We work the weather?


Overview of modern split systems: the principles of operation of devices, new technological advances, models with a supply and exhaust indoor unit.

We work the weather? 13194_1

We work the weather?

We work the weather?
Under the frame on the front panel of ARTCOOL FRAME (LG) easily attach poster or photo
We work the weather?
Compact and economical split system of the P series (Carrier)

We work the weather?

We work the weather?
The internal blocks of Fuji Electric Split systems (A) and Kentatsu (b) are distinguished by an unusual design.
We work the weather?
Scheme of a typical split system:

1- outer block;

2 - internal block;

3- freon




6- Remote Du

We work the weather?
Air system

The distribution of the Split system NOCRIA (Fujitsu General) allows you to achieve a high level of thermal comfort indoors

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Air distribution scheme when equipping the internal block of the system vertical (a) and horizontal

(b) automatic blinds

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Architect N. Budrik

Photo K. Manko

In the hallway of the cottage air conditioning above the door creates an air curtain

We work the weather?

We work the weather?
Among numerously

Exhibits of the exhibition "World Climate-2007" exhibits were both original internal blocks of new GREE splitters (a) and akira (b)

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The outdoor unit of the household split system can be put off the internal: height difference between them - up to 5-20m (a); horizontally allowed to cut blocks by 15-30m (b)
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We work the weather?
Typically, the internal blocks of split systems are supplied with cold air at an angle of 35-45 to the floor, overcooling the lower zone (a) and creating drafts (B) in it. New models Sharp, Daikin, Haier IDR. Feed chilled thread horizontally or up. Moving along the ceiling, it fills the room with a cool "shower", providing a comfortable temperature (b) and air mobility (d)
We work the weather?
Air heating mode.

With the "standard" heating in the room, temperature discomfort (A) is possible. Models feeding warm air vertically down, after which it goes along the floor, rising up, warm comfortable (b)

We work the weather?
Mitsubishi Electric
We work the weather?
Outer block split-system Mitsubishi Electric
We work the weather?
Outdoor Block Split Systems Daikin
We work the weather?
The URURU Sarara split system can not only adjust the temperature, but, if necessary, moisturize the air in the room and "pump" to it up to 26m3 / h freshly prepared air
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Cut-exhaust vents are served in the room fresh and remove the polluted air beyond its limits.

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Appointment of air-conditioned ventilation blocks - feeding to the air-conditioned room purified from outdoor air dust

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RAS-14JH1 with Air Exchanger (Hitachi) function and air duct kit (b)
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Daiseikai SKVP-ND Split system (Toshiba) is adapted to the climate of Russia and Scandinavian countries
We work the weather?
Split system with vertical indoor unit 42 ADF (Carrier). The front panel can be painted in coral or blue color as well as under aluminum
We work the weather?

With the help of flexible air ducts, the supply and exhaust ventilation blocks are associated with the inner block

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The supply and exhaust ventilation blocks are installed on the wall not far from the outer unit of the air conditioner.

We work the weather?
Classes and energy efficiency coefficients of modern split systems.

Marking of energy efficiency classes of split-systems has a CEM levels: from A to G. The most economical class A, the least G. The effectiveness of the reflection of cooling electricity is characterized by the EER coefficient, on heating

Modern models of wall split systems are not only cooled and heated room-producers often give them new interesting features. But how effective are they? Let's try to figure out.

Now air conditioners are produced mainly in China and Korea; Occasionally on sale you can meet equipment from Europe, the USA and Japan. The range is updated rapidly: dozens (if not hundreds) new models appear on the market every year. In order not to become the owner of a low quality product, it is better to acquire a split-system of a well-known manufacturer from a distributor who sells climate fees for more than one year. How to make sure that the selected company has a sales history? It is enough to extract old newspapers (for example, one-year or biennial prescription) and find it advertising.

We choose air conditioning

We work the weather?
These spectacular Wall-mounted Split-Systems Prestige (Samsung) are made in the style of high-grade wall-mounted split systems are optimal for air conditioning one room. Complete delivery includes outdoor and internal blocks. The unload, attached from the outside of the house to the wall (usually under the window) or located on an unlocked loggia so that it is convenient to carry out its service, all the most noisy split-system units are placed primarily compressor. The inner block is fixed in the room on the wall, at a height of 2m from the floor. The blocks are connected to each other by electrical cable and copper pipes, which circulates freon (sometimes in the bunch of communications, the drainage tube is invested, the air duct IDR.). The external unit is allowed to remove from the inner horizontally to the distance to 15-30m (depending on the split system model), and the allowable height difference between them can be 5-20m. To manage home weather more conveniently with a compact portable remote control (usually from a distance of 3-7m from the indoor unit).

The cooling capacity of wall split systems is from 1.5-2 to 5 kW, it is sufficient to create a comfortable microclimate in a room with an area of ​​10-50m2 (1 kW per 10m2 room). Some types of split systems can not only cool the space allotted by them, but also heat it (models with a thermal pump mode), provide deep cleaning and adjust the humidity of the room air, feeding into the house necessary for breathing Fresh air from IT.D.

The cost of the split system with the inner block of a wall-mounted type is 6-65 thousand rubles. For its installation, it is necessary to invite installers (usually two people in a brigade) - without professional tools and skills to make it impossible. Work will cost approximately 6-13.5 thousand rubles. (execution time- 4-8h) plus the set of installation materials - another 1.5-3 thousand rubles. Thus, the minimum air conditioner price is "turnkey" - from 13.5 thousand rubles.

In winter and in the offseason with installers, it is not difficult to agree that they come to a convenient time for you, but in the summer heat of their visit you can wait from 1-2 weeks to 2 months (especially if you need an airlock or climbers service to install an outdoor unit). Watch conditions are greatly tempting to invite Shabashnikov from the nearest market. But we advise you to wait and turn to the masters, as it is easier to spoil the conditioner with an imperious handling of it easier. It is possible to determine the consistency of the installers by the presence of a set of a special tool (it costs 60-140 thousand rubles), but the "masters" with a gas key, pliers and the drill in the house should not be allowed. Service (a contract for it is better to conclude with the company immediately after the installation of the split system) will cost another 1-3 thousand rubles. A year, it will significantly extend the life of your air conditioner.

Now let's talk about how the modern split system can create a comfortable environment in the room.

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Modern inverter split-system BSCI-12H (Ballu) (a) and new HSU-12H03 / VA model (ZFX) (Haier) with fresh air feed function (b)
We work the weather?
Internal blocks of Magic (GREE) air conditioners (A) and SRK-HJ (Mitsubishi Heavy) (b) will organically fit into almost any modern interior. They work with a minimum level of noise
We work the weather?
Internal blocks of Split systems Brio (DanTex) and Super Deluxe Slim (Panasonic) (b) have a small depth: 160 and 139m, respectively

Temperature optimization

Even physically healthy person is usually not happy to excessive (over 24 ° C in summer) temperature increase in the room. Labor productivity decreases several times, and rest is hopelessly spoiled due to the exhausting heat. The elderly and children are inevitable in a very heavy due to imperfection or age disorders of thermoregulation: heat strikes are possible, aggravation of chronic (including heart) diseases. Split systems reduce air temperature in the room to optimal values. Well, the models with a thermal pump mode can also quickly warm up the room in the off-season when the central or autonomous heating in the house does not work. They protect your households from the consequences of an excessive decrease in air temperature (below 18-20C), due to which the attacks of rheumatism and other health problems occur.

Any split system will cool your room to the temperature value selected by using the remote control in the range of 18-28C, provided that the thermometer outside the window shows 21-42c. The air can be heated with splits with a heat pump mode to 28-32c, when on the street 0-21c.

These operational restrictions depending on the model can vary (to clarify this, look into the instruction manual), and often quite essentially, especially in the direction of the lower boundary of the outdoor air temperature, in which Split systems are capable of working in heating mode. Many models equipped with a special winter set (an electric heater for heating the oil in the compressor, the fan speed limiter of the outer block and other components), can heat the room to 20 ° C and more at a 15-degree frost.

It should be noted that the cost of cooling or heating the housing is the cost of cold (or heat) pumped by a split system from the street into the room - significantly depend on the perfection of the air conditioner as a refrigerator. To judge the buyer can be judged by the energy efficiency indicators of the air conditioner - EER and COP. They indicate how much kilowatts of the useful cold or heat enters the room at the cost of 1 kW of electricity, respectively (their values ​​are often printed on a box with air conditioning). The EER coefficient of household spit-systems is usually 2.5-4.3, and COP- 2.8-4.6. To designate the level of energy efficiency of household appliances, there are seven classes denoted by letters from A (highest) to G (the lowest). Class A air conditioners have COP3.6 and EER3.2.

Especially economical inverter air conditioners are more accurate, devices with inverter control by the compressor drive (they are consumed by 15-30% less energy than uninverter models). These devices are preferable and from the point of view of comfort: they faster adjust the temperature indoors to the desired value and more accurately support it at a given level throughout the operation of the split system.

To ensure a favorable temperature in the room, the distribution technology of the prepared air is very important. Alas, despite all the efforts of manufacturers, too close a neighborhood with air conditioning for us almost always ends with a cold. At the outlet of the inner block, the temperature is only 7-10 s, and the air jet is breaking into the room at a speed of several meters per second! A dead zone is about 1.5-0.5 m from the device in the direction of the jet exit: there is no worth putting a baby cot, a written table. Increased room, the speed of air movement may not go beyond the limits of 0.3 m / s, especially if the internal unit is equipped with automatic swing horizontal and vertical blinds. They provide a uniform distribution of the prepared air in the room, and the management of this process is carried out according to a specific program, such as 3D-Flow (Daikin, Japan), Chaos Swing at the model S-12An (LG, Korea). Curious finding of air distribution technology in air conditioners manufactured by Sharp (Japan): AY-XP12GRH model; Fujitsu General (Japan): Model Nocria, 3D mode; LG: model S09LHP. Interestable split systems with Intelligent Air feature (Haier, China) IDR. The cooled air is directed upwards along the ceiling, filling the room, like a cool shower, and warm falls into the room along the wall, after which it applies to the floor and rises up. Due to this, the air conditioner does not blow directly on people, providing "soft" cooling and heating.

Achieve the maximum temperature comfort allows the specific modes of operation of split-systems. There are quite a lot of them. For example, when cooled the room in the "night mode", the ELITE STAR conditioner (Midea, China) is gradually (2 hours) increases the temperature of 2 from the specified and then supports it constant for the next 5h. After this time, the air conditioner is turned off. Vitoga fall asleep in the cold, and we sleep warm, which is needed by the body. Yes, and save energy. When activating the "Fuzzy Logic" function at Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners (Japan), the microprocessor of the split system itself determines the temperature indoor and selects the "cooling" mode, "deduction" or "heating", and also sets the temperature. The in the afternoon, if a person is discomfort and presses the TOO COOL or TOOO WARM on the console, the system analyzes the temperature in the room and the preceding number of clicks of the above buttons, after which changes the specified temperature by setting another, the calculated value. This allows air conditioner to more accurately choose and maintain temperature regime, based on the subjective sensations of the user. Modeles of the same manufacturer also provides for the temperature scanning mode for uniform maintenance at a comfortable level (for example, at the floor surface in the nursery). On the console of many air conditioners there is a TURBO button for accelerated cooling or heating of the room. The split system with a temperature sensor in the PD will help to set the desired temperature in the place where you put the remote. Modelays with AUTO function (Daikin iDR.) The microprocessor constantly compares the values ​​of the actual and predetermined temperature and switches from cooling to heating and vice versa, which is very convenient in spring and autumn, when the day can be too hot, and in the evening the temperature drops below the zero mark .

Support dryness

Drainage of air with an air conditioner is especially important in the offseason when they are raining. WTO Time The temperature is relatively low, and the level of humidity in the rooms is very high, due to which the finishing materials and furniture are quickly deteriorated, mold and unpleasant odors appear in the premises, glazed surfaces are fisted. "Drying" is possible when over the windows 11-43c, and indoors - 17-32c. The colder in the room, the land that fills it with its air. The minimum level of relative humidity, to which the air conditioner can dry the air indoors, is limited to the evaporator temperature (about 4С) and is theoretically approximately 35-40%.

Apparently, no modern split system is capable of reduced the relative humidity in the room to a particular value specified by the person. In the case, the humidity "rushes" into the boundaries of a comfortable range - 40-60%.

Writhing cases when air drainage in the room, the split system reduces its temperature. This is obvious when the air conditioner operates in cooling mode, in which the air necessarily loses moisture in it. Due to the multiple passage of air through the internal unit of the air conditioner, the relative humidity in the room decreases (the moisture is condensed on the cold surfaces of the heat exchanger, flows into the pallet located under it and is given by the drainage tube to the street or through the waterproofing into the sewer). The same effect is observed when using traditional drainage modes activated using a special key to remote control. At the same time, the user sets the lowest temperature in the room on the remote to it, when it succeeds to automatically stops. The device even if an acceptable level of humidity has not yet been installed, disabled. This may cause an unpleasant feeling, so the traditional drain technology cannot be considered perfect.

Achievement of the last years of air drying technology without changing the temperature in the room. Being in the inner block, the air first heats up, after which it is immediately dried and cooled. As a result, the temperature of the air fleeing from excess moisture does not differ at the output from the room (first to dry and cool the air, and then warm it is cost-effective). Air drainage systems operating on this principle are installed in the air-conditioned HSU-09H03 / R (DB) (Haier) and model range of Uruur Saarara (Daikin). The heat exchanger of the indoor unit is divided into two parts, which can operate both in one mode and in different: upper - in heating mode, under-in air cooling mode. Air, passing through the upper section of the heat exchanger of the indoor unit, will first heat up, and then heading through the bottom, - cool and dry. If the room becomes warmer, then the system will reduce the level of humidity, at the same time reducing the temperature (traditional cooling with air drainage).

Give water!

The land of the air, the more warm it should be that a person does not feel discomfort. So, when the relative humidity (RH) is 50% at a temperature of 22C, the person is already warm, and when Rh is reduced to 20% in the room it can be cold and at 28c. In addition, a fairly high level of humidity prevents dry skin and pharyngitis. Therefore, the ability of split systems moisturize air into the rooms is a very valuable property of this equipment.

Until recently, none of the manufacturers presented in the domestic market did not offer split systems that increase air humidity in the air-conditioned room. However, not so long ago, the situation has changed: a unique device FTXR URURU Sarara (Daikin) is available on sale. This split system can not only dry, but also make the air more humid. Moisturizing is carried out in heating mode with the built-in element in the outer block, which removes moisture from outdoor air, that is, without using an additional water source. After hitting the special air duct into the inner block, the moistened air is evenly distributed on the room. The current value of the relative humidity in the room can be seen on the air conditioner's console and set the desired value in the range of 40-60% with an interval of 5%. After that, the air conditioner will choose the desired mode (moisturizing or drainage) and hire.

The deepest sigh

The introduction of new energy-saving technologies (in particular, the use of sealing windows with double-glazed windows) leads to the fact that fresh air simply stops penetrating into the room, since there are no slighted slit in the windows and doors. Aiz-absence of air exchange in rooms increases the content of carbon dioxide and other substances harmful to humans, oxygen becomes less. All this makes it difficult to breathe and causes a general deterioration of well-being, because the person is vital for fresh air.

Several years ago, Split systems began to equip oxygen generators for feeding outside air, enriched with O2. To do this, in the outer block, a special "oxygen-rig" equipment is set, at the output of which fresh air contains 30% O2 (for comparison: natural concentration - 21%). As a rule, the street air is saturated with oxygen, pumping it through a silicone membrane (oxygen passes through it noticeably faster than the main "air" component-nitrogen). From the outer block enriched with oxygen and purified air goes to the inner block on the tube with a diameter of 3-5mm, after which it enters the room (the membrane does not miss dust and other contaminants). Of course, the amount of o2 (several dozen cubic decimeters per hour) does not solve the problem of oxygen starvation, but often this technology has a beneficial effect on the human body (at least as a result of a peculiar placebo effect). Technology with oxygen generators can be found in the assortment of Gree products (Hong Kong), Haier, Panasonic (Japan) and some other firms.

A much greater volume of O2 is capable of supplementing the supplies and infant-exhaust ventilation blocks produced by some manufacturers of wall split systems. They can serve in the room fresh air in the amount of 4-26m3 / h. Such a device is sometimes embedded in an internal air conditioner unit, such as RAS 10JH1 (Hitachi, Japan). But it is often performed in a separate housing, similar to a plastic box, which is mounted on the street near the outside block and are associated with the inner block of the split system by means of one or two air duct tubes connected to the overall beam of inter-block communications. Manages its operation of the air conditioner automation.

Opinion of a specialist

In recent years, there has been a new trend in the modernization of household air conditioners - they turn into real factories on the integrated processing of air inhaled by us. Work is conducted in two directions:

a) improving room air processing and

b) the organization of the supply of fresh and pure outer air with the regulation of temperature-humidity parameters. The ability to combine air conditioning and ventilation functions have already wall-mounted household models. For example, the Aero-model range of KSGA (Kentatsu) is not only fed to the room fresh (up to 20m3 / h), but at the same time it is forced to remove the spent air. These new unique devices practically provide sleep outdoors.

Sergey Lugovkin,

Head of the Technical Marketing Center of Daich

The intake ventilation blocks are served in the air-conditioned room of fresh air (it is pumped into the room using a ventblock fan, and output from the apartment through the ventkalas in the bathrooms and the kitchen). Supply-exhaust ventbones are optimal for supply-exhaust ventilation rooms (and flow, and air removal provides fans built into their housing). Some models of the supply and exhaust blocks are able to work only on the exhaust in self-cleaning mode of the indoor unit (Hitachi). Avolanche The mode of drawing and air supply is used both with cooling or heating modes, and just for air exchange indoor. The ventilation unit is controlled from the air conditioner remote control. The air passing through the block is effectively cleaned from dust, floss and pollen.

The first in our country appeared the Hitachi Split system with a built-in AIR Exchanger supplied device. Today, you can find the splits, equipped with remote suppressive ventilation blocks, more often: KSGA ++ KVU set (Kentatsu, Japan), HSU-09H03 / R (DB) or HSU-12H03 / U (DBPZXF) with O2 Fresh (Haier). Air conditioners, equipped with a supply ventbel, are in the assortment of Haier- HSU-09C03 / VA (ZXF), as well as Electra (Israel) (some models). Separately, it is worth saying about the household air conditioning system Ururu Sarara: built into the outer block The fan allows you to submit to a flexible air duct cleaned with a special filter street air in volume up to 26m3 / h.

At the present stage of the development of climate technology, the vents used in conjunction with Wine Split-systems, in the climate of the middle band of Russia, and even more so with its northern regions, are not able to work year-round. They can only be used in the warm season, since no electric, no water heater in these devices. If you include such a device in the frost, then too cold air will go into the premises. The supply and exhaust blocks are sometimes equipped with a cross-flow heat exchanger, allowing you to warm up the air from the outside due to the heat of exhaust, but when the temperature drops below -5C, their "power" is not enough. In circular mode, ventbloks can work except in homes on the Black Sea coast or in other areas where the temperature of the coldest five days is not lower than -5С. Communicative SNOPOV requirements One-time air exchange indoor ventilation blocks can only be provided in a small room (area up to 9-15m2). For the living room where many people are going, this is clearly not enough. But in any case, in the summer and in the offseason, the receipt of fresh purified air at least in the amount of 20m3 / h will significantly less often air the premises whose windows overlook the roadway. Such an intensity of air supply may be quite suitable for the ventilation of the bedroom at night (since the exchange of substances in the human body slows down at this time).

Software Installation Example

One of the very interesting novelties was the Split-System Uruur Sarara (Daikin, Japan). It is a multifunctional climatic complex that provides temperature control, pollution cleaning, drainage or moisturizing room air without using an additional water source (moisture air conditioner produces from outdoor air), as well as filling the room with fresh air. The nominal cooling capacity of the system is 4.2 kW, the cost is 74,2 thousand rubles. The air conditioner consists of internal (FTXR-E) and the outer (RXR-E) blocks, refers to the power consumption class A. It is possible to control it using the remote control that shows the humidity and temperature level in all operating modes.

One of the first split systems of URURU Sarara was installed in the spring of 2007. In Moscow, in a large three-bedroom apartment on the second floor of the Stalinist residential building near the metro station "Tula". Installation at the request of the customer was produced in two stages. At the first stage, the outdoor unit was installed, and after three weeks the internal unit was mounted in the room and the air conditioner was put into operation. Permission to install the air conditioner The owner of the apartment in the service "One window" of his area.

We work the weather?

Installation began with space markup for the indoor unit on the room wall. Then, for inter-block communications, two through holes were drilled with a diameter of 60mm with a slope of 3 towards the street (for condensate removal)

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We work the weather?

In one hole, the insulated copper tubes, drainage and cable, and in the other, air duct

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From the side of the street on the wall of the house, the anchor bolts attached a visor, protecting the outer unit of the air conditioner from the destruction by falling with the roof icicles (A, B), as well as brackets for its installation (B)

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We work the weather?

We work the weather?

We work the weather?

To mount the outdoor unit, it was not necessary to attract the climbers, all operations were made from the scaffolding, installed near the wall of the house. The inner block was submitted to the forest from the window of the apartment, where the whole set of equipment was delivered in advance

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We work the weather?

With the help of pipe-bending, the copper pipes led to the fittings of the outer block (a) fixed on the brackets. Rooted tubes using pipeboresis (b), ...

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We work the weather?

... From the inner edges on the slices of the Rimmer, chamfer (B) was removed. Next on the tubes were put on the nuts and the ends of the tubes rolling (g)

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We work the weather?

The air duct was connected to a special fitting, protruding from the outer block, the electrical cable located in the deepening terminal block

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We work the weather?

On the wall horizontally fastened the mounting plate for the indoor unit (A). Copper pipes rooted and fragrant, pre-equipped with nuts, after which they connected to the inner block (Gd). Then connected drainage, air duct and cable (E)

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We work the weather?

We work the weather?

We work the weather?

To clean the system from air and moisture, it was evacuated using a vacuum pump (a). After starting the air conditioner was tested in all modes (b) and commissioned to the customer (B).

We work the weather?

We work the weather?

We work the weather?

The editors thanks the representative offices of Ahi Carrier, Daikin, LG Electronics, Mitsubishi Electric, "Air conditioning systems", Daichi for help in the preparation of the article and the provided photo materials.

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