Apartment for car


Car storage options. Features of the sale and sale of garages associated with the Earth. The cost of places on a multi-level parking lot.

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Motor transport serves for a resident of the megapolis one of the main sources of concern, is the cause of air pollution and multi-kilometer traffic jams. But there is another problem. Each motorist knows what difficulties when searching for parking for a car or place in a heated garage.

Apartment for car

Statistics show that the "iron horse" of the employee during the working day is used on average 4 h, and the rest of the day it costs without movement. What to do to citizens who care about their own convenience and on the preservation of their autoluctants? Thus, according to the Government of Moscow, only about 40% of cars (approximately 900 thousand places) are provided with parking lots. Quclock 2007 About 200 thousand machines will be put into operation. What to say, city yards in our country are not intended for such an influx of vehicles - by normal the number of parking spaces should be 70% of the number of apartments.

Where are iron horses rest

In accordance with the Law of the Parking, they call the building, construction (part of the building, facilities) or a special open platform, which are intended for storing automobiles. Thus, it is possible to store a four-wheeled friend on flat, multi-level (terrestrial, underground and terrestrial underground) parking lots, in obmounted garages, on mechanized parking, in garages and finally on terrestrial parking lots.

The cost of the garage box in the secondary market, depending on the location and equipment varies within 10-600 thousand rubles. Places in a multi-level and underground garage cost 0.75-2 million rubles. 5-15 thousand rubles are asked for rental of the garage. per month. Consider all possible options.

Temporary parking

Apartment for car

The easiest way to leave a car for short time (for example, for a hike to the store) is to find a temporary parking. Parking (Parkings) - Plots of highways within the removal strip created to accommodate vehicles. May be paid or free, publicly available or service (owned by a specific organization or intended for clients of a particular company). Ground parking lots will not disappear at all, since it is necessary to accommodate cars near the offices of companies. Few organizations can boast their own parking (for every 60-100m2 leased areas one machine-place; this is especially unprofitable for those companies whose activities are associated with a large client flow at a relatively small number of employees). Even modern shopping centers in large cities do not always have underground parking or mechanized parking.

But if you have found a comfortable parking near the desired building, the problem of temporary saving your car has not yet been solved. It is still to find out the situation with the payment: to whom, how and how much to pay. The machines did not fit, because they did not assume the possibility of changing paper money and demanded the presence of coins from the car owner. The same parking mats were not resistant to Natius hooligans - developers could not make anti-vandal devices. There are alternative ways to make money. VKiyev, for example, prepare an experiment on payment of parking with a mobile phone (in many European states it is practiced for a long time).

Hourly daylight rate on ground parking in Moscow - 20-100 rubles. There are also preferential tariffs, a whole day. They make up 60-500 rubles.

Municipal parking works only in those hours that are indicated on the corresponding road sign. Increased time it can be used for free. The mode of operation of other parking is determined by their owners. Information about the work time and tariffs for services, as well as a list of categories of users who have benefits, address and telephone operator (Persons accepting complaints) must be placed in places available.

Note that the organizers of temporary parking are not responsible for the safety of cars left at parking operated by them if it is not included in the list of additionally provided services. Municipal parking operators provide: equipping parking spaces with special equipment, road signs and road markings in accordance with the project of the parking organization; observation of the serviceability of the equipment, maintaining it in working condition, the protection of equipment, the cleaning of household garbage in the territory, assistance in exempting the territory in the production of work on cleaning and exporting snow; monitoring the placement of motor vehicles, timely and proper payment; Notification of traffic police officers about drivers carrying out vehicles in violation of traffic rules. But, as you can see, ensuring the safety of cars in the list of standard services is not included.

Open land parking

Apartment for car

The cheapest breaking version of the car - open landmarks. In the near 200 hectares of the Earth applied to them. Construction and arrangement of protected open parking costs several hundred dollars for one machine-place. It must be added to the cost of coordination of land and land rental fees. The cost of renting a place on an equipped area with protection - 800-2000 rubles. instez (or 20-100 rub. per day), depending on the remoteness from the subway and residential buildings.

Ground parking makes cheaper. But all that you get on them is a slightly greater level of security than if you left a car under the windows at home or near the entrance. Yes, the administration of terrestrial parking is responsible for the damage caused by your car during his stay at the parking lot. But for this it is necessary to keep documents on payment or enter into an agreement on the storage of your car. Such an agreement in simple writing is usually concluded only by those car owners who have been using the services of the same parking for a long time. Those who leave the car for 2-3 days, rarely talk about the possibility of concluding the contract. The current case require a document that indicates the payment of the stay of the car in the parking lot. However, remember that for the vehicles stored in the parking lot without the knowledge of its owner (that is, you are dealing with guards, but do not conclude an agreement, and even more so do not start the pass and account), this very owner does not bear any responsibility. Ground parking lots at the expense of land tax regularly replenish the urban treasury. But the duration of their existence depends on the degree of demand for land plots and alternative garage construction in the area. For example, the Moscow government involves significantly reduce the number of landmarks, replacing them with multi-level garages.

You can find out if the current owner of the garage has a certificate of ownership of the sold real estate, it is possible in an organization leading a single register of rights. To do this, you need to send an appropriate request to it by attaching a copy of your passport and a payment document confirming the introduction of 100 rubles. At the expense of the organization.


Apartment for car

Equipped with a canopy of structures - garages are intended for storage of vehicles. Injectors, most of them are in possession of garage-building cooperatives (GSK), which appeared in the 70s. Xxv. Part of the garages is under the jurisdiction of the All-Union Society of motorists (VOI), and in the Moscow City Municipal Union motorists. All of them are erected in areas that were either decorated for rent for 10-15 years, or transferred to perpetual use. The GSK with an old history took the State Commission and introduced the property management committee as capital structures in the Register of Real Estate. Each such garage usually has a separate vehicle, certificate of ownership from the Bureau of Technical Inventory, the rules for payment, protection, repair, as well as the established team of participants. All questions regarding the regulation of work of the GSK are solved in general meetings of the members of the cooperative.

The main problem for the owners of stationary garages - the rent of the Earth, on which they cost (the details of this issue we will discuss a little later). More than 50% of motorists are either owners of stationary garages or parking spaces, or want to purchase such a gentleman. The cost of garages (usually concrete or metal) is 100-300 thousand rubles.

We buy cars

Apartment for car

So, the search for suitable in all parameters of the garage was crowned with success, and you are almost ready to become the owner of a cozy house for your car. However, it is not worth relaxing, there are still legal formalities that should be followed in the name of the future calm. Find out if the current garage owner has a certificate of ownership of sold real estate. Ask the Seller to show a garage purchase or donation agreement or documents confirming its membership in the GSK and the full payment of its share. Request information about who owns the garage, you can and independently. To do this, contact the registration chamber (a copy of your passport should be applied to the application, the Chamber of Anonymous Inquiries does not respond).

When you familiarize yourself with the documents and make sure that the garage belongs to the seller on legal grounds, you can proceed with the registration of the purchase agreement. The gas sales contract must be written in writing and in accordance with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, make sure the parties of the transaction with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Apartment for car

As soon as the contract is concluded and registered with the notary, be sure to receive a certificate of ownership of the garage. To do this, you need to submit to a department that carries out state registration of the empower property owners, a registration application. Attach the following documents to it: a garage purchase contract (original and notarized copy); the act of transferring the garage to the buyer (compiled in free form and signed by both parties); Certificate of registration of ownership of the property sold; As well as the consent of the spouse to conclude this agreement (if the garage was in joint ownership of the married couple). Certificate of ownership of the garage will be issued for 1 month. Registration of the pupil owner will cost 500 rubles.

Completely different business. Then the contract in writing should be concluded only if the landlord is a legal entity. Rent a garage at an individual, you can conclude an agreement in oral form. But provided that his term does not exceed 1 year.

Early, the landlord has the right to terminate a written agreement with you only through the court. To do this, he needs to prove that you use his property with violations of the terms of the contract; worsen property or do not overhaul (if, under the terms of the contract, this is included in your duties); And also if you have not made a fee for the property for more than 2 times. In addition, other grounds for termination may be provided in the contract. It is obliged to warn you for 1 month, if your garage refers to real estate objects for 3 months.

A garage that has a foundation or firmly associated with the Earth in any other way is immovable property and must be registered either in the local property management committee or to the technical inventory bureau. Garages-shells and garages are not related to real estate garages, and therefore, you have the right to ownership of them since their transfer.

Special attention zone

Apartment for car

An important question that needs to find out when buying a garage - who owns the Earth on which it is located. In order to not turn into an ordinary, "non-rational" car owner from the happy owner of the machine-places in the loving "car owner, check whether the lease is concluded between the owner of garages (be it a cooperative, partnership or joint-stock company) on the one hand and the city (in the face of the government and local land committee) on the other.

To date, legally decorated garages or parking are placed on officially allocated places of land. The land separation can be temporary (then you will get a stable place for the car for 1-2 years) or long-term (in this case, you are prepared for 10-15 years about peaceful life). Municipal garages, of course, offer a much longer life of the leased premises. But the merchants who decided to earn money on the provision of cars for rent, to get land for a garage or parking in the capital on a long-term basis is almost impossible. Active construction that covers Moscow does not make it possible to use precious land plots for these purposes. Although, of course, new residential buildings and administrative-office buildings will soon require a large number of organized locations.

That is why you know exactly the deadline for which you have the right to use the structure provided to you. Maybe it makes no sense in creating a cellar (it is known that for many garage-space where autumn-winter stocks are stored), laying the metal boxing brick, the construction of racks and organization of the observation pit for repair and maintenance of the chassis of your iron horse. If it is decided to eliminate or transfer the garage, in the amount of compensation that you will be paid, no improvements will not take into account.

Be careful and attentive: if the GSK and the land owner entered into a joint activity agreement, your position from a legal point of view is less reliable than when concluding a lease agreement or sublease. Treaties on joint activities are used in the case when the land on which the garage is built is owned by some department. Such a contract is easy to terminate at any time. The reason for any whiff for the head of the department (departmental enterprise) to which the Earth belongs to. But the most important agreement on joint activities does not give the owners of the garages of all the completeness of the rights, which are provided for by the lease agreement (for example, the right to compensate for invested in the liquidation of parking).

In addition, to protect your garage place, you need to check whether the land does not include a garage, to the so-called security (territory near railways, around construction kittlers) or recreational (restored) zones.

The construction of the garage must necessarily be legalized, and the ready-made building is adopted by a special commission, which is about the act of acceptance. If there is no permissions for the construction of the capital structure, the optimal option can be purchasing a collection and collapsible design, which is easy to dismantle and move.

The mostly favorable position are members of the owners of housing, they are entitled to independently solve the improvement of the addition of the local area. For example, can order a mechanized parking or by taking part in the "People's Garage" program, choose another version of the organization of the automotive parking lot for their own needs.

Shells and pencils

One of the most popular and cheap options for a separate "dwelling" for a beloved car is unconditionally, garages-shells and garages. The cost of a metallic agent is relatively low, about 30 thousand rubles. But the car owner will wait for additional shipping costs, assembly, as well as to design permission to install. So the total cost of the garage-shell oscillates within 45-90 thousand rubles.

Solid side, storage of a car in a shell or penalty associated with numerous problems. Theoretically, the right to establish such a garage is provided to any person. However, in practice, the majority (with the exception of disabled people and war veterans) refuse. Vitoga awnings continue to set without permission. True, the Moscow government approved the procedure for issuing permits to install seashells, according to which they are prohibited to be placed on sports and playgrounds, pedestrian walkways, over engineering networks. However, motorists are not in a hurry to draw up relations with the authorities: the terms of the contract of the short-term lease (11 months) and the rate of rental of the area (depends on the cadastral value of the Earth) few people arrange. The same shells and pencils are not immovable property, therefore, the land on which they are placed is only possible to rent. To give or un-followed, only the metallic awning will be possible, but not a plot of land on which it is worth it.

To get an official permission to install a temporary awning, you need to contact the Garage Interdepartmental Commission of the District where you live. If the shell is installed without permission or on the territory inappropriate for these purposes (let's say, near the playground or sidewalk), then it is subject to demolition based on the decision of the local administration. For example, the law of Moskva N 28-51 of 25.06.97. "On the protection of citizens' rights when implementing urban-planning solutions in the city of Moscow" says that unauthorizedly constructed garages and checks that have been identified during inventory and inspections in case of the impossibility of saving them must be eliminated. Now it is planned to reduce the number of time shelter garages to a minimum.

Multi-level garages

Apartment for car

Multi-level garages occupy an honorable second place in popularity (about 40% of all car owners choose or chose such a gentleman for the machine). Comfort that provides these structures by car owner and its four-wheeled friend-heating, technical means of protection, security and fire alarms, ventilation, auxiliary services and a long-term land degree, - not only guaranteeing demand, but, unfortunately, determine the price of the machine-space, from 300 thousand rubles. But the place in the multi-level garage can be rented, and the term may be different: both monthly and seasonal. There are about 10 thousand rubles in an extreme rental place. per month.

The design features of multi-level garages allow them to divide them into several types. These are terrestrial and underground facilities, located under or over buildings (including above or under residential buildings), their extension is allowed to the buildings of another destination. Overhead parkings may have exterior wall fences (closed-type) and do without them (with floor fences). Parking in a multi-level garage is carried out with the participation of the driver or using freight elevators (the maximum stroke of terrestrial parking - 9 floors, underground, 8 floors). It is also important that additionally in a multi-level garage can be provided for premises for engineering equipment and fire fighting equipment, duty engineers and security shifts, as well as the territory allotted for repair and maintenance of cars. If the garage is located above or under residential houses, it must be separated from them non-residential premises. At the same time, mechanized parking should be equipped with increased fire freedom.

Having decided to become a full-fledged member of the garage cooperative, do not forget to familiarize yourself with its main document management. Pay attention to the conditions of admission to the cooperative and exit from it, on the rights and obligations of its members, responsibility for the delay in payment of contributions, as well as on the features of passing a cooperative garage for rent, its resale and donation.

Mechanized parking

The most "fantastic" version of the storage of your car is, of course, mechanized parking. The car is placed in a special mobile box and give the owner using special devices. This design allows you to locate 15-18m2 to 40 cars. This makes it possible to reduce access roads, reduce the area occupied by the machines (including due to the absence of ramps). The number of personnel, which serves such parking, is minimal. Thus, the operating costs are minimized at maximum vehicle security.

Multi-level mechanized parking is certainly suitable for the arrangement of corporate parking. This will help in solving the problem of traffic jams on metropolitan highways. In addition, the design features of the mechanized garage allow you to dismantle and transfer the design to a new place as soon as possible.

The minus of the mechanized garage lies in its high cost. Project developers are convinced that such parking robots will overpay seashells and pencils. However, for each similar parking, it is necessary to develop an individual project, which is reflected in the cost of the machine-space (it can be 300-500 thousand rubles, and the cost of rent - 100 rubles per hour).

Damage compensation

Regardless of what kind of belly for the car you have chosen, the general rules for the provision of parking services dated November 17, 2001 are approved by the Government Decree No. 795. Especially important in the part that provides for the owner of the parking For damage caused to the storage facility, your car.

When receiving a car, storage requires documents confirming your right to dispose of them, as well as a technical passport or other documents for the car.

In the presence of a vehicle storage agreement, the owner of the parking lot is responsible:

for the safety of the vehicle (in the amount specified in the appraisal value agreement);

damage to the vehicle adopted on the parking lot under protection (in the amount of material damage caused and the loss of the commodity type);

Room Complexation of a vehicle located on a guarded parking lot and the embezzlement of components recorded in the account.

The service owner who uses the battery service, in turn, is responsible for the material damage caused by the parking lot (in the amount of material damage inflicted), for damage to the vehicles under parking, in the amount of damage caused and the loss of the product.

Note that every incident that happened to your car in the parking lot must be an act. He is signed by all interested parties, and before this car will leave the parking area.

In addition, the owner is not responsible for damage caused by an insurmountable force or military actions; For vehicles placed on parking with violation of requirements (if it was committed by the fault of the car owner and could become a direct or indirect cause of car disabilities). Your inattention is left in an easily accessible place (for example, with the unclosed door of the machine) and not removed removable components (brushes of janitors or additional mirrors) - will not be paid by the parking owner. If your car hijacked from the garage box, then obvious traces of hacking should be present.

Remember: the necessary conditions for obtaining reimbursement for the damage to the contract and compliance with the rules for the use of the parking caused during their stay on the car park.

The cheapest includes unheated multi-level Manezhnaya type garages with marking, but without outdoor wall fences. The place in such a garage costs 120-180 thousand rubles. Heating, capital outdoor fence, isolated boxes and video surveillance will increase this amount up to 250-400 thousand rubles.

Project "People's Garage"

The Moscow government has developed a "People's Garage" project, according to which the garages and parking lots themselves are proposed to be attracted to financing the construction of garages. Presumably the cost of such a garage should not exceed 120-150 thousand. For a place in a typical garage complex at 100 seats.

In order to attract car investors, it was decided to release the owners of parking, created during the project, from the repurchase of the right to rent a land plot, as well as on the use of preferential rental rates for land (3% of the base rental rates for the construction of the garage-parking and 10% - for the period of operation). In addition, the costs of developers of garages-standings on the creation of urban main engineering communications and structures should be compensated. ATO payment of equity participation in the construction of urban feeding centers, headquarters, networks, communications and engineering services of developers is offered and free. According to the authors of the project, such measures will significantly reduce the cost of the machine-space.

However, the program "People's Garage" has an obvious flaw. From the program implementation plans it is clear that the most convenient places for car owners will be used to build commercial garages and parking lots.

Underground parkings and structures over railway tracks and reversal areas of buses are fairly roads and in the creation, and in further operation. This may not affect the cost of space. Relatively cheap quick-scale structures are realizable only on the surface of the Earth, which is unlikely to like the caring car owner. The same survey of 15 familiar motorists showed that the maximum amount they are willing to pay for a place in the garage is 60-65 thousand rubles.

While the places in multi-storey garages acquire reluctant buyers scares as high costs (the price of 1M2 in such a garage often exceeds the price of 1M2 residential area) and difficulties arising from the registration of property rights. However, representatives of the Government of Moscow are optimistic: for 2007. It was decided to build such a number of garages and parking lots to provide places for vehicles about 70% of car owners. Mass construction will be organized on the territory of the previous Promon, as well as undeveloped areas reserved for the construction of garages. It is advantageously planned to build multi-level above-ground and underground garages equipped with lifts for cars. Some places in the municipal garages are supposed to be allocated for free. Austal rental prices and selling cars will be the state and local governments. It remains only to hope that these plans will really manage to be implemented.

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