Place ... place? A place!


Tips that will help you when choosing a place for a country house. Possible consequences of improper purchase of a plot in Russia.

Place ... place? A place! 13219_1

Place ... place? A place!

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In a plot of 6-20 acres, it is wise to build a brusade or frame house with an area of ​​40-150m2
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Common Country Country House will require a plot of 20-30 acres
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Even before buying a house, thoroughly find out all the nuances with communications: is it possible to connect whether any permissions are needed for this how much it costs
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LEP in many areas remained since the time of collective farm houses. Electricity consumption now has increased dramatically
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Status of poles and networks of power transmission - first of all the question of your personal safety
Place ... place? A place!
In the housekeeper cottage or in Townhouse you can stay constantly. For the price they are comparable to the city apartment
Place ... place? A place!
Going to get a country house, be prepared to gather a huge pile paper

It happens like this: the construction of a cottage or country house ended, and only then the owners understand that there are many serious mistakes. However, much will fixable, only allowed time and money. It is impossible to change only one circumstance is the wrong choice of land.

Known saying "It is not a place to paint a person, but a man's place." Mattering rustic construction Russian wisdom is not entirely right. For most buyers, space surrounding the future house is more important than when choosing an apartment. A beautiful building can be "killed" an unsightly place. In turn, a decent place will increase the prestige (and cost) of the most ordinary building.

How to find a place under the sun?

An inexperienced person is difficult to quickly acquire a land plot. We will have to get acquainted with many diverse offers. The entrance of countless views from you can be tired as realtors and your own family. You will realize that with a huge choice of good offers almost no. As a significant amount of new information is obtained, a change in the origin of the target, a decrease in requests or orientation to another price category. It is impossible to choose the land in absentia by photographs or description. Often in the villages adjacent to each other, the cost of the weave varies 2-3 times!

It is much easier for people buying real estate for the first time and having experience in the city.

What is important in the world?

The famous phrase reads: "Three things have paramount importance when buying a house: a place, place and once again." Indeed, you can tear the old house and in its place to build a new one, but you can not transfer the ready building to another site. Often, when choosing a country real estate, people think little about all sorts of technical and legal issues. Choose heart: I like it or dislike. Isel lose your head buyers, looking after a plot for the construction of the first house, because they are looking for their dream! Before mental gaze, heavenly bush and Manilov Palaces, capable of observing the real brick, reinforced concrete or wood.

The sacrifier is true one, the realtor is the other, and the builder may have several of them. The buyer is forced to acquire an incredible set of problems for their own money, but at the same time he receives invaluable experience. Let's try to learn about other people's mistakes.

Brilliance and poverty Voronene Slobodki

This problem, unfortunately, can clearly appear after the house is built. Everything seems to be good, legally clean, warm and light, but for some reason it does not please ... sometimes the reason is the lower standards of accommodation than those that you expected initially. But the opposite situation is also likely to disappoint your requirements and financial capabilities to a higher level of environment.

Consider the question on the real example of one country village (the author's personal experience). This type of cottage "conglomerates" can be chlestically called the crowded lobby. B90s. Xxv. The state has allocated the land to the Earth to the staff of one serious power structure in the prestigious Moscow region. The tricks reigned an incredible mixing of styles and levels of life. The dimensions of the sections ranged in the range of 9-50 acres. Houses suitable only under demolition, adjacent to expensive buildings. Side by side stood country sheds, townhouses, good cottages and expensive suburban dwellings. There was even an unfinished palace ... Japriended real estate here for a long time, still not having due experience, and realtors about the upcoming problems "tactfully" silent. Having read on the brand "Firms" - the founder of the cooperative, he was much calculated ... There was no order in the village, the old-timers were divided into two warrant camps, one of whom was outraged by the absence of the chairman supported by another clan. The passive majority sluggishly voted "for", as if they were not disturbed.

From here it follows that first of all you need to look for the appropriate environment. You wish to retire to calmly cultivate the garden and plant flowers, pick up the old good garden cooperative for yourself. Need a house of economical or business level- Look for the village for the middle class. If revenues allow, do not save, buy the land in the elite village. As you can see, it is necessary not only to choose the direction and distance from the city, but also clearly define the type of village. Otherwise, everything will suffer.

One thing is to visit the site that you are going to buy, on Sunday, along with the realtor, but it is quite another one every day to overcome the exhausting path in the peak hours. A dry summer or frozen winter dirt road can be completely impassible for half a year. Who would have thought that in 10km from the Moscow Ring Road, turning from the European quality highway, it was easy to get on the race track "Paris-Dakar"! It was originally an acceptable road. But the construction of kamaz drove in the district in a couple of years. Road repair turned into a long-term scope with an attempt to extort money with the same Chair.

Everything has its place

If you need a good cottage lodge, it is reasonable to choose a plot not closer to 50km from the city. Acceptable prices for land, inexpensive connection to communications (if they exist), picturesque nature, silence ... minus - a long road. But daily traffic jams arise closer to the city feature. Yes, and endure the road once a week easier. Be prepared to overcome the difficult "last 100 meters" path.

Under the individual cottage it is preferable to buy 10-25 acres at a distance of 20-30km from the city. Townhouses require a small block of Earth - only 2-5 acres, but the total area is ineffectively used in this type of buildings, since the size of the stairs and staircases often take more than 50% of the area of ​​such a "multi-level apartment". A comparable probability of the house of this category may be frame or made of timber, bricks, foam concrete or ceramic blocks.

Realtors will say that the remoteness of the house for permanent residence at 30km from the city is a good option. But you can hardly like to spend a couple of hours every day to get to work. Personal experience says that the optimal distance is 10-15km, with the exception of some particularly odious highway, where every extra kilometer becomes a problem.

Most people by walking in the newly built house, immediately begin to think about new, the experience of many newcomers shows. Therefore, it is not at all galloping in advance to plan the opportunity to pay the money not yet erected. Real estate is implemented not only in the case of bankruptcy and the need to give debts. A good house is sold on the crest of success, having bought even more prestigious or suitable. Immediately appreciate the acquisition of the land plot and the construction of the house-cottage not as the embodiment of his own dreams called common sense and financial intelligence, but as a normal business project. You invest money in real estate. Even if the land price is not growing infinitely, as it is now, then, having bought and bringing to mind, the unprocessed "piece of the Moscow region", you will with your own hands make it well-maintained, and therefore more expensive (and the construction will be completed next door). The higher the trees will grow on your Earth, the higher the price you can sell the site. The pure field is unlikely to like to potential buyers, but a forest or a good garden significantly increases the value of the Earth, especially for an expensive home.

Imagine that six houses form a mini-village of 1 hectare with a common external fence and automatic gate. This village is sharply different from the surrounding, unevenly built-up villages, being a harmonious and pleasant residence. Since there are no internal fences and eyes sees all the houses immersing in greenery at once, the effect of a huge dear territory arises. The owner of one house loves horticulture and gets great pleasure from him. He managed to infect his passion and neighbors. Vitoga instead of the naked "collective farm" fields formed a beautiful landscape and an artificial pond.

Because without water ...

If you buy the land for the construction of cottages (to rest in the summer on weekends), then the issue of communications is not so important. Once a week you can bring water with you by car. Winter heating (for example, gas) is not required, sewage drains are not so much (nature will digest). The house designed for permanent residence will require a more serious approach.

Be vigilant, as the information received from your temporary deal partners is sometimes misleading. B1999g. Realtor of a famous company told me that, together with a plot and home, only 100m from the Klyazmin reservoir I will receive all communications. Ion was almost right. The power line passes near the house, but you need to give the intermediary a bundle of bills for connecting. The gas pipe is located on the opposite side of the road, but the package of money the intermediary should be twice. There is a well on the site, shallow (in the sand) and abandoned, - I had to drill the artesian and put an expensive technique with cleaning equipment. Ito still luck! There are people who can not connect water, gas and electricity in prestigious villages. Why? Yes, so many houses have previously connected earlier that there has been a shortage of resources! And no bribes here will help. The problem can be solved, only spent a lot of money - put your own communication networks. Popular villages, located near the Moscow Ring Road (up to 20-30km), are quite often like "illness". But how to agree on the need to invest hundreds of thousands of rubles with a grandmother-pensioner growing potatoes on their garden?

Check out the availability of subscriber books and treaties with Mosoblenergo, Mosoblgaz and other organizations. Make sure that the electrical power is sufficient, and the diameter of the gas pipe allows the modern boiler with fuel. The construction of a new house in this case will need to be issued as the reconstruction of the old (or not to execute), because obtaining permission to the new structure will be strengthened into the same bureaucratic wall. Check the meter testimony with the latest payment made (it is better to call service providers). Check if the number number matches with the contract specified in the contract. Do you think it is too? It also happens that the buyer acquires a house with unpaid accounts for light and gas from a construction company (with the mediation of realtors), the amount of which is 15 thousand rubles. After all, during construction, a lot of energy is spent on the heating of the "box", and the water is poured with tons!

After making a deal, you need to go to the relevant organizations and renew the contracts. It is fast enough and free. True, it should be borne in mind that, together with the change of the owner, the phone number is lost. But with the modern development of communications technology, the phone is not a problem. There are many options, cheaper (even taking into account bribes) and with the best quality than the old cable.

You can try to do without minima, because I really want to build your dream! In the fall, an old friend turned to me, who asked to help with heating in a brusade house with an area of ​​120m2. Five years ago he was able to connect only electricity. The thing did not live constantly, and the radiators worked with a minimum power so that only do not freeze the structure. It was up to 5 thousand rubles for heating in winter. per month! As soon as the hopes for gasification appeared, he immediately turned to me for the advice on the selection and installation of boiler equipment. Through parties, the cost of heat decreased to 500 rubles. per month.

By purchasing a plot, do not rely on the words of realtors, check the documents. It is advisable to bypass the neighbors and find out the real state of affairs. Here is an example of my bitter experience. Gas pipe is available, there is a connection, but in a pipe is very low pressure due to the huge number of connected consumers. Most of the imported gas boilers do not work at a pressure of 3-5 mbar, and those that still have somehow function, quickly burn the burners and drops sharply.

The situation is relatively well in commercial villages, where the land "from scratch" is cut into the plots, build the road, create infrastructure, supply networks. Last places land are usually sold with all communications, and their quality is at a decent level. Lack one: higher price. But if you plan to build a good house, then this is the right choice.

Who would have thought...

Sometimes reasons for discontent jump unexpectedly and unpleasantly, like devils from tobacco. ONE Human mind is powerless. Examples can be given a lot. Here is the village of Troitsky on the Klyazmin reservoir: a seating area, a good road, all communications. But there is one significant disadvantage that manifested only at the first night. Sheremetyevo Airport is far enough, but the planes enter the landing precisely above the large water, albeit not above the head itself. Avteda Country life on noise comfort is sharply different from the urban, where there is a buzz of the motorway, rattle the garbage chute, the elevator moves, the neighboring children play. We no longer notice this, as the sounds merge into a single background and the brain filters unnecessary. The city is also heard almost silent ticking of the gas meter in the basement, the thermal expansion-compression of the radiator becomes similar to the shot, and the neighbor's dog can lead to the "War of the Worlds". Those sounds that were not visible during construction, later become a reason for finding a new ideal place ...

Accustomed to urban conditions, people sometimes just forget to think about their family. If the wife and beloved mother-in-law do not have personal cars, they automatically turn into hermows. The area without comfortable and varied transport routes (a regular bus or an electric train) is not suitable for permanent life and may well cause a divorce. In addition, there is a risk of banal hunger due to the lack of a shopping "walking distance" ... or: a few happy years have been held in a new house, the child will grow up ... Ivdrug will find out that there is no kindergarten in the area, and a decent school. That's the reason for finding a new place ...

Sometimes it happens: the pastoral view from the slide on a collective farm field and peacefully grazing cows from the windows of the house suddenly replaces a couple of years in a huge construction. The developer has acquired a collective farm and builds an elite settlement. Frames noise at a construction site, owners of neighboring houses win, acquiring a luxurious neighbor, and the price of land increases. But in volatile Russia with the same success, waking up in the morning, it is possible to detect the construction of a more unpleasant structure. Suppose, next to the highway next year, a shopping and entertainment center will be erected with large parking lots. It is unlikely that it will like the buyers of luxury housing!

This is fundamentally different from civilized countries, where the authorities clearly regulate the development conditions. Anyone has the right to familiarize themselves with the plans for a distant future. Here is an example, as the suburbs in Cyprus are engaged. Having placed the specified amount for the local municipality for the site and concluding a contract with the Bank for lending to construction (under the percentage, incomparably smaller than mortgage in Russia), the owner receives roads and communications. Agenous, he is confident that in the neighborhood with him, nothing will be built - wide strip of earth between the streets of the village are forever reserved behind the grass and trees. Involve such a contract can ruin the municipality!

Earth and law

If the realtor begins to prove the benefit of buying poorly executed real estate, do not give in to persuasion! Order in the document and care of the owner. By purchasing land with the encumbrance (or not knowing about him), you risk to face the impossibility of building a house in the coastal strip or the presence of village communications in the very place where your dream house should stand. The need to provide the neighbors the right of servitude (if access to their homes is possible only through your honestly purchased area) requires a drain of the strip for the passage of other people's cars. On your land and for your accounts!

The legal position of the Earth or is easy to reveal at the first serious study. If there is a certificate of state registration of property rights and it does not indicate encumbrances, and when selling real estate (with the obligatory compilation of the contract of sale and re-issuance of property rights), there were no processes (for example, a deposit or a valid litigation, say, with Rosprirodnadzor or Mosvodokanal), then everything is fine. You are a law-abiding and conscientious acquirer, the law on your side. Even if "pop up" the facts of frauds with the Earth, who had one or two or three buyers ago, they will not force the court to violate your rights.

In order to avoid complaints, it is necessary to comply with all legal norms when purchasing: learn whether the rights of children and spouse of the seller are not infringed (should be a power of attorney) IT.D. It is more dangerous to buy real estate at the owner, but at his representative with power of attorney. Protection of protection against possible claims of the former property owner with conversations that the power of attorney was canceled by them or a week before the transaction, demand from the representative a fresh power of attorney. It does not prevent the design of the transaction for the real amount, especially since this fact does not threaten this fact. With the purchase and sale of an inexpensive area to hide the present value, it does not make sense even to the seller.

Tax on sale can be 1-15%; If the seller owns the property for more than 3 years, then it is released from the tax. Due to the complexity of the law and the set of conditions, it is recommended to consult in the tax inspection. If you are confused by communication with this organization, you can send a written request (by the way, it guarantees a more detailed and accurate answer in a month time) or pay a lawyer's advice. Pointing in the documents the true price of the site, the seller will receive a "white" cash amount, which will be unlikely to declare the subsequent official purchase. If the seller will stubborn, demand from him at least a handwritten receipt about getting the full amount of money. The amount must be indicated in rubles or in foreign currency with the mandatory reservation: "At the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the time of payment." The receipt in which we are talking about dollars or the euro, according to Russian laws is not proof for the court.

Modern legislation is very clearly stipulates the terms of the transaction. Therefore, it would be the most secure as possible if it were not for the love of Russian citizens to the Black Nal and banking cells. But here, not everything is so bad if it is not necessary to make a contract with the bank on the condition of the seller's access to the cell (upon presentation of a registered contract of sale). If the transaction accidentally broke or transferred, do not be lazy to change the cell that has become known to the seller.

Experience suggests that a hurry is the best way to lose money. Somehow under pressure from circumstances I happened to make a cash pledge late in the evening. But the next morning after a detailed study of the documents, it was found that the real estate has serious burdens that put the rationality of a perfect purchase questioned. According to the law, the buyer who refused the transaction loses the full amount of the collateral - it goes to the compensation to the seller. To return the solid pledge, it was necessary to attract paid assistants. Ito despite the obvious desinformation of the seller and the default of the realtor.

So my main advice: be vigilant! Both the seller, and realtor, and the lawyer can be volunteer or involuntarily mistake, and you will have to pay for the misses. Do not worry that you will be misunderstood, check the legal side of the issue several times.

B2006g. Significantly increased land taxes. Relief areas of the Moscow region they rose 4-12 times! In any civilized country, such actions of the authorities would immediately lead to demonstrations and protests. For example, a tax on a plot of 12 acres for individual housing construction in the village of Troitskoy, Mytishchinsky district is 2050 rubles, that is, 4 times increased. The country cooperative in the Odintsovo district was agreed by the tax inspection sent notifications in the amount of more than 47 thousand rubles. For the same 12 acres. However, it soon became clear that the tax authorities were mistaken and about 9.3 thousand rubles will actually pay .- tax rose 12 times! Many sighed freely, but also this "reduced" amount turned out to be unbearable for pensioners.

Sometimes it happens that the employees of tax inspections, without having good legal and training, are mistaken with the accrual of real estate taxes, illegal require extra charges or expose illegal fines. Do not be afraid to check and challenge the actions of tax authorities, especially since low taxes in Russia have passed. Buying real estate, be sure to think about state claims, now we have much more expensive than abroad. Or choose a more profitable area in terms of tax payments, in the fiscal sense of the village is preferable to the garden partnership.

Need help from a specialist. Do you need?

Any normal person considers it necessary to seek help from professional realtors. But the style of the work of most real estate firms can be reduced to the following: hire a large number of youth without work experience, instead of a normal salary - percentage of a hypothetical transaction. Interns are given to the spontaneous customers. The result will be brought to knead dirt into the place that the agent did not bother to see and evaluate independently. The agent is not able to respond to most questions and does not know the situation in the district, this is the norm. Many are simply not able to understand customer requirements. As a former student, shooting a room in a communal or living in Khrushchev, can estimate the location and quality of the construction of the house at least a business class? To understand the buyer, you need to get up in his place and go through the expected path.

More or less successfully manages to work with suburban real estate to small firms or private agents. Smart realtors prefer to specialize in one-two directions. A good agent must constantly keep his hand on the pulse, tracking the fleeting changes, - sometimes the plots seem to be in one place (plus-minus 300-500m) at a price vary quite significantly. But the best realtors, who thoroughly know the Moscow region, often work on the principle of "bulletin board". Interested in the commission, and it is desirable double and from the seller, and from the buyer, they will not check all legal nuances and especially ensure the quality of construction. But promised, they will say everything that you want to hear. Away the subsequent appearance of an angry buyer will simply forget about their promises. Moreover, the underground contract has a feature to be destroyed after the "successful" transaction.

How to be? What to do?

Well, how, dear reader? Badly frightened? Or hope for the best? Your right. Many buyers sometimes remember: "We wanted to believe in the best ..." If you are satisfied with the builders and realtors, it means that it was not yet time to detect the "skeleton in the closet", or you have understated requirements. The chance of trouble-free, deprived of the unpleasant consequences is quite small than 10%! Of course, if you do not acquire a simple garden.

This article is only an attempt to show the possible consequences of incorrect purchases in Russia, a country with an undeveloped real estate market. Pay maximum deals, check any information and all documents. "The salvation of the immentable is the work of the hands of the people themselves" - the Immortal Council of the Republic of Timber of the Domestic Business. It is impossible to in absentia to tell about all cases and predict all possible problems. We just want to convince you to seriously treat the task of the right choice of place for your dream home.

The editors thanks the expert Vladimir Chernomashentsev for help in the preparation of the article.

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