Visualization stone


Decorative artificial stone in the interior: Collections of material for decoration of the living room, fireplace, billiard room, winter garden. Market Review.

Visualization stone 13276_1

Visualization stone
Photo K. Manko.

Installation of decorative artificial stone begins with angular elements. They are laid, alternating long and short sides

Visualization stone

E. and S. Morgunov

Visualization stone
Photo V. Nefedova

"Stone" elements, if necessary, are rolled up with wide nipples, and also cut the circular saw

Visualization stone
Photo by D. Minkin

An example of a popular interior in the "Environmental" style. Bright green trees and colors decorated with "wild" stone wall, a small fountain and even butterflies from the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Undoubtedly, rest in this room will contribute to the restoration of forces after the labor day and creating a good mood.

Visualization stone
Visualization stone
Photo K. Manko.

A pillar, "folded" from roughly sad stones, the impression of a reliable structural support for wooden ceiling beams. In fact, it is a metal frame, covered by two layers of moisture-resistant drywall, whose sheets are hampered by "coating waterproofing"

(Knauf), and then lined with decorative artificial stone

Visualization stone
Photo K. Manko,

A. Sipulin

Visualization stone
Photo P. Nikolaev,

M. Sukhareva

Wall lined with decorative stone "Rocky Mountain" (Kamrock)

Visualization stone

When laying decorative facing stones of rectangular shapes, the construction level is used. It helps to withstand horizontal lines and straight corners in the seam crossing places

Visualization stone
"Ecolt Trade"

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

The walls of medieval castles and houses, isolated from rudely peeling stones, look natural and organically. Architects, applying modern computer programs, help achieve a similar visual effect when finishing the interior with decorative artificial stone. They simulate the options for the design of the house to realize the most attractive.

Why is the look of the landscapes with chaotic jet of boulders, cult and palace structures from the stone, and the interior decoration from this ancient material is invariably affecting the variety of textures and colors? Probably, we are fascinating a bright demonstration of the power of nature, its unsurpassed artistic talents and durability of rocks born in the depths of rocks. It is not by chance that the expression "as behind a stone wall" serves as a synonymous strength and reliability. The same in comparison with the unique forms and textures of natural stone, straight lines and corners of modern urban interiors seem boring and primitive.

Natural transformations

Our apparent non-equilibrium not only to natural boulders, but also to the planes with a untreated stone led to the appearance of a material that is deprived of many shortcomings of a natural analogue, but at the same time reliably reproduces the form, color, texture of real rocks and even traces of time on their surfaces. The walls lined with them seem folded from sandstone or limestone, smooth or sawn, crushing and reservoir stones. In this case, no restrictions on the desired amount of the required color and invoice simply cannot be!

As you already guessed, we are talking about artificial stone or decorative facing tiles. This finishing material is made from cement, various fillers (clay, perlite, pumice or mixtures thereof) and pigments. Its indisputable advantage is a small mass, which is 1.5-2, and sometimes 4 times less than that of natural progenitors. Smooth, slightly rough reverse side makes stacking not more difficult to finish with ceramic tiles.

Large domestic manufacturers of decorative artificial stone: Chelsea Stone, Deco Stone, Eurokam, Foreland, Kamrock, White Hills, "Perfect Stone", "Stroymaster", "Ecolt Trade" - offer a huge number of collections that differ in color scheme and natural prototypes, Based on which their appearance was created. They can consist of both the same and characterized by the configuration and sizes of stones, which causes the individuality of almost each lined surface.

According to the same technologies as artificial stone, a thin facing brick is manufactured. Those who doubt his aesthetic qualities should pay attention to the collection of "old" bricks. This noble material, as if created from a rare clay, carries the seal of the long-lasting epochs for a long time and can look more stylish than other cobblets.

What progress reached

Suppose you decided to give the interior stone monumentality or arrange a decorative facing tile of the walls of the living room, kitchen, corridors. Where to begin? According to experts, it is not enough to choose and acquire a quality product and consumables. A truly spectacular and stylish design cannot be created without a carefully thought-out project. The most obvious way to get it is to appeal to the professional architect. It will develop several finishing options, taking into account the wishes of the customer and will be estimated. After the approval of the project will only buy the right amount of lining of a certain type and color.

Another option is to apply for help directly to manufacturers of artificial stone. Especially since many of them offer the service of computer modeling of the object. It should be noted that its value in different companies is very different: Starting with 3 thousand rubles. For the whole project, it can reach 1.5 thousand rubles. For 1m2 square of the room. Of course, much depends on the scope of work and their complexity. Not only for surface finishing options, but also optimal solutions for laying various communications (ventilation and air conditioning systems, electrical cables, plumbing pipes) are offered. We asked several firms to design interiors with artificial stone. (Examples of such solutions are shown on this page.) After all, the visualization of the future design gives a clear and specific picture of color solutions, lighting, the optimal placement of furniture, helps more effectively carry out redevelopment and repair.

A regular architect or designer can give a free consultation. This usually happens with small amounts of finishing works, but, of course, subject to the purchase of stone in this company. If a specialist advice is required directly at the facility, you will have to pay for its departure and time spent. Although we note that the majority of such appeals to the manufacturers of decorative artificial stone are associated with the architectural design of the outdoor decoration of houses, and not with interiors. This circumstance is quite explained. Possible errors or unsuccessful decisions in the facade cladding will be very obvious, and it is not easy to correct them. On the background of the scale of the upcoming work, prices for computer simulation seem very moderate.

Kamrock Specialist Tips for Artificial Stone Installation

Installation of artificial stone should produce a professional. However, the customer should know the simplest rules for laying the material.

For cladding apply:

Plane elements, they are measured in square meters;

Corner elements measured by route meters.

The surface area to be facing is calculated by multiplying its length to height. From the result obtained, the area of ​​windows, doors, openings of IT are subtracted. To determine the desired number of angular elements, summarize the length of all external corners.

The results of calculations are obtained rather accurate, but it is always necessary to have additional flat and angular elements (10% of the calculated amount) - for fitting the masonry. Purchasing the material is better immediately given the recommended stock, since the specificity of production allows small variations in color in different parts of the stone.

To make a fairy tale ...

Fans of exotic, dreaming of turning a small swimming pool in a stone cave with stalactites and stalagmites or enjoy the evenings in the winter garden under the murmur of the stream running on the bizarre stones, it is worth contacting the creative workshops for the manufacture of a decorative concrete. All sculptural works are performed manually, without the use of molding. Adding to the concrete mixture of the polymer makes artificial stones with durable and elastic. Individual processing gives the maximum realistic and uniqueness of their surface.

Professional masters will make reality and the most ambitious, and very modest projects. Aglasen, you will be guaranteed the uniqueness of stone creation.

After inspection of the field of activity, experts are developing sketches. It takes a few days. After your approval, proceed directly to the decoration of the room. And there are no restrictions on the size and shape of stone blocks. To facilitate the load on the overlap of the house, large textures make hollow inside. For a decorative decoration device, a metal frame is built first, then a multiple coating with a special concrete mixture is made. So the design, apparent impressive, weighs really not so much. The top, the art layer sculptor handles manually, and the created stone acquires the appearance of the present natural creation.

EUROKAM specialist advice on the preparation of grounds for laying decorative facing stone

A plastered surface - to identify flaws and emptiness, stacking re-on. Strong-structured old layer Seek, clean the brush, rinse with water and give the wall to dry well. The brickwork made of ceramic brick is to clean and sharpen the seams, eliminating the irregularities between brick and grooves. The brickwork made of silicate brick and foam-concrete blocks - to plaster with a lime-cement solution (1-2 mm thick), primed to prevent increased moisture absorption. Wall-made wallpapers - Clear all layers of wallpaper, launder with a warm water of a plumb, give the wall to dry. Explore the stucco on the carrying ability, if necessary, restore it. Plasterboard sheets (they should have sufficient bearing capacity, not to be loose) - surface to handle the primer and give drying to the formation of a transparent dry film. Pitry with high humidity use only moisture-resistant sheets. Asbic cement and cement-chippers (their thickness should not be less than 10 mm) - the process is similar to the preparation of the plastered surface. Metal / Wooden surface - Clear rust, chips and other contaminants. Make a layer of pergamine, consolidate the plaster grid (self-drawing or galvanized nails). Concrete walls - to cladding a stone should be at least 6 months for final shrinkage.

Decorative and technological properties of artificial stone allow us to create real wonders in the interior. However, to whom it is to entrust the development of a project to turn a dark basement to a cozy billiard room, and the kitchen is in the zucchini of old Prague- solve only you!

Sky colors and foggy morning

Visualization stone

AntiCbrick Collection (EUROKAM).

Stone thickness: 1.5 cm.

Dimensions: length - 21cm, width - 6cm.

Price of stone: 1m2- 891rub.

The dimensions of the angular elements: 211061.5 cm.

Corner elements: 1408 rub. For 2pog.m.

Facing area (in the entire apartment): more than 100m2.

Adhesive tile "EUROTEKH 1": 12 packs (1P.- 25kg, consumption - 3kg / m2; 297 rub.).

Box: Mixture "EuroShov" - 16 packs (1UP.- 25kg, consumption - 4kg / m2; 935 rub.).

Cost of work on facing: 1m2-570rub.

Total: 165000 rub.

Studio apartment molding was used by the Decorative Tile Collection AntiCBrick (Eurokam, Russia). She imitates the Flemish brick of manual molding. The appearance of the tile (genuine noble patina) is ideal for creating interiors in the European style of the XVIIII - beginning of XIX. Its value corresponds to the traditional dimensions of the ancient Flemish brick-6021cm. The lined surfaces are affected by a multitude of color nuances and texture. When laying, combinations of multiple shades are possible. The collection is equipped with angular elements to create the impression of real brickwork.

Blue living room

Visualization stone

Collection "Versailles" (Chelsea Stone).

Stone thickness: 2-5cm.

Dimensions: 1910; 3010; 5010cm.

Dimensions of angular stones: 22107; 17107cm.

Stone price: 1m2-1039 rub.

Facing area: 4m2.

CHELSEA STONE: 1 Packaging (1UP.- 25kg, consumption - 4-5kg / m2; 389 rub.).

Cost of cladding: 1m2- 600 rub.

Total: 6945rub.

The walls of the living room decorate the decorative facing tile of the collection "Versailles", which copies the rocky surface of the mountain stone. The material looks effectively with fragmented use and with solid stacking. It is used without lapped seam. The surface of the walls is aligned, and after the end of the cladding is plastered. However, decorative elements can be mounted and after the final decoration of the walls, but then the walls, as a rule, have to be tangled. The time of work - 1 day.

Tropical Paradise

Visualization stone

Visualization stone

Stone design of the Winter Garden (Paleolit ​​Workshop).

The area of ​​the decorated surface: 50m2.

Project implementation time: 1mes.

Cost of work: 1m2- 8 thousand rubles.

Total: 400 thousand rubles.

Visualization stone

The combination of decorative artificial stone, living plants and picturesquely decorated walls with panoramic southern landscapes gives the winter garden a real tropical flavor. The near landscape creates stones, crying rock, whose tears turn into a lively stream, the greens of flowers. The light ceiling covered with a luminescent paint with darkness begins to glow and flickering, giving rise to the illusion of the night sky. The built-in audio system enhances the atmosphere of abundance from the worldly fuss. The total price of the implemented project includes the cost of consumables and work on laying communications, manufacturing and painting of decorative stone.

Union of Fire and Stone

Visualization stone

Collection "Monarch" Gray Canyon "(" ECTT-TRADE ").

Stone thickness: 3-7cm.

Size: 20-50cm2.

Price of stone: 1m2 (1Pog.m) - 950 rub.

Square of the lined surface: 10m2.

Glue "YUSCA": 4 packs (1P.- 25kg, consumption - 3kg / m2; 420rub.).

Statting of the seams: "YUSCA", 2 packs (1P.- 10kg, consumption - 5kg / m2; 450rub.).

Cost of work on facing: 1m2- 600 rub.

Total: 18080 rub.

The fireplace is lined with an artificial stone collection "Monarch" Gray Canyon ". Elements of the wrong shape with an uneven flat surface resemble natural sandstone. Fireplace electric. The walls of its portal and chimns are not exposed to strong heating. Therefore, special surface preparation before finishing did not need. Stones are laid at a short distance From each other (with a decree). The size of the gap between them was kept approximately the same: 1.5-2.5 cm. The advantage of this method is a means of material savings (with a minor increase in labor cost). Facing starts from above, gradually moving down so as not to blur already Installed stone. The work took about 3 days.

Elegant Background (Visualization)

Visualization stone

Collection "Rocky Mountain II" (Kamrock).

Maximum thickness of stones: 2.5-3cm.

Price of stone: 1m2-1200rub.

Square of the lined surface: 6m2.

Recommended: Universal cement glue for internal work "Interior Standart" (Kamrock) (1UP.- 25kg, flow rate - from 5kg / m2; 199 rub.).

Approximate cost of cladding: 1m2- 500 rubles.

Approximate laying time: 2 days.

Light gray, sandy-yellow or almost black stones "Rocky Mountain II" collections are attractive to wild natural beauty. Fancy chips, the combination of correct and improper forms are forced to think about the perfection of the creation of nature. This collection is designed for interior decoration, although it is used for facing facades. All its elements have a small thickness (2.5-3cm). They can decorate even modest indoors or narrow corridors. Stay stones online without a batch.

Gaming space (visualization)

Visualization stone

Collection of "Terraces" (Kamrock).

Maximum thickness of stones: 5-7cm.

Maximum size: 60cm2.

Price of stone: 1m2 (1Pog.m) - 953 rub.

Square of the lined surface: 15m2.

Corner elements: 12Pog.

Recommended: Universal cement glue for internal works "Facade Standart" (Kamrock) (1OP.- 25kg, consumption - from 5kg / m2; 304 rub.); Cement-sand grout for the seams "perfect seam" (Kamrock) (1P.- 25kg, flow rate, from 5kg / m2; 934 rub.).

Approximate cost of cladding: 1m2- 600 rub.

Approximate laying time: 7days.

Billiard room is located in the basement of the country house. For her decoration, an artificial stone "Terrais" was chosen. It transmits the texture of a roughly chipped natural stone, varieties of limestone, common in the foothills of the Himalayas. Stones are distinguished by a variety of textures and color shades. This type of facing requires preliminary layout on the floor. First place large stones, then the middle, the remaining emptiness is filled with small. At the same time monitor the uniform distribution of elements of different colors. After the "mosaic" is collected, the stones in the same manner are transferred to the wall. For the "Terrai" collection, the manufacturer recommends laying with the extender. So, gray stout of the seams will be successfully harmonized with plastered walls.

Stone Makeup

Visualization stone

Stone Artstone, ELITE series, Temperature "Slim Plast" ("Perfect Stone"), Design-project Olga Amelchenkova.

Stone thickness: 3 cm.

Dimensions: length - 20-30CM, height - 10 cm.

Price of stone: 1m2- 1120rub.

The area of ​​the lined surface: 3m2.

ArtStone glue: 1 Packaging (1P.- 25kg, consumption - 3-5kg / m2; 330 rub.).

Cost of work on facing: 1m2- 600 rub.

Total: 5490 rubles.

Land of apartments used stones of one of the popular series of the company "Elite" with the texture of the "thin layer". They look like natural reservoir rocks. Stones are easy to assemble, as they have clear geometric dimensions: a height of 10 cm and a length of 20-30 cm. They are laid without a bunch. Due to the fact that thorough preparation of the wall surface was not required, the process took only 1 day. When cladding was avoided long vertical seams, so the elements were located horizontal rows with a shift of 1/2-1 / 3 tiles. Near the sockets, shelves and batteries, the stones were cut by the Bulgarian.

As behind a stone wall ...

Visualization stone

Collection "Mountain Rock" (Foreland).

Stone thickness: 2-6cm.

Sizes: Length - 18-46.6 cm, width - 12-28cm.

Stone price: 1m2- 1254 rub.

The price of angular elements: 1Pog.m- 1254 rub.

The area of ​​the lined surface: 7.2 m2.

Mastic "Eurobest": 1 Packaging (1OP.- 25kg, consumption - 7kg / m2; 478.5 rub.).

Grouting seams "Eurobest": 1 Packaging (1P.- 15kg, consumption - 4kg / m2; 577.5 rub.).

Cost of work on facing: 1m2-800 rub. Total: 15850 rub.

Interior design by large-format decorative artificial stone meets not so often. However, the creative thought of the designer can find good use for him. The peculiarity of the work is that the stone drawing was first laid out on the floor, and then moved to the wall of plasterboard. Inside the adjoining of large stones to the ceiling and the walls they had to be cut. Speaker surface relief behind the decorative panel slightly ground with a diamond disk. Facing was performed after final finishing of walls and gender, she took 2 days. An elegant bed that the owners acquired after repair is dissected with brutal masonry. It was decided to replace the model in the style of minimalism or baroque.

Island of fire

Visualization stone

Collection "Elegance" (Foreland).

Stone thickness: 1.5 0.2 cm.

Dimensions: length- 45cm, width - 7,8 cm.

Price of stone: 1m2- 891rub.

The area of ​​the lined surface: 3.5-4m2.

Mastic "Eurobest": 1 Packaging (1P.- 25kg, consumption - 4.8-5 kg ​​/ m2; 478.5.).

Grouting seams "Eurobest": 1 Packaging (1P.- 15kg, consumption - 3kg / m2; 577.5 rub.).

Cost of work on facing: 1m2-550 rub.

Total: 6400 rub.

The electric fireplace in the country house is lined with a light stone collection "Elegance". Due to the small mass of the stone (30kg / m2), the laying of it on the trim from plasterboard did not imagine much difficulty. The finishing method with the seam extender allowed beautifully to make a rounded part of the fireplace. Facing occupied 2.5 days.

The editorial board thanks Chelsea Stone, Eurokam, Foreland, Kamrock, "Perfect Stone", "Ecolt Trade", Paleolit ​​workshop for help in preparing the material.

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