Montage of mansard windows: types of structures, manufacturing materials


Ozor salary for mansard windows: types of designs, opening systems, installation methods, special salaries for different installation options.

Montage of mansard windows: types of structures, manufacturing materials 13230_1

Decent framing
Roto Frank.
Decent framing
An attic aluminum window is a separate design - frame with a sash, which is simply embedded in the "cell" of aluminum profiles

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Decent framing
Wooden windows (FAKRO): A- deaf segment; B- open along the top axis
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Window with protective copper lining for copper roofs

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Mansard windows from PVC (Roto Frank)
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In the finished roof, the mansard window is mounted from the room

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Ready thermal insulation belt Xwt (a) and outer hydraulic insulating "Apron" XDP (b)

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Some of the designed velux options for fitting the rafter design:

A- with a step of a rafted 5-10 cm more windows width;

B - with a step raftered on 10-30cm more windows width;

in the next step on 10 cm less required

Decent framing

Decent framing
Fakro salary for flat roofing:

1- lower salary;

2-side element;

3- Upper salary element;

4- Klimmer fastening

Decent framing

Decent framing
Fakro salary for profiled roofing:

1- lower element with "Apron";

2-side element;

3- upper element;

4- klimmer;

5- Watering Planck;

6- Protective foam wedge

Decent framing
Thanks to the sides, water does not spread over the side profile, but only down
Decent framing

The area of ​​windows must be at least 12% of the area of ​​the attic

Decent framing
Decent framing

Special salary for installing an attic window in a flat roof allows you to abandon the use of a more expensive design, light lamp

Decent framing

Decent framing

The use of an auxiliary wooden glued slcrile beam EDY (A) and a special dual EBW / EBS salary (b) allows to reduce the distance between window boxes to the minimum possible- 18mm

Decent framing
An example of a combined installation in the roof of three cornisky windows at once
Decent framing
Decent framing

1- salary to the window for the roof;

2 connecting element;

3 isolation pad;

4- elements of the protection of the cornisic window;

5- lateral drainage;

6- Foreign Planck;

7- Metal Flooded Cover

Decent framing
The proposed VELUX combination of the cornese and skate salaries replaces the transparent design of aluminum
Decent framing

We combine four windows in a group equipped with Eew / EES salary, which resemble eaves, and not even a balcony, but an unintentable terrace

Decent framing
New Roto Frank- Shuttle "Day - Night"

Conventional windows give the opportunity to communicate with the surviving in the house. But there are special windows facing the sky, attic. Who knows, perhaps, their appointment - help people establish contact with the sun, moon, stars? Let this question everyone decides for himself. We will tell about how to install such windows and special salary for them.

Decent framing
Velux since the view in the article "overlooking the sky" the scale of the use of attic windows increased, now they are equipped with at least 50% of houses under construction. This and not surprisingly installing the roof of the roof of a mansard window costs 1.5-2rrrons cheaper than the device in it is luxurious under the vertical window, and the light it misses much more. Slipping with an increase in demand The mansard window market has expanded and has changed, and quite strongly. Isaoy mainly - there is no such company that would not suggest any new way to install these products, so there are many options, and the corresponding salary has been developed for each of them. That is why our review is dedicated not to so much by the windows themselves as the salary. But let's go about everything in order.

Where did the market "gone"?

As you know, mansard windows are special, they are released only specializing in this enterprise. Loss up to 2006 Not so many producers of this product were presented: Fakro, Oman (Oblasp), Onduline (France), Roto Frank (Germany), Velux (Denmark) and the only domestic firm "OKKO".

Decent framing

Custom windows and salaries of non-standard form B2007g. There was significant changes in the market. As we were reported in the representation of the company Onduline, the windows of the roof "Ondulin Euro" are not supplied to us. Alleged with the prohibition of importation from Poland products from wood (the reasons for this remained unknown to us) Deliveries and windows Oman (by the way, the sale of warehouse residues is now, and with a big discount), as well as on the territory of this country of the wooden windows of the Roto Frank (on the market Only plastic mansard windows manufactured in Germany will remain in Germany). As for Fakro windows, they remain with us- The company organized production in Ukraine. I can not withstand price competition, refills and also sells the latest products from OKKO. Thus, manufacturers in our market remained only three: Velux, Roto Frank and Fakro.

Now that we clearly know whose products can be purchased by moving to specific.

Such different windows

The design of any of the listed firms consists of two components: the window itself, more precisely, the frame with the opening flap and the so-called salary, by which the window will be built into a particular roof. For the beginning, a few words about the windows themselves.

Materials. Until 2002 The windows were made exclusively from a set-glued timber treated with antiseptic and varnished coated. B2003g. The first attic windows for wet premises made using polymers appeared on the market. So, Velux began producing windows from a special plywood, protecting it rather thick polyurethane coating. In the same year, Roto introduced the first plastic mansard windows. In the spring of 2007 Start the release of windows from PVC and FAKRO company.

Decent framing
Wooden indoor plated windows of polyurethane for wet rooms and light interiors are similar to plastic (velux) outside frame and window sash, regardless of the material, protect aluminum lining coated with polymer paint. Their color of all firms are universal - gray-brown, but under the order they all paint the lining in any shade on the RAL scale.

There are still mansard windows from the so-called warm aluminum profile. It is a pity that these almost eternal products are intended only for installation in structures from the same "warm" profile - produce them without salary, and therefore it is difficult to embed such windows into the usual roof. In our opinion, manufacturers should think about this issue.

Methods of opening and model. The sash of the "classic" attic window rotates on special loops, fixed by its sides, about the middle in height (the so-called average axis). You can rotate the sash at 0-135 and even at 180 (in the windows of different manufacturers, the maximum angle varies), fixing in any of the positions (for example, for washing the outer side), or completely remove from the frame. It should be borne in mind that the device "classic" windows of different firms is similar only in general - there are differences in the location of the opening handle (at the bottom of the sash - at Fakro and Roto Frank, at the top of Velux), in the design of loops, accessories, the number of locking points IT.D .

Decent framing
A mansard window with an axis of rotation at 3/4 of its height (Roto Frank) is more "advanced" windows with a combined opening system: in the middle axis ("Classic") and upper. To switch the mechanism from one axis to another, an additional handle can be provided. In addition, there are simpler and cheap windows (open only on the upper or side axis) that perform the function of emergency outputs to the roof, smoke derivatives (open automatically due to the smoke sensors) and so-called windows and hatches for cold attic.

Another kind of deaf attic windows, which are of different shapes: rectangular, triangular and even segmented. You can combine them in various ways with opening, however, they are somewhat more expensive than the latter, as they are not massive.

Dimensions of mansard windows fluctuate from 7855 to 160134cm (each company has its own standard sizes), the price is 5050-8350 rubles.

Installing the window

Since the installation of all windows in principle is carried out almost the same, we will examine in detail only actions with a single window. Blood braced is the easiest to mount the window, which is 2-5 cm. The same distance between the rafyles. If you wish, you can install the windows of any size, making a simple fitting of the rafter design (the methods recommended for this by VELUX are shown in the drawings).

Klowropylami or to the velux power elements installed when fitting the power elements offers to mount the window using special elements. Ufakro on this score there is a special opinion: ordinary windows can be attached not only to the rafters, but also to the crate. The last option simplifies the work, as in the case when the window is much less than the step of the rafter, the said fit is not needed. True, the company does not recommend establishing large windows to the crate - they are better to mount them to the rafters (we hope that the Masters-installer of the company has more specific recommendations on this basis).

Decent framing
Fakro offers an option of installing a small attic window on short cuts of a wooden crate after fixing the gap between the frame and rapid legs by analogy with ordinary windows it is necessary to insulate and protect with vapor insulation from the inside and moisture insulation outside. These tasks, of course, can be solved with the help of building materials: to be put into the gap of the mineral wool insulation (but in no case to marry it), closing it on top of moisture insulating, and by reducing membrane films. However, it is easier to apply special elements (in the Fakro catalog, for some reason they are called salary), which are in the assortment of all three firms.

For the outer waterproofing of the windows, already outproed "Aprons" from the moisture insulating vapor-permeable material (FAKRO-model XDP, VELUX-BDX 2000), which remains only to rush to the frame of the brackets, using the stapler. The cost of "apron" is not very high, about 1 thousand rubles.

Warm window can be used with special thermal insulation belts (Velux-model BDX 2000, FAKRO-model XwT). This frame from foamed polyethylene, which is inserted into the roof clearance before installing the window (Velux) or put on the frame from the room side and mounted along with it (FAKRO). UROTO is a method of insulation: the thermal insulation frame is applied to the window outside and covered with moisture under the underpants the underfloor membrane.

For vaporizolation of internal slopes, there are also special "aprons" (FAKRO-XDS, VELUX-BBX) - they are glued to the frame with butyl sealant, and with wall vapor insulation are connected by sticking ribbon (glue and tape are included in the kit). Price - 500 rubles. Roto proposes to perform steamers of slopes with the same material that was used for walls, and then connect with a short "apron" (about 100mm wide), pasted around the perimeter of the plastic window at the factory.

The slopes from the inside are decorated with the help of ready-made "boxes" (in Velux-model LSC from MDF, in Fakro-model XLW and XLP from chipboard), the price of which, depending on the size of the size, 4-7 thousand rubles.

It remains to protect the mounted construction from rain and other moisture - this task and is designed to solve the salary of the window.


Decent framing

The color of protective linings and salary of the window can be selected under the color of the roof in the manufacturers of manufacturers salaries are highlighted in a special line, that is, they sell as if separate from the windows themselves. This means that you choose at first attic windows of the desired size, design, type of opening and only after that, suitable salary. It must correspond to the type of roofing material on the roof, as well as the method and location of the window or a combination of several windows. That is, you need to purchase a kit. Just do not think that the window you can buy one company, and the salary is different. Each company produces kits "for themselves" - about interchangeability and speech can not be.

Salary for a single window. It is a special prefabricated design that eliminates moisture penetration inside the room and is a wastewater system. This implies that the salary is maximally adapted to the type of roofing material.

The salary consists of four profiled elements: upper, two side and lower. It is the form of profiles that helps to solve the task of removal of water: the upper element meets the flow, current on the roof, and directs it to the side elements that provide the flow direction strictly from top to bottom (but not aside); Lower - displays water to the roof, entering the side elements and from the surface of the window. The salaries do, as a rule, from the same material as the frame lining, that is, from aluminum, and stain in the same color.

All manufacturers produce salaries of several types: for smooth roofing materials (tin, copper, soft bitumen tile IT.D.); For profile materials with a wave height up to 50 and even up to 80mm (slate, metal tile, natural tile IDR); For materials with a wave height of more than 80mm (they are used quite rarely, and salaries are brought exclusively under the order). Saves are distinguished by the presence of the so-called "apron" - parts of the lower element. Principles for smooth roofing materials "Apron" is also smooth; It is made of aluminum sheet and is a continuation of the bottom plane of the profile. It is corrugated and made either from the composite material (two layers of aluminum with a polymer between the Nimi-Roto Frank), or from lead (Fakro, Velux). Another difference: the upper element is supplemented with a drainage plank, side-protective foam wedges installed under the roofing elements hanging over the salary. The salaries for low-profile materials have a shorter "apron" for high-profile - longer. Salary for profiled roofing costs about 30-40% more than for smooth.

Ufakro has both special salaries-ELV and ELJ- for the so-called scaly roofing (slate IT.P.). Their side parties are assembled from individual elements, each of which is placed together with the "scaly" coatings (the upper element of the bottom). They are intended for a single installation on roofing with an angle of inclination 15-90. The price is the same as the ordinary salary, but delivery only under the order.

Decent framing

The deeper the window is recessed in the roof, the smaller it freezes the in winter, one nuance, which is characteristic solely by salary for Fakro windows. The company provides the ability to choose one of the three levels of depth of installation of its windows in the roof plane: standard, as well as 3 cm deeper or higher than the standard (the deeper the window "sits" the window, the warmer and less stands out on the plane of the roofing rod), offering for each case Suitable salary. For the standard installation option in the warehouse, there are permanent, and for the rest they will have to be ordered. Other firms produce salaries to install only one depth. Perhaps such unequal approaches are the consequence of the fact that the frames in the roof are fixed in various ways (the difference is determined by the height of the bars of the crate).

Salaries for roofs from copper and zinc-titanium. It is clear that aluminum salaries on the roof, covered with copper or zinc-titanium, do not set: these materials, in contacting in the presence of moisture, form a galvanic pair, and as a result of electrochemical corrosion and salary, and the roof next to it will be "eaten". Therefore, manufacturers offer salaries made from the corresponding roof material. They cost about 80% more expensive aluminum. It is clear that together with such a salary, it is necessary to purchase and the window with the corresponding lining, which will cost an average of 30% more expensive.

Salary for the roof with a small angle of inclination. For cases when the angle of inclination of the roof is less than permissible (15-20), companies produce special salaries, allowing to increase the angle of inclination of the window plane relative to the roof slope by 10-12 (Roto-15). Ufakro is the EA model, VLUX-Types EAS and EAW, Roto- type "+ 15". It is worth such a salary about 5 times more expensive. Its use is justified for the roofs with an angle of inclination 15-35, as it improves the overview.

Velux and Fakro went even further by developing special systems for the installation of mansard windows into flat roofs: the window is supplemented by a pyramid-shaped box with a rectangular base, the top of which is cut at an angle 19 (Velux) or 15 (FAKRO). They produce it from waterproof plywood with a special coating and supply special salary. Cost - 14-19 thousand rubles. Depending on the size of the selected window.

Salaries for combined installation. If you are not satisfied with the illumination created by a single window, in a row with it (horizontally or vertically) you can install a few more windows. True, there will be significant intervals between them, and the feeling of unity of the window design may not occur. Those who want to achieve this is worth paying attention to special combined salaries, with which the windows have two, three. At the same time, the distance between the windows placed horizontally will be only 100mm, and vertically 180mm. Such salaries offer all three manufacturers in a fairly wide spectrum of options, which allows you to combine the windows of both one and different sizes, as well as install opening windows in combination with deaf, including figured (triangular IT.P.). The cost of the combined salary is calculated based on the price of the required number of single plus 10-15%.

Decent framing

Skate salaries designed to install two windows opposite each other through a hat, can also be combined Special salaries for paired windows. The horizontal salas of EBD / EBS (VELUX) are horizontally, the distance between the windows will be only 18mm. The secret lies in the use of the original wooden glued beam, consisting of three parts: two are attached to "their" window frames, and they fasten them. It is clear that such a beam needs to be embedded in a rafter system in advance. The cost of this salary is 3.6-7.5 thousand rubles; It depends on the size of the windows and the magnitude of the "Wave" of the roof.

FAKRO has developed this topic in its own way, having released special salaries RMV and RMV-L for mounting into complex broken roofs. Moreover, the windows, sprayed vertical, are installed in the break zone (its angle can be 105-150), at the angle of tilt the upper plane of the roof 15-60. Cost - 6-15 thousand rubles.

VELUX and FAKRO offer original salaries for mounting paired windows in the roof rod zone (by different sides) with angle of inclination 15-55, and the angle between the windows indoors should be 70-150. The cost of innovation is quite high - 10-12 thousand rubles. (Installation about the skate of two independent windows will cost about 2 times cheaper.)

Salaries for cornisic windows. The fire window consists of two parts: a deaf window and opening. The deaf is mounted in the plane of the wall opened by the plane of the roof. To install such a pair use special salary, its cost is 2.3-4.5 thousand rubles. There are salaries and for combined installation of cornisic windows.

Decent framing
In appearance, the GDL Cabrio (Velux) window is not much different from the combined mansard window. But it is worth raising the top flap on 45 and put the bottom vertically as you will find yourself on a miniature balcony Balconies and terraces window. It seems that in this area Velux succeeded more than others, there are no such products from competitors.

The balcony window allows you to create a balcony in the attic without additional supplements. Its salary GDL Cabrio is designed to install in roofing with an angle of tilt 35-53 and exists in two versions: EDW- for roofs with a profile height up to 120mm; EDS- for flat and "tile" roofs thick up to 16mm. It includes two elements: the upper, with a combined opening system, and the bottom, folding along the lower axis, while the folding railings are automatically advanced from the salary. It is possible to go on such a balcony only conditionally: the legs will remain on the floor of the room, but the body will be on the street. Balcony windows produce one size: width - 94cm, total height - 252cm. Price price along with salary - 78 thousand rubles.

There was no firm for the achieved and in 2007. Suggested a new window to the terrace. Each terrace section, installed in the roof of the roof, structurally resembles a cornice window: the upper element lies in the roof plane, the lower is located vertically, as a result of which the ability to create a terrace platform appears. At the same time, the upper element turns along the upper axis, and the lower or deaf, or deaf. For example, if you combine the terrace of three sections (or more), then the lower parts of the extreme elements should break down one left, the other to the right (pressed to the parapet), in the central element of the bottom is deaf. Thus, if you open everything at once, there are two doors with a "sub-block" between them (lower average deaf sash). The playground on which you will stand, and the package is not included - they are created on the site "construction" method. The price of new items is 60-73 thousand rubles. For one section.

Additional accessories

Additional accessories will help to improve the usability of the windows: Rods and cords for opening / closing windows, conventional sunscreen elements (610-75 rubles for 1m2), heat-insulating (1.5 thousand rubles per 1m2) and lightproof (about 1.5 thousand rubles. For 1m2), as well as mosquito nets (2.4-3.2 thousand rubles. For 1m2), blinds (1.2 thousand rubles. For 1m2) and outdoor "Marquises" (1 , 2 thousand rubles. For 1m2).

But this is not the biggest expenses for which you have to go. For example, installing windows on both sides of the skate (using the skate salary) practically obliges to purchase remotely managed devices for opening them (well, not to install each time you need to open or close the window, in the middle of the room at least three-meter stepladder), and this, in Depending on the level of similar technique, it will cost 4.8-24.4 thousand rubles.

The editorial board thanks Roto Frank, Fakro, Velux for help in preparing the material.

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