

Four options for zoning a large apartment of the apartment: with the help of partitions, a decorative portal, a built-in wardrobe and a light curtain.

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Time of close rooms has passed. Modern person likes the abundance of light and air. Multifunctional premises help zoning. We present four solutions to distinguish between the space with the help of partitions, a decorative portal, a built-in wardrobe and a light curtain.



According to the project of architects, Alexei Dolgova and Natalia Skobkina, the spacious room of the correct square form arose after the combination of two small rooms and a corridor. The only carrier column is located near the windows. It was decided to place a plasma TV. For this, the column was hidden in the septum - it was made concave so that it does not look aggressively. So the idea was born in a circle, it was subordinated to the design of the entire dwelling. On the contrary, on the border of the circle, another partition was built, there was a curved sofa GiOVANETTI (Italy) - the wall was designed for this particular model. The kitchen was equipped with a partition in which the recess was made, securing in this place a marble tabletop that performs the functions of the bar rack. Right "pocket" near the window is a miniature dining room with a glass display case for dishes, and in the left-time racks.

Circle as a means of zoning

one. The zoning circle is entered into a square room of the public zone.

2. Inside the circular zone with a TV. Outside its dining and kitchen.

3. The functional distinction is emphasized by contrast finish of the floor (combination of light maple and walnut). The plane of the tail ceiling is also broken down by two speed drywall round-shaped niches.

four. The carrier of the column as the border of the circle retreats from the outer wall at 140cm. This space is used to install a double-sided glass rack made to order. From the side of the kitchen, it serves as a buffet, where the dishes are stored, on the other, the displayer for elegant accessories and gifts.

Tells one of the authors of the project

The main wish of the customers having a daughter-student was to place their rooms as far as possible from each other, creating for each own private space. After redevelopment, it turned out: personal apartments - in different parts of the apartment, and between them there is a combined area with a living room, a kitchen and a dining area. Yane supporter of "curvilinear" solutions, but in this case, bright rounded elements visually integrated complex space and distracted attention from some moments. So, the partition, in front of which stands the sofa, hides the door leading to the mother's room. Little cuisine would have looked just depressingly, be instead of the arcuate wall straight.

Architect Natalia Skobkina



In the apartment designed by architect Alexei Maslov for a married couple, the private zone consists of two adjacent rooms - bedrooms and a cabinet. The path to the bedroom runs through the office. Various separation options were considered: doors, sliding partitions. The latter appeared the idea of ​​using the curtain, which was considered the most successful.

The fact is that both rooms of the elongated shape and the area of ​​each is 18m2. The door and the partition would only emphasize these shortcomings. The use of curtains made it possible to make a very wide portal (3m). In addition, with the help of such a reception of the room only conditionally, more precisely, visually separated from each other. The owners of the apartment advantage of this decision are seen in the fact that at night the speed can not be adopted. Consequently, the air circulates freely, and in the bedroom never happens. The rooms are isolated from each other only during the day: when the guest is a guest or a visitor in the office, the bedroom is hidden behind the screen.


For two curtains shifting on both sides of the portal, a simple design, a narrow and shallow cornice is selected. It was necessary to mow in the ceiling. But since the solution to make zoning through the curtain was accepted at the last stage of repair, so as not to spoil the ceiling finish, the guide simply secured on the surface by self-draws. Her ends are neatly hidden in the grooves made in a wide polyurethane cornion.

Zoning with the curtain

one. Bedroom and cabinet - elongated, the same area. Promotion They form a spacious placement of the right form. Thanks to the room curtain, they are rather combined than disconnected.

2. Using the porter made it possible to make a very wide portal, which also emphasizes the community of premises.

3. When there are no guests, the curtains push the air freely circulate between rooms, so there is no stuff in the bedroom.

four. Zoning with the help of the curtain creates theatrical effect that in this case it turned out to be very close to the theater owners.

Tell the author of the project

The owners love flowers and successfully bred them. Therefore, they did not accidentally like the floral ornaments. This motive is present in everything: in the inlair of furniture, wallpaper patterns and upholstery. We immediately turned to English suppliers and bought wallpapers in the traditional Victorian style. Agotum, when the idea of ​​the curtain arose, ordered the same cloths: large roses on a creamy white background. Wangli interiors often combine large patterns with smaller, along with the unity of the style to create a feeling of diversity. We had such an opportunity for a given collection, but customers preferred precisely large roses.

Architect Alexey Maslov



The large room of the public zone is divided into three parts: the kitchen, living room and the office, which can be transformed into the guest. The distinction is emphasized primarily with the help of color. In the entire wall area covered with decorative plaster. In the kitchen, she is a silver-gray kitchen, and in the living room, a red, rare dense shade, which is called "Sangria". According to the architect, this color of respectability and success - no wonder it is so loved by the owners.

Three niches are poured in the wall, where the energy-saving lamps of 220V (they are almost not heated) are mounted. From above, these niches are closed with square dies of tinted oak, so the light only makes its light on the edges of the entrance to the kitchen of the living room is decorated with a wide portal. The agostyle and the office shares the author's architectural composition, the conditionally denoting portal. It forms two perpendicular rash balks, fanwood and painted in red. Hollow beams, inside them pass wires for five small cubic stainless steel lamps. They emphasize the decorative nature of the design and its zonic role.

The entire structure is highlighted around the perimeter from three sides: the low podium on which the office is located / guest, below has a sample where the spectacular neon backlight is hidden. On the right wall are decorative highlighted overlays. The architect suggested them in order to balance the red color. In general, the light in this interior also serves as a demarcation of space. Own zone - its light script. There is a functional built-in opening of work surfaces and a crystal elongated chandelier over the dining table. Gostina over the sofa is suspended by the author's lamp made of silk, manufactured by the project of Irina Panasovskaya. On the two sides of the ceiling of the living room laid a bus system. One of the walls is highlighted by a series of flat rectangular luminaires. Epinge / Guests - two fluorescent tubes located between three plasterboard boxes.

Elements and zoning methods

one. The zones are delimited by the portal (between the living room and the kitchen) and the decorative framing beam design (between the living room and the office, which can be transformed into the guest).

2. Each zones has its own lighting.

3. Finishing wall-art plaster: in the living room "Sangeniya", in the kitchen and office / guest and silver gray color.

four. Cabinet / Guest area raised to the podium.

five. The zoning decorative design is highlighted using a backlight: five ceiling plaffones, three built-in wall lamps and a fluorescent tube mounted in the podium.

Cupic forms prevail, and illumination elements are responsible to the overall style.

Tell the author of the project

Layout apartment is clear and clear, based on simple volumes. The swiniere is dominated by rectangular and cubic forms, which retains its unity. Initially, the owners of the apartment wanted to separate the kitchen zones and a cabinet from the living room with glass partitions. While receiving guests, they would move away, opening a large space. But this solution is quite trivial. Vitog between the kitchen and the living room made the portal, limited on one side by a bar counter, and on the other decorative shelf in the form of a snail. The cabinet is raised to the podium and separated from the living room graphic design.

Architect Irina Panasovskaya

Photo by A. Knyazev
Photo by A. Knyazev in accordance with modern ideas about the comfort of architects Anna Yarovikova and Andrei Zrangitsky thought about the public area of ​​the apartment as a single studio space. Implement the idea interfered by the bearing wall, separating the erker and the future dining area. To visually justify the fact of its presence, the support structure was decided to use as a means of zoning. As a result, on the right side, where the dining room is located, attached a wardrobe with a depth of 35cm (A. M. Design, Russia). As left, where there are a couple of chairs and a coffee table, the wall from the floor and almost to the ceiling was closed with a huge mirror. The end of the wall is disguised as the same materials as the facade of the cabinet, so that it itself reminds the whole (60cm) cabinet.

Photo by A. Knyazev To strengthen this effect and eliminate the similarity with the wall, an array of a complex structure "Clear" insertion insertion in the middle of height. The open surfaces of the cabinet alternate with closed, and the white lacquer facades contrast with a strip of boousers from a matte dark wenge. This combination sets the rhythm characteristic of the interior design as a whole. The center of the furniture composition was built in a small LCD panel, the TV can be viewed while sitting at the dinner table. On the sides of the panel on the open shelves put the dishes and souvenirs. By the way, by plating open shelves, the architects decided another additional problem: the angle of the wall-cabinet, addressed to the inhabitants and guests of the apartment, now does not seem aggressive. Here at the corner of the rear surface, and in fact on the wall, the switches and the "Smart Home" system are conveniently located.

Transformation of the carrier wall

one. The carrier wall is used as a means of zoning. Thus, it ceases to appear as a barrier or an obstacle in a single studio space.

2. KSTEN is attached a cabinet design. Open end is decorated with the same materials as its facades. The result of the wall itself is visually perceived as furniture.

3. On the opposite side of the kitchen-dining room installed the second line of built-in furniture. It is made of the same materials as the first, and similar to it in design. Such a symmetric composition further enhances the effect of converting the bearing wall in the piece of furniture.

four. The sides carrying a wall from the floor and almost to the ceiling is closed with a huge mirror, which emphasizes the difference between this zone from the neighboring kitchen-dining room.

Tells one of the authors of the project

Thanks to the bilateral design, we managed to visually "destroy" the wall as a barrier. Now it is perceived as a comfortable piece of embedded furniture, organically dividing a large living room on the functional zones.

Relocation The part has an open light kitchen-dining room. The dining table is between two lines of built-in furniture. Both cabinas are made of the same materials, in a single design. Ware part - muted light, dense curtains have rest. By the way, the Erker is a sector in a quarter of a circle, a rather strange form. So that the space seemed more harmonious, the wall by Erker decided to bind the mirror. Due to the optical illusion, it allowed to visually get a quarter, and half of the circle. Two chairs and a table posted here, of course, also "doubled."

Architect Andrei Zhanitsky

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