Free flight over Tallinn


Redeveloping a Tallinn one-room apartment with a total area of ​​70 m2 in a new building: Studio space in the style of minimalism.

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Free flight over Tallinn
Free room space and windows deployed in the side of the VIBIEFFE sofa are located to the contemplation of the landscape
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In the hallway to the wall in front of the dressing room, a mirror is attached. For the first time, moments are lost at the entrance to the apartment, it seems that the left is another deep room, and not reflection
Free flight over Tallinn
Pantograph allows you to direct the light spot on any part of the table or create the effect of general soft lighting
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The dining table can be easily turned into a working. To connect a computer or laptop from the outside to the end of the table, sockets are attached
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Having settled on a convenient low sofa, you can look at views from windows and living room, and bedrooms: glass shirma between public and private zones moved away so as not to overlap the balcony view
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The standard argument of opponents of minimalist aesthetics is that it looks in a residential interior "lifeless". However, it is neutral colors and orthogonal forms - the best background for "wildlife", whether fresh fruits or flowers

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Free flight over Tallinn
The bedroom has access to the loggia: unlike the usual monolithic concrete slab under our feet, wooden rails are here. The sweeping side is hardly readable graphics of wooden railings and metal cables (instead of a deaf fence) and protecting solid glazing. One of the glass cloths is easy to move away half the length of the loggia
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Plan before reorganization
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Plan after reorganization

The apartment designed for a successful young bachelor is in a prestigious house-new building, it is located right in the center of Old Tallinn, between the ancient cathedral and the embassy of one of the Scandinavian countries. A luxurious panorama opens from the windows: the Tower of the Old Fortress, the Orthodox Church on the swords of the hill, and further- the sea and the Tallinn port. This magnificent view and became the main decoration of the apartment.

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The Architect Designer TASAS MAYAHAR believes that the functional aesthetics of the interior is optimal for a modern person adequately evaluate the design of this small apartment for the Moscow standards without taking into account the architectural context of the city is quite difficult. Plulline is strong the traditions of constructivism. This style is most often associated with a boring megalomania of the 70s. Xx in. But everything else is different in Estonia. The modest sizes of urban buildings from concrete and glass, often decorated with wood, are harmonized with the environment. Cuge greenery will be buried neat home-fitting houses (2-6 floors, no more) with huge windows and wide loggias. The same elegant clarity and minimalism are pleasing to the interiors. Thus, the fact that with difficulty is given in Russia for Estonia is the norm of life.

A young man who chose this dwelling in a modern apartment building, appreciated the beauty of the landscape outside the windows, and the appearance of the building as a whole. He spends a lot of time in foreign business trips and with a real European design is not a letter, so I decided to turn to one of the best architects of Estonia. He suggested that the future tenant project of arrangement, which meets all the requirements of the modern lifestyle: minimum of strict functional things, convenient zoning, elegant study of parts, and, of course, the ability to save the "take-off mood", which occurs due to the rarity beautiful scenery outside the windows.

"Prelude" to the interior of the studio apartment-input lobby of the first floor of the house and its staircase hall. Their glass doors and partitions, white walls and ceilings serve as a kind of minimalist frame for the surrounding urban landscape. Therefore, the author's design is perceived not as a "island" of good taste, but as a natural component of the habitat.

Free flight over Tallinn
None of the bottlenecks in this apartment looks like that. Glass, glossy wall coloring transformed the corridor between the living room and the bedroom, as well as the hallway, in an "atmospheric stream" that has no close borders. The mirror, closing the light-hearted perspective, reflects the landscape, and the double window effect appears. The panel of polished granite, the texture tile in the bathroom - tribute to the ecodesign for a small hallway, split in half a glass partition (a dressing room is located behind it), the studio space, which combines the living room, dining room and kitchen. What separates the window that has entered from the view is minimized: a black P-shaped dining table, translucent white curtains. For the first time, it is impossible to think about anything, except about the beauty of the breathtaking panorama of the surroundings. A huge window - from the ceiling and almost to the floor, as it would be replaced by the outer wall of the studio. Here, as in the chamber show gallery, a sense of exposure space is created, only instead of the usual art objects and canopies on one of the wall-window with "live paintings". Such a technique appears thanks to a happy coincidence of circumstances: if the hill sloping is not drowning in the greenery in the greenery with the fortress of the old city, but the facade of a residential building, it would hardly be justified. However, even such conditions are not all deemed sufficient for such a relaxed openness. However, she likes the owner, the desire to hide does not arise, well, and if there are curtains. However, the worst part of the day he prefers them not to delay. White planes, including kitchen fronts, a warm shade of natural oak, seems to absorb natural colors landscape and green and emit light, expanding small amounts of rooms. Asian low ceilings (2.65m), therefore, an emphasis is on low horizontal. Ceiling plaffers and chandeliers are missing. Instead, the functional "male constructivism" predetermined such a light script: point backlight on the ceiling and a pair of identical lamps with white plafones on pantographs. One of them is fixed above the dining table, the second is over the sofa living room.

Book rack or art object?

Free flight over Tallinn

Initially, in the longitudinal wall of the studio, there was a small ledge, since the technical mines are adjacent to it. The architect decided to beat this "problem" detail, he created a framing for the living room zone, lowered the ceiling level near the sofa and making the "scenes". Thus, a deeper niche was turned out, in which there were three open bookshelves from painted wood. Each of them divides the vertical partition, and the smaller segment is highlighted in black. Elementary reception of the rhythmic organization of the plane - and as a result, even without other parts, this niche turns into a minimalist art object. It can be complemented, change at its discretion, simply laying out books and albums. Above the upper shelf is attached light bulb. Another lamp is a luminescent, resembling a metal corner, is located on the upper boundary of the niche.

To the right of the entrance, along the end wall, the working area of ​​the kitchen is compact. A long dining table distinguishes the cooking zone and living room. Under the tabletop - a stand with paperboxes: settled with a cup of coffee, the owner often uses a dining table as a written. Thus, the actual office becomes unnecessary.

Removable angular sofa and bookshelves, near the coffee table with a glass table top. Chamber intonations, natural for the "soft" zone, here are given a purely architectural reception: non-rigid plasterboard partitions and a slightly decreased ceiling level form a shallow niche framing the sofa. It includes a niche of smaller sizes, over the entire width of which several bookshelves are attached. So the wall of the living room from the boring "back" for the sofa turned into a zoning element with a graphic structure.

For a sense of safety

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Huge windows, almost devoid of binding, is one of the main advantages of the apartment. Being at some distance from them, you can enjoy the aesthetic experiences. Another case, open to ventilation, even if we are talking only about a narrow segment. Dizziness and not too pleasant sensations are almost guaranteed.

But Taso found a simple and non-contrary to the overall concept: the lower part of the two windows opening sections in the studio outside are covered with small screens from matte glass in aluminum profiles attached by brackets to frames.

Free flight over Tallinn
In such a bedroom, the most embossed pragmatist becomes a romantic: the contemplation of the changeable sky and the surrounding area awakens a craving for wandering from the window of the window of the studio designated by a drywall "scene" - in this corner the owner is about to put the TV. The stained depth of the room is a bedroom. Father, which is hidden behind the glass partition, it is easy to guess, but it will not be possible to consider the details: the matte glass plays the role of a kind of Japanese screen. The low bed closely adjoins the back to the partition, similar in the plan on the bracket, and addressed to the wall with a low chest (there will be a TV). A pair of bedside tables with office type lamps complements this corner.

On one side of the bed-glazed window and the door to the loggia, which occupy the entire outer wall. On the other, the door of the dressing room. From the bedroom there is a passage to the bathroom. There you can also get from the living room - the path is calculated in such a way that the autonomy of the bedroom will remain impatient. The bathroom is solved in the same minimalist vein as the remaining zones.

The ideology of this housing declares the appropriate lifestyle: open, clear and clearly built, which is suitable for a person with friendly and full harmony with the outside world.

In this apartment, the developer did not provide for inland bearing walls, which made it possible to embody the main idea, to maintain and emphasize the panoramic view from the windows. The elongated proportions of the main space are almost 3: 1 (!) - It was necessary to adjust, dividing into shorter fragments, but so that the transparency and the scope still dominated. Therefore, preference is given to non-screenshots of scenes from drywall. But, no matter how radically set up the owner, the complete absence of an obstacle between the bedroom and the living room is not too nice, and the width-shirma partition from wide sheets of matte glass is erected around the bed. This creates a feeling of some premises. The same reception was used and when designing a dressing room in the hallway. 20mm thick glass panels are inserted into aluminum profiles and fixed along the entire length of horizontally from the floor to the ceiling. The partition between the living room and the aisle to the bathroom was also crushed with glass (now it is played by the reflection of the landscape outside the window) - it expanded the boundaries. The same purpose also serves as a mirror in the bathroom.

Architect-designer TASAS MAYAAR

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Architect-designer: Taso Maymar

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