cavities. The nature of the material and special methods of combining plates (without gluing) in multilayer canvases helps to achieve high sound insulation (up to 46 dB). In addition, there are many variants of profiled stoves, and the linen can be made from the extrusion chipboard of elevated density (700kg / m3). One of the largest suppliers of extrusion plates to the domestic market - the company Sauerland Spanplatte (Germany), which produces more than 100 types of plates with a thickness of 10-80mm, with a specific mass of 223-700kg / m3. By the way, now up to 70% of interior doors in Germany produce precisely from the extrusion plate.

Andrei Khgai,

Company manager "New Technologies"

Whole nature

The panel doors of another type are manufactured from solid plates (or combinations thereof): MDF, chipboard or OSP.

Such canvas differ in design from tambourate. Behind their geometry and durability corresponds to the stove itself. The messenger of the castle and the fastening of the loops also does not occur: there is no emptiness in the canvas, and the plates are not bad for themselves. Therefore, such doors do not need a powerful frame. The stove allows you to replace it with edging from thin bars (most of the manufacturers-20mm). Factories Portadeza, Puertascastalla, Vicaima (Spain), as well as "Arboled" (Russia) make edging from the valuable woods of the wood, the same as the veneer veneer. Such a lifting performs the function, so to speak, the protection of the perimeter. After all, the joint of the sheets of veneer on the edge "Surface / end" is a weak place of the canvas: sometimes it is damaged even from not too strong mechanical impacts.

Do not mistake the door!
"New Interior" Doors model:

A- Milan (ICM): Tambular web, lined with an Italian walnut veneer (Bosca Arredi);

B- Model ConoScenza CONTEMPORANEA series: Tambular canvas, lined with mesh veneer and decorated with stained glass inserts (SJB)

From love for art

We admit honestly: when choosing the door, we, of course, make sure that it is durable and lasts for a long time, but still, first of all, pay attention to its "external data". What pleases the eye is composed of two components: design and facing material. The main methods of finishing the canvas-staining, coating with various films and veneer veneer.

Working with veneer-real art, and most of all succeeded in it Italian designers and masters. Many serial Italian shield doors have up to 10 finishing options. One transition of all combinations of veneer sheets of various breeds, tinting and forms would require several separate essays. The door really exists a fashion, and each manufacturer not to become an outsider, is obliged to regularly replenish the model range and add new features to the appearance of old models and enter technical innovations.

The number of layers of varnish on Italian doors lined with veneer can reach up to ten (such a coating is defined as "high varnish", in Italy, the term "100 Gloss" - "100% shine"), and each layer is completely dried and dried and We grind, and the finishing is polished to the mirror glitter. As for the varnishes themselves, the traditional types of polyurethane types, nitrocellulosic, epoxy-losing competition (especially in Europe) with more eco-friendly UV varnishes, curable rays of the ultraviolet spectrum.

Do not mistake the door!
Union Doors model:

A-series GRAFFITI (Laura Meroni). The pattern is made by milling over the panel (6mm) from the sheet of the rosewood;

Bosca Arredi: Tamburat type canvas with filling with milling panels from a lamellamic array thickness 1cm (UNION)

Laminate door canvases (film based on textured paper impregnated with synthetic resins) are also in great demand. Jedello not only in a relatively low price, but also that the buyer can be sure: the acquired canvases will not differ in shade from exposed in the demonstration hall. In addition, not without reason it is believed that laminatine more racks to the effects of moisture and aggressive media, as well as more durable than natural veneer (here, however, much depends on what varnish veneer is covered). Laminatinian housekeeping doors "Optim" (used German film), "Sophia", "Dera", "Cranennel" (Russia), Lebo Tren, Westag Getalit (Germany), Unionporte, Erbi Porte, Maxima, Milan, Nusco Porte, Quadri (Italy).

It is still quite rare, but still there are doors coated with a new generation based on wood fibers with the addition of a minimum number of binding substance. The coating is usually referred to as an ecosphon, it is also difficult to attribute to artificial, as well as to natural. It has a pronounced texture of wood-with vision and touch to distinguish it from a veneer it is impossible (even reluctantly looks like), but also such doors are not cheap

Union Porte).

Painted doors can relate to both the economy-class and the "door elite". Here a lot depends on technology, like paint and manufacturer's company. Cheap doors covered with acrylic paint standard white and gray colors, search card by Alavus, Jite, Matti-Ovi (Finland). Now, many Italian enterprises have in their assortment painted luxury doors-with multi-layer ("high") coating (Flex, Sige, Italy) in their assortment. The sheath of the canvas intended for painting is usually served by MDF sheets, but on the request you can paint and canvas, veneer veneer (Tre-Ptre-PIU).

Some Italian models can be purchased "in the ground." For example, so-called hinting doors often sell without finishing (such doors are from 70 thousand rubles), which are painted after mounting into the color of the walls, so that they become almost indistinguishable on their background. It is possible to agree with the supplier of painting in any color according to the RAL catalog. As a rule, the execution of the order will have to wait about 3 months, but in Moscow you can already purchase such doors and from the warehouse (UNION).

What preferred?

The minimum clearance under the door, the traditional threshold or the "guillotine threshold", the imposition with seal, all makes the door more sealed, and therefore increases its sound insulation properties. However, the desire to achieve the best sound insulation of the room always enters into a contradiction with the need to ensure its natural ventilation. Tightly fitted doors interfere with air exchange between rooms, no free movement of the air flow to exhaust ventilation. Air conditioning systems are capable of helping not always. Vitoga Most of the time the door has to be kept open.

Door as adjective

To the incomplete way of hanging the doorway today they are quite rarely resorted (usually the apartment entrance doors in new buildings are so installed). Almost all the doors of large manufacturers are equipped with a box and telescopic platbands, allowing to add to the width (depth) of the box 2.5-3cm. Often included accessories. The challenges needed in the event that the wall thickness exceeds 12 cm (the width of the box is usually 8-10 cm), you need to buy separately. The overwhelming majority of imported and many domestic doors are equipped with a seal inserted into the perimeter in the perimeter of the box and intended to soften the punch of the blade of the box when closing the door and increase its sound insulation characteristics. (The last goal is designed to serve and the serve-selected quarter-selected models in some models.) Italian and Finnish manufacturers before selling their products install the loop and the lock mechanism (door latch) is only to choose a door handle.

The modern box can be produced from a sheet (set-in thickness) of wood (Agoprofil, Barausse, Tre-Ptre-Piu Idr.), Overheated bars of plywood (doors of Finnish producers), chipboard (most Spanish firms) and MDF. The door boxes are increasingly found, the details of which are made of combinations of the above materials using Sandwich technology. Such products are durable to bending and are not prone to warp.

A special kind of door box-aluminum frame, which after installation forms with a wall of one plane (Barausse, Garofoli, Lualdi, all-Italy). The door with a similar box can be used as a "secret", and the thin aluminum frame is sometimes for the design of the passage from one room, say, in the style of Hi-tech-to another, where there are prevails, for example, Ar Deco.

The threshold at the box of the modern door is usually missing (although many factories at the request of the client may include it in order). A new system "threshold-guillotine" can be replaced by this "non-mode" element. It is an aluminum P-shaped profile with a spring-loaded rubber seal inside, which is extended when the door is closed and is removed when opening. Firms selling high-class doors (for example, Union or Italon, Russia), for an additional fee (about 2.5 thousand rubles) can provide a "guillotink" any registered door.

Do not mistake the door!

Doors model:

A- Iridio (TizianorUni) with an aluminum box painted with a deaf cannut (MDF) and traditional plane platbands ("Academy of the Interior");

B- Over 14 (Impronta): horizontally glued tinted oak veneer, painted box and platbands ("new interior")


Representatives of the majority factories (including Italian, top quality doors) give a one-time guarantee on their goods, and often only if the installation of the door is made by the cabin masters. Such a short term of warranty obligations on, it would seem, a constructively simple product, "where there is nothing to break," sometimes alarming buyers. However, there are no reasons for concern: it is simply assumed that a year-enough deadline to check how well the box and the canvas react to the temperature differences and humidity, there are no hidden defects in the design elements, whether glue seams are durable, in due damask . After a year, it was possible to determine whether damage to the result of incorrect operation or a manufacturing defect was possible, only after a professional (and very expensive) examination, which neither the seller nor the buyer does not agree at its own expense. The real life of the product of a large producer exceeds 20 years.

The cost of doors with various types of finishing *

Finishing material Manufacturer country Price, thousand rubles.
Laminatin Russia 4-7
Finland 3.5-4.5
Italy 6-9.5
Paint Russia 2.5-4.5
Finland 3-4.5
Italy 9-13
Veneer Russia 6-10.
Spain 12-13.
Italy 12-16
EcoSpon Italy 16-18.
* - The table shows the prices for the kit: a box and a deaf smooth cloth measuring 2000800mm with a homogeneous coating (at the door of Italian factories, this price includes a lock, loops and platbands)

The editors thanks the company Union, Italon, "Academy of the Interior", "Arboleda", "Bersoni", Zdi, MBTM, "New Technologies", "New Interior", "Optim", "Strepekor" for help in the preparation of material.

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