Stages of creating design project


Stages of creating design project 13274_1

We tell about all the intricacies of the design project process: from the first conversation with the architect before the coordination and preparation of project documentation.

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You want you to surround the modern interior, but can not formulate how it should look? Something you like in the apartments of friends, something attracted in magazines, something difficult to decide. It is much easier to say that I don't want categorically? To understand preferences and take the optimal solution only a professional will help.

So, you ventured a serious step and ready to order a design project of their housing. But it is bad to imagine what you need to do and where to start. In this article we will help you to understand the intricacies of the design project process and on the example, show the stages of the work from the first conversation with the architect before the coordination and preparation of project documentation.

1 Detection of customer needs

Work begins with the analysis of the construction of the building and the existing planning. If you want to make redevelopment, refer to the architect. You can attract designers only to perform decorative works, as they do not own knowledge about the engineering of buildings. Before starting work on the project, the owner of the apartment receives an expert opinion on the state of designs and communications (technical testing) from the author of the project at home or in a project organization that has an appropriate license. It may be that due to the windiness of the construction from radical changes (dismantling walls, openings, communications) will have to be abandoned.

To identify customer preferences, the architect prepares a selection of photographs with analogues of interiors, furniture, fabrics, lamps, dishes and even posters and asks to take the most likely. This gives the key to the search for style, the colors of the future interior and the palette of the finishing materials.

Given all the limitations and measurement results, the architect you choose is starting work on the project. A few weeks later, he will prepare a planning proposal.

Stages of creating project design

After analyzing the information received from you, it will select stylistic analogs, will take a common concept and find solutions. Next will be made a sketch project. After that, it is possible to begin its coordination in the relevant authorities. At the final stage prepare technical documentation.

The result of the completed design project is a clear concept of planning, interior, project documentation package and indicative estimates (approximate, because prices for building materials, furniture and custom products can vary).

An important aspect that affects the planning is the subjective feelings of customers and the impressions of the architect from communicating with them. Professional interests, and hobbies, and color preferences are also taken into account.

2 Preparation of the Planning Offer

In the process of communicating the customer and architect, exchanging and information is exchanged. The first stage of work on the design project is completed by the preparation of the sketching offer (several options for planning). They are being developed for the organization of space: zoning, links between premises, their volumes and plans.

The duty of the architect is to tell the customer about the pros and cons of each decision. And the task of customers is not easy to tell what they like or do not like, but to explain why. Otherwise, the coordinated work in the tandem "Architect-Customer" will not work.

At this stage, the architect can resort to the help of the layout. This allows the project to check its decisions, see the shortcomings that can be missed on paper. The volume and spatial composition helps to demonstrate the idea of ​​the customer.

3 Preparing draft project

This part of the work can be performed in manual or computer graphics. Therefore, doors, furniture, lamps and other interior items for the project are already selected real (in size, models and color). At the second stage, the shortcomings are eliminated and hopping planning, technological and style solutions. The architect with the customer "is around" apartment - "pass" the path from the threshold to the bed and decide where the switch is functionally positioned, a rosette where to hang the lamp.

At this stage, you can clearly imagine what construction and finishing materials will be used. Here the architect also offers not one option. Sometimes sketches are processed several times. A color solution can change. The capabilities of 3D graphics allow you to be so realistic to transfer the features of the apartment lighting, which the customer feels, which atmosphere is formed in each case.

design project

Design project apartment. Architect Designer: Catherine Pupereva. Architectural bureau: Dom & D. Visualization: Sergey Konstantinov

Selected stylistics and layouts determine the style and features of furniture and lighting, so you can already say exactly what furniture and details of the interior design can be purchased in the finished form, and what will have to be ordered by an individual project. The architect learns the timeline and cost of execution of products to order, and the client decides whether such conditions or the project should be recycled for it.

If the customer is satisfied with the layout of the interior, its color decision, furniture arrangement, the architect is preparing a project for approval. This is done in advance, since the process of negotiation is long and not always predicted in terms.

4 Preparation of working documentation

The architect is obliged to provide a complete set of work drawings required for construction and including:
  • Explanatory note;
  • measurement plan (indicating the design features of the premises, the location of ventkanalov and communications);
  • dismantling plan and mounting partitions, holes and openings;
  • furniture arrangement plan;
  • Plan of warm floors;
  • Outdoor coat plan;
  • The plane of the ceilings (if they are suspended, stretch, rush or from GLC) with the locations of the connection and installation of the lamps;
  • electrical installation plan with binding sockets and switches;
  • Plumbing equipment plan;
  • scheme for the arrangement of heating radiators;
  • air conditioning plan;
  • Scanning of walls, gender and ceiling bathroom and a minor;
  • scan of kitchen walls;
  • The sweep of the walls of the rooms, where facing work is performed or decorative coatings (reliefs, painting), mirrors and frames are installed;
  • development of complex structures, parts performed individually to order (draft rack for TV, bed frame, cabinet equipment);
  • cuts of walls with detailing elements (niche, shelves, columns);
  • Specifications: lighting devices, sanitary equipment, doors, electrical equipment;
  • The statement of finishing works with an indication of the room, the type of finishing material, the number and price of its price.

5 Preparation plan for construction work

To perform complex building structures, strengthening openings to work are connected by designers-designers. If communications is required, a change in electrical installation, attract electricians, heating engineers, water supply and sewage. Sailors make up documentation on their sections:

  • Schemes of water supply and sewage;
  • Electrical circuits with placement on the plan of lamps, sockets and switches and low-current networks (telephone, Internet, satellite television).

You should know that:

  1. redeveloping the bathrooms and the replacement of sanitary devices start with determining the points of connection to the water supply and sewage;
  2. The removal of the toilet to the drain will require the creation of the necessary slope of drain pipes, the far-related toilet will have to be placed on the step or apply pumps;
  3. The use of a plumbing ladder allows you to create a shower on a small area without connecting yourself with dimensions of finished products.

In the event of a high-tech equipment (smart home system, video surveillance, etc.), the installation project (gaskets of air ducts, communications, electrical wiring) performs a specialist of the corresponding profile.

In addition, the architect is obliged to prepare a preliminary task (drawings) for firms that will make custom furniture for kitchen and living room, countertops, built-in wardrobes IT.D. After that, the firm sends its designer to whom the architect explains the task.

Free Planning Apartment Design

Design project free planning apartment. Architect: Margarita Ratary. Computer graphics: Denis Bespalov

In accordance with the design project and projects, architect fills the statement of finishing works and the equipment specification. According to the statement, it is accurately visible, what materials and in what quantities are used in each room for the floor, walls and ceiling, where and which components are used (indicating the number, manufacturers and prices).

Each stage is distinguished by a large immersion in the problem. With a detailed development, in agreement with the customer, some moments change. Equipment of pre-project analysis and project proposal, design and preparation of all drawings will occupy 3-4 months. After completing the design project, the architect provides a set of documentation and illustrations for which builders will be able to realize its intent. Implementation will accurately comply with the project if you instruct the architect the author's supervision. All items cannot be taken into account in the project, and the workers have a lot of questions during construction. Therefore, they are clarified during the author's supervision.

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