Cast iron harmony


Overview of the cast iron section of sectional radiators: the advantages and disadvantages of instruments, decorative models, the technical characteristics of heaters.

Cast iron harmony 13257_1

Cast iron harmony
Mala heaters to Great (Biasi)

Cast iron harmony

Cast iron harmony

Cast iron radiators: Gothic 2 (BEAUMONT CAST IRON) (a), made under the old days, and durable 2k60p ("Minsk plant heating equipment") (b)

Cast iron harmony
Photo by D. Minkin

Bestseller Times of the USSR-cast-iron sectional radiator of the MC-140 series. Perhaps such models heated and your apartment

Cast iron harmony
Instruments "Classic" (KNNER) at the factory covered with primer, which makes it easier to color

Cast iron harmony

Cast iron harmony
A new generation of powerful domestic cast iron heaters: MS-110-300 (A) and MS-110P-500 (b) ("Santechlit")

Cast iron harmony

Cast iron harmony
Cast iron radiators "Modern" (a) and "Olympic" (b) are not inferior to aluminum design and exceed them for durability (KNNER)
Cast iron harmony
Photo V. Nefedova

The room with an aircraft in a country house was originally heated convectors. However, they did not effectively warmed the lower area of ​​the premises. The problem was solved after the locations of the convectors in the sub-circuit niches occupied cast-iron sectional radiators.

Cast iron harmony

Cast iron harmony
LBT (Biasi) (a) and Neo Clasico (ROCA) (b)
Cast iron harmony
The Radiators of the STYL series (ViaDrus) fit perfectly into the interior of modern home. Wobbling these devices successfully combine smooth bends and sharp corners, which gives heaters a unique charm
Cast iron harmony
Photo V. Nefedova
Cast iron harmony
Feature Radiators.

The valves mounted at the exit, decorate the device, simplify its maintenance

Cast iron harmony
Feature Radiators.

At the entrance to the cast iron radiator often put a beautiful valve for manual heat transfer adjustment

Cast iron harmony
Demirdkm flaps cast iron radiators with colored epoxy enamels

Cast iron harmony

Cast iron harmony
The finishing of the ROCOCO Classique devices (Beaumont Cast Iron) is manually implemented. Copper (a) and Burnished Cast Iron (b) - Two out of ten possible finish options
Cast iron harmony

Retro radiators (Demirdkm) are not sold for the first year. The working pressure of these devices is 0.9 MPa, and the warranty service life is 10 years

Cast iron harmony

Cast iron harmony
External appearance of cast-iron heaters of the EPOCA series from Roca (a) and FLOREAL from Chappee (b) - above all praise
Cast iron harmony
Cast iron harmony
Beaumont Cast Iron.
Cast iron harmony
Cast iron harmony

The surfaces of cast iron radiators made by the art casting method are decorated with elegant patterns

In Russia and the CIS countries, cast-iron sectional radiators are heated about 50% of apartments and country houses. In the early time, many new models have appeared on sale, distinguished by interesting design, compactness and increased strength. They will talk.

In the building of building materials, a cast-iron radiator can be bought in just 1-2 days rubles. Elert models made by artistic casting (though mostly according to pre-orders) are sold. Expect their delivery sometimes there are 2-3 months, and the cost of each such device comes to several tens of thousand rubles.

According to the design, budget and elite radiators are very similar. Usually they consist of one or more column elements made in cast iron mills from gray cast iron, with round-or-elliptic channels. When assembling the selection, the section is connected using nipples, mounted with sealing gaskets from heat-resistant rubber, paronite or other material.

The number of sections in the radiator is selected on the basis of the need for warmth, the width of the device depends on it. The altitude of them can be 350-1500mm, depth (construction) - 65-500mm and more. Naval radiators have, as a rule, under the windows, on the brackets attached to the wall. Unbend models have legs for floor mounting.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cast iron radiators properly heated and residential, and utility rooms of different heights. The nominal thermal power of each section is approximately 100-300W. About 35% of the total heat flux from the surface of the heating device enters the rooms in the form of long-wave thermal radiation (both from a fire or focus), the remaining 65% is due to convection (air near the sections is heated and climbs upwards, it comes to a changeable IT. d.). Due to the heat radiation, pig-iron radiators evenly warmes the lower part of the room where people are located and there are furniture. Aummonic convective stream, as a rule, does not increase the excessive temperature near the ceiling (which often happens when using convectors).

High corrosion resistance of cast iron as a structural material - a pledge of the durability of radiators made from it. Manufacturers of caution assure that the service life of these devices is 10-50 years. However, in reality, for good cast iron, this is not the limit, it is quite on the shoulder of centenary thermal marathons. Extreme houses of both Russian capitals still work pre-revolutionary cast iron radiators, and the owners of the apartments in which they are established, do not intend to abandon the services of such "dinosaurs" of the heating world.

Practice shows that cast-iron sectional radiators do not cause much harm to even the constant presence of a hot aggressive coolant of open heating systems supplied to houses from CHP on multi-kilometer heating. By its chemical composition, this moisture is often akin to alkali, its hydrogen indicator pH is 9.5-10.5, and sometimes more. The underlying heat carrier usually a lot of all debris, pieces of scale, small pebbles that scratch the inner surfaces of pipes and heating devices, causing their abrasive wear - as well as dissolved oxygen (the main culprit of intensive corrosion). It must be said that radiators made of thin-walled low carbon steel, designed to work with a coolant, in which there is no oxygen, nor foreign particles, and pH does not exceed 7-8, sometimes in total after 3-4 years of operation in domestic open networks rotten and burst When crimping the system.

The minimum hydraulic resistance of pig-iron sectional radiators allows them to be used in systems with the gravitational circulation of the coolant, which are still very often used in the construction of country housing where there are interruptions with electricity supply and home to be dried using non-automated solid fuel boilers. The increased cross section of the aqueous channels provides a longer functioning of cast-iron heaters when deposited by scale.

Of course, radiators from cast iron are not devoid of flaws. The production of their laborious, installation is difficult due to bulky and significant mass (50-100kg). The devices are difficult to clean from dust, which accumulates in the intersection space. The adjustment of heat transfer devices using thermostat heads is usually ineffective due to a significant thermal inertia due to a large capacity of sections (several liters each) and the heat capacity of pig-iron casting. More or less satisfactorily adjustable, perhaps only one-rolled radiators with a minimum internal volume.

However, a large thermal inertia of the device may also be useful for the consumer. So, when the heating is disconnected (which in our conditions often happens), massive batteries remain the heat longer, therefore, it may not cool the room before troubleshooting. Yes, and in cottages, thanks to all the same heat inertia, cast-iron radiators allow you to maintain a uniform temperature in the rooms even when using a solid fuel boiler that drowned from time to time.

Do not forget to align

Any changes in the project of the heating system of your home (replacement of heating devices, installation of shut-off-regulating fittings IT.) Be sure to coordinate with organizations responsible for the operation of this engineering network. You can get permission to install new cast-iron sectional radiators in Moscow in the service "One window" of your area.

Sometimes cast iron radiators "cry". Tosol, used in the heating systems of country houses as a coolant, can be seamless from the instruments with rubber intersecting gaskets at the joints of the sections into heated rooms.

We will tell this article about some interesting models of cast iron radiators presented in the Russian market.

Post-Soviet classic

In not so distant past, the release of cast iron radiators was put on a wide leg. Moz drivers have gone up thousands of heating devices LOR-150, "Use" No. 3 and 6, M-132, "Minsk-110", RCS, "NERIS", M-140, NM-150, N-150, R-90, RD -26, B-85-A, M-1000, M-140-JSC, M-140-108, M-90-108. Now they are removed from production. From the representatives of the "Old Guard", the modern cast iron industry in the entire post-Soviet space is made only good, but the Radiators MS-140, developed in the Plumbing Nii in 80-hgg.xxv, as well as some other "rolled" devices.

In parallel, we develop and introduce new models. Hospital, produce them often on primitive equipment using old technological techniques. Hence - a rough surface, the uneven wall thickness, a large mass of IT.P. This reduces the attractiveness of such radiators for buyers. However, some manufacturers investing money in the modernization of production are doing quite well. Their products pleases the eye and even claims to be imported.

Santekhlit (Russia) is relatively recently recently, in 2003, released the MS-110 radiator (from 207 rubles per section) with an inter-axis distance of 300 and 500mm. Keeping some remote similarity with MS-140, the new model is characterized by dimensions: the shallow depth (110mm) allows it to be installed in rooms with sufficient narrow window sills. In appearance, you can immediately say that this is a powerful device. Operating pressure for the instrument - 1,2mP, and the crimping-1,8 mpmpa, which can be used in the heating systems of elevated floors. "Santechlit" offers cast iron radiators MS-110P-500 depth of 110mm (269 rub. For section). The MS-85-500 model of 85mm depth is also designed. The feature of these instruments is a modern design inherent in aluminum radiators.

"Cheboksary Aggregate Plant" (Russia) produces cast-iron sectional radiators of the World Cup series, which are presented on the market under the CheraD brand. Wasing - single, two- and three-column models: FM1, FM2 and CM3, respectively. All of them are calculated for the maximum working pressure of 0.9MP (crimping-1,5μs), can work both in water and steam heating systems with a pair temperature up to 150c. Sections of the Radiators of the FM series have a flat front surface. The assembled heating device is not only beautiful, but also hygienic, the dust is almost not delayed on it. The devices are distinguished by a small depth (102mm), so they usually do not protrude beyond the windowsill, which saves the area of ​​the room. They also look good in rooms with low windows (especially CHERAD heaters with an inter-axis distance of 300mm). The devices go on sale collected, 5, 7 or 9 sections (price, from 210 rubles per section). Radiators supplied from the plant primed, need to paint. Custom party can cover powder paint or enamel in the enterprise. This case in nipple compounds use silicone ring gaskets, withstanding the heating in the furnace to 250 ° C when paint baked. However, the consumer who wants to buy two or three batteries, cheaper and faster than them to their own.

"Minsk Plant of Heating Equipment" (Belarus) offers two-column cast iron sectional radiators 2k60, 2k60p and 2k60pps, which are distinguished by modern design. The height of them is 300 and 500mm. The collected sections of the 2Q60P radiators form a practically solid front surface with small vertical lumens whose width is about 5mm. For 2Q60 modification, unlike 2Q60P, the worst lumets between the edges of the adjacent sections are characterized (approximately 30mm). The 2Q60PP radiator sections are machined, resulting in the frontal plane of the batteries is very smooth. Thanks to this, such devices fit into the interiors of modern apartments. Another curious model manufactured in Minsk is a cast-iron sectional radiator 1Q60P-500. There are no protruding fragments and ribs, so dust does not accumulate on the assembled device. In production, a new method of forming the front wall of the section was used, so that it appeared the possibility of its decoration. Each section can be decorated with stripes, lines, notches, circles, ovals and even elegant drawings. Moderate thermal power (70W) of one section allows you to assemble a radiator that will dump a particular room as efficiently as possible.

The largest distribution in our country received the basic model - 2k60p. These radiators are sold collected: you can find instruments for 7 or 12 sections. The depth of them is 138mm. The temperature of the coolant (maximum) - 130s. The devices are designed for the operating pressure of 0.9MP and the crimping-1,8 mp. All radiators are covered with primer. Cost 2Q60P with an inter-axis distance is 500mm- from 205 rub. For the section.

The Borisoglebsky Boiler-Mechanical Plant (Russia) produces the heat panel of cast iron, on the flat front surface of which the fancy pattern (amphora surrounded by floral ornament) is applied. This device can damage, for example, a small room in the cottage. Nominal thermal power panel - 900W, the mid-scene distance is 500mm, and the depth is 76mm. There is such a device 1912rub.

Foreigners in Russia

Cast iron sectional radiators are released in the UK, Spain, Italy, USA, Czech Republic Idr. The fragrance is supplied only by separate models of the largest plants, and usually they are much more expensive than domestic. Causes are simple: the cost of imported devices includes customs duties, transportation costs, investments in high-tech production ... while almost all overseas techniques deserves the close attention of designers issuing the interior. Alas, not all devices can be installed in apartments: radiators, the maximum excessive working pressure of which does not exceed 0.4-0.6 mp, is used usually only for the heating of country cottages.

We note high-quality cast iron sectional radiators of the KNNER brand, made on cast iron enterprises in China and intended for systems of heating with natural or coercive water circulation. The models "Modern", "Fort" (340-350 rubles per section), "hit" (350-375 rubles) are deserved (340-3-375 rubles. For section) with an inter-axis distance of 300 and 500mm. This technique (especially "hit") is not inferior in appearance by European aluminum and bimetallic radiators. Three-column "retro" and "Rondo", as well as a four-skilled "era" with an inter-axis distance of 300 and 500mm (all- 340-350 rubles per section) closer to classic models. All heating devices of this brand are designed for the maximum excessive operating pressure of 0.9MP, test - 1,8 mp; They can be applied in cottages, and in high-rise buildings. Supplies Knner radiators in any configuration: the number of sections, the mid-scene distance, the color of the IT.P. Various According to the manufacturer's specialists, thanks to the relatively small inner volume of these devices, it is easy to maintain the desired temperature with thermostators.

Calculation of the power of the cast-iron radiator

For standard conditions, a thermal power is required 90-125W to 1m2 heated area. What are these conditions? It is understood that the room has one ordinary wooden window and one door, the ceiling height is 3M, the temperature of the coolant in the heating system is 70c. At ceilings above 3m, the required power increases at the same time, as much as the ceiling; With a lower one, its value is reduced accordingly. If windows are installed in windows, thermal power of radiators can be reduced by 10-20%. At the temperature of the coolant, different from 70s, the power should be increased (decrease) by about 15% per 10 ° C reduction (increase) temperature. For example, at a temperature of the coolant 50c, it must be raised by 30%. If the angular room and has two windows, it is advisable to set two heater (under each of the windows) with a total thermal power exceeding the normative by 40-45%.

You can take into account some design features of your heating system. So, if the water enters the bottom hole of the device, and comes out of the upper, then the radiator is not like a 7-10% heat. If the applying to the device is located only on the one hand, then setting more than 10 sections is meaningless, since the far will warm the weakly. It is possible to increase the heat transfer of the radiator by 10-15%, consulting on the wall behind it a leaf of reflective insulating material (for example, "Penofol", Russia).

VIADRUS heating equipment plant (Czech Republic), producing cast iron devices from 1890, we have mainly cast-iron sectional radiators Kalor and Kalor 3 with between-axial distance 350, 50, 600, and 900 mm and a depth of 70, 110, 160 and 220 mm. Kalor 3 is particularly interesting, whose sections for assembly form a flat, almost solid front panel. The cost of Kalor and Kalor radiators 3 is within 240-670 rubles. For the section. Uethih devices have a thermostatic valve VIADRUS ITV, mounted on the right side (its price, about 600 rubles). The valve is equipped with a Honeywell thermostatic head for adjusting the room temperature. You can also buy a TERMO model (278-740 rub. For section) with an inter-axis distance of 500, 623 and 813mm. Like Kalor 3, the Termo section during assembly form a front panel wall, which looks very elegant: according to the manufacturer's approval, the devices of this model range are used in various interiors throughout Europe. Termo, unlike Kalor and Kalor 3, has a 25% capacity of the same thermal power, which accelerates the heating of the room. The magnitude of the operating pressure of the listed instruments is 0.8MPA. Viadrus radiators are usually assembled for 10 sections and coated anti-corrosion primer.

UviaDrus There are other series of cast-iron radiators. So, the design of BOHEMIA devices is more suitable for apartments in historic buildings, and Styl- for modern interiors.

Demirdkm (Turkey) manufactures radiators of the RideM series, which are calculated on the operating pressure of 0.9MP, crimping-1,5μs and the maximum temperature of the coolant 110c. The impressive appearance of these devices emphasizes their high reliability and durability, the ability for a long time to bring heat into the house for a long time. The range of Ridem radiators can be 350 and 500 mm, depth - 98.2 and 134mm. Price - 500-550 rub. For the section.

In addition, Demirdkm produces very beautiful cast iron radiators of the Retro series. These devices are characterized by high heat transfer, low hydraulic resistance. The excellent performance characteristics of the cast iron are combined with spectacular design in classic style. A decorative ornament created by the art casting method is applied to the surface of the sections. Retro radiators are supplied in an outdoor (extreme sections have legs) and wall-mounted. Height of floor appliances - 730, 760 and 954 mm, and depth - 228 (for the lowest) and 250mm. The cost of devices in domestic online stores ranges from 1,85. (single-section model) to 30.3 thousand rubles. (radiator from 12 sections). Main characteristics: Working pressure - up to 0.9MP, crimping-1,5μs, maximum temperature of the coolant - 110c.

Roca Concern (Spain) is presented in our market mainly by two episodes of cast iron radiators - Duba (traditional design) and decorative devices of the EPOCA series. The Duba model has an emergency distance 350, 500, 650 and 800mm, its depth is 63, 102 and 141mm. Cost - 400-900 rub. For the section. Epoca radiators are distinguished by an exquisite design under ancient, covered with metal dark icing. Inspectorate the devices in the outdoor execution (the extreme sections have legs). The center distance in these devices is 700 mm, and the depth is 187mm. The cost of the radiator of the EPOCA model is about 3 thousand rubles. For the section. The compartment includes thermoventil, shut-off valve, air udaler. Duba and Epoca Radiators are designed for use in autonomous and centralized heating systems. The operating pressure should not exceed 0.6 mp, crimping-1,2mp, the maximum temperature of the coolant - 110c.

Inconale, a few words about exclusive cast iron radiators. CHAPPEE (France) supplies FLOREAL radiators on the domestic market (model 1920). This is a sample of classic style and a decent option for his adherents. FLOREAL UPLIBILIES In the outdoor performance, the extreme sections are equipped with elegant legs. Radiators are made of modified gray cast iron. All of them have a two-layer lacquer coating. The range of FloreAl-582 and 782mm model. Cost of devices - 19-43 thousand rubles. (Radiators are delivered by 5-15 sections collected).

BEAUMONT CAST IRON (UK) produces cast-iron sectional retroratiators, models Rococo Royale and Rococo Classique, which are produced in outdoor execution (extreme sections - with legs). On the side surfaces of the devices, Rococo Royale is captured by a fancy pattern in Venetsian style. It is worth noting a large range of color solutions (10 options). Rococo radiators are designed for the maximum working pressure of 0.6 MP. After payment of the order will have to wait for the delivery of about 8-10 weeks. Device price - from 8.6 thousand rubles. For the section.

Including I want to give a practical advice: when buying radiators do not forget about the mounting kit. To install the devices, mounted brackets or legs, deaf and passing tubes with right or left thread, air vent (Maevsky valves), shut-off and thermostatic valves of IDRs. Some manufacturers deliver these elements for free, others for individual money. The mounting kit costs from 200-300 rubles. (budget models) to 3.5-4 thousand rubles. (Exclusive cast iron radiators).

Cast iron harmony

In Europe, the varietal cast iron and a small amount of secondary raw materials are usually used to produce radiators. The metal from the oven flows into the bucket-drive (b). Sections are obtained by casting in Kokil: sand or ceramic rods (B) necessary for the formation of channels in sections are placed in reusable metal forms (g), in which the molten cast iron is poured.

Cast iron harmony

Cast iron harmony

Cast iron harmony

The editors thanks the company "Heatimport", "Santo-Holding", "The World of Radiators", "Time", Zehnder, Biasi, Demirdkm, Viadrus, Knner, Baxi Idre. For help in organizing filming and provided photographic materials.

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