Beasts in the interior


Review of the furniture market for pets: sun beds, special plates and feeders, modifications of feline toilets, varieties of brakes.

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Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior

Beasts in the interior

Beasts in the interior

Rims, ribs, stickers on the bottom help Misups not "ride" on the floor

Beasts in the interior

The sash built into the entrance door at the cottage will allow your pet freely penetrate into the house

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Photo by D. Minkin

The life of the rodent in the cage will be brighter, if you put in the various toys

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior

Funny things for dogs and fangs Training, and reliable protection against damage to master furniture

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior

The game complex serves not only for entertainment, here you can accurate claws

Beasts in the interior

The autonomous house will come in handy, even if the rodent is allowed to walk around the apartment: it will be a reliable refuge

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior

Choosing a bedroom for an animal is the lesson. Take care of your pet. The descent of such places will be two or three, the kitten is significantly more

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior

Surbeds sell both individually and complete

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Photo by D. Minkin

To the bedroom should be accepted "with a young claws"

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior

Bowls of large breeds can be acquired by bowls on a tripod: a puppy or an elderly pet will be useful to rise at the reception of foods, such exercises will serve as a physical activity.

Beasts in the interior

Closed tray with door and coal filter adsorb unpleasant odors

Beasts in the interior

Warmed sun bed for dogs can be useful in the cold season

Beasts in the interior
Photo by A. Shtovich
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior

No matter how beautiful and original toy for the dog, remember: it must be made of durable material, which is not terrible her teeth

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Photo by D. Minkin
Beasts in the interior
Photo by D. Minkin
Beasts in the interior

Rodents are not lovers to sit in one place, they like moving fun. Their dwellings are equipped with stairs, wheels, hammocks that acquire or with a cell, or additionally. You can settle pets and in a transparent "apartment." Children will certainly apply such a purchase, because it is so nice to observe the life of a pet "for glass", or rather, "behind plastic"

Beasts in the interior
Photo by D. Minkin

Carrying- "Bus" will be useful to rodents during travel with hosts, for example, to the country area. The main thing is that it is well ventilated, and was also equipped with a feeder and drinker

Beasts in the interior

Cats love secluded places. Thothnel from cloak tissue can not only hide, but also to play alone or together

Beasts in the interior

A pet will not jump out the window if you close the slot with a metal grid. If necessary, it is quite easy to remove

Beasts in the interior

Overview from the sofa stand on the windowsill will interest both a cat and a dog. An animal will leave wool in one place and warm in the cold at the battery

If you decide on the family council that the apartment will settle in the apartment, the representative of the fauna will settle, it is time to think about him to be comfortable to be comfortable. We will help the numerous developments of the modern industry of products for animals: they will create for your favorite the desired habitat in the house and optimally fit into the interior.

Paying attention to a particular piece of furniture for your favorite pet, decide that you are a nail: interior or pet. After all, sometimes find a compromise is very difficult. Although now this problem is solvable: you can choose such items so that the flat-minded decoration of the apartment does not change dramatically.

Four-legged owners

Dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits and even dwarf pigs (mini-pies), which found themselves in four walls, do not suspect that their owners carefully protect new Italian furniture, are proud of recently made in the kitchen repair and demonstrate the neighbors perfectly painted plinths. Animals perceive the interior of the city dwelling in their own way: for them it becomes the habitat, where it is necessary to maintain his physical form and, if necessary, even defend the right to this apartment area in a dispute with other fellows. The owners are completely fallen. The behavior of our smaller brothers is clearly not included. Little who likes, if the cabinet regularly has a pile of pinch, and the master bed turns into a rooting of all living creatures in the house. Such problems are easy to solve if you purchase special furniture items for domestic pets, which will help to simulate the situation required for an animal in an ordinary apartment. This product is presented in pet stores offering buyers to buyers of such famous manufacturers firms like "Bobrow Dvorik", "Danko", Zooark, Zonik, Dezzie (Russia), Hunter, Karlie, Trixie (Germany), Ferplast, IMAC (Italy), IKEA (Sweden), IPTS (Netherlands), Inter-Zoo (Poland) IDR.

Dream catchers

Experts recommend choosing the most quiet place in the house and consolidate him behind a dog or a cat so that they get used to it from the very early age and firmly knew that he would not be able to qualify for him, neither the floor cinema would not be bought soon. Your pets should not sleep on the floor of the floor: the likelihood is great, besides, it is nonneigious. It is better to purchase a ready-made sun bed. They produce most of the companies producing products for animals.

There are sunbeds of different sizes (for example, 523513/624513/725113 / 805313cm), forms (oval, round, square, rectangular, in the form of bones, hearts IT.D.), with various fillers (furniture foam, syntputs, syntheps). In addition to the dimensions and quality, the cost of these items is 500-1200 rubles. and more.

Before buying a variety of animal products, its owner will have to seriously think about the following. First, whether they are suitable pets in size. It happens that the lounger turns out to be small for a large shepherd, toilet tray sides are too high for the Yorkshire Terrier, and the house for the British cat (it is known that representatives of this breed are easily gaining weight) reminds Nora, where it tried in vain to get a tightly singled wine. Secondly, such objects of furniture, if necessary, should be easily able to withstand steep drives in a washing machine or brushing. Thirdly, it is important to acquire durable products that would serve as your ward for its intended purpose, and not for eating or supervision. Finally, it is worth keeping in mind that now you can choose things, harmoniously fit into any interior, since the color range of modern products for animals has expanded noticeably.

If the theater begins with hangers, then the arrangement of the apartment in which the four-legged friend is going to settle - from the choice of a sleeping place for him. Although it makes the owner himself, but the dog or a cat will be resting there. Therefore, it is possible that the option proposed by the owner, the pet for some reason is not suitable, and then the animal is boycott. So that this does not happen, we advise you to look at the new tenant, find out which part of the apartment it happens more often, where it falls asleep in the first days, tired of unusual impressions. The sleeping place should be located in a quiet part of the apartment.

Andrei Proskurin, veterinary doctor

Sun beds are universal products, so they are used both for dogs and for cats. Lord there are loungers with sides ("beaver courtyard", Ferplast, Karlie, Trixie Idr.), To which dogs love to put her head during sleep. Most of such sleeping places are collapsible: they consist of a frame, a lubricated tissue, and a soft pillow on a synthetic tube (it is easy to erase or brushing it). They can be selected in size and color compatibility with other interior items, since a large number of different colors are represented. Low beds are not less popular in the form of a small sofa, Topchak, chairs. Wicker things big dog will nibble, so they are more suitable for cats.

Everyode includes sun beds for pets, modeled according to the principle of transformers. They will help you make a variety of your favorite. For example, the model Magic Bed (Karlie) from the armchair's lying bed is able to turn into a dog (or cat) house, and then become a sun bed. The "beaper courtyard" offers a similar product that is called "transformer" (it is cheaper than a foreign counterpart). Under this brand, there are also lying bed "Matching"; Its size, if desired, it is easy to increase or decrease. The owners of large dogs firm Ferplast advises to acquire a special correctional sunbed from plastic on legs, providing the correct position of the animal spine during sleep (model Sleepy). The sun bed is complemented by an additional pillow, which is attached to it using rivets.

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior

It is believed that cats are preferred by "Estradam" houses, sofas, game complexes, and dog-loungers, soft booths. Wicker structures fit perfectly into the interior, but not always practical: animals (especially dogs) are glad to gnaw. For the convenience of pet, a sleeping place must have a mattress.

For dogs of decorative rocks (Yorkshire terriers, Chihuahua, English Toyuterhers IDR.) And the cats in the role of a bed can also serve soft booths with high or low sideboards, removable foam roofs. The books attached pillows (fur, on a synthetone) that are not frozen when washing in the car. Such structures protect the animal from drafts in the apartment. Before buying a house, it is worth imagining how it will look at the place chosen by your pet.

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior

Using the four-legged friend should be only his own things. First, it is convenient for the animal itself, secondly, meets hygienic requirements. Do not pass them and "by inheritance" from the former pet new. Dogs and cats acutely react to the smells of their fellows, so they will be simply bypassing the side of the sun bed, bedding, toy, a bowl that have already been used by their predecessors.

Where is my big spoon?

Pets are not at all similar to their owners, scrupulously pick up the dining room so that it harmonized with the kitchen interior or fit to a strict ensemble of rare on the beauty of the servant. For domestic animals, the most important thing is that their faces without any effort fit into the bowels offered by the owner for feed and water. Akaki they will be forms, size or coloring, let him solve a person.

As a rule, they eat "smaller brothers" there, where both people are in the kitchen, but often a bowl with food and drink (best when they stand nearby) are placed in spacious halls. The first option is convenient because the dishes of the dog or cat can be placed on the floor near the shell, the dishwasher, the table, around which animals sometimes describe the circles in the hope of getting something delicious. At the same way, many owners feed their favorites during their own meals in the same place, in the kitchen. For the second option, those owners, who try to keep the kitchen as sterile as sterile, inaccessible for the tricks of the beasts are voted.

It is extremely undesirable that the place of food intake is next to the "crowded" animal. First, it is necessary to think about hygiene; Secondly, it is impossible to forget about the mione, the mobile lifestyle, to observe who is hardly possible to be a dog or a cat living according to the principle "Pocked".

It is important that each pet has its own bowl, even if one of them constantly strives to try the same as the composition of the fellow fellow felling nearby. There should be bols from dense materials (for example, steel, severe ceramics) so that the dogs do not bite them. Glass products look attractive, but impractical: often fly out of the hands of hosts and sometimes they do not stand the games of the shaggy wards. Kittens begin to feed from the dishes of a small volume (0.3l), and as we can move to a more spacious one. Many breed puppies Avtot Many breeders advise immediately acquaint the bowls of solid sizes (from 2l).

Give preference to places with a non-slip base (most often the rubber "legs" are attached to them) - they do not "drive" on the floor when four-legged friends eat. Models Magnus, Party, Pic-Nic (Ferplast), made of heavy non-toxic plastic, 1.2-5 l and worth 75-400 rubles, are fully suitable. Propylene is also popular with manufacturers of similar animal products ("BESTITS", IKEA, 29 rub.). You can offer dogs or cats of stainless steel colors that are easy to wash in a dishwasher (Danko, Zonik, Ferplast, IKEA, TRIXIE), but it will have to pay for this pleasure. Bowls are best put on a special floor mat (for example, rubber or plastic) so that fallen crumbs or feed granules are not spilled in different directions and it was easy to remove. At the end of the meal dishes, especially with an abdicted food, it is advisable to clean.

Russian and foreign manufacturers of petrootes are produced along with single dual bowls - for feed and water. There are plasters on stands (tripods), allowing them to raise them higher or, on the contrary, bring closer to the floor. Such devices are extremely useful for aging animals, puppies and kittens in need of additional physical exertion. Another option is a bowl that is fixed on the wall at the necessary distance from the floor: it leaves on the rails for filling the feed or remove it from metal hooks.

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Photo by D. Minkin
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior

Dual bowls are very attractive: they do not move when the animal takes food, it is convenient to wash them, feed is not figured out in different directions

If the owner has to leave for a long time to leave, you can leave the four-side special feeder / drinking Ferplast (Zenith / Nadir model). It is pouring water or pour food, and they will act under their own weight in a bowl when the animal wants to eat or quench thirst. True, in hot weather it is better not to use this invention: water in the drinking is likely to quickly deteriorate. TRIXIE offers dog owners and cats a miracle technique - an automatic feeder designed for one, two and five feedings (Futter Automat models). The secret lies in the timer that the owner of a fluffy pet sets at the right time. When the hour "x" finally occurs, the cover of the feeder opens or shifts depending on the model (it works on batteries), and the pets of the domestic food. There are such devices from 2 thousand rubles.

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior

If you are absent for a long time and are forced to leave your pet alone, get an automatic feeder for it. It can be programmed for several days of feeding the animal. Pluses of such a product: a volumetric tank for feed, a special sensor that does not allow tray overflows, a dense cover that the ward will not be able to open. The device works on batteries.

Behind the toilet

There is no such cat or a decorative room dog, for which the owners would not survive the tray necessary for the departure of natural needs. Usually it is put in the bathroom or bathroom. The door to this room is best to keep a rider or embed a personal flap for your pet. The owner can offer its ward as an ordinary plastic tray and a toilet, similar to the cabin or a spacecraft. The first bribes simplicity to use and relatively low cost: for example, the NIP model (Ferplast) costs an average of 200-300 rubles. "Zonik" manufactures trays with a mesh, and in the animal, even after all the necessary paw procedures, remain dry (the product "toilet for cats, deep, with a grid No. 1", the price is $ 65.).

The filler is placed inside the tray, which absorbs moisture and unpleasant odors. It is bentonite, silica gel, as well as from shell of nuts, shells of oats, green tea, coniferous sawdust, extruded chips or straw (all these types are in pet stores). For example, two adult animals 3kg of such a substance (cost - 100-600 rub.) It may be enough for 1mes. The optimal thickness of the filler layer to maintain hygiene in the toilet is 5-6cm, so the pallet with high sideboards should be purchased, which, however, should not exceed 10-15 cm for decorative breeds of dogs (toilets, yorkshire terriers). Convenient trays together with special bumps included - for example, models 4011, 4012 (TRIXIE).

It is believed that animals are favorably belong to the toilets, since they are most comfortable and they feel safe. Preferably collapsible devices - due to the convenience of cleaning (MAXI BELLA, MAGIX models from Ferplast; Karlie, Trixie). Cost- Approximately 1.5-2 thousand. rub. An input device should be a ventilation holes, a filter with activated carbon to eliminate odors. These designs, like other pets for pets, differ in size: for example, the average- 504240cm. You need to pick up such a cat toilet, which is easily placed in the standard owner's bathroom or in the combined. Products are famous for a rich color scheme.

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Photo by D. Minkin
Beasts in the interior
Photo by D. Minkin
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Photo by D. Minkin
Beasts in the interior
Photo by D. Minkin

Different modifications of modern toilets for cats, from a simple tray to air filtration systems, provide cleanliness and comfort in the house. The side of the tray does not allow the cat to throw out the filler from it. Thanks to the grid, the paws of the animal will not wet. There is a tray taking a cat to the toilet: it put on top, and the pet "goes" in his hole. Cat trays are always standard sizes, but differ in form and color solutions

Accurate science

Everyone without exception cats tend to sharpen claws: our wards drop their burned strata to give rise to new. Animals also scratch various surfaces, marking its own territory. If there is a bratechka in the apartment, then, in all likelihood, the cat will rip it, and not the products of furniture factories, chairs, chairs.

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior

The cat will cease to sharpen claws about the master's furniture, if you offer it an alternative to ketto. How to make the animal about it? Apply KISU to the "tool", intend and praise it. This share should be carried out more often.

Vooromagazines are now presented brates of various shapes: vertical, horizontal, inclined, rectangular, wave, corner, in the form of a toy, sisalam mouse or fish with a loop, putting on a nail, door handle IT.D. They are easy to handle, and if necessary, they are easy to translate into any place if your ward will not mind. In the apartment, this item may lie on the floor, hanging on the wall, stand in the center of the living room or to be where to leave her pet. But before purchasing a scratchop, specialists advise the owner to find out, in what position the animal is used to sharpening claws, and only then acquire a suitable device.

Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Beasts in the interior
Photo by A. Shtovich

The varieties of the brakestock is a huge amount: they are different on design and are wall-mounted, outdoor, horizontal, vertical. To understand which one you will have a pet on moral, look at what kind of position the animal sharpens claws.

For example, some fluffy parties with pleasure "process" vertical items (legs of chairs, bed corners, door jambs). They are suitable for scratch-columns ("Zonik", Karlie, Dezzie, Trixie Idr.), To which various toys are attached. Making a choice in favor of such a device, the owner of the animal must take care that it has a wide framework that does not allow him to swing, and "collected" from above the fragments of cohesives. It is best to place such columns away from furniture so that the representative of the feline family does not arise the temptation to sharpen claws about it.

There are cats, which spoil the parquet, linoleum, and the most sophisticated ruffles in the end and expensive carpets. They need to offer alternatives - outdoor horizontal or wave-like burlap brazers or carpet. Those who have a fairly spacious apartment, it is worth getting a polyfunctional multi-tiered game complexes with clawholders, minks and bedrooms, in everyday life of the "Cat Tree". The price of such products directly depends on their size and configuration. For example, a multi-level TRIXIE house-cogatetie with a height of 106cm costs about 1700 rubles., And if its length increases more than twice (and, accordingly, tiers will become more), then it will rise to 4-8 thousand rubles. Avtot Sishal "Supercohop N" ("Zonik") with a height of up to 2.7 m with a stand and focusing in the ceiling can be bought for 1800 rubles.

Dogs Although not exact claws, but actively train the dentist, a shelter or bites leather briefcases, shoes, socks, wooden handles of cabinets, brooms IT.D. To all this remained whole, experts advise to acquire toys for dogs - vinyl, rubber, latex, plush, rope. They will break the dog's mouth and retain both the owner's things and interior items.

Babes in a cage

Taking into his family hamster, rabbit, a mouse, a guinea pig or a turtle, the owner of the apartment is sooner or later think about where all these creatures will settle. The best cells are suitable for them, which produce many firms: "Zoomark", "Zonik", Dezzie, Ferplast, IMAC, Inter-Zoo, Trixie Idre. Their cost varies from800 to 4-5 thousand. rub. and higher (depending on the model).

It is not recommended to keep cells on the floor: the drafts are sometimes the cause of the disease of your favorite. Cabinets, bookshelves, niches in the furniture headset are also not the most successful places. The transparent dwelling should be ventilated from all sides: first, so that its inhabitant is not stuffy, and secondly, the specific smell of "apartments" rodent is not stored. Put the cell, for example, on a separate coffee table to which family members do not use.

Cells are sold as filled (with a feeder, drinker, houses, stairs, hammocks), and empty, if you wish, you can independently choose interior items for your pets. The first option is more expensive. Typically, rodent cells have a rectangular shape. These animals spend a lot of time "on the floor", so choose "housing" with a wide bottom. Hamsters, mice, ornamental rats are often closed by stairs, they run in the tunnels - they are suitable for multi-tiered or multi-storey cells. Rats love to use ropes, relax in plastic minks, but it is unlikely that the wheel will be delighted, which is useful to proteins or mice.

According to experts, the optimal size of the rodent cell is easiest to determine in liters (strictly speaking, in cubic decimeters). So, one small mouse should account for at least 1 l volume of the cell. Hamster requires 2-3l volume, and a decorative rat - 3-4. Larger animals (proteins, chinchillas, manual ferrets) will feel good, having at their disposal at least 5l volume per inhabitant of the cell.

For rabbits and guinea pigs, buy wide long single-storey cells, as they are not prone to climb on tunnels and run through the ladders. It is not worth buying a whole plastic house, even if the owner of the rabbit seems very beautiful: in this case, you can not forget about ventilation. The optimal variant is the combination of plastic with rods, transmitting enough air into the cell. In love, the specialists, of course, advise the buyer in the pet store. After all, modern interior products for four-legged wards are presented in a wide variety.

Beasts in the interior
Photo V. Parkhomenko Mini-Peyga love communication, they are largely similar to people: they like the house, comfort and comfort in it. Often, for recreation and sleep, the pigs choose a soft master bed, and the pillows are whipped and shook it in their taste. But this is easy to avoid, if you do not care for the animal to the bed, and offer him an alternative. Hospitality, Pygi is not so popular so that manufacturers of animal furniture in mass quantities produced goods designed specifically for them. Inclusive beds use sun beds and sofas for dogs.

Please note that the wooden parquet can threaten the danger, as the pigs love to disassemble it as the "Lego" constructor. Therefore, it is better to choose such an outdoor coating as laminate or porcelain stoneware. From above you need to lay carpet tracks or carpets so that mini-Pig does not feel like a pig on ice.

It is very problematic to get a tray-pot for PIIA or pick up a trainer for walking. After all, the pig is not at all such a structure of the body, like a dog, so dogs are not always suitable, and you have to make them yourself. Abroad, many firms manufactures accessories for these animals, but there are no supplies to the CIS countries yet.

Victoria Parhomenko,

Mini-Pig breeder, NAPPY WORLD (Ukraine)

The editors thanks the company "AS-ZOO", "Falcon-Pat", "Ferplast Rus", Ikea, Karlie, pet stores "38Popugaev", "Pomagazine on Arbat", Catsdogs for help in the preparation of material.

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