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Drainage systems on the countryside: types, materials and filters for DRAN, Mounting features, surface drainage systems, care rules.

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Drainage system scheme:

1 - collecting drains;

2-main drain;

3-reviewed wells with sumps;

4- Water collection of well

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"Studio L-Design"

Garden plot and construction site can be dried by independent drainage systems

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Rain ditch, in which water from a catchment well is reset
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Dranes attach to a sludge well at any angle with flexible fittings

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Photo by E. Sabo

Water can be discharged into the nearby stream. Stoke decorated stones

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About 90% of modern drains-plastic. They are recommended to wrap geotextile or coconut fiber

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Components of drainage systems:

1-drain (with a geotextile or coconut filter);

2- Couplings transition;

3- plug terminal;


5- pad;

6-drainage wells;

7- sealing ring;

8- milling cutter

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Drainage trenches are growing in a depth of 80-160cm. The sandy pillow (1) is poured onto the bottom, the drainage pipe (2) is placed on top. It is peeled with a volume-rubber filter (3). Geotextile (4) protects crushed stone from mixing with sand (5) and the top layer of soil (6). The volumetric filter can be fully wrapped in geotextiles. Drainage systems with chubany alone more difficult to serve

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The process of laying drain into the trench. So that the earth does not appear, the walls are made expanding up. The width of the trench on the bottom is about 30cm, the recommended angle of the edge of the walls is 10-20
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Drainage wells put in responsible areas of the system - on the intersections of the main drain with collecting, on network breaks. The depth of the seathed part below the place of the junction of the DRET should be at least 40cm, I will accumulate

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Photo by E. Sabo

Well at the end of the catchment network, from where the water with the help of the pump is pumped out the relief

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Building a drainage system in the complex geological conditions, the walls of the trenche strengthen the shield formwork, and the water from the bottom is pumped out
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Photo by E. Sabo

Water receiver can serve a roadside cuvette

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These plastic wells are cleaned with a scoop or other remedies. Cleaning is carried out on average once a year, and if necessary. Firms produce plastic wells with a diameter of 315-600mm
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Photo by E. Sabo

The end edition of the drain is done in order to arrange the "general cleaning" - washing the system from

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2. Pump;

3. Luke;

4. Concrete rings;

5. Volume filter.

In the catchment well, standing at the end of any drainage system, all the assembled water merges. Sometimes it is given to the water from the landing and from the drainage system built around the house.

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Photo by D. Minkin

Not too attractive looking drainage well can be masked by building a small brick house over it

Each gardener knows: water plants are vital. However, the moisureness of soil leads to a lap, and trees, bushes, herbs begin to root, sometimes even die. The drainage system will help to adjust the amount of water on the site.

Any drainage is an expensive system. Therefore, before laying it out, it is worth finding out whether your plot really suffers from the oversaturation of moisture. In the spring, during melting of snow, water is much everywhere. However, in some places, it goes out in May, and in others it is puddles and floods the plants. Roots of cultures very quickly begin to chant: Juniper - after 7 days standing in water, in linden after 15 days. The reasons for the mooring of the soil can be different, the main one. First-high groundwater. The drainage system in this case lowers their level, and in the site before "comes spring", trees bloom, their growth is improving, lawns will faster graze grass. The second reason is the soil is medium or heavy loam. Water is poorly out of the upper layers. AESLI With heavy soils, the plot is also flat, the flow is not at all. In the intake of the situation, the drainage system will quickly remove the extra "upper" water, which will avoid the rejudition of the roots. The hydrological mode of the landscape also depends on the total territorial macro-relief: water accumulates in loose or palls. Sometimes it appears on the originally prosperous locality, and the owners themselves often turn out. The entrance of the arrangement of the site. Significant areas overlapped with paving (tracks, platforms for recreation, parking lots), as well as buildings, resulting in natural designers, and unresolved areas are 2-3 times more water than before construction.

Last straw

Build drainages in different situations: and on newly equipped areas, and on those that have long been exploited, but where suddenly the hydrological regime changes. How to determine whether the landscape is needed drainage? The nonspecialist can navigate in indirect signs. A bad symptom, if water or voluminous vegetation appeared on the site: the rogoz is narrow-walled, SC. When woody plants rise to "paws" - the roots lack the air, the roots want to breathe. War down, seeing that in the spring, a large number of puddes regularly accumulates on the site and they stand for a long time. Look at how well the lawn feels, does not hear whether the bushes are healthy. Perhaps these signals will help you to refer to professionals. Acto do if the plot is new? It is recommended to observe what is happening in the district. All overview, for example, dug a pit for the construction of a home or pit for pillars pick up, pay attention to where the water is worth it and where it flows. Learn about the level of water in the wells, this year, in the past and before last. However, the final decision about it is necessary to dry the soil or not, it should be taken only with specialists. They investigate the level of groundwater: will take several measurements, calculate this level for the most responsible periods of spring and autumn, determine the chemical composition of the salts contained in groundwater. Be sure to take into account whether the drainage is around the house and rain sewage. If checking the level of groundwater showed that they run closely (less than 1m from the earth's surface), - the drainage is most likely necessary.

Pilving and underground

There are two main types of drainage systems: open and closed. The essence of their device can be understood on the basis of the names.

Open drainage is a network of open channels located at a certain distance from each other. Water flows on them (for which the bottom necessarily has a bias), then goes into the main channel, then - in the water receiver (river, storm sewer IDR). Trenches are strengthened with rubble, so as not to be blurred, and their edges decorated with vegetation. But still an open system does not add beauty landscape, so it is not used so often. It helps to quickly get rid of excess water during the primary development of the site or the arrangement of its separate platform. Ditch, dug around the perimeter of many garden sites, is essentially a variety of open drainage.

Closed drainage system of interrelated drains, laid in the ground at a certain depth and a sandy-crushed stone filter. In the responsible sites of this system, viewing wells with sumps, which help clean water and adjust the system operation. The movement of water is determined by the difference in states provided by the drain slope. All the water flowing over the drains falls first to the main, the main (or collector, in diameter it can be almost 2 times more than ordinary DRET), from there flows into a catchment well and then reset out of it in various drainage systems - samoter or using pump. When drartainting drainage, the problem of removal of the assembled water is one of the main. The drainage system is chosen based on the conditions of the terrain where the site is located. It can be village rain sewage systems, cuvettes along the roads, nearby rivers, streams or ravines. It happens that when creating closed drainage systems, it is completely without pipes, laying only crushed stone in the trenches and sometimes winding it with geotextiles, but such a system is less convenient for service.

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The drainage pad allows you to attach new sections to the system by making a side incision and without removing the trenches. The pad is made in the form of a flexible tape, into which the pipes are tightly mounted with pipes.

Let me introduce yourself: DREND

Drains can be made of ceramics, bricks, stone, asbestos cement, plastics. Ceramic pipes are outdated and are now used extremely rare, although their service life is significant: in some old nobility estates, ceramic drainage has been working for about 150 years. Asbestos cement is environmentally unsconsored, in many European countries, this material is generally prohibited. Drainage systems from stone or brick are reliable, durable, but more expensive plastic. The days of the latter became very popular today, they are set in 90- 95% of cases.

Plastic drains are also produced from different materials. Basic - three: low pressure polyethylene (HDD), high pressure polyethylene (PVD) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). In addition, there are still two-layer combined drains made from PND and PVD. They are designed to bookmark to 5m and more, which is necessary, for example, for the device of settlement storm sewer. Single-layer drains made only from PND or PVD, it is recommended to lay on only 2m to depth. Separate shaped parts that serve for docking, turning and mapping drain, produced from polypropylene material more reliable and expensive than other plastics. We can purchase a drain of both domestic manufacturers, such as Gaztrubplest plant and foreign: FRNKISCHE (Germany), Wavin (Denmark), Uponor (Finland). Please note: specialists do not advise buy cheap pipes of Polish production in the construction markets: they are fragile and poorly proven in practice.

Modern plastic drain is a corrugated perforated pipe. Perforations are needed that the water turns into the drain into the drain, their size does not play. Corrugated by Drent, first to ensure compression strength: it must withstand the soil pressure and the compression force during the freezing of the Earth. Secondly, in order to give it flexibility: a corrugated drain is capable of bending, like a snake, thanks to which she is not terrible soil movement. Such drains can be laid on indirectarous sections of a complex shape, going around without fittings that increase the cost of the system. Diameter of standard drain- 90-110mm, main- to 200mm.

Logson "A La Drainage"

The shaped parts serve to connect Dren to each other. These are all sorts of couplings, tees, crosses, removal of IT.D. Russian manufacturers offer a very limited range of connecting devices for drainage systems. Let's say tees have a strictly defined angle of rotation: 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 or 87.5. Therefore, you have to use either foreign shaped parts, or domestic intended for sewage systems.

All shaped parts are solid, without perforations. Foreign firms produce specific devices with flexible inserts (harmonica with two conversion at the ends), allowing to connect drains at any angle. Such a design simplifies the installation of drainage systems, it is enough to insert a shaped part and snap the lock.

Wrap and put ...

The drain is placed in trenches with a depth of 0.7-1.6 m, expanding upwards at an angle of 10-20; The width of their bottom is 30-40cm. If it is known that water will come to DRET only from above and from the sides, a pipe, wrapped with geocal, can be placed immediately to the bottom of the trench. Although to level the surface and creating the desired slope more often make a sand pillow. If the drain will collect water from all sides, the reverse filter consists of a layer of sand (5-10 cm) and a layer of rubble (5 cm) be supplied under it. Sometimes the reverse filter is constructed only from sand. Its problem is to delay small dust and clay particles that can clog Drane. The bottom of the water flows less than the side and on top, so the reverse filter should not be too thick. On it (or immediately at the bottom, as in the first case), they are laid by a drain, surrounded by a volume filter, or protective-filtering material: a geo-tissue of a certain density or coconut fiber.

Filters for drains are selected depending on the type of soil. In "heavy" conditions, when the drains are laid in clay soils, a coconut fiber filter works best. Several foreign firms, such as Wavin, Uponor, supply pipes already wrapped with coconut filtering material. Their cost is about two to three times higher than the value of similar drains without filters. For light lungs and soupes (lighter soils, with a lower content of clay particles), a volumetric geotextile is used. This is quite thick (2-4mm) nonwoven or needle-free material weighing 250-450 g / m2. Its filtering ability is lower than that of coconut fiber. On sandy soils, thin filters, glass choles and other similar materials weighing 150-250 g / m2 can be used.

Drenu wrapped in filter fall asleep by rubble about 1/3-1 / 4 depth of trenches. Now it takes a crushed stone of the middle fraction (about 20-40mm) for snowing (about 20-40mm), while theoretically literately do this: the first layer of a large fraction (40-70 mm), the second layer of the medium, third-shallow (less than 20mm). Usually the thickness of the upper backfill is about 40cm. The minimum layer capable of ensuring the optimal water penetration mode into DRETU - 20cm. On top of the rubble lay a layer of geotextile to prevent the mixing of rubble and located above the bulk material - sand (layer with a thickness of 5-10 cm) and fertile soil (15-20 cm). In order for the system to work more reliably, a three-grade filter is sometimes placed in a protective casing of geocanies, the cost of which is about 30 rubles. For 1m2. Such expenses are often justified if you compare them with the cost of care for the system. Sometimes the pipe itself in this case does not turn the geomethane, however, such a system will faster clogging and the likelihood of formation of or strong plugs in it above.

The depth of trenches and, accordingly, the flow of DREN depends on the type of soil, the level of groundwater and on what will grow on the dried territory. For mineral soils, the optimal trench depth is from 60-80 to 120-150cm. Note that the level of groundwater in 60-80cm is quite admissible for lawns and flower beds, about 90cm- for forest trees, 120-150cm- for fruit trees. When draining, groundwater is installed at about 0.7-0.9 of the depth of the drain. By the way, according to experts, for the free development of the apple, this depth should be 2-2.5 m, cherries and plums - 1.5-2m, berry shrubs (currants, gooseberries, raspberries) - 1-1,5m. Effective soils are all trenches should be slightly deeper than 100-160 cm, since the peat continuously "sits down" throughout his "life". This is due to three reasons: it settles the surface over the drain; settles the layer under the drain; Peat decomposes on substances that go into a water-soluble state and wash away.

The depth of the drain is determined taking into account another waterproof factor. This is called the reservoir of waterproof rocks that limit the aquifer. If the waterproof is located close to the surface of the Earth (for example, at a depth of 70 cm), then the drain is placed on the depth of no longer than this distance. Water will arrive to it only on the side and above. Kdrena, which lies inside the aquifer, water comes from all sides, of course, if perforations are available throughout the circumference of the pipe. An example of waterproof horizons are heavy drum and clay soils with a small filtration coefficient: water through them passes very badly or does not pass at all. An example of aquifer horizons - sand and sandy.

The minimum bias of the drain necessary for normal water current is 0.003, that is, 3mm on 1m length. In practice, it increases to 0.005. If the natural bias of the soil is significant, it can reach 0.01-0.02. However, a big deal is not recommended that water should go smoothly and evenly. Drainage should always be kept taking into account the relief, so as not to argue with nature.

The partition step depends on the type of soil. On heavy soils, clay and loamy, drains have more often: at a distance of 4-5 to 12-15m apart. On light soils, samp and sandy, less often, after 20-30m. It is worthwhile that the 1M long drain drains a plot of 10-20m2. To drain sports and playgrounds, the gap between the drains is reduced by half. It is impossible to plant trees closer than 2m on the right and to the left of the drain. Bushes (for example, lilac) are recommended to plant, withstanding the distance in 1m.

At the bottom of the well

Water in the drain moves quite slowly, but still at such a speed that small particles (dusty, illuminated and smaller) are in it, which penetrate the filters and cracks in Draz. The nans are always present in the pipes, even though the water before hitting the drain passes through three or four different filters. For a drainage network, this is an unpleasant phenomenon. To free the system from the nanos, the wells are arranged with sumps. When water gets into a sump, the speed of its movement drops and suspended particles settle at the bottom of the well. Wells not only accumulate wipes, they also serve to interfacing drains, help to wash them and control the operation of the network. The minimum depth of the sextil zone below the pipe attachment to the well, 40cm.

Produce wells made of reinforced concrete or from plastic masses. The diameter of plastic models is 315-600mm. Make them the same firms that make pipes. The wells of a large diameter (over 400mm) in Russia are delivered only under the order. They can have a fixed depth or being telescopic. The latter is more convenient, but also more expensive - their cost reaches 13-17 thousand rubles. Plastic well Uponor diameter 315mm and 1m depth is about 2,7 thousand rubles. Concrete wells usually make up 0.7-1m diameter - people descend into them. Thickest wells, including plastic, clean with different additional devices, such as drawers or special mud pumps. Wells need to be inspected at least once a year, removing the deposits as it is hired.

The location of the wells depends on the network design. It is advisable to put them where they can perform as many functions as possible: or at the intersection of the main drain with collecting the main load, or where the network circuit breaks - on the turn.

The thread of the drainage system put a catchment well. The whole water from the drainage system is reset and then the sick or by the help of the pump is pumped into various drainage systems: in the village rain sewage, cuvettes along the roads, adjacent ravines or reservoirs.

In addition to the wells with sumps, several control wells (two or three) are also installed, which serve to determine the level of groundwater: the depth of their occurrence is checked by a sixth. They are not included in the drainage system and stand alone. Place them in the highest and lowest points of the drainage system. If the plot is large on the square is also in the middle. Their diameter is 100-150mm. Control wells make plastic, but sometimes concrete.

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Photo P.Nikolaev

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The wells made from concrete rings with a diameter of 100 or even 70cm, conveniently clean. During cleaning, the person descends in them and removes all the accumulated nais. From above, all the wells are necessarily closed with covers.

Pumps are different ...

Drainage pumps are used if the drainage systems are located higher than the water level in the water-driven well. Let's say when water from the drainage system that occurs at a depth of 70cm is given to the village ditch of the depth of only 50cm. Specialized drainage pumps are distinguished by relatively high performance (feed) and a relatively small pressure. To ensure such a characteristic between the impeller and the pump housing in the design, a wide slit is left, which passes the solid medium-sized fractions - 8-10mm. The housing and impeller are made of plastic, cast iron, steel. Those that are made of stainless steel are quite reliable and durable, but also the most expensive. They work better up to 10 years, while the lifetime of the pump with a plastic hull is on average only 1-2 years.

When the pump is selected, the supply is calculated based on the fact that the volume of drainage flow is 40-2 fastened per hour on the "weaving" area. Knowing the size of a particular area, determine the flow rate. But at the same time, the surface drain should not get into the drainage network. To account for surface water, the specified characteristics must be increased by 2-3 times (data for the spring). The pressure depends on the height of water lifting: it is counted from the lower level of water in the well to the upper point of water supply. Pipeline long loss The specialists are determined by certain formulas or graphics. The consumer can also proceed from the fact that for every 10m pipes of normal diameter (this is such a diameter, which is equal to the diameter of the pressure pipe of the pump or more) is lost with 1 m pressure.

Household drainage pumps operating from a voltage of 220-240V produce many companies: Grundfos (Germany, the elements of the pumps of this manufacturer are made of stainless steel, for example, as in the Grundfos model KP 150); EBARA (Italy); "Gnome", "Djleks" (Russia). Djilex produces pumps under the trading brand "Drainage". All these pumps are equipped with float switches that automatically launch the pump when water comes to a certain level.

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Among the drainage pumps are the most durable, the housing and the impeller of which are made of stainless steel. They serve up to 10 years.

System Care

Groundwater mode has a cyclical character. Spring water level increase is the most intense time for the drainage system and plants. In the summer, the decline is noted, in the fall, in the period of shower, - again the increase, winter is again a decline. Most often, water in the drainage system is absent, water in the drainage system, due to lowering groundwater. Exclusion is peat areas: there the drainage system can work all year round. If there is water in the drains (you can check it through the observation well), the rupture should not happen anyway. B100 mm DRENE water moves with a layer of 5-10mm. The rest of the volume takes air, which prevents the breaking of the pipes in winter. In addition, the drain is surrounded by a bulk filter that plays the role of a natural heat insulator - it contains approximately 55% rubble and 45% air. Therefore, preparing for the winter, you do not need to preserve the drainage system. Is it worth removing the pump from the waterproof well if the latter is not insulated. Put the pump back to the spring snowy, at the end of March - early April, when the drainage does not work yet.

The regular care for the drainage system is the periodic cleaning of drainage wells. Once every 10-15 years, sometimes more often, carry a global flushing of DRET, freeing them from the nanos. For this, each drain should be available from two ends. One of them is the nearest drainage well. For the organization of the second in the initial section of Drend, there are still issues during construction: with the help of special shaped parts, the pipe is displayed on the surface. During flushing, the pump alternately plug into the beginning and the end of the drain, under pressure running through it water in two directions. Releases, like all drainage wells, cover with covers to protect the system from garbage.

The average service life of the drainage system collected from plastic pipes is 50 years. After this time, the plastic collapses, but another 20 years the system will work at the expense of a three-saten filter. The cost of the drainage system with all the necessary equipment is now 20-26 thousand rubles. on "weaving". Stage work is usually carried out in the summer, starting from June, after lowering the level of groundwater. Stacking the system is recommended to complete during the season, while not leaving the trenches open for the winter. With good weather, it takes 2-3 weeks.

The editors thanks Evgenia Muravyeva, Evgenia Sabo, Tatyana Sasina, the company "Vavin Rus", "Studio L-design" for help in the preparation of material.

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