Calling ceramics


Decorative clinker capabilities: applications, material production technology, specifications, laying options.

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Calling ceramics

The facades lined with clinker, even many years later, are beautiful and expressive as on the first day

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Clinker tiles are inhomogeneous in color - this is a feature of natural raw materials from clay and firing process

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A set of resistant clinker products was used for staircase

Gres de Agon.

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Handrail (a), molding (b), frontal (B)

and corner steps

(g, e) complex

(Gres de Agon)

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Lawn grid clinker (23011070mm)


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Important property of clinker - High frost resistance

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Clinker of even the most saturated natural tones is not susceptible to fading and burnout

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Wook, where water, oil and other liquids often fall on the floor, high anti-slip properties of clinker tiles will ensure the safety of the apartment inhabitants

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Clinker tile decorative and resistant to mechanical, chemical, biological effects

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Oregular cleaning of clinker tracks, stairs and street sites will take care of the rains

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Gres de Agon.

Step with "keyboard"

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When fitting, the clinker ceramics strher is easily and without chips cutting into a grinder or "stovetur"
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Facing tiles can have from the inside of the excavation, the profile of which resembles a swallow tail. It increases the reliability of the connection with the basis
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When facing the facade, HageMeister tiles are used by frost-resistant and moisture and grout
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Gres de Agon.

For the original finish (A) apply figured elements (b)

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Gres de Agon.

The clinker tiles in the input zone serves as decoration and protective coating

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To care for clinker tiles, any detergents are suitable, except for aggressive, which can damage the grout of the seams on a cement basis

Calling ceramics

Which of us does not dream of a perfect finishing material, which will resist all weathering and temperature drops, will not require regular care and updates, and most importantly, it will save the pristine beauty of the years for 50, 100 or even more! The most amazing thing that it exists for about two centuries. This is a clinker.

Clinker is one of the varieties of ceramics with an incredibly wide range of applications. This is an outdoor and front tile, stairs, facing brick, platform elements of sites and roads. The clinker is made of highly flatted shale clay, practically not containing impurities, in particular limestone, and salts. Thanks to the shale in its composition, the raw clay is soft, like plasticine, but the finished product becomes extremely durable, it has a high indicator of the power absorption impact.

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Gres de Agon.
Calling ceramics
Gres de Agon.

Produce clinker by extrusion. Wet clay mass is pushed through an extruder hole, giving it a certain shape, cut into parts, dried. The billets are then subjected to high-temperature firing in tunnel furnaces. Here, at a temperature of about 1200, the clay mass is sinned, becoming a fine and acquiring characteristic inhomogeneous color. The result is obtained natural, environmentally friendly material with wonderful properties. Low water absorption (0.05-6% depending on the products), high frost resistance (more than 300 cycles), high strength and wear resistance, immunity to chemicals make it possible to use a clinker for facing facades, design of stairs, windowsill, paving open terraces and tracks. Winteriers clinker use less frequently, as it is more difficult to find a worthy use of its ability to stand up with a lot of serious loads: mainly limited to the decoration of stairs, fireplace portals, chimneys, cellars, floors of winter gardens and balconies. Yes, and the high price makes it less competitive than ceramic tiles and porcelain tiles.

On the Russian market, this product is represented by the following manufacturers: ABC-KlinkerGruppe, Hagemeister, Knabe, Muhr, Osmose, Penter Klinker, Strher (All Germany), Brancos, Ceramica Mayor, Exagres, Gres De Aragon, Sierragres, Gresan, Ticsa Ceramics - Spain), Cerrad (Poland), Klinkersire (Italy).

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Calling ceramics

Clinker for external cladding: A - Witten Brick (HageMeister); B - KeraVette Wheat Tile (Strher); In - Kerabig Anthracite Tile (Stron)

Ambiguity of form

Clinker tiles are different formats: 150150, 240115/240, 300300, 330330mm. The thickness of them is 7-25mm. Price - 800-1100rub. For 1m2. Collections are complemented by decorative borders, mosaic inserts. However, due to the production method, the clinker is distinguished from the total range of ceramic products. Plastic molding allows you to get elements of a complex shape, with various depressions and recesses, solid steps and window sills with smoothly curved "cruveurs" IT.D. Thus, it becomes possible to beautifully cut the tile in places of convergence of horizontal and vertical planes, easy and easy to make corners and radius surfaces.

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Calling ceramics
Calling ceramics

Designer options: A - combination of elements of different sizes and colors; b - combination of the original masonry method and tiles of unusual forms; in - adding glazed decor

Every man to his own taste

The column range of clinker is very extensive: from light beige to red, brown and almost black. Such a variety of natural colors reaches, acting on the classic recipe, that is, mixing the clay of various shades and then burn on special technologies. However, some companies expand the paint palette of their products by adding special pigments (blue, green) to the clay mass (blue, green), and products are evenly scratched throughout the thickness. This does not affect the quality of the material, but during long-term operation, it gradually fades, while the clay without such additives is not afraid of light and retains brightness throughout the service life.

Another way to obtain color clinker glaze. Before burning, the blanks are covered with glaze - in one or more receptions, depending on the drawing. The firing field it is firmly connected to the ceramic base. The glazed tiles are externally more decorative, but the surface is pretty slippery. Most often, they are used for interior decoration, and for the streets are used fragmentary.

Once step, two steps - there will be a ladder ...

There are no equal to the edge of the stairs, both internal and located outside the house, Klinker. Only clinker steps have a specific bent "keyboard", while manufacturers of porcelain books produce separately base tiles and "corner" to be glued to it to create aesthetic appearance. In a word, a beautiful stamp of porcelain stoneware is the result of handmade. It is originally its components of cheaper clinker steps, then the finished product is the opposite. It turns out that the use of clinker for finishing stairs is economically beneficial. Yes, and it looks together with decorative risers and plinths very stylish. Price steps size 330 / 245330mm- 230-400 rub.

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Calling ceramics

The clinker steps of the original design will serve for many years without much departure (A-B)

Most of the HageMeister bridge clinker uses private developers. Access pathways and parking spaces, tracks and open street terraces laid out by this material are distinguished by resistance to mechanical damage and a considerable service life. Judge for yourself: there is a clinker bridge in Odessa, which is already over 150 years old! Clinker is extremely durable: its bulk density (2.5kg / dm3) is comparable to the similar indicator of natural granite. Randomly spilled machine oil, gasoline and the like liquids are not absorbed, and remove the contamination is very simple: it is enough to wipe the coating with a wet rag with any cleaning agent. The rough surface of the paved paths provides excellent clutch with car tires and shoe soles, regardless of weather conditions, during rain or snow. Please note: when laying a bridge clinker between individual elements, it is necessary to leave a small gap, not less than 3mm, so that with possible seasonal secrets, they did not touch each other.

Evgeny Kianovsky, Sales Manager of Art Clinker

Swimming with comfort

The decoration of the pool and adjacent territory requires an extremely weighted approach when choosing materials. It is necessary to look for a tile, first, with low water absorption, secondly, with non-footing edges, so as not to be hurt. Inacontal, stairs and tracks around the pools should not be slippery. Clinker products meet all these requirements. The same, many of their manufacturers offer a complete set for swimming pools: smooth and corrugated tiles, steps, corners, socles, drainage, gutter IT.D. The area around the pool. Experts advise to separate the tiles of increased roughness, as slipping on it is very difficult.

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Calling ceramics

The quality of products from the clinker Gres de Agon is suitable for use in pools and near them. Where a non-slip surface is required, resistant to long-term contact with water and detergent. A variety of curly elements: side, plinths, asterisks - combined with the main tiles and are standardized under their dimensions.

We will not stand at the price

Those who solve the question of choosing a durable and aesthetic cladding of a country house should pay attention to the clinker brick. Immediately warn: its price exceeds the cost of the front brick of domestic production by about 5 times! The cost is 1m2- 2-3 thousand. rub. But there is a very simple explanation. Russian brick, even the most expensive, made of clay with a high content of various impurities. In addition, it pulls out salts from a masonry solution, therefore its disadvantaged is the so-called supremes: ugly whitic stains and divorces on the surface, which is sometimes even necessary to process with an aesthetic species. On the facade of clinker bricks, the invisires will not appear, as it is made of clay, practically no impurities, and low water absorption of the material prevents the migration of molding salts or grout.

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Calling ceramics
Calling ceramics

Options for facade tiles (A-B).

The stamp of the strength of the Russian brick, and in other words, its ability to resist internal stresses and deformations, rarely exceeds the M175 indicator, while clinker - M300. The latter has good heat and sound insulation properties. Ana Easy Blow responds clean, ringing sound!

As part of the multicolor and surfaces of the clinker brick, there are no equal. Manufacturers offer at least 60-70 colors, each of them includes 5-6 shades. In addition, you can choose a brick with a smooth and smooth outer side, or with rough sand-treated, or imitating natural stone.

The use of facing bricks is planned at the design stage of the house. If the cottage is already built and there is a desire to decorate it, use facing clinker tiles, on the external texture and dimensions not distinguish between the brick, but the thickness of only 7-23mm. Its cost is less than bricks: 800-2200rub. For 1m2. It is important not to forget to purchase frost-resistant glue for its laying. Quality compositions, proven in the work, recommend clinker sellers. Inesl the owners of houses with wooden or plastess facades will have to periodically update protective coatings, owners of buildings lined with clinker bricks or tiles can relax and relax, forgetting about repair and reconstruction.

By pavement

The holistic picture of the country idyll will complement the paths and platforms laid out by a bridge clinker. It must be said that the clinker initially was used to power the roads, and the roads were obtained unusually durable and durable. The fact is that the bridge clinker is designed for huge loads. It easily withstands the pressure of about 2 thousand. T 1M2. But the price of such pleasure is impressive: 0.8-3.4 thousand. rub. For 1m2.

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Calling ceramics

Calling ceramics

Power options for open terraces and tracks from HageMeister (A-B).

Those who dream of a solid surface and green lawns, specialists recommend a lattice turner clinker. The rest can show a fantasy in choosing size, colors, surface textures and a clinker pattern, which will serve not one decade.

Mostly buyers of clinker bricks and facing tiles are quite secured and rational. They value the high technical indicators of this material, its environmental friendliness and aesthetic expressiveness. It should be noted that the facade cladding is small elements (24071mm) - the process is sufficiently long and time-consuming. Therefore, in recent times, the facade thermal insulation panels, consisting of a rigid polyurethane foam base and clinker tiles pressed into it are caused. Their use at the same time two goals are achieved: the buildings of the building and the insulation of its facade. The panels are fixed using a dowel. Additional seal or alignment between the panels and the wall is made by polyurethane foam. The seams between the tiles are filled with a clutter composition. The result is the effect of genuine brick masonry. Due to the pretty impressive panel size (1130645mm), the installation time is noticeably reduced. This is important for work in our climatic conditions, with a short construction season.

Viktor Evdokimov, CERAMIC GROUP General Director

The editors thanks the company "Art Clinker", "Granitogres", "Craram Holding", Ceramic Group, the Trade and Economic Department of the Spanish Embassy in the Russian Federation for help in the preparation of the material.

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