11 Pluses of drywall for the construction of interroom partitions


You will be able to reduce the duration of the repair, do not be afraid of the appearance of mold and implement any design ideas. We tell more about these and other benefits.

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11 Pluses of drywall for the construction of interroom partitions

Humanity uses gypsum during construction is no longer one thousand years, and since then the technology has stepped far ahead. In Germany, the production of modern construction materials based on plaster began in the 1930s at the Knauff Brothers Factory. All this time there were developed solutions that make construction and decoration more efficient. Now their drywall sheets for interior partitions are not only effectively applied worldwide, but also come to help in unforeseen situations. For example, when you need to arrange a new functional area in the apartment (the study room, which is especially important today, during remote work). We tell what other advantages you will receive if you choose plasterboard to build partitions in the apartment.

1 will not hear noisy neighbors

The passage of sound depends on the density of the material. For example, the density of plasterboard sheets is determined by the core. In conventional GLC sound absorption - 28 dB, it is really a small indicator. There will be even a calm conversation.

Knauf Lisb Sapphire has a denser core, so two-layer partitions from it will protect you from noise to 55 dB. For comparison, a brick wall with a thickness of 250 mm will give a smaller value - 53 dB, and at the same time will take more useful area.

Another bright example: 1 sq. M. A gypsum two-layer septum weighing 50 kg and a thickness of 155 mm has the same sound insulation indicator as the reinforced concrete wall of the same area, but weighing 400 (!) kg.

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2 Such a septum will endure everything

Partitions from Knauf List Sapphire are suitable for hanging heavy items: sports equipment, tourists and Swedish walls, shelves with dozens of funny books, 75-inch televisions, etc. The main thing is to choose the right mount! You will need a Dowel Knauf-Hartmouth. With it, the installation will be simple, quick, reliable and durable.

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3 drywall will help when you need to make a new functional area in the room

With the transition to remote work, many have encountered the need to equip the houses the office. Knauf-sheets Sapphire will come to the rescue and help make it quickly. A quiet secluded space will appear in the house.

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4 Repair will be completed faster, and it will be easier

Construction of partitions with KNAUF-sheets Sapphire will significantly reduce the repair period. It is not necessary to carry out the blocking of blocks on the solution and wait until everything is drying up to do the finish finish.

For comparison: for the complete drying of the brick partition, at least two weeks is required, and the partition from the KNAUF-sheet sapphire is immediately ready for finishing finish and hanging items.

Another important nuance: Sapphire Sapphire Lungs, partitions, can be installed on any screed. And the partition from brick, PGP or foam block is only on a concrete base, that is, if the screed is already filled in your apartment, you will have to cut the floor under the partition. And this is noisy, dusty and difficult work.

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5 You can build partitions even in the bathroom

For bathrooms, it is recommended to choose the so-called G CLEB - moisture-resistant plasterboard. From the usual GLC, it is characterized by the presence of hydrophobic additives, which reduce water absorption.

KNAUF-sheets sapphire - increased moisture resistance. They can be used to build partitions in rooms with a wet humidity mode for SNiP 23-02-2003 (that is, with air humidity up to 75% at a temperature of from 12 to 24 ° C). But, of course, it goes without saying that if you choose a plasterboard for partitions in the bathroom, it is worthwhile to hydroize the surface.

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6 You can build columns, caisson ceilings and embody other design ideas

Gypsum Carton has an important feature that does not have other materials to build partitions - it can be bent, creating curvilinear surfaces. This is useful quality for any interior style: from the classics to High-Tek. For example, you can add interior columns. Or make any ceilings: curvilinear, wave-like, stepped, beam, caisson. Hipsokarton sheets are well bent, cut, milling. To obtain large radii, the sheet is bent in a dry state, and for a small radius is pre-moisturized and dried on the template.

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7 You can choose any finish

Different materials for finishing requires different preparation of walls. For example, for applying semi-conjunction paint, decorative plaster, lacquer or pearl coatings, a smooth wall is needed without inclination, scratches and irregularities. Otherwise, all these defects will be visible, a beautiful picture will not work. Plasterboard sheets are much easier to prepare for such an finishing decoration than an uneven brick wall.

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8 Repair will last longer

High-quality plasterboard can not be damaged mechanically. Therefore, the repair will continue for a long time, you do not have to redo the walls if they accidentally hit them with something heavy (for example, they carried a bike or a baby carriage from the corridor to the balcony).

Knauf-sheets Sapphire can be used in rooms with large patency: corridors, halls, technical premises, due to increased hardness of the face surface. This hardness is determined during the tests that each party takes place: beaten by a steel ball weighing 1 kg and measure the result. Therefore, if you ever seen in the militants, how the heroes are prolamed interior partitions during a fight, know: two-layer partitions from Knauf-sheet sapphire for shooting such scenes would not come up.

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9 The apartment will be a good microclimate

Plasterboard as a material from natural gypsum, like a tree, contributes to the creation of a favorable microclimate indoor. For example, KNAUF-leaf Sapphire has acidity pH 5, equivalent acidity of human skin. Therefore, it can be used in any room. It also does not contain toxic components, which makes it completely safe in emergency situations like a fire and in everyday life. The mold will not be headed in the room, the optimal level of humidity will be supported.

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10 You can not be afraid of harmful evaporation when fire

When choosing a material for the construction of partitions in the apartment, it is important to pay attention to the marking of fire safety:

  • KM1 - Wemogy Materials
  • B1 - hard-flameable
  • D1 - Small smoke-forming ability
  • T1 - Low hazard combustion products

In the event of a fire in the apartment, the materials marked with this label will not damage the health of people. The Sapphire CNAUF-sheets differ these characteristics.

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11 You will contribute to the safety of your home

Using plasterboard partitions, manufactured by world standards from high-quality raw materials, you contribute to the environmental friendliness and safety of your home.

In recent years, words about compliance with world standards are often perceived as marketing. But, choosing material for the construction of partitions in your home, you should make sure that it is safe. The easiest way is to check the quality certificates in which it is indicated that the manufacturer should be followed. KNAUF materials undergo control at each stage of production and fully meet international quality standards, for example, the American Leed - a green building standard for measuring the energy efficiency and environmental friendliness of projects and buildings. Also, the materials of the KNAUF have certificates of compliance with the rules of Rosstroy, GOST R, Gosstandart and others.

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