Air purifiers and smoke traps


Overview of the air purifiers and ionizers market: filtration systems, devices for highly fruitful large and small rooms, manufacturers.

Air purifiers and smoke traps 13321_1

Traps for smoke

A. Zelenskaya,


Photo V. Nefedova

Traps for smoke

Traps for smoke
Air purifiers with photocatalytic filters:

a- "beam-60";


("NGO" Light ")

Traps for smoke

The air purifier "Nanolux", developed by IPHF, cleans the air from any molecular organic pollution

Traps for smoke
Air Cleaner 3SK-AC0304B (AirComfort) with seven-seven cleaning steps:


b-ion sterilizer;

in antibacterial


Mr. Filter;




f-ultraviolet sterilizer

Traps for smoke

Traps for smoke
Air purifiers with ionization function:

A- PPA 0401i;

B- PPA 0402i


Traps for smoke
DT (ARTEL) mounted on the ceiling. The device is suitable for large rooms, where they regularly and smoke
Traps for smoke
Triple cleaning system:

a mechanical filter; B - electrostatic



Traps for smoke

Clear air purifier AP RJH 1515 SI (Bork)

Traps for smoke
FU-40SE Air Purifier (Sharp) with Plasmacluster System

Traps for smoke

Traps for smoke

Traps for smoke
Ion aircraft

Tel XJ-888 (AirComfort) with an ashtray-dust collector (a). Ionizer cleaners "Atmos" (b) and "atmospheres" (c) ("atmospheric technician") with light grateful vacuumble plates

Traps for smoke

Traps for smoke
Cleaner-ionizer "Super Plus Turbo" ("Clean Air") (a) and Green Nara 20 (Chungpung) (b) with a retractable plate where dust is deposited

Purifers and ionizers of air, which appeared on the Russian market just a few years ago, today are already actively used in the apartments. In tastech, the office or smoking room, they perfectly complement the existing ventilation system, although they are not able to replace it completely.

Clean the security of health

Traps for smoke
GRACE Series Air Purifiers (Euromate) - Elegant classic design devices. Curvating room can be used, for example, the GRACE ElectrStatic version of sphal, electrostatic

Common and coal filters, household air purifiers, devices, as a rule, are quite large. In size, they are comparable to a small bedside table or TV. Install on the floor, on the table or hang onto the wall. Easily cope with the consequences of "one-time smokers". Professional subtanging and built-in models are built in the standard, there are equipment for bars, halls of gaming machines and other places with extreme pollution tobacco smoke. They make sense to buy if there are often many smoking guests in your apartment. Professional models are more expensive, but also durable home appliances. In addition, their service is literally a penny. ISCHATS, and professional technique looks quite decent: When you first get acquainted with the device there is a feeling of touching the "container high technologies". Yes, and it is not difficult to manage it. The purification intensity is adjustable from the panel on the instrument housing, from the remote control or automatically depending on the degree of smoking room.

During operation, the device repeatedly (at least 2-3 times an hour) pumps through itself the entire volume of the air fill. At the same time, air is subjected to multi-stage cleaning using built-in filters, which in such devices are usually at least two.

Traps for smoke
Air purifier MC 704 AVM (Daikin) with a three-stage filtering system (dust, electrostatic

and photocatalytic

Filters). Power of this device - 27W. The cleaner is effective for premises with an area of ​​up to 60m2 For example, with microparticles, from which the mechanical cleaning filters and MediaMax filters are very effectively coping with MEDIAMAX filters. Time-tested "Clever" smelt-based filter based on activated carbon. (By the way, filters of gas masks were made from activated carbon, which during the wars of the twentieth century. People saved not from such "aromas" as tobacco smoke.) In electrostatic filters, the air is driven by positively charged electrodes, and then smoke and resin microparticles Send on negatively charged elements. Due to the high degree of filtering of resinous substances, air purifiers with electrostatic filters are preferred in rooms with a large concentration of tobacco smoke. Finally, the photocatalytic filter is not very friendly with respect to the tobacco smoke. As experts assure, in efficiency, he is several times greater than the filters of all other types. Harmful impurities of organic origin in it do not accumulate, but decompose under the action of ultraviolet radiation in the presence of a photocatalyst (titanium dioxide) to absolutely harmless components of the natural air (carbon dioxide and water).

Traps for smoke
The device effectively eliminates the smell of tobacco due to the use of a filter with a biofoto-catalyst and an alas ionization, but most of the filters are only "temporary guests" air purifiers: as they are contaminated, they have to be thrown and replaced by new ones. The cost of mechanical HEPA filters usually does not exceed 550-700 rubles., In the smoking room they serve 2-6 months. Coal holds longer months6-12, the cost of the new coal cassette is 400-1500rub. The service life of photocatalytic air elements is 1-2 years, but with a strong smoke of the room change them, perhaps will have to be more often. The most "long-playing" (in domestic conditions can be considered eternal) - electrostatic filters. They, as a rule, are made of metal and allow multiple (in some models to 250 times), cleaning (flushing), which significantly reduces the cost of operation of equipment.

Among the air cleaners equipped with HEPA filters can be noted Models Boneco 7162 (Plaston, Switzerland), HAP 260 (Bionaire, Canada), 6814 (Ballu, Taiwan). They are offered at 3.3-4,2 thousand. rub. Coal filters are included in the supply of Z 7040 (Electrolux, Sweden) worth 8.8-10.6 thousand. rub. and many other devices. A bright representative of professional electrostatic anti-taper air purifiers are the GRACE and Visionair series devices (Euromate, Netherlands). Visionair1 Mediamax, for example, costs 63.6 thousand. rub. Air purifiers with photocatalytic filters are designed and actively introduced by Daikin (Japan) - it offers, for example, MS 704VE model. We also call Bork (Germany). Among the Russian manufacturers are noticeable "Information and Technological Institute" (appliance "SEZHEZH-60"), as well as "Loose NPO" (Light Models, La Lau-60).

Traps for smoke

L. Fedorenko

Photo by A. Rydalov

Air purifier AP RIH 1818 Si (Bork) equipped with a three-step filtration system made it possible to significantly reduce the intensity of the ventilation in this smoking room and how to reduce the cost of heating air-free air in winter it should be noted that the filtering abilities are inherent in not only air purifiers, but also some Another types of household appliances that may well come to help in the fight against tobacco smoke. Take at least an air hood, which today is present in almost every kitchen. If such a device operates in recycling mode, returning the air back to the room, and is equipped with a fairly "fresh" coal cassette filtering air, then it can thoroughly clean the air from tobacco smoke for 30-40 minutes in the maximum power mode. When the extractor works in a direct-flow mode, removing 400-700m3 air from the kitchen per hour or more, it may well be regarded as an addition or in some cases as an alternative to a natural exhaust. It is enough to turn on the instrument during or after a bunch of complete power so that the room cleanses the unpleasant smell of smoke in just a few minutes. Dozens of companies are offered on the Russian extractor market: Krona, Jet Air, Falmec, Faber (Italy), Cata (Spain), Siemens (Germany) IDR. The cost of these devices is 1.6-26.5 thousand. rub. and higher.

Another technical device, with which you can fight smoke in the rooms and the kitchen, is a split system. Conditioners of this type, as you know, are not at all capable of submitting fresh air to the room, or some crumbs are served, or (in order to perform full ventilation functions) need expensive constructive refinement. Ventilation in the smoking room they will not replace. But to ensure the processing of air, which is already present in the room, is to maintain its temperature on a user-given level and reduce contamination by them forces. The same is not worth seduating: it's not forces with modern air conditioners with air purifiers.

Weigly with tobacco smoke are effective, for example, plasma air purification technology. The result is achieved due to the powerful ionization of air and the subsequent partial discharge using the catalyst. Split systems with wall internal blocks equipped with plasma filters (they are still referred to as active electrostatic), deliver to the Russian market of Fujitsu General, Toshiba (Japan), LG (Korea) IDR. The Toshiba Daiseikai model can also be noted, whose marketers specifically make focus on the anti-baccane properties of the equipment. Extremely specialized stores selling Daiseikai, the efficiency of the device each can evaluate the person in one by means, using a special device. In front of the buyer, a transparent camera in which the plasma filter Daiseikai is located, filled with smoke. After pressing the button on the camera case, the filter begins to remove smoke, which is completely destroyed in just a few seconds, the camera becomes transparent again.

The cost of split-systems with plasma filters varies in a fairly wide range. VMoskwe is a good Japanese production unit with a capacity of 2-6kWs can be purchased for 39-48.3 thousand. rub.

Laboratory Freshness

Traps for smoke

A. Zelenskaya,


Photo V. Nefedova

In this smoking air conditioner helps to clean the air from tobacco smog. But most of the smells and toxic particles are still removed to the street without cleaning, with the help of a wall exhaust fan in a room where they smoke, the number of negatively charged ions is sharply reduced. But their number can be fill with various kinds of instruments. The saturation of the space with negatively charged ions contributes to the removal of voltage, an increase in intellectual abilities. Moreover, the high concentration of negatively charged ions contributes to the disappearance of mosquitoes and mosquitoes, which may well get into the smoking room during ventilation, and has a number of other beneficial properties. But most importantly, in the room, despite the smallestness, the freshness of the one that is felt in the coniferous forest or from the waterfall will be felt. Choosing a device, it should be remembered that when ionization in the air, the ozone gas is entered, which in large concentrations for a person is unsafe. The concentration of ozone in the incredible 30m3 room at a distance of 0.5 m from the ionization source should never exceed 100mkg / m3 (MPC). The value of this parameter should be clarified to the instrument in the instrument passport.

A good solution for the very contaminated location of the locomotive air cleaner. It is able to normalize the ion balance and clean the air from the microparticles of tobacco smoke and dust. All dirt extracted from the air in the process of operation of the device is deposited on special disintegration plates placed inside its cassette. Continuing or changing filters will not need, just once every 10-20 days take out the cassette and wipe the plates with a damp cloth. The model "OVION-C" deserve attention ("Pulteks", Russia), XJ-902 (Aircomfort, Italy), BAP-825 (Bionaire), "Super Plus Turbo" and "Super Plus Eco" ("Clean Air from Gennady Kotlyar ", Russia). The cost of equipment is 1.3-6.9 thousand. rub. An ion air cleaner for removing smoke from smoking XJ-888 (AirComfort) is worth about 1,3 thousand. rub. It is a small table lamp, the role of a dust collector in which plays ... ashtray.

The function of ionization is also provided in many cleaners, which we have already told. Therefore, if you plan to purchase a similar device, buy a separate ionizer does not make sense.

Traps for smoke
This elegant air ionizer cleaner

(Alpine Industries) can become an interior decoration among air purifiers with an ionization function, it is worth particularly distinguish to the instruments of Sharp (Japan) with the Plasmacluster system. Most ionizers are able to generate negatively charged ions resulting from the "capture" of an electron oxygen molecule. The Sharp Ionic Generators are cleaved by the H2O water molecules contained in the air, on a positive H + ion (hydrogen) and a negative O2- (oxygen) ion. The devices allow to achieve an ion balance, almost completely identical to natural (in natural conditions in the air, are contained both positive and negative ions), are effectively struggling with tobacco smoke. Models FU-40SE, FU-21SE (Sharp) can be purchased for 11-12 thousand. rub.

It is intended to ionize air and some split systems. So, all models with an active electrostatic (plasma) filter in addition to air purification ensure its ionization. For example, when operating the NOCRIA General system (Fujitsu General), the concentration of negatively charged ions in the air can reach 40 thousand / cm3 (for example: near the waterfall, they are contained in the amount of 10-50 thousand / cm3). Negative negative ion generators are applied without plasma filter. For example, models with needle ionizers are released by Electra (Israel), Haier (China), Panasonic (Japan), Samsung (Korea) IDR. The cost of such equipment is 9-46 thousand. rub. The Plasmacluster ion generator is present in the internal block of the AE-XP split system.

  • How to get rid of tobacco smoke and smell in the apartment

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