Ballad of waterfronts


Flowing and accumulative electric water heaters: types of devices, features of connection and operation, model range, manufacturers.

Ballad of waterfronts 13310_1

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BRAVO Specific Dane Complete with a shower nozzle and holder (Ariston)
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Non-valve player Platinum for 5 kW (atmor)
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Hydraulic DNM DNM Water Heater (STIEBEL ELTRON)
Ballad of waterfronts

The main components of the accumulative water heater:

1- outer shell;

2 drains hot water;

3-inner tank with anti-corrosion coating;

4- thermal insulation;

5- TEN;

6- Cold water supply;

7- magnesium anode

Ballad of waterfronts
Vertical accumulative water heaters (THERMEX)

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Cumulative water heaters MUST (BAXI) 100l (a) and Super Glass (ARISTON) 15l (b)
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Photo V. Nefedova

The tank of the accumulative water heater was placed in the bathroom of the apartment, in a niche over the washing machine

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Drivers: a non-variable "proton" with a capacity of 5 kW with spill (s) and pressure hydraulically controlled DH (Siemens) by 10 kW (b)
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Underpracticuous flower Florida with a capacity of 7 kW with a shower kit (barbell, watering can with a hose and soapbox) in the summer is able to provide water consumption to 4-5l / min, heated to 43C (RedRing)

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Compact shower for 7 kW models DH 07200 from Siemens (a) and similar in power Platinum from ATMOR (b)
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NOVEX with a capacity of 3.5 kW allows you to take a shower during the Summer Shutdowns of the DHW network

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Models with shower wage (a) are attached to the wall at the eye level. Non-free flowing water heaters with spill (b) mounted over the sink (at an altitude of 20-30 cm)
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Stiebel Eltron.

Path flowing water heater located under the sink in the bathroom, close to the mixer

Ballad of waterfronts
Compact Pername MT 46 (AEG)
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Very elegant DHE-SL Series Power Water Drive with Simple, Intuitive Interface (Stiebel ELTRON)
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Stiebel Eltron.
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Powerful electronically controlled grooves provide a given water heating temperature independently of voltage fluctuations, pressure pressure and water temperature changes in the inlet)

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Premium Winner Design Award 2002 - VED E Exclusiv Power Water Drive. Power of the device - 18-27 kW (Vaillant)
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Perfect VEGA models with a capacity of 3.5-7 kW (Polaris)
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Pressure EWH series storage water heaters can be installed vertically or (if necessary) horizontally (Electrolux)
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Small topglass storage water heaters depending on the connection method can be mounted above or under the sink (THERMEX)
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Photo R. Shelomenseva

Cumulative water heater and washing machine are conveniently located in the bathroom, in the built-in wardrobe cabinet.

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One large pressure cumulative water heater serves several closely placed water-based points at once: these are faucets in a kitchen sink and a bidet, as well as in the shower
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With long passages of the accumulative water heater, the water from it must be drained into the sewer. To do this, the drain crane is provided on the inlet nozzle

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In vertical water heaters, a capacity of 30-150l on the case almost always has a thermometer showing the temperature value or water heating level in the tank
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The water heaters of the accumulative type M series of 5-150l are equipped with a 1.5 kW (Polaris)
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Cumulative heater NTS 100 (REGENT)
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Compact Vertical Water Hair-Tel USR 30 (UNITHERM)
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Pressive storage water heaters of the T series. The smallest models (10l) spend on heating water from 20 to 65s about 25 minutes. The largest (130l) increase the temperature to the same 45s for 5.5 h (POLARIS)

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Pressure flow water heater Ved (A) and electronically controlled water heater VEH E Exclusiv (B) (Vaillant)
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Models of pressure cumulative water heaters of the Sr series with a capacity of 10-30l allow you to set the temperature of water heating 25-70c (BAXI)
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300-liter floor water heater for cottage (Metro)
Ballad of waterfronts
Stiebel Eltron.
Ballad of waterfronts

Wall-mounted boiling holders for the production of hot water and boiling water. The instruments are equipped with a temperature regulator (35-100C), a crane, drainage reinforcement and other elements.

For a modern person, the presence of hot water in the house is almost the main condition for comfortable existence. How bad when it is not! Heat in a saucepan necessary daily 200-300l water is extremely difficult. In case of convergence in the work of the hot water system (DHW), it is better to purchase and install an electric water heater in the apartment.

Ballad of waterfronts
STIEBEL ELTRON All electric water heaters on the principle of action can be divided into flow and accumulative. It and others are embedded in a cold water supply system (plug into cold water riser). They consume to heal the same volume of water approximately the same amount of electricity (though with different intensity). Immediately determine which device will suit you more, it is impossible. Each of the two groups has its own merits and disadvantages. Therefore, let's talk about these types of devices.

Heated in Online mode

Flowing electric water heaters are usually very compact (no more shoe box). Most often they are built into copper made of copper or plastic with an installed inside the heating element. Walking through the flask, water from the water pipe is heated by several tens of degrees, after which it comes to the water treatment point (mixer or shower watering can). The indisputable dignity of the instruments of this type is that they begin to act immediately after the connection. That is, it is enough to open a crane, and long-awaited hot water will run into the sink or bath. Moreover, its volume is not limited to anything, except with the dimensions of the reservoir, from which cold water comes into the house. It is necessary to bucket warm - get a bucket, you need two- please. Hospitality, a jet of hot water from under the tap when using a drone in its intensity is usually incomparable with a stream lowered from a fully open crane with centralized GVS. So if you fill with a water heater with a huge bath, then the water in it by the end of this long process can cool. The temperature of the jet at the outlet of the domestic runner is usually 30-60C. At the same time, approximately 1-3kW of electrical power is required to heighten the tap water with flow rate of 1l / min.

Ballad of waterfronts
Photo by E. Lichina

Hydraulically controlled dHC pressure water heater supplies with warm shell and shower water. All elements of the device in contact with moisture are made of copper

(Stiebel Eltron) The main limitation on the widespread use of flow water heaters (especially those that are capable of providing a more or less intense flow of hot water from the crane) is their high installation power. Electroappletes they have "not children's" - 3, 5, 8kW and even more. "Hang" a device that consumes 8kW, on the electrical seal of the apartment, it's like to plug into one outlet at the same time five irons! Immediately sees traffic jams, wiring can catch fire. So it is necessary to pull to the place of installation of the drip cable from the shield. But it is impossible to do this on legal grounds at all possible, but for very much money. For example, in Moscow, especially in the center, for the supply of additional power requires to pay up to 45 thousand rubles. For 1kW. Achestly take extra electricity is simply nowhere, since the cable feeding house is overloaded and works at the limit of its capabilities.

There are no problems with the installation of flow-through electric water techniques except in elite new buildings. Extreme new homes there is even the possibility of connecting to a three-phase voltage of 380V. The happy owners of such dwellings can sometimes afford a flow-through electricity heater with a capacity of up to 30kW (models for 220V are produced by power up to 8kW, maximum to 12kW).

Before buying a drift, you must consult with the electrician of the dish. Find out the water heater of which power can be connected to the network, provided the installation to the place of installation of the cable from the panel on the landing. If at least a few kilowatts are at your disposal, we recommend to evaluate whether it is enough to not feel a shortage of hot water.

If you plan to use the heater only during the summer shutdown period of the DHW, when the temperature of the cold water flowing from the crane is 13-15C, then the device will be enough for a comfortable washing of dishes. It will be able to heat for 1 min about 2 liters to a temperature of approximately 50c. This is quite enough for unhurriedly washing dishes after breakfast or dinner. To take advantage of the shower watering can with flow to 3-4l / min, you will need a device with a power of 7-8kW. It is verified that the pressure flowing water heater for 10 kW in the summer is able to simultaneously feed the kitchen faucet and shower. If you intend to use a referral and winter when the water temperature in the risers sometimes does not exceed 3-5s, 7kW devices are enough for the kitchen sink. For the soul, and even more so, for servicing several watershed points, you need a power of at least 12kW.

Choosing a specific model of the drove, you should focus on the intensity of the use of the device (time of its operation and the number of cranes served).

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Ballad of waterfronts

Ballad of waterfronts

Pressure (a) and non-pressure (b, c) flow water heaters Edisson.

Perfect flowing water heaters. Their power can be 2-8kW. Such a device is suitable for heating the tap water in the house during the summer shutdowns of the DHW. It is able to serve one, the maximum of two adjacent (located next to each other) water treatment points, such as a sink or bath. With permanent, these devices are called because the pressure inside the heating path of the path does not exceed atmospheric. From the water supply network, the device is cut off with a tap, overlapping the inlet nozzle. The output channel (to which the foul or hose with a nozzle is connected to the bundle of the water heater) should always remain open. It is impossible not only to mount the crane on it, but even a little more than the manufacturer allows, overlapping the flow section of the output nozzle (this can happen if you set out the output from the free-on-free driving room or a shower nozzle is not the design that the company offers). Listening to the violation of this ban, the device is likely to fail.

Free-free models with watering can be perfect for the kitchen. They are mounted on the wall, at an altitude of 20-30cm from the sink surface, on the side of the "standard" mixer. Waterable watering can be located so that under the flowing trickle it was convenient to wash the dishes, filling the saucepan of IT.P. At the end of the leiba, some models, such as Platinum (ATMOR, Israel), provide a convenient swivel divider, feeding a heated jet in the right direction. On the shower nozzles almost always installed regulators of the intensity of water supply. For example, DE 09200 (Siemens, Germany) is a nozzle with "soft jets" and "classic shower" modes.

Using the non-per-first dieter is very simple. You open the crane at the entrance, and when the water flows, you turn on the power key of the heater on the instrument housing. Rotating a crane, you can adjust the temperature of the jet: the smaller the pressure, the higher the temperature. However, boil the jet, reducing the feed, still fails: when the dynamic pressure of the flow of the flow will decrease to 0.2-0.33at, it will work the minimum pressure relay and the device will turn off. The same will occur in the case of overheating the device, the thermal limit relay will work. The tap for pressure control can be located outside the housing, on the supplying cold water with a nozzle, or embedded in the chassis of the non-pressure-free driving room. The function of the input crane is able to perform a special mixer for non-pressure flowing water heaters. It comes complete with some instrument models, such as Epj Optimus (Kospel, Poland).

You can adjust the temperature of the jet, changing the heating power. On the housings of high-performance devices, two or more power selection keys are often provided (for example, 3.5 and 7kW).

Pressure flow water heaters. Such water heaters with a capacity of 2-12kW (single-phase) and 3-30kW and more (three-phase) are suitable for both summer and year-round (with sufficient power) application. Capable one or immediately several watershed points, such as shell mixers, baths and shower. Presshote, in contrast to the original, "not afraid of" pressure in the plumbing network. Aventil, overlapping flow, can be installed both at the inlet and at the outlet of the device. Slipping with these restrictions on the use of co-inspires with such a water heater of mixers, showers and other standard fittings does not exist. The device can be connected to the already installed waterproof points.

Most often, pressure drifts are mounted secure- or in the kitchen, or in the bathroom under the sink. Another option is located in a plumbing cabinet. Yvs and sometimes they are installed in sight, let's say next to the shower. Thanks to an elegant appearance, such devices (especially the highest price category) can turn into a bathroom decoration, a sort of uneacle, but very expressive bar in the style of high-tech. In love case, the place for the installation of the drone must be selected, taking into account the degree of protection of its housing from moisture (IP). If IP25 is specified in the instrument documents, it can be placed directly next to the bathroom (shower pallet), and if IP24 is not closer than 60cm from it. It is important that the distance from the installation site of the device to the mixer and (or) shower watering can be minimal, if possible from several tens of centimeters to 1m. If the device is raised far, say at a distance of 10m, and the diameter of the supply pipeline is 18 mm, then first from the crane flow 2 liters (for 20-30C).

When the pressure drift with hydraulic control, the owners do not have to touch it. It is enough just to open the hot water valve on the mixer and, rotating it, set the necessary jet temperature. When the water flow passes through the water heater, the pressure dropper is formed at the inlet and outlet. A special relay registers this difference and closes the power contact group. After the discontinuation of the discharge of the relay instantly turns off the heater. Differential switches are used vigoderaulically controlled devices with two-stage heating. At low consumption, it activates the reduced, and with a significant full power. When there is no flow or it is too small, the heater does not work.

The highest comfort allows you to achieve a remote donkey, equipped with an electronic control system. Such devices provide the water temperature at the outlet in the range of 30-60s, and with an accuracy of 0.5 s. Before or during water procedures, you install the desired temperature, rotating a steplay-free wheelchair on the device case or pressing the buttons. In view of this at the same time on the LCD tablo, on which the value set immediately is displayed.

Then you can never touch the water heater again: open the faucet, and from it already flows the hot water of the temperature that you need. The accommodation from the instruments with hydraulic control, these devices make it possible to "play" with hot water consumption (but, of course, within the device performance at a given temperature at the input and output). If hot water, according to smart automation, consumed too much and the power of the heater starts missing, the device with electronic control itself (using the built-in restrictive valve with the electric drive) reduces its consumption. At the same time, the flow temperature at the output will be maintained at a given level. Power switching when the water flow rate changes smoothly, the temperatures are excluded. For greater comfort, the buttons, "memorizing" the temperature you like, such as DHE (Stiebel Eltron, Germany), and the remote control, which can be hung directly in the shower or bathroom, right under the running jets. So, Ved E Exclusiv LCD (Vaillant, Germany) is up to four remote controls.

Ballad of waterfronts

Ballad of waterfronts

Ballad of waterfronts

Water heaters connecting schemes: non-pressure flowable (A), pressure flow (b), pressure accumulative (B): 1 - electrocabolic (cross section of at least 0.7mm2 / kW); 2- automatic protection; 3 bags; 4- device protective shutdown (30 mA); 5 - cold water; 6- not conductive pipe pipe; 7- security group; 8 - draining into the sewer; 9 - hot water; 10- Water-based points. phases: L- working; N-zero. PE-NUMBER PROTECTION.

Democratic, both at the price and in appearance, non-pressure flowing water heaters deliver to the company Novex (Israel-model Novex), Polaris (United Kingdom - Vega, Mercuri Quick Heat), Atmor (Kaiser, New, Platinum), Proton (Russia - PEVN) IDR. Complete supplies may include vigilant or shower nozzle. The cost of instruments with a capacity of 3-7kW- 890-2500rub. Among the devices of a higher class, you can select the shower kits of the RedRing companies (United Kingdom model Advantage, Florida, Super Extra), Siemens (DH 04200), Stiebel Eltron (DS Series). Such devices are more expensive - 5-7 thousand rubles. Very nice models of non-pressure flowing water heaters with a capacity of up to 6-8kW with inflows and shower kits deliver to Russia ARISTON, BAXI (Italy). It is impossible not to note the very elegant and advanced technique Kospel.

Pressure flow water heaters with hydraulic and electronic control are presented in the widest assortment. Moreover, almost all firms have models for 220 and 380V, the capacity spectrum is from 3-4 to 30 kW, options for both hydraulic and electronically controlled are possible. It should be noted AEG, Siemens, Stiebel Eltron, Unitherm, Vaillant (Germany). Interesting models are available at Kospel and other manufacturers. The most affected 4-5kW hydraulic water control water heaters presented on the Russian pressure water flow water control water control can be bought for 4.5-6 thousand rubles. The device at 12kW, literally polished by electronics, will cost 14-19 thousand rubles.

Caution: Dangerous Water Heater!

A few years ago in the transitions of the metro stations, in the construction markets and in other crowded places it was possible to buy a flow water heater. He looked like a nozzle on the mixer's pile and turned on in the usual outlet. Such devices are sold in some way so far, and at seductively low prices, 200-500 rubles. for 1pc. The heating element is represented in two metal plates located at a distance of a few millimeters from each other. Klastins are directly attached with a wire with a voltage of 220V. The tap water passes between the plates and heats up, since it is much better than air, electricity conducts. The heater works, and when the flow is dried, "automatically" turns off. The efficiency of such devices is close to 100%. Hospital, they are sensitive to the salt composition of water. Distilled water nozzles will not warm at all. Aesley salts a lot and water resistance is small, the device can explode due to overheating. These simple devices are able to "fill up" the blow of an electric current of any height of the grounding of them, as a rule, no, and the entire load of the power grid in the case of a breakdown of isolation can take on behalf of a person. Specialists categorically do not recommend using this type of flow water heaters in the apartments.

Vmor hot water

Power cumulative electric water heater. This is a heat insulated tank with a capacity of 5-150l (there are models and significantly more). The heating element is usually located at the bottom of the tank, at the bottom, and its power is 1-1,5kW (sometimes up to 6kW). The device usually works from a single-phase network. This allows you to connect pressure tanks even in apartments with very weak wiring. Hospital, the accumulative water heater is a much more cumbersome than a teston. It is not always possible to find a place for it in a small model.

After connecting to the network and the cold water riser, the tank is filled with tap water. The user sets the temperature of 30-82c installed on the body of the regulator (according to experts, optimal in terms of energy saving and environmentally friendly value is 60C). At the volume of tank 5l and the power of the heater 1-1,5kW per heating takes 20-30min. The water in the model by 150l reaches the condition longer, in 5- 8h, after which the water temperature (in the presence of power supply) is kept at a given level for an unlimited long time. Since the tanks are insulated, the energy costs for maintaining the desired temperature are calculated with dozens of watts-hours (so, a high-quality accumulative heater, the water in which was brought from the evening to 60s, even in the absence of electricity in the house cools up to the morning only 3-5s, no more ).

You can use heated water at any moment, even through several watershed points at the same time. You include shower, wash dishes in the kitchen IT.D. The "drive" provides the same head of hot water, as in the centralized system of DHW. But pouring this water in continuous mode can be completely short. So, in 10 minutes through a large shower can from the German mixer (with a flow rate of 12l / min), it takes up to 120l heated to a temperature of 38c. Aexexerase the standard watering can from the domestic soul (4l / min) - respectively, 80l. True, if the water in the tank is a free, say, up to 76s, then before use it will have to be diluted in a cold water mixer so that the jet temperature is 38c at the output. Then take the shower with the same water matters will be able to twice the longer.

However, you can feel discomfort when using a cumulative appliance, you can feel long before the predetermined water runs out in it. After the exhaustion of the tank volume by 1/2 and 2-2 / 3, the exit from the tank will become cool. This is especially noticeable when taking the soul: Sleeps begin to spin taps on the mixer, covering the valve cold or increasing hot water consumption. It starts to cool the outgoing jet because water from the water pipeline is inevitably mixed in the tank with already heated and cools it.

Of course, engineers work on this problem. To reduce the mixing intensity, the cold water is always fed to the tank, contacting the tan, the flow is heated. Selection of hot water as less dense is always carried out from the very top. So that cold water evenly filled the tank from the bottom up, the bulk tube is sent to the bottom or resort to the help of devices like an umbrella (in them the cold jet is divided and sent down) and special nozzles (nozzles). An external device that ensures the stability of the outgoing jet temperature can be a mixer with a mechanical thermostat from GROHE (Germany), Damixa (Denmark) of the IDR. This device will automatically maintain the optimal mixing of cold and heated water. There is such a mixer, however, at all silent, 4 thousand rubles. and more.

But even when the mixer is used, the temperature regulator is sooner or later the moment occurs when the temperature of the water flowing from the tap is approaching the temperature of the plumbing. So, stored in advance "boiling water" simply ended. It is time to temporarily stop using the water heater and wait some time until the next portion of hot water is ready.

In order not to experience discomfort, it is advisable to buy a large accumulative water heater, with a margin. Yes, and we need to spend the driver. Despite the fact that there are no restrictions on the choice of waterboring reinforcement, it is better to use watering cans and shower nozzles with a flow rate of no more than 2-4l / min. So you will increase the water procedure time and reduce power consumption.

The minimum volume of the tank, and, consequently, also inhibited the previous hot water needed to rinse a pair of plates and cups, is 5l. If there will be a lot of dishes, it may not be enough hot water. Wash the dishes in the usual mode, without overlapping a hot crane during washing and a qualitatively washing the remains of foam, it will be possible if there is a 20-30 liter tank. The minimum volume, which is enough for a visit to the shower with one person, - 10l. At the same time, I will have to wash "Spartansky": Solissed it, closed the crane, then it was embarrassed, she was laughing with a washcloth, she opened the crane again and rushed. To get enough hot water, it is better to take a more voluminous vessel (at least 30l). The 80l tank is enough for dishes and shower for two adults and one child, even if they wash each other. Minimum for such a family- 50l. Well, two adults and two children need a 100-120-liter tank.

From the volume, largely depends on the choice of place to install the tank. Mount the device is necessary on the wall, using anchor bolts or other reliable fasteners (depending on the material of the walls). Just as in the case of flowing heaters, the distance from a bath or a shower tray must be determined by referring to the degree of protection of the device from moisture (IP).

5-25l tank (let's call it with a small accumulative water heater) can be installed in the kitchen: open, above washing (models with lower connections, in which water pipes are looking down and the control panel is located below), for example SR 501 CR SL, EXTRA ( BAXI), or hide in a kitchen cabinet under the sink (here it is convenient to place a model with a top connection, say SH 5 SI, Stiebel Eltron). The best place for the accumulative water heater of the vertical installation with a capacity of 30-150l is considered to be a sanitary wardrobe. Acceptable and empty hinged sections of the kitchen headset. Just remember that for carrying out the maintenance of the tank, it is necessary to leave free space at the site of connecting pipelines.

How much will the tank last?

Traditionally, the tank of pressure accumulative water heaters are made of low carbon steel and coated from the inside enamel or other material (for example, glass-ceramic) for corrosion protection. When choosing a device, the consumer is difficult to control the quality of the coating, evaluate its durability and compare with the price of the water heater. Especially since each manufacturer of equipment claims that it is his recipe for the most reliable. So it is better to focus on the warranty period that various firms are given on its tanks. It can be 3-10 years.

For additional protection against corrosion in tanks from conventional steel, the so-called anti-corrosion protective anode from magnesium is mounted next to the Tan. Anode is electrically connected to the internal reservoir. From the anode to the places of micro and macrodfects in the enamel coating there is a galvanic current. He prevents the formation of corrosion ulcers in these places. Use the anodes (depending on the size, the nature of the damage to the coating and other characteristics) is usually 1-7 years. However, it is necessary to check their condition annually or even 2 years per year. Extreme models of pressure cumulative water heaters (say, SHZ-LCD of Stiebel Eltron) used the so-called active anode. A constant current needed to protect against corrosion is generated by an external voltage source. The rod of the active anode, made of titanium, does not dissolve, and works as a feed electrode. Such an anode does not require any check, no maintenance.

In the early time, pressing water heaters with stainless steel tank are becoming increasingly popular. This material is practically not subject to corrosion (it may appear in the aggressive medium on the welds only after a few years of operation of the device). But this technique is expensive. Pressure storage water heaters from stainless steel usually in 2 times more expensive than just the steel of the same manufacturer. But their warranty period in 2-3rd longer.

Perhaps the interior will fit the accumulative water heater of the horizontal installation. Water in it warms not so evenly, as in a tank, mounted vertically (due to design features). For example, a tangible decrease in water temperature may be observed after only 1/3 parts are used. But mask such devices are much easier. Often, horizontal tanks with a diameter or up to 350-400mm in a diameter of a decorative step decrease in the ceiling of the ceiling of moisture-resistant drywall, leaving access to maintenance (revision hatch).

Both vertical and horizontal tank very often have to mock openly, exposing for everyone to review. At the same time, on its surface, sometimes the drawing or ornament is asked. Some modern models with polished metal housing, such as Flat Diamond (Thermex, Italy), are able to become a decoration of the kitchen or a bathroom.

Built-in automation of accumulative water heaters can be both extremely simple and superser. In the direction of the user only a mechanical temperature controller on the instrument housing and the "Enabled-off" key. However, if the waterworks are used irregularly, say 2-3 weeks. per year, during the prophylactic or emergency shutdowns of DHW, this is quite enough. Well, lovers of advanced technology can offer devices controlled using a built-in microprocessor, such as a VEH E Exclusiv (Vaillant) model.

Dozens of firms are made of pressure cumulative water heaters. Extremely diligence of the ARISTON and THERMEX technique - by the volume of sales of water heaters of accumulative type, they, apparently, left far behind many of their competitors. Very worthy Watergrams deliver to Russia AEG, Dimplex, Siemens, Stiebel Eltron, Unitherm, Vaillant (Germany), Austria Email (Austria) and Electrolux (Sweden). Upon more than reasonable prices, you can buy Baki manufactured by ISEA (Italy), Atmor, Polaris, as well as Real Magos, Delusot (Russia). It is impossible to go around the high-quality technique Gorenje (Slovenia), Riello (Italy), Tatramat (Slovakia), Wester (United Kingdom). For example, a democratic device with a capacity of 100 liters with a minimum set of control functions when warranty on the inner tank 3 years cost approximately 3.5 thousand rubles. Aanalogic in volume, but with a 7-year warranty, already about 5.5 thousand rubles. Elite models with microprocessor control are much more expensive. Tank volume 50l may well "pull" at 17-20 thousand rubles.

Tubular heater

The widespread distribution both in the flow, and in the accumulative devices received a TEN. According to the design, this is metallic (most often copper, but it also happens from stainless steel, like Siemens drivers) tube. Inside, it has a heating spiral pressed in magnesium oxide. Tennes for water heaters with power up to 3kW usually single-stage, they are turned on immediately "on the full coil". Avot more powerful runners are equipped with blocks of two or more Tan. This allows you to adjust the power of water heating. The chenospiery advantages of the Tannov are an impressive service resource (up to 5 thousand. The main disadvantage of the teanus, which changes the working conditions at the border of the "TEN-heated water". The result is to increase the temperature of the TEN surface, which reduces its service life. Consumption of electro-roenergy increases. After all, the scale layer is the thickness of only 1.5 mm leads to a decrease in heat transfer in heating devices by approximately 15%.

A few words about mounting

Ballad of waterfronts

Under the sink, models in which the input-out of water, as well as the control nodes are located on top in Russia, many craftsmen are connected by electric water heaters on their own. Manufacturers This approach to installation is usually not prohibited, demanding only that everything is fulfilled in accordance with the instructions. Then the device will work for many years, and when problems occurred during the warranty period, the firm will eliminate them at its own expense. But all the same companies strongly recommend buyers to use the services of professionals installers. After all, the right to invade the water supply system, and even more so in the system of electrical support for the apartment, only certified specialists have. To find a good assembly brigade, it is enough to call to the nearest service center of the manufacturer, serving water heaters, and take the phone of the brigadier. Agree on the time of visit and price (with consumables and components - 1.5-6 thousand rubles.), After which experts will bring everything you need. The connection will be executed as soon as possible, with a one-year or even a longer warranty on the installation work performed.

If there is no professional brigade in your region, it remains to look for an experienced plumbing and an electrician (perhaps in one person), after which it is purchased under their (it) leadership, all the required set of consumables.

Electrocabage is needed to connect an electric water heater. I will have to pull it out with a drone directly from the instrument to the shield. Incoptive water heaters The electric cord with a fork is usually included in the package, so next to the installation site of the instrument you need to install a grounded outlet. If the water heater is connected to a single-phase 220V network, the cable must be three-core, and if the three-phase network with a voltage is 380V-pin. The core core section depends on the maximum power consumed by the device. It can be assumed that 0.7-1mm2 of the section of the cross section of each copper conductivity is necessary on 1 km of the water heater. You also need a protective automatic machine for the maximum current consumed by the device, and the protective shutdown device (UZO) with a trigger current of no more than 30mA.

Connect the waterwork to the riser should be with the help of polymer (PVC, stitched polyethylene) or metal-polymer pipes. The rubber storms in the metal braid and flexible metal pipes specialists categorically do not recommend applying for electrical safety reasons. For connecting pressure flow water heaters, safety fittings often need, which includes a pressure regulator and filter (in case of hydraulic impact, sand in water IT.P.). Armature It is advisable to buy a brand name - it offers heaters suppliers. Cheap components from the market very often do not withstand pressure in the water supply network. Otherwise, a flood happens in the apartment. At the entrance to the accumulative water heater should certainly be a special security group. The compartment includes a check valve that is necessary in order for the hot stream to not go back to the water supply when the water is turned off, and the throttle (reducing valve). It resets the pressure exceeding the one by which the water heater is calculated (as a rule, 6-8bar). In addition, we need a safety valve with a drain tube into the sewer (mounted with a jet break). It will help to buck water, resulting in a tank as a result of its thermal expansion. Complies with water heaters of the budget class often offer a collected security group that regularly performs their functions. Dear models deliver without special reinforcement and complete it for a fee (1-3 thousand rubles).


When working on rigid water, it is necessary to clean the TEN from scale, which is necessary to clean the water heater for which it is necessary to clean the water heater. It is sometimes difficult to do this on our own, it is necessary to call a specialist from the service center (exit, 0.5-1.5 thousand rubles. And more). Significantly reduces the loss of scale on the Tane magnetic converter worth about 2 thousand rubles. It is embedded into the pipe, entering the heater water. Another method is able to install a ion exchange resin filter at the entrance (from 0.5 thousand rubles). The water flowing through it is softened, after which it enters the water heater.

In the last time, both flowing and cumulative devices have become increasingly equipped with heaters that do not overgrow with calcium. Punching of the heating element here often performs an uninsulated spiral from a special electrode wire. It is deformed when heated and cooled, and the layers of scale are cracked and washed off by the flow of water. Manufacturers of such devices require the specific electrical resistance of pipeline water at the installation site of at least 1,200 OMSM. Among the models with an uninsulated spiral, we note, for example, Ved E Exclusiv (Vaillant), DH 12400 (Siemens), DE series (Stiebel Eltron).

Another characteristic of the heater differs from the design (more precisely, the heating unit), which is not inclined to overlap, uses Siemens in its devices. This is the copper tube curved in the form of a flat spiral, along the turns of which thin copper beans are attacked outside. Water flows through the tube, and due to the absence of direct contact of the Tannis with water, high thermal conductivity of copper, high flow rate, as well as overheating system (maximum temperature, 60c) inside the pipe with time, it is practically not formed.

The heaters are not inclined to zakypin, and in pressure drives. Let's say in ACI models (THERMOR, France) a steatite heating element - "dry TEN" is used. It is installed in a protective metal flask and does not contact with water. A large heat exchange surface allows you to reduce the deposition of scale. Dismantling of such an element does not require drain of water from the tank.

The editors thanks Rusklimat, Vaillant, Stiebel Eltron, Osko, Aeg, Baxi for help in preparing the material and provided illustrations.

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