Sports excitement


Organization of sports grounds in summer cottages for active recreation of children and adults: location rules, types of coatings used materials.

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Sports excitement
Photo O. Voronina

Tennis table can be put right on the lawn, only away from the flower beds. Tennis ball they are not afraid, but the players for movement need space

Sports excitement
Sports excitement

All basketball rings have standard diameter - 45cm. Election Bar Play Rubber Balls - more wear-resistant than all other

Sports excitement
Photo O. Voronina

Places and courts around the perimeter are fencing with a mesh so that the balls do not fly out beyond their limits.

Sports excitement
Sports excitement


Tennis tables on wheels are conveniently moved from place to place. Training can also behave alone: ​​the vertically installed half of the table replaces the enemy and reflects the feed

Sports excitement
Sports excitement
Sports excitement

Coatings based on rubber crumbs are water permeable. After the rain moisture leaves from sites having a bias naturally

Sports excitement
Sports excitement

These sports complexes, in which several diverse simulators are combined, are interesting primarily to children. Some of these shells, you can work out various exercises or use them as a game element that you will think of yourself either your child.

Sports excitement

The knob is a projectile for which you need to move with the help of the hands alone. "Steps" - horizontal planks or located at some distance from each other rings suspended on chains

Sports excitement

The complex combines stairs, rope with metal core and horizontal bar

Sports excitement
Balancer for the development of coordination of movements
Sports excitement
Alexie Sommer / Alamy /


Sports excitement
There are more than a thousand kinds of mini-golf balls. They differ in mass, rigidity, jumping, even color. An experienced player knows how to drive different balls in the well

Mini Golf Federation of Moscow

Sports excitement

A complex for real tarzans, designed for a variety of movement types. Two or three people can be exercised here.

Sports excitement
Landscape architect A. Graydullis

Photo K. Manko.

Children's towns include game elements and sports

Sports excitement
"My city"

Children's towns include only sports elements

Sports excitement

Rings for a small child can be suspended even on a thick and durable tree branch

The time of country sites, cultivated under the garden, literally until the last Pyd of the Earth, gradually leaves. More and more people seek to break the lawns in their possessions, build arbors, equipping the ponds - for the sake of beauty and recreation, including active. A new trend is born in their eyes - lawns are replaced by sports grounds.

Sports excitement

Country stadium

Organize a corner for training or a reduced, the "country" option of the field on the country site is quite real. You can install a shield with a basketball ring and carry out streetball tournaments (street basketball). The playground for this game is 2 times less than basketball, and the ring you need only one. Firms produce different models. Rings with shields that are attached to the wall of the house produces, for example, ATEMI (Russia), their cost is about 1-2 thousand rubles. Mobile model Composite Fan 44 Spalding (USA) costs 6.5 thousand rubles. The basketball shield is attached here to the rack with a base for stable with sand or water. Mobile children's rack 5HNBA2 (Huffy, USA), adjustable in height from 0.8 to 1.3 m, you will get in store for 2.2 thousand rubles. Basketball shields, combined with a gate of 5m wide, produces Kompan (Denmark). The mesh for volleyball or badminton is often stretched into the glade between the trees. However, be prudent and do not play the flower beds: they can be destroyed in the excitement.

There are several basic rules for the location of sports grounds. It is usually placed by a long axis from the north to south with a deviation to 20. The construction site should not be chosen in lowland, near the reservoir or on the ground with a very high level of groundwater. To ensure the flow of water, make a bias up to 2% or one way, or two skates from the longitudinal or transverse axis to the side lines. A more complex drainage-drain network consists of drainage drains, buried in the ground under the sports field. Such a system, as a rule, is made on the entire site with too high grounding of groundwater - up to 1m.

Software against stiffness

Sports, active movement is always accompanied by the burden on the joints. If you move along a rigid area (say, concrete), these loads are great. To reduce them, which means to reduce the risk of injury and stretching helps specialized coatings, they are several types.

Forward queue, these are coatings based on rubber crumb. They produce "Krambr", "Masterfibr", "Novotek" (trademark Explotex) (all- Russia) IDR. Cost with stacking - 700-1200rub. For 1m2. Their advantages are elasticity and elasticity (these parameters are selected taking into account the wishes of the owner of the site), as well as unpretentiousness in care: rubber coating should be regularly sweeping and time to restore the markup. In winter, on such a platform, you can pour the rink. Rubber crumb coating are placed on any solid base: asphalt, concrete, wood, tile. The recommended thickness is 10mm: with a lower it "does not work", with a greater, as the athletes say, "the foot will sound." The stacking process is as follows. The base is predetermined by polyurethane primarol, and then the coating itself is applied from above using special equipment. Polyurethane is polymerized without heating, at ambient temperature not lower than 5 s, while it gradually takes moisture from the air.

Fundamentally different material for the creation of "soft" sports courts- "Tennesit". This mixture (it includes several components, including brick crumb) laid with a layer 5-10 cm on a pre-prepared pillow from an elastic drainage layer of gravel and a rubberous base on the soil. Consumption of materials for construction, such as the court (3618m): Crushed stone fraction 20-40mm- about 78m3, fraction fraction 5-20mm - about 40m3, "Tennesit" - approximately 52m3 with a layer thickness 5cm. The mixture is periodically periodically and compacted, the markup lines are restored if necessary. Lucky weather, the material can "dust", so before the game the platform is recommended slightly moistened. They play on it not only in tennis, but also in other rolled games, according to the rules of which have to run a lot and jump. If the sites with "Tennesite" are supposed to use infrequently, then it is recommended to put a geotextile with a density of 100-200 g / m2, otherwise weeds will be sprout through the coating.

Another type of coatings for plastic platforms: Sportplast Outdoor (SporterProject, Russia), Bergo (Bergo Flooring, Sweden). Costs - from 400 rubles. For 1m2. They are a rather rigid "carpet", which is collected from individual perforated modules and laid on the ground or asphalt. The modules are joined with each other using a special lock connection. Plastic coatings are harder rubber, more slippery, but still they are more convenient than the asphalt platform or simply drowning glade.

Vintage fun

Sports excitement

The outdoor games are very diverse. It's nice that in recent years I began to increase the interest in ancient funny-crocket, towns, srso. Once in Russia, many of them loved them, even members of the royal family. The crockeet was popular in higher educational institutions and among holidays on the waters. On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, almost every courtyard was a knotted knot. This was played in the 70s. XXV., And then suddenly forgotten. Now the crockeet is reborn again. Probably, it is more interesting for adults than for children. Playing a crocket, you do not need to actively move. This means that it is suitable for pensioners with quite good vision. "For success, you need to be clever, tricky and honest" - so painted Academician Dmitry Likhachev. There are many options: classic English, American, Russian, golf croquet, yard crocketh. The essence of the game is one: faster than rival, with the help of a hammer to hold a ball through all the small knots on the field in a certain order. The form and dimensions of the site can change, the arrangement scheme of the knot; The field is with sides or without them.

Sports excitement

Equipment for the crockeet produce the company "Country Sport" (Russia), Lucio Londero C (Italy). For such sport fun, a short-sized lawn is chosen. Convenient when the grass is smooth, otherwise the goal movement path will be calculated very difficult. The rammed sandy platform or carpet coating are suitable. The minimum size of the croquette is 1m2. By the way, the crockeet is considered the progenitor of popular billiards and golf today.

Sports excitement

SERSRO in our presentation- game of aristocrats. It is enough to remember the film "The Adventures of Prince Florizel". Initial rules, it is written: Cavalier and lady are involved, the lady throws the rings, and the cavalier catches them with the help of a sword. In addition to classic rules, there are others: they play through the grid (like volleyball), or inserted into a circle, or throwing rings not only with hands, but also with swords. Play in Serso like both children and adults are a more noisy and movable lesson than a crockety. Serso recalls tennis: run and catch, just not the balls, but rings. The game set for the game is two swords and three rings - worth 1350 rubles. ("Country Sport"). Russian towns, too, noisy fun. It is interesting not only to sneak the shapes, exercising in agility and accuracy, but also to build these figures. Ushvedov there is a similar, in fact, the game "Kubb" - it is also called the "Game of Vikings"; There are also Finnish towns.

Yuri Ilyukhin, Creator "Croquet Club"

The fastest

Close to collective games, but still keeps the table tennis. For this game, too complicated inventory and large areas are not needed: a full-fledged sports corner can be organized on any summer cottage. Two or four play, there is also the yard version of the Sunshine. The speed of the reaction is the basic quality that is required for victory. For table tennis, it is very important to pick up a quality inventory. Tables supplied many companies: Butterfly and Yasaka (Japan), Cornilleau (France), Kettler, Sponeta, Sunflex (all Germany), Stiga (Sweden) IDR. All manufactured tables have the dimensions set by standards: the length is 274cm, the width is 152.5 cm, height- 76cm. Their surface is necessarily homogeneous, matte and painted in black or other dark colors (dark blue, dark green), edging- white. Avot material from which make a game surface may be different: aluminum composite, rubberized melamine or chipboard. The cost of most table tennis tables fluctuates in the range of 10-20 thousand rubles. Grids are made of cotton or nylon, depending on the specific model; Fasten them to the surface of the table or carrier design. Not so long ago, in 2000, adopted a new standard for the ball: a spherical form of celluloid or special plastics with a diameter of 40mm and weighing 2.7g. This is the easiest and most small of all goals used in sports games. The balls vary with the quality of the rebound from the game surface. Choosing the ball, please note whether it is an ITTF sign on it (International Table Tennis Federation), is the balls of the highest quality. For rackets there are no restrictions in form and size, but the rules require that the working surface is rigid and flat, and the wooden core was 85% of the racket thickness.

Game with obstacles

The general rules of the mini-golf game are reduced to one, extremely simple: the minimum number of blows you need to drive the ball into all the junctions of the field with the key. Each platform with a hole (slang name is just a hole) can have an original shape and be complicated by obstacles: the pyramids that the ball will have to be rich, spirals and labyrinths - their ball must be necessary to go through the ball. In the presence of obstacles, the ball is more difficult to drive into the hole, but more interesting.

Junior golf brother

Sports excitement
The mini-golf course of Moscow-Golf is a game in which an adult and a child can compete on equal. An adult is no need to succumb to: if he has more knowledge, then the child has a better motoric and intuition. This is a very gamble game, for which patience is required, spatial thinking, attentiveness, the ability to concentrate, a good eye. First, you learn how to get the ball on the ball, then drive the ball in the hole, and then try to do it on the first attempt, train on the same platform with different balls.

Mini golf has emerged in the US at the end of XXV. As an alternative to golf and first positioned as a sport for family holidays. The first platforms were bulk - from gravel, crushed bricks. The outer edges were limited to a metal or wooden frame. However, such platforms easily blurred rains, they were constantly aligned. Today there are four main types of fields: Eternite - with a gaming surface of a rough cement-chipboard, as well as felt, concrete and free. The short group includes all fields invented and made by the players themselves. In country areas, portable ethernite or felt fields are often used: they are not necessarily fixed stationary, and on the winter can be entered into the house. Wintering on the street they can also: special impregnations protect them from snow and rains. Place these fields on fairly smooth areas, the knots and stones from which it is not necessary to delete.

Chermannia, Sweden, Switzerland, the Czech Republic today up to 10% of the population regularly play mini-golf. The very first field in Russia in 2007. turned 10 years old, and in 2010 In our country, they are planning to hold the world championship in mini-golf.

Nadezhda Petrov, Expert, Member of the Committee on Mini-Golf Golf Association of Russia

Country option - field, say, of three holes. It will take a plot from 50m2. The cost of each site with a hole is quite high, from 28 thousand rubles., However, this equipment will serve you at least 10 years. Basic manufacturers - City Golf, NIFO (both - Sweden), Gamen Fun (Germany), Pro Golf (Austria), SV Golf (Czech Republic).

For training, sometimes one well (the size of the site is 40.8m). The most simple option for the newbooth is the petal hole, set directly on the asphalt track or on the floor in the house (this is a portable hole without a platform, the price is 400 rubles.). For the game you need one Patter's stick worth 2-6 thousand rubles. (More expensive allow you to adjust the mass of the head, change the angle of the head in relation to the saffa, that is, a handle) and at least 10 goals of different masses, rigidity and jumping, and better - 20-30. This will help diversify the game: everyone gets into the hole in his way, the player learns to feel the ball. If you play quite professional, then there is also a heatmaker for the goals, it will protect them from overheating and supercooling, as a result of which the balls change properties. Clothing for playing is the most common: T-shirt, shorts or trousers, comfortable shoes.

Sports design

Sports excitement
"K2 Group" is based on the composition of the playground - the letters of the word "C-P-O-Rr.". They became a kind of frame, in which all components are inscribed: swing, rings, stairs, hill, tunnel, horizontal bars, baskets for balls, bars. This created not only an architectural image, but also verbal - I think that it is interesting and useful for children. The letters are welded from hollow metal pipes with a diameter of 5-6cm with filling from the metal lattice. Metal is painted by alkyd enamels. All sports and gaming elements are made of metal with a polymer coating. Metal with its coldness is able to cause a feeling of rejection in a child. When the designer brings plastic to the gaming environment, then this material gives it warmth and natural naturalness. We can create elements on plastic and texture resembling natural, attracting children.

Sports excitement
IKEAWhen are designed sports complexes, the architect is important to provide the possibility of free movement of children in space, convenient transitions from one local zone to another, arrange compact and extended form on the principle of contrast. Children need to constantly change the spatial orientation: move it up, then down, change the translational movement to spiraloid. Finally, it is necessary to change the method of movement itself: from raising steps to slip, free drop and swinging. Almost every child loves to overcome obstacles: fences, pipes, gaps, labyrinths. The input is dynamic, the universities are developing, courage, coordination of movements, a sense of equilibrium and orientation in space, tactile skills.

Sergey Kuzmin, Architect

Children's Corner

Children's sports corner is often combined with gaming, especially when it comes to very little children. For them, even everyday actions, especially physical education, is a game. However, there are also pure sports complexes, they produce "game world", "My city", "Pix" (all- Russia), Kompan Idr. Even, even a sedentary child, a bit of tarzan. He likes a variety of movements, I want to climb, hang, pull up, tumbling, jumping. Therefore, various elements are collected in the sports complex: the horizontal bar, the Swedish wall, rings, the row, rope, balancing. Finished models, such as Algol, manufactures KOMPAN. For other items can be scored independently. In addition to the diversity of the elements and the quality of the material, the finished complex costs from several tens of thousands to 400-500 thousand rubles.

The editors thanks the company "K2 Group", "Country Sport", "Game World", "Krambr", "Masterfibr", "My City", "Novotek", "Pix", "Sportmaster", "Sports", Atemi, IKEA , Kettler, as well as a "crockete club" and a mini-golf course of the city of Moscow for help in preparing the material.

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