It's time to collect bulbs


Features of care for garden bulbous plants: favorable location and soil, breaking time and ways to landing bulbs.

It's time to collect bulbs 13217_1

It's time to collect bulbs
Ryabik Imperial. Prefers warm full-warning location
It's time to collect bulbs
Crocuses - the most popular culture for the ranks of the gardens. Best of all, they develop on the lungs rich in the policing substrates brownish

Orange "bells" of Ryabchikov look great on the background of yellow daffodils with bright orange crowns

It's time to collect bulbs
Flowers with pink crowns are considered especially valuable and rare
It's time to collect bulbs
Very beautiful combination of yellow daffodils with unusual, similar to wild tulips, which can not dig for several years
It's time to collect bulbs
The original flutter tulip, similar to Liliece, belongs to later driving
It's time to collect bulbs
This gentle yellow tulip is very unusual species belongs to the group of simple late
It's time to collect bulbs
Terry tulips are early (15-30 cm height), with large flowers and late-pionic shapes (30-60cm or more). The first is distinguished by long blossom.

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs
Prolesta prefers shady spaces, loose and wet drained soil

Having admiring the lush to the middle of the summer, gradually forget about the favorites of spring-bulbous plants in the Earth imperceptibly pluled. Avteda End of June- Start of July is the best time to dig bulbs and prepare them for the future season.

Spring bulbous plants fill the garden with bright joyful paints, while Nature has not yet aroused by winter sleep. An early of them-Melcukovichny and Clubneelukovichnaya, the unrefined number of species and varieties of plants from the family of Lily, Amarillic, Casatikov. Despite the external tenderness and fragility, they are all extremely enduring. Blooming one of the first, these plants are able to transfer even strong frosts and snowfalls, and the wintering bulbs withstand frosts to -30c.

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

The most beloved spring guests of our Narcissus and Tulips Gardens.

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

1. Unusual Muskari Muscari Blue Color (left) and Anemone.

2. Blue Muscari form a wide river.

3. Snow-white "drifts" on the shores of the stream is not snow, but groups of daffodils.

After snowing snow, elegant snowdrops appear (hanalentes). Their white drop-shaped or bell flowers are swaying on thin blooms with a height of 10-20 cm. Then the gentle colors comes: the buds of blue and white prolescles (scill) are revealed, crocuses are broken with lilac, yellow and white glades. Muskari, Luke, Hionodoxes, Iridodikioma, Poulhrylashchers, Crested, Candy Decorate Spring Gardens. Fields of primroses - and immediately bloom to the later bulbous. The latter with a giant lilac balls gigantic balls are replaced. Comes turn of hyacinths, daffodils and tulips ...

Multidian daffodils

Who is not familiar with this elegant proud flower? But not everyone knows how diverse the daffodils and in height (5-70cm), and in appearance: their flowers are large and small, single and in inflorescences, reprehensive and drooping, simple and terry, with various shape and long crown. Among the varietal daffodils, besides the usual white and yellow, apricot, orange and the most rare pink and red.

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

A large variety of species of narcissus makes it easy to choose suitable for conceived compositions.

It's time to collect bulbs

All daffodils smell perfectly. The strongest pleasant aroma with a small size of the flower in jarkilliyev, talents, poetic and cyclamenia.

The best time for landing is considered the middle of August (until September). The Dutch recommend planting the bulbs immediately after digging, after separating the kids. It protects them from drying during storage and makes it possible to develop a powerful root system to frosts. Such plants bloom perfectly in spring. (The same applies to many other bully, except tulips and hyacinths.)

How to plant bulbous

It's time to collect bulbs

In Holland, use a multi-level way to landing bulbs into containers. Such a "trick" allows to extend the life of decorative compositions, admire the change of flowering plants and various color combinations. It seems of the middle strip, it is mostly applicable for wounds of a bulk. The essence of the principle of planting bulbs, various color and flowering time, tiers. On the lower-late, on top-early. Here are two examples of the selection of species and varieties of plants.

Yellow and orange plants:

A-Narcissa Hawra (25 pcs.); B-hyacinths Gypsy Queen (9 pcs.).

Red and white plants:

LEEN VAN DER MARK A-Tulips (15 pcs.); B-hyacinths Jan Bos (9 pcs.); B-crocuses Jeanne d'Arc (30 pcs.).

Care is to loosen the soil, watering as needed (for the entire depth of rooting roots-30cm). You need to feed plants 4 times: during the period of mass germs, bootonization, blossom-nitrophoska (60-70 g / l per 1m2) and after the end of flowering-phosphoric (2 parts) and potash (1 part) fertilizer, only 50-60 g / l to 1m2.

You can dig bulk when the leaves of plants begin to turn yellow, without waiting for their complete withering, since certain groups of narcissus begins the formation of new roots, which are easy to damage.

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

Among the many varieties of fringe tulips, there are early, firmware and late, some of them are suitable for pastures. It is believed that these tulips are especially spectacular in the cut. You need to plant them in such a way that you can approach the colors close, because there are supermarket varieties among them who want to consider from close range.

It's time to collect bulbs

Kings of the Spring Garden

Tulips-all favorite flowers affecting the beauty and variety of shape and color. The suspension of this kind, belonging to the Lily family, there are more than 150 species and 5.5 thousand varieties.

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

Tulips of a glasswall or oval shape have the most diverse color.

For flowering tulips, sufficiently lit places protected from cold winds are needed, and lightweight, well-drained, better sampling of fertile soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline level of acidity. With a lack of moisture, the soil should be water.

The rooting of tulips is better at 5-7c, so in the middle lane the optimal duration of the landing is considered the period from September 15 to October 5. The bulbs are also very important in time - when the leaves will begin shirt and soak. Distened and purified from the old scales of the onion of the first month are stored at 22-25. (The main reason why the bulbs annually dig up and kept warm, is that the flower kidney in the tulip is laid at that temperature.)

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

Surprisingly beautiful bright floral carpets on the smooth green greenery. Both in large, and in small gardens, there are more spectacular, if planted with large groups. It is also important to successfully choose the plants in the form of a flower, height, coloring and flowering timing

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

It's time to collect bulbs

Blooming meadow

Lukovy-ideal plants to create a corner of the "wildlife" in the garden. They quickly multiply and look naturally, "spilling", like streams, according to the greenery of the lawn. Trees, shrubs - not a hindrance of a blooming lawn. Plants flowing earlier than trees dress up thick foliage. Very well bright bulbous looks on the background of coniferous and in the water. Of these, it is easy to create topical, solemn compositions. Narcissus, Ryabchiki, Luke, Crocuses, all Mulecukovichny can grow in one place for 3-5 years, and sometimes longer, without requiring special care and glad us every spring.

It's time to collect bulbs

The fallout of bulbous plants into containers allows you to create original decorative compositions in the garden (and they are easily replaced when the plants are flowing). But it should be borne in mind that in the conditions of the middle strip and the northern districts it is possible to freeze the bulbs

The editors thanks Irina Kotenko, the assistant to the head of the representative office of the Netherlands Bureau for the support of agribusiness, for consultation.

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