Chic, shine, beauty!


Overview of the market for the care of wooden surfaces: protective coatings for floors, poly rays and cleaners for furniture. Manufacturers and prices.

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Chic, shine, beauty!
"Parquet Hall"
Chic, shine, beauty!
The set "OPTI-SET" (OSMO) for the care of wooden floors includes a napkin for applying funds, nozzles for wet cleaning and removal of dust
Chic, shine, beauty!
Chic, shine, beauty!

Freshener Refresher for lacquered floors and purifier Bioclean

Chic, shine, beauty!

To preserve the strength and beauty of the floors from the tree, the temperature is optimal 18-23c and the relative humidity of air 40-60%

Chic, shine, beauty!

Special felt lining for the furniture legs will help to avoid the appearance of traces and scratches on the surface of the wooden floor.

Chic, shine, beauty!

To protect floors and care for them, it is recommended to use the means of one manufacturer.

Chic, shine, beauty!

Tiger color of the floor is obtained by a special heat treatment. Protective coating - Oil

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Felt lining
Chic, shine, beauty!

Restore a piece parquet, a parquet or massive board will help you with various renewable varnishes and oils.

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Light wood floors especially need regular care

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The surface of the wooden floor under the carpet or track must be vacuuming at least 1 time instez

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Chic, shine, beauty!

Immediately after laying a parquet or massive board, covered with oil in factory conditions, it is advisable to grasp the entire surface of the floor with mastic, and subsequently handle only those areas that are subjected to the most intensive load.

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Oil for restoration and flooding of floors (OSMO)
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Automated oak floorboard covered with white oil

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Chic, shine, beauty!
"3m Russia"

Do not wait for the furniture to cover the thick layer of dust, otherwise, wipeing the surface, you can scratch it

Chic, shine, beauty!

Chic, shine, beauty!

Everyone knows that only with regular and correct leaving floors from a natural tree, as well as a furniture-wooden or lined with veneer of valuable breeds, for a long time retain the pristine beauty. It is aware of, everyone needs to be well oriented into the diversity of protective and cleansing agents.

Chic, shine, beauty!
Tarkett any furniture in our apartments and, of course, the floor require constant, almost daily care. However, what to hide, most of us suggest cleanliness in the house most often on weekends, and general cleaning arrange before holidays or visit guests. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year, we decided to figure out how and with the help of which funds it is necessary to take care of various wooden surfaces.

Fundamental basis

The floors from the parquet and massive board, as well as the piece parquet, are valued for their unique natural beauty. Save the attractiveness of the natural tree for many years help a variety of products: varnish, oil, oil with solid wax. They protect natural material from moisture and street dirt, the smallest, almost invisible particles of which scratch and destroy the surface, approaching the time of the next update or replacement. The maternity hosts, taking care of the safety of the floor, first of all drawing a spinal vestibule or porch at home. It is there that is the most suitable place for a rigid rusty rug, which will assemble the Bo / we have a part of the water with a sole of shoes, and also touch dirt and sand from them. Another cleaner obstacle should be a softer mat inside the dwelling, at the entrance door.

Chic, shine, beauty!
"Parquet Hall"

Polish refreshes the parquet and forms a thin semi-adhesive protective layer on it. Remover is used for solid purification of lacquered floors or local removal of hardwood spots (BONA) Wooden floors, like any other, preferably sweep or vacuuming every day. The frequency of this process is determined by the number of households and the degree of pollution. Household dust that settles and accumulates on the floor surface, spoils the floor covering when walking on it. It rises into the air and with it falls into our lungs. From time to time, the floor should be wiped well with a well-fried damp cloth. According to specialists from Ka..hrs (Sweden), after proper wet cleaning, the surface of the wooden floor should dry out for 1min. Any spilled liquid should be empty to empty so that the wood is not swollen and did not swell.

A variety of nutritional care products increase the efficiency of traditional cleaning, and in addition, they retain a protective lacquer or oil-wax layer. This products produce Bona, Khrs, Akzo Nobel (Sweden), IRSA, Nolte, Osmo, Uzin (Germany), Trip Trap (Denmark), SLC Rinaldi (Italy), Blanchon (France).

Means that save the beauty and durability of floors can be divided into two large groups:

Cleaners (Cleanners), helping to easily remove any contamination, traces, stains of various origin;

Protective-decorative polish, which hide minor damage, retain the properties of a wooden surface and improve its appearance.

The choice of means is largely determined by the finish coating with cloth or oil.

Chic, shine, beauty!

Update of lacquer flooring:

A, the base is carefully swept and wipe (the remaining dirt will later be difficult to remove);

KHRS is applied to renew the varnish, as close as possible by the bottle to the floor so that there is no spray;

G-evenly distribute the composition on the surface, leading the mop along the boards, then it is allowed to dry up 30min.

Chic, shine, beauty!
Chic, shine, beauty!
Chic, shine, beauty!

Eternal shine varnish

Varnish coating for wooden floors, which appeared in the 60s. XIX., And today remains the most popular. Glossy varnishes give the surfaces of silky glitter, matte and semi-wave emphasize the natural pattern of the tree. At the same time, the durable lacquer protects the floor from moisture, pollution and wear.

Vasserize products of companies producing varnishes, as a rule, there are also cleaners for varnish surfaces. They accelerate and facilitate daily care of the floor. When cleaning the floor (for example, after a noisy party), a small amount of such a means is added to the bucket with water and wipe the floor moose in it. To remove the hardwood spots, aerosols are suitable: foam from the canopy is applied to the spot of pollution, and then wipe off the napkin (while rubbing traces of the festive rope. An ordinary wet cloth is a long and tedious).

The purified surface of the lacquered wooden floor should be treated with decorative ramp (sometimes such means are called fresheners or reducing agents). It forms a thin protective layer on it, thanks to which the floor scratched or sweat with time looks like a new one. Now, the time of polish enhances the water-repellent and anti-slip properties of the wooden surface. Experts advise handle floors in apartments and houses every 1-2 months.

Packaging (capacity-1l) Cleaner or rapidly coated with varnish, costs 350-450 rubles. There are special care products, such as moisture-resistant protective impregnations for the jacks of parquet, parquet and massive board, as well as cleaners to remove strong contaminants (traces of rubber shoes, cycling etc.). They are not used too often, but it is important to know that there are such compositions.

Not three to holes, grind to shine

Chic, shine, beauty!

In children's fatty spots, traces of chocolate, pencils and markers from the floor are removed by diluted alcohol. A bag with ice is put on the sticking chewing gum, and then carefully scrape her floors from a natural tree treated with oil (including solid wax) in factory or home, looks most natural. Thanks to these coatings, it is possible to emphasize the texture and characteristic shades of wood. The impregnations fill the pores in its surface layer and not worse than varnish, protect the tree from adverse effects. However, they require a more careful relationship.

It should be noted that the oil-wax surfaces, unlike lacquer, are more dirty, and over time the floor often acquires a sloppy view. However, modern cleaners easily remove overall pollution. Problem sections in the corridors, near the doors, mirrors (like stains from tea, coffee and wine) can be subjected to local processing.

Like our grandmothers who regularly rub on the waxed new portions of mastic, oil covering of modern floors should also be periodically restored. True, for this no longer need many hours of exercises with brushes. It is enough to apply the remedy for a pre-cleaned surface, rub the mop and give to dry for 2-4 hours. The frequency of such treatment depends on various factors: for example, from constant wet cleaning, operating the protective oil layer, or from the tree type. So, bright, soft and porous wood beech or ash in need of reinforced care. In general, if the floor has become difficult to clean, then it's time to apply a protective-decorative polish on it. This means wipes the surface and will create a thin film on it, which will save wood from wear and will prevent the sticking of the dirt.

In addition, parquet specialists believe that on wooden floors under oil immediately after their laying it is desirable to apply a layer of ravine and polish. Auto floors covered with solid wax oil do not require special primary processing. The cost of the vial (capacity-1l) tools for caring for oil-wax surfaces - 250-1000 rub. (As we can see, the price variation is more than the compositions for lacquer floors).

Special cleaners help without any particular problems to remove the old oil impregnation or layer of oil with wax, ensuring, therefore, simple and fast coating update. This operation goes no more than a day. Now the time periodic (once 5 years) grinding the varnished floors, as well as the subsequent application of primer and several layers of varnish requires much longer time, forces and means.

Chic, shine, beauty!

Ollable oil repair options:

A- fine cracks and scratches are treated with mastic for the care of floors covered with oil;

B-deep potholes and damage rubbing with a putty for wooden floors;

It is impregnated with oil for repair;

Gters with more serious damage usually replace.

Chic, shine, beauty!
Chic, shine, beauty!
Chic, shine, beauty!

Flour of choice

Most companies producing protective coatings for wooden surfaces are manufactured by the care of them, recommending the consumer to use the products of the same company (for example, washing the floor treated with BONA varnish, water with the addition of the BONA cleaner). Of course, this approach implies the perfect combination of components that make up the protective coatings and the clinics applied to them and irrigated. However, knowing the nature of varnish (polyurethane, acrylic IT.P.), covering the floors of the apartment, it is not difficult to choose the agent of any company precisely for this variety it is also suitable for cleaning and updating the lacquer surface.

Lord there are facilities for the care of floors having a wide range of action. They are intended for parquet floors, as well as linoleum, laminate or ceramic tiles. Ikak seems to us that the future is behind such universal products. Judge for yourself: if there are three or four kinds of flooring in the apartment, do not envy the hostess, which should use as many different cleaners and irrigated! Meanwhile, and ravine themselves, in addition to restoring and protecting the surface, often perform the function of the cleaner, a significantly simplifying treatment process for the floor.

Furniture cosmetics

Chic, shine, beauty!
"3m Russia"

Polyrols that have contraindications for products with products cannot be used to handle kitchen furniture, lined with a veneer cabinets, tables and chairs made of natural wood or veneered valuable breeds look as a real interior decoration. Compared to the floors, furniture is in more comfortable conditions, if you take into account the loads permanently on them. Nevertheless, it should be protected from the negative impact of high humidity and excessive dry air, protect the surface from sunlight, which can cause a color change, appearance of spots or cracking of a varnish objects. Experts recommend installing furniture at a distance of at least 1m from the heating devices, and if the sun shines brightly- be sure to lower the blinds or delay the curtains. Otherwise, no polyroli and cleaners will help keep it in a decent state.

Casual care for lacquered and polished furniture is easy. You can remove dust from its surface with a soft pure cloth. But it is better to use special polyroli and cleaners for this, among which Raiet "(Bagi, Israel), Luxus Professional (Yankee Polish, Germany), the trademark of the Pronto trademark of SC Johnson (Netherlands)," Pure Force "(" Harmony Plus " , Russia). They remove dust, traces of fingers and various dirty spots, and also improve the structure of the surface and returned to it natural beauty. The cost of this product is 50-200 rubles. for the bottle. Agree that this is a completely low price for maintaining a wonderful appearance of the furniture.

For wooden surfaces, the most good compositions containing various combinations of waxes and oils. They not only purify natural material, but also fueled, protect it from drying out. In this case, the liquid means have a large concentration and create a protective film on furniture. Vials with sprinklers and aerosols contain less concentrated compositions.

Chic, shine, beauty!
Choose a convenient career to you: Aerosol or liquid Manufacturers offer both universal means for processing wooden, glass, metal and plastic surfaces. They remove various contaminants and have an antistatic effect, that is, they remove static electricity and prevent the deposit of dust on the furniture.

People suffering from allergies and asthmatics should pay attention to the fragrance of cleaning products. Some of them have a sharp and strong smell (manufacturers are called it invigorating), in saturation is not inferior to air fresheners for toilets. Products of leading manufacturers due to the addition of perfume flavors are thin, slightly catchy fragrance, but it is more expensive.

The editorial board thanks Karelia, Osmo-M, "3m Russia", "Europolians", "Ark Parquet", "Parquet Hall", "Elite Parquet", representative office of Tarkett for help in the preparation of material.

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