

The editors begins to publish the most interesting ideas of the participants in the competition "Embody Idea."

Competition 13290_1

Dear readers! We again begin to publish the most interesting ideas of the participants in the Competition "Embody Ideas" sent to the editor.

The author of the idea of ​​Lyudmila Rakitskaya, G.Smolensk

When laying, Lyudmila family decided to use the facial brick of three colors. It is simple smooth, and under the bold stone. A similar effect can be achieved only if you bind the facade of artless stone. True, it will be much more expensive
The original author's development of the design of the facade of the house shared with us Lyudmila Rakitskaya. And, as she herself honestly admitted in the letter, she came across her for this thought Favorite magazine of the whole family "ideas of your home" my dear magazine "ideas of your home"! I have your old reader and is very glad that I had the opportunity to take part in the competition you spend and at the same time express words of gratitude. Briefly about yourself: I am a wife, mother of two children, grandmother, teacher of ethics and cultural studies. My husband and I always dreamed of your home, and now 2 years ago, my dad, disabled and participant in the Great Patriotic War (he turned 82 in January), allocated a plot of land (8 acres). So we had a chance and the dream to implement, and at the same time realize the original idea that your articles presented. It all started with the fact that in one of the numbers I saw a tricolor facing laying. Then I got an advertisement for an unusual color "brick" Rosser brick produced in Zhukovsky. Inconale, in your magazine I read about how to calculate the amount of bricks for cladding. But then everything somehow goes into the head "united": I sat down at the table and began for counting. And, swear, made them myself! Well, then the whole family together helped embody the idea of ​​life. I send photos of our house pride. Of course, before the finish line is still far away, it is necessary to shut down the slopes, bite the tile of the IT.D. But now I have our zebra (so nicknamed the house neighbors) like it. Jia is confident that in the district he is so alone. The one and only! Now it remains to choose from your wonderful ideas that you publish the best options for designing the interior and technology of interior decoration. Then the whole of my big and friendly family - we and my husband and my parents, children and grandchildren, as well as cats and dogs, will surely be comfortably and comfortable in a new house.


According to the results of the competition "Improving the idea", held by our magazine in 2006, a special prize- "weekend for two in Paris" - from Old Man Hottabych, established by her for the original and integrated use of finishing materials, received Maria Curkin for the interior bathroom. This is what letter sent a happy owner of award.

Dear edit!

I would like to thank you and the company "Old Man Hottabych" for the wonderful trip that we were presented! Undoubtedly, the trip to Paris was the most vivid impression of the past year and the biggest surprise. By sending materials to the competition, I just wanted to try my strength and did not count too much, but Fortuna turned to me. For several days in France will be remembered for life. Of course, my father and I inspected the main attractions: both Eiffel Tower, and Notre Dame, and Louvre ... Bridges over Seine Unusual: When you admire with them slowly floating barges, there is a feeling that it is difficult to convey words. Spacious and flight ... Wanted pictures of street artists, located along the river. Here, probably everything is collected than Europe now lives. Ditted coffee with croissants and snails in the restaurant, to feel the taste of Paris. Thank you very much! We hope that various kinds of contests will continue to be held. Ima, of course, will definitely take part in them.

Suwatia, Maria Curkin.

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