Aerial landing


Overview of the kitchen hoods market: types of devices, the principles of operation and installation, used filters, testing flat and fireplace models.

Aerial landing 13253_1

Aerial landing
Aerial landing
Colored models ZHC 71 A and ZHC 71 Y (Zanussi) will become a bright accent in the interior
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Hood KD 9875.0 (KPPERSBUSCH) with the consumer control panel
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Model Delta Glass DT4S (CATA) with elegant glass visor and comfortable hangers
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Extract Oberon 600 (Shindo) from "Space" series
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Desktop extractor AT 400 (Gaggenau) installed behind the cooking panel on the desktop does not allow unpleasant odors to spread. It saves kitchen space - its surface serves as a shelf
Aerial landing
Hooding device:

1-corrugated air duct (for exhaust mode);

2nd the fastening of the duct;

3-holes for air output (for recirculation mode);

4- check valve;

5-loops of fastening; 6 - electric motor;

7 coal filter; 8- Fat filter

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The ES 6000 model (Turboair) is built into the hinged cabinet. Can work in recirculation and removal modes
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DHL 545S (Bosch) exhaust manufacturers

up to 500m3 / h

and two halogen lamps on 20W

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The AF2600 device (Turboair) is installed on the table directly above the cooking surface. Smells will not be able to "Understand", in addition, very compact hood significantly saves the kitchen space
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Embedded in the table top VL 051 (Gaggenau) is extended if necessary. In addition, it can be rotated on the 90s to adjust the height for installing any dishes: Pans or frying pan
Aerial landing
The device Da 439 (Miele) with a flat exhaust umbrella (90cm) is controlled by the LED key keys.
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Model PR 550 (Turboair) white with a tree edging made in the country style. Manufacturer-

- 490m3 / h

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Elegant Panama Hood (Jetair)
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The transparent exhaust umbrella of the Bosch device and is functional (does not give the "leave" pairs), and gives the design of the cuisine of the grace. Two halogen lamps brightly illuminate the cooking surface
Aerial landing
Bosch exhaust with a rectangular flat umbrella can organically fit into the kitchen, and the exhaust umbrella smoothly "blows" in the shelves
Aerial landing
In the LC8M950 model (Siemens) built-in 17-inch LCD TV with DVD
Aerial landing

The main element of coal filter-activated coal. It is he who delays smells

Aerial landing
Expandment operation in air removal mode: Pollution is displayed directly to the street.
Aerial landing
When recycling "aromas" pass through the filters, and clean air is returned
Aerial landing
Hood DA489 (Miele) with a folding screen of tempered glass works only in the air removal mode. Control is performed using LED indicators keys. Metal fat filter can be washed in a dishwasher
Aerial landing
The most popular material for exhaust stainless steel. But sometimes manufacturers are experimenting and "paint" devices in different colors - yellow, blue, white, black. For example, CATA has a stylish classic black extract
Aerial landing
Model DA 249-2 (Miele) with a visor from glass (90cm). Maximum power in the removal mode - 640m3 / h, recycling - 690m3 / h. Three stages of power adjustment. There is a residual stroke of the fan, check valve

Aerial landing

Aerial landing
Electrolux (A) and Kronasteel (b) with flat rectangular umbrella
Aerial landing
The hood control panel can be different: push-button, slider switch (slider), sensory and electronic (like Shindo)

Aerial landing

Aerial landing
Still popular trapezoid exhaust umbrellas, like CATA (A) and KRONASTEEL (b)
Aerial landing
HZV 9 IX extract (Ariston) with an umbrella 90cm and electronic control "Report" on filter contamination

You can no longer bear unpleasant odors in the kitchen and decided to get rid of them once and forever? Then you have one way - a shop for hood. But do not rush: before you carefully understand this issue.

Price of clean beauty

The cost of drawing depends on the manufacturer, design and almost from each item in the technical description (lighting, control, power, performance IT.D.). In addition, the price increases by mounting air ducts and purchase additional filters. Therefore, the spread is large enough: the economy-class model will cost in the amount of 1.5 thousand rubles., Well, for the most progressive options (from the point of view of design and technical "filling"), it can be requested to request 60 thousand rubles.

Aerial landing
Aerial landing
Aerial landing

The exhaust form is flat (open and embedded) and dome (fireplace and island).

Flat open models, For example, EFT535 X (Electrolux, Sweden), D 933.1 (Kppersbusch, Germany), SL 16.1P WH (Ariston, Italy), are very compact, they are easy to attach to the wall or hang to the furniture locker. Usually they have a transparent visor, which is advanced forward to improve air grip over the stove.

Flat built-in hoods, Such as TF 5260 IX (CATA, Spain), S 2 50 IX (Ardo, Italy), Elislim WH 60 (Elica, Italy), are hidden in the mounted module, only the filter part is visible. For better air gripping, they usually have a movable panel, moving along telescopic guides. Manually putting forward it, you turn on the exhaust, and completely completely turn off. Do not forget about "baby" - desktop devices, let's say VL 051-107 (Gaggenau, Germany), 115 DDM (AEG, Germany), installed directly above the cooking surface at an altitude of up to 400mm. Some models, when there is no need for their work, completely hide in the tabletop. They are not very powerful, but they cope with unpleasant smells, hovering over the same burner.

It and other devices usually do not shine beauty and are unlikely to surprise the non-standard movement of designer thought. But with dome, the situation is much better. For artists here Razdat. A results of the flight of their fantasy to light are born the exhaust of the most unusual forms and colors, and metal, and glass, and even a tree are used for decoration.

Fireplace models For example, DKE 635 A (Bosch, Germany), D96M2 NO (NEFF, Germany), Pechino (Jetair, Italy), in shape resemble the chimney of the fireplace; Fasten them to the wall. As a rule, they are made in modern design and are decorated with stainless steel. But there are appliances and country style, painted in white and framed by wooden panels, such as Coraallo 60 (Elica), Denver (Jetair), West (Faber, Italy).

Island hoods, For example, DA 270 (Miele, Germany), EFC 9543 x (Electrolux), Scarlett Isola 900 Electro (Kronasteel, Germany) are attached to the ceiling and are usually suspended above the cooking panel located on the removal from the wall. The exhaust umbrella is most often round.

But the form is not all, because the main thing is as you know - the content. And the "filling" of extracts is often different.

All modes are good, choose to taste

From a technical point of view, the exhaust operation mode is fundamentally important. There are two of them: recycling and removal, and appliances, as a rule, can also work in the other. But with the choice you need to decide in advance, because depending on the extractor mode, it is completely different. What is the difference and what mode is it preferred?

When recirculated, polluted air is drawn by a fan under an exhaust umbrella, passes through the filters and is already returned to the room. Such a principle of operation provides a thorough cleaning of air from evaporation using two filtering and coal, which delay fat and other impurities and eliminate the smell. But it is necessary to be ready for the fact that the problems can arise with the coal filter, it will often have to be changed enough. We will tell more about the filters further.

The discharge implies a complete output (according to special air ducts) of polluted air outside the room. The fan also draws evaporation, but they only pass through a fat filter, removing fat particles. In principle, it would be possible to do without it, but this filter is needed to protect the internal parts of the device, the air duct and the exhaust channel of the house from the soot and fat. Hospital, some hosts of cottages, where hoods are installed, filters do not apply at all. Fat particles are settled in the ventilation system, on the walls of the air ducts in the exhaust mine, which creates an additional obstacle to air and the danger of fire. The result is the fan overload and increasing noise.

The main disadvantage of the device running on the removal of air is the complexity of its installation. There are two ways: the hood air duct is connected to the ventilation box or output directly to the street. Most apartment owners prefer to connect air ducts to the general ventilation system at home, but in some cases it is fraught with trouble. If your apartment has a separate ventilation channel, then there should be no difficulties with the connection. It is only necessary to find out for how much air it is designed (specialists from the management company are known about this). Avoid if you have a common ventilation mine with other apartments, then you need to take care of caution and think not only about yourself, but also about your neighbors. Fat particles can settle in overall ventilation and pollute it. It will break the air exchange in the apartment, and even in the whole entrance. In addition, it is possible that evaporation from your kitchen will go to the neighbors. The fact is that the ventilation system in homes is usually designed to pass air in the amount of 110-140m3 / h (for the kitchen). Avytya can throw out 200m3 / h and more, and then an air traffic jam is formed in the channel. That is why with a general ventilation some owners of apartments break out the outer wall and remove the air duct into the street. In this case, it is necessary to install a grid with a check valve that will not miss the air and cold from the street into the kitchen when the extract is turned off. The simplest valve is a pair of moving flaps located at the base of the air duct. When the electromotor is turned on, the flaps opens, providing unimpeded air outflow from the kitchen, and when the vent hole is turned off, the vent hole is turned off. But there is a problem here: according to current legislation, the reorganization of the apartment is to be coordinated with the hilluspection, and since you change the appearance of the facade of the building, you need to contact architectural and planning management (APA) of your area. In addition, such a hood will disturb the neighbors from above, most likely, they will not like that the smells of your kitchen are thrown into the street and through the slots in the windows fall to them in the apartment.

Lights always, Sveti everywhere

Aerial landing
Comtech an umbrella of drawing always "steals" a tolik of light and daylight, and from ceiling lights. Therefore, it has lamps (incandescent, luminescent and halogen), which serve as additional lamps above the stove. The convenience is depends on the right light, and the main thing is not a danger of work, so it should be supervised to the lamps on extracts. Their number and location are different. AB models of the last generation can be changed intensity of the light flux.

Incandescent lamps are the most famous and familiar to us. They give warm light and distort yellow, red and blue-blue tones slightly.

Fluorescent lamps are distinguished by a long service life, up to 20 thousand. Until, but not devastable, distort the color of the products.

Halogen lamps are the most expensive, since very economical (consume little electricity), and the light falling from them close to natural and, thus, does not distort anything.

The brightness of light depends on the light rate. So, in incandescent lamps, it is equal to 7-17lm / W, in halogen-14-30, in luminescent and 30-50lm / W. Simply put, the latter shine brighter than others.

It should be noted that all of the above problems with the removal of air do not apply to the owners of private houses, cottages IT.P. They are free to remove the air anywhere, because they have the opportunity to make the ventilation channel with the calculation even on the most powerful hood and change the facade, proceeding only from their desire, and the smell is unlikely to reach the neighbors.

However, in any case, wherever you bring the air duct, the problem arises with the influx of fresh air into the kitchen. Please note: in the removal of the hood creates a strong air outflow, which should be compensated. The easiest way to open the window or the window to any of the surrounding rooms, but not only in the kitchen, otherwise the device will mainly suck, filter and dispose of air from the street. But in modern megalopolis, it is sometimes impossible to do this due to the unfavorable environmental situation, and maybe just because of the heat or cold. It is more correct to install a trim valve, and it is better to also in one of the rooms, and not in the kitchen itself: drill a hole in the wall (closer to the ceiling) or equip the valve at the top of the glass package so that the cold air jet go under the ceiling and did not cause draft. Through the valve due to the difference in pressure and temperatures will be air from the street. The mechanism is usually equipped with a diaphragm regulating the amount of incoming air. Outside, the windproof grille is mounted, and inside there is a filter (usually with a tissue dust collector), which is batted on the pipe of the exhaust valve. A glass of fresh air is provided to you. But here is their cons: in winter, cold air penetrates through the valve in the apartment, lowering the temperature. Of course, you can put an electric heater, but this will affect your wallet. Moreover, the trimming valve will solve the problem only partially, since it is not able to fully compensate for air losses due to its small performance (skips about 30m3 / h) compared to exhaust.

Right size

The hood umbrella is selected under the area of ​​the cooking panel or the surface of the plate - the main thing is that it is no less (A, b). In this case, polluted air will not "slip" past him. The standard width of the cooking surface is 600 and 900 mm, and therefore the extracts of this size are most popular.

Another parameter deserves the attention of the installation height of the device over the stove. If you want to hang the umbrella high enough, then it should be more than the stove - otherwise it does not catch all the vapors, because they rise not only vertically, but at some angle. The reduced limit should be more accurate - you can damage the hood overheating or even cause fire residues in it. The minimum allowable distance: 650mm for electric stove and 750mm- for gas.

Aerial landing

Aerial landing

Aerial landing

Filter up too much

Filters of two types are installed in hoods: grease (coarse purification) and coal (fine cleaning). The first delayed the smallest particles of fat, combustion products, etc., because they are called coarse filters. They are disposable - from synthetic material, and reusable - from aluminum foil or grid. Filters look like porous packages from acrylic felt layers or perforated aluminum sheets with a wire mesh pressed between them.

Over the state of all filters, you need to closely follow: if you do not replace them in time or not flush, the load on the electric motor of the fan can increase. This will lead to a decrease in the performance of the drawing, and in some cases, and to the engine breakdown. Fat acrylic and aluminum filters are cleaned about once insterans with warm water with detergent, after which the cloth is slightly wet. Filters can be placed in a dishwasher, but they should be put there vertically, otherwise the remains of food will score their holes.

Coal filters serve as long as they do not pollute. The replacement frequency depends on how intensively you cook (as a rule, they change 2-3 times a year). Effected models, for example DM 8700 M (AEG), DA 424-4 IX (Miele), LC 95950 (Siemens, Germany), there are indicators that will be reported when the filter must be changed.

Aerial landing

Aerial landing

Aerial landing

Three options for the umbrellas of TEKA-flat instruments are flat rectangular and round, cone.

Purity formula

Now we need to decide on the performance of the hoods. Its values ​​of various models can vary from 180 to 700m3 / h. Moreover, most instruments have three-stage regulation (three speeds). At the first speed, the minimum performance suitable for getting rid of odors in conventional cooking. Amaximal significance will be useful in short work in emergency situations (at the same time, fish, porridge and pasta are burned). Keep in mind that the technical characteristics of the exhaust usually contain maximum performance information. But there are a lot of subtleties. For example, its value decreases with a long duct of small diameter, as well as with each turn.

Sound Barrier

Noisily working extractor the order will rebuild your life. A monotonous loud sound for a long time can cause irritation and headaches, so the noise level is an important parameter. Although most of the extracts of well-known manufacturers correspond to this characteristic European quality standards (IEC 60704-2-13), all the same, the sound is clearly heard. Check the volume of the device in the store is inexpedient, as conditions in a public place and you have completely different houses. It is believed that the normal noise level is about 55DB. If he is higher, the sound is already a loud, irritating rumor. The maximum values ​​of most hoods exceed 55DB and can be about 70DB. But not bubbly, after all, to the highest speed you will have to resort extremely rarely. With the usual preparation of lunch, there is a fairly first-second speed, and therefore the sound will be quieter.

Testing flat hoods, 60 cm

FS301 / 60 IX (Jetair).

3490 rub.

Aerial landing

This extractor will suit those who infrequently prepares or has a small kitchen, since its performance is quite small: when weaning, 290m3 / h, and when recirculated- 116m3 / h. For a better capture of evaporation, a small visor from glass is served, gives the effect of an external appearance of the device. Installed under the hinged cabinet extractor almost invisible - only the control panel, located in the center of the exhaust umbrella: mechanical, with round, slightly tight when pressing the buttons. Over each button - drawings (different number of circles), denoting various modes. Avtot The backlight failed: there is only one incandescent lamp with a power of 40W, and it is located behind, and it turns out that the light falls mainly into two horses at the wall. The maximum noise level also does not make it up - it is 68DB.

Evaluation "IVD": design- 4, control- 4, lighting- 3.

KAMILLA 600 IX (Kronasteel).

3690 rub.

Aerial landing

The model embedded in the mounted cabinet is equipped with a panel: putting forward it, you turn on the hood, and completely turn off, while the device becomes almost inconspicuous, which can be attributed to the obvious advantages. The extract is quite powerful: maximum performance in the removal mode - 550m3 / h, recycling - 220m3 / h. Yes, and the noise level is very small - 56DB, which corresponds to the volume of normal conversation. As for the lighting, two incandescent bulbs on 25W are located behind, and the main flow of light falls on two rear burners. Control keys (made like a light switch) are located on the sides of the retractable panel: the light turns on the left, and on the right can be changed the speed of the exhaust (there are only two). Access to the buttons is uncomfortable when you try to turn on the hood, prevents the retractable visor.

Evaluation of "IVD": design- 5, control- 3, lighting- 3.

Testing fireplace hoods, 60 cm



Aerial landing

Externally, this device with an umbrella of a trapezoidal form is quite accurate, without excesses. Soon high productivity: 1020m3 / h (removal) and 640m3 / h (recycling). The control panel is in the center of the exhaust umbrella. To press round buttons, a small effort is required. Yes, and they are located not very convenient, they have to reach out and at the same time touching the inclined surface of the visor, where fingerprints remain immediately. Under the buttons there are notation that with this inclined design is quite reasonable. The panel also has an indicator light indicator (red lamp). Two incandescent bulbs on 40W, hidden under one glass, placed in the back and brightly illuminate the rear burners. Maximum noise level - 54DB. Includes a check valve, a pleasant addition.

Evaluation of "IVD": design- 4, control- 3, lighting- 4.

COLUMBA 600 IX (Shindo, China).

10 490 rub.

Aerial landing

The model is slightly curved rectangular air intake umbrella. Elegance gives her a glass visor that allows you to capture more air, but the button interferes with the overview of the electronic panel is badly visible buttons, and it is inconvenient to press them. Under the buttons of an interesting diamond form designation in circles (numbers "1", "2", "3" and a light bulb), and the buttons are light (blue) indicators. When a specific mode is selected, the sound signal is not very pleasant. Two halogen lamps on 20W are located on the sides of the front. The noise level is very small, only 53DB, especially since the performance is quite high: in the removal mode, 800m3 / h, recycling - 480m3 / h.

Evaluation "IVD": design- 5, control- 4, lighting- 5.

Testing fireplace exhausts, 90 cm

Quad 900MIX (Elikor, Russia).

7590 rub.

Aerial landing

A device with a rectangular exhaust umbrella of a flat design from the "Modern" collection only works on air removal. The air intake umbrella, despite its sizes, the impression of compact. The control panel with round buttons is on the right on the front panel, which is not very convenient for the left. Two halogen lamps in 20W are located on the sides of the front and nicely illuminate the cooking surface. With the performance of 650m3 / h and three speeds, the maximum noise is only 54DB, and this is undoubtedly a big plus.

Evaluation "IVD": Design- 4, Management- 4, Lighting- 5.

CH MIAMI PS 90 IX (Jetair).

9490 rub.

Aerial landing

The cone exhaust umbrella looks a little cumbersome. There is a mechanical control panel. The oval shape buttons are easy and convenient to press. Modes of work are schematically designated by different number of circles over the buttons. Two separate incandescent lamps, by 40W each, mounted in front, brightly illuminating the cooking surface. But noise from the working extract is significant- 68DB. Although the device is large, its capacity is low: 650m3 / h with a discharge and 260m3 / h in recycling.

Evaluation "IVD": design- 3, control- 5, lighting- 5.


1. Consumer properties of hoods were evaluated by staffing staff by the expert rank method using a 5-point system.

2. Extracts of the average price category are selected from the list of hits of sales of the network of stores "M.Video".

3. All exhaust - stainless steel.

4. Extracts with a hid-absorbing metallic filter.

Short technical description of tested hoods *

Parameters Models
Flat, 60cm Fireplace, 60cm Fireplace, 90cm
FS301 / 60 IX (Jetair) Kamilla 600 IX (Kronasteel) NEBLIA 600 IX (CATA) COLUMBA 600 IX (SHINDO) Quad 900mix (Elikor) CH MIAMI PS 90 IX (Jetair)
Maximum manufacturer


M3 / C.

290. 550. 1020. 800. 650. 650.
Maximum manufacturer


M3 / C.

116. 220. 640. 480. - 260.
Maximum power consumption, W 160. 300. 240. 240. 210. 240.
Number of speeds 3. 2. 3. 3. 3. 3.
Management type Mechanical Mechanical Mechanical Electronic Mechanical Mechanical
Lighting 1 incandescent lamp, 40W 2 incandescent bulbs on 25W 2 incandescent bulbs by 40W 2 halogen lamps for 20W 2 halogen lamps on 20W 2 incandescent bulbs by 40W
Maximum noise level, dB 68. 56. 54. 53. 54. 68.
* - Data network stores M.Video

The editorial board thanks the representative offices of the Indesit Company, "BSH household appliances", Electrolux, Teka Industrial, Miele CIS, Kppersbusch, Candy Elettrodomestici S.R.L., as well as Caventh and Campanco firms for help in the preparation of material.

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