Canvated summer


What is "Winter Garden": Terminology, design principles, design features, materials for roof and glazing, arrangement options.

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Canvated summer
Juliette Wade /

Believe the garden you can arrange real tropical thickets with palm trees and ferns

Canvated summer
Canvated summer
Canvated summer
Conservatorium designs with molded (bent) glasses produces Four Seasons. Bearing profiles are made of aluminum
Canvated summer
Four Seasons.

Wicker chairs - furniture summer, but in the "green" conservatory she is relevant and in winter

Canvated summer

Unnecessary windows in the winter garden does not happen

Canvated summer

Plants are placed on the "sheer" from the tree

Canvated summer
Christopher Drake /

Insurvatoriums often arrange dining

Canvated summer
Canvated summer

These winter gardens are erected on the roofs of attachments of private brick houses

Canvated summer

In winter gardens use energy-saving glass, allowing to keep the indoor microclimate

Canvated summer

The bias of the roof should be at least 20

Canvated summer

This winter garden is a place for friendly meetings and communication. Plants serve only decorations

Canvated summer

Sun trajectory at different times of the year (winter garden is attached to the northeast side of the house, time is indicated in the clock)

Canvated summer
Four Seasons.
Canvated summer
Four Seasons.

For "transparent" rooms, choose not too massive furniture. Arranging it, remember that the interior will be visible not only from the inside, but also from the street

Canvated summer
Options for architectural decisions of the Winter Garden:

a-with a single-sided roof;

b-from a single-sided roof with a breakfast;

B-from the bartal roof;

M-attached to the inner corner of the building;

D-attached to the outer corner of the building;

E-with ends, resolved in Victorian style;

z-complex shape attached to the outer corner of the building;

Z- "Polygon";

and- "Polipoidagon";

K-quarter "landfill"

Canvated summer
Four Seasons.
Canvated summer

The roof in the winter garden is transparent, and therefore the decorativeness of her form is very important. Conventional glass can be replaced with color or stained glass

Canvated summer

An extension made of aluminum profiles and glass are often quite impressive sizes.

Canvated summer
Canvated summer
Canvated summer
Four Seasons.

A winter gardens attached to the second or third floor of the building as if hired in the air

Canvated summer

Insarvatory, having pools, ventilation and heating systems are especially carefully designed

Canvated summer
Four Seasons.

An extension in Victorian style- Classic English Conservatory

Canvated summer

Winter garden is a comfortable place for children's games. Thanks to the abundance of light, a feeling of openness of space is created, his connection with the surrounding world

Canvated summer
Reynaers aluminium

Color profiles can be chosen any (on the RAL scale)

Canvated summer
Di Lewis /

House, where many plants, more cozy and "alive." Nice to relax, setting up in a chair among green thickets

Canvated summer

Wall, lined with artificial stone, decorated with plants and tiny waterfall, is the corner of "wild" nature in the house

Canvated summer
Four Seasons.

The surface of the roof slide in systems with bent profiles and glasses smoothly, without a slice goes into the wall plane. This facilitates the removal of rainwater and snow, and also improves the review. Such systems are custom-made after all necessary measurements

Canvated summer

Winter garden do not necessarily be attached to the house. It may be a self-building in the garden, similar to a closed gazebo or a greenhouse

The concept of "flowing spaces" is popular among the architects, according to which the interior of the house and the natural environment are interpenetrable and complementary by each other. An interesting embodiment of this idea - winter gardens.

Canvated summer
Photo by D. Minkin The concept of "Winter Garden" (Eng. Winter Garden) came to us from Europe. Entering it is still referred to as the conservatory and release even special magazines dedicated to this topic. The whole design of this kind is called "Green Houses" (Green Houses). The winter garden is commonly referred to as construction, facade walls and a roof of which are made of translucent materials (glass or polycarbonate). It is this sign, the maximum area of ​​glazing the enhancement design from all sides facing nature, "allows to attribute the room to winter gardens. Sometimes so mistakenly referred to a group of plants placed, for example, in the living room. In addition, the hostess, showing an apartment guests, says: "Here I have a winter garden."

A sarchitectural point of view of a winter garden can be an extension adjacent to the main house; a building built on the roof of the building; A glazed balcony, an erker or even a separate glass house in the garden. Initial, winter gardens were built as dwellings for exotic plants. However, today "filling" of winter gardens is the most different. Even arrange rest rooms, dining rooms, billiards, pools, gyms, creative workshops ... Winter garden becomes one of the rooms at home, but special, filled with sunlight. Plants here, as a rule, occupy only part of the space (sometimes they do not take them at all in the winter garden).

Historians believe that winter gardens in the modern understanding of this word appeared at the end of the XVIII- early XIX. But the relatives of them buildings were erected in the era of revival and even in ancient Rome. These are greenhouses and greenhouses in which Europeans grown exotic thermal-loving plants, such as citrus (by the way, the word "greenhouse" itself comes from English Orange- "orange"). Enveloped the popular "House of Pomerances" - buildings with glass walls, where the bitter orange (Pomeranets) was bred. The predecessors of winter gardens can also be called Russian veranda-closed wooden terraces, the front part of which was glazed (though, only at the level of ordinary windows and above).

Design features

Winter Garden At the same time design professionals from several specialized firms. Some develop its architectural appearance, carry out structural calculations. As a rule, it is used to use modern computer programs: the existing building is virtually attached, "try on" several options for winter gardens, different by architectural solution and sizes, and then the customer chooses the most liked. The in the afternoon specialists of the same company build a glass house according to the project, and also engage in the arrangement of sunscreen systems, drainage. Other firms provide a comfortable microclimate in conservator, if necessary, water supply and sewage. It is necessary to take care of the system of artificial lighting. Inacontal, the third population plant, completing the process. Well, if you consult with all experts in advance, at the stage of creating a project of the Winter Garden. Asseta is better - at the design stage of the main building, to which he will be attached.

Architectural solutions

Of all the types of winter gardens are the most common extensions for a residential building. They are three-fascid and are placed along the wall or two-fascian, adjacent to the corner of the house. The architectural originality is determined by the form of the conservatorium itself (at the base, it is a rectangle, three-, six or octagon, sometimes a more complex geometric shape) and its roofs. The latter can be a simple single or multifaceted having bizarre outlines. Classic are considered two types of winter gardens from the UK (Victorian and Georgian), as well as Mediterranean. They differ in the main roof configuration. The fiction in the Victorian-style roof is multicate, and it itself is a three-, five- or semiransh extension. The dispositious house in the Georgian style is the roof of Walmovaya, in the plan, this winter garden has a rectangular shape. For the design in the Mediterranean style, almost a flat roof is characteristic.

Commission orientation

North, South, East, West ... Skaving the side of the building to attach a winter garden? Such a question will stand in front of you in any case: and if you only plan to all the design, and if you live in the house for a long time and you are going to expand it. Experts unanimously argue that the south side is not the most good place to accommodate the winter garden. Brushing weather here will be uncomfortable and people, and plants. In the summer, under the influence of direct sunlight, the air inside the glazed room can heat up to 60-70c, which is why the winter garden becomes more like a greenhouse, and the plants in it begin to "burn". Judge the powerful, immaculately operating systems of ventilation and air conditioning, blinds and marquises are not always able to provide a comfortable temperature at such a time. If there is no choice and the extension can be built only from the south, it is recommended to plant deciduous trees next to it. The one's speech period, they give a shadow, and in winter, devoid of leaves, do not interfere with the poor sunshine penetration into the room.

The Winter Garden, oriented to the East, comes to life with the first rays of the Sun, and addressed to the West, the most intensively illuminated closer in the evening and retains the heat accumulated on the day after a long time after sunset. But some biologists believe that the perfect place for the "green house" is still the northern side (as well as the northeast). Here lighting is uniform, scattered, which will not allow plants to overheat in summer with bright sunlight. The same winter garden will serve as a kind of "buffer zone", protecting from the wind and the cold wall of the residential part of the building and reducing their heat loss.

Glass house device

The design of the winter garden is not too complicated: it consists of a frame and filling its translucent elements (glass or made of polycarbonate). It relies on the foundation, usually tape. Glazing can start from the floor itself or slightly higher, over the base wall with a height of 50-60cm (heating radiators along it is conveniently located).

The carrier frame must be strong enough to withstand significant loads (own weight, glazing, wind, snow), as well as possess high thermal insulation properties. Made it from different profiles: aluminum, reinforced steel plastic reinforcement (PVC), wooden, wood, and even steel. Saying material has its advantages and disadvantages. For the last 10 years, winter gardens have become very popular, and aluminum systems are the greatest distribution: they are durable and frost-resistant. Aluminum is metal light, hard, resistant to corrosion and fire, eco-friendly. The standard profile is usually white, but it can be painted in any of the colors according to the RAL scale. Aluminum profile allows you to build winter gardens of enough impressive sizes. The length of one span can reach 6-7m, whereas for PVC systems - only 3.5 m. True, aluminum structures are more expensive than similar plastic 2-3 times.

To provide the necessary level of thermal insulation, frame structures for winter gardens are made from a "warm" aluminum profile. Heat insulators serve durable plastic inserts (polyurethane, polyamide IDR). They dramatically reduce the heat transfer on the "body" of the profile, separating it into two parts (one is in the cold, the other is warm) and being a kind of thermal barrier. In practice, inserts rarely allow complete thermal distinction, and condensate may appear on the aluminum profile in cold weather (especially if a swimming pool, a pond or a waterfall is arranged in a glass house). Condensate indoors and rainwater from the outside are discharged into waterproofs on special drainage canals - they are equipped with many profiles for winter gardens. The problem of the formation of moisture during cooling is perhaps one of the most serious during the operation of the aluminum design.

Some firms improve the thermal insulation properties of the aluminum profile with the help of an additional chamber: it is "increasing" from the street and fill out foamed polyurethane. Foam often insulate wholes of designs, in which it is difficult to prevent the "warm" and "cold" parts of the aluminum profile (for example, the place of convergence of the rafter in the skate of the structure with a broken roof).

On the Russian market various profiles are presented: Aluvar (France), Four Seasons (USA), Hueck, Schco International (Germany), Newtec (Italy), Nordic Aluminium (Finland), Reynaers Aluminium (Belgium), Ultraframe (United Kingdom), Aluk ( Italy - Russia), "Agrisovgaz", "Opt", "Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant" (Russia), as well as specialized profiles for Park Lane roofs and profiles for Universal walls (United Kingdom).

Plastic profiles are significantly cheaper than aluminum, but weaker than loading ability. Most likely, with the advent of condensate, you will have no problems: the thermal insulation properties of these systems are higher than that of aluminum. Rehau, Kmmerling, Thyssen, Kbeu, Kmmerling, Thyssen, Kbeu, KMmerling, Thyssen, Kbeu (Germany), Heywood Williams (United Kingdom), are offered by Plastic Profiles. In order for the PVC systems with time not deformed and did not breed from constant temperature drops and mechanical stresses (these loads are significantly more intense that they fall into the share of their window "counterpart"), profiles are enhanced by metal inserts. But the stiffness of even such systems is not enough to build large-sized winter gardens. Therefore, their roofs often have to do from polycarbonate, as it is easier glass. In general, plastic structures are considered less reliable and durable than aluminum.

Winter garden frame can be made of glued wood (for example, Canadian cedar or Burmese tick). Such glass houses are very beautiful, environmentally friendly, but expensive - in the United States and Europe they are elevated to order, and in Russia such systems do not find use at all. Wooden frame needs serious protection against atmospheric influences and ultraviolet radiation (can be helped, for example, aluminum lining), as well as in regular care. Conservatives with wooduminium frames are more common. One example is the BUG-ALUTECHNIK system (Germany). It is made of a glued bar of Northern Angarsk pine and an aluminum outdoor profile, which fixes the glass and protects the tree from unfavorable weather conditions.

Whatever the system, it is very important to choose a competent slope of the roofing part. Experts believe that it should be at least 20. With a not enough roof slope, the removal of rainwater and snow will be difficult. In addition, the larger the bias, the higher and the light design ability of the design in the winter, when the sun is low above the horizon line. On the entire lower perimeter, the roof design is low.

For glazing vertical sites, two- or single-chamber windows with energy-saving glasses (K-glass, I-glass) are commonly used, a tempered glass is used to roof from the outer side of the glass package, and with an internal shockproof triplex. The larger the distance between the rafters, the more thick it should be triplex. Glass can be toned, laminate, decorate stained glass windows to create a decorative effect. If there is an artificial reservoir or pool in the conservatory, glazing glazing with electric heating are recommended.

Alternative to glass - cellular polycarbonate: lightweight, durable and relatively inexpensive material. For winter gardens, a cellular polycarbonate is used with a thickness of 10-25mm produced by Lexan (Austria), Marlon (United Kingdom), Polygal (Israel). What it is thicker, those "warmer", but also more expensive. Hospital, the roof of polycarbonate passes less sunlight than glass, and with time slightly yellow. About 15 years will have to update it.

Winter garden always mounted specialists. This work, depending on the profile material, has many nuances. For example, fastening elements for aluminum structures are also performed from aluminum or from galvanized steel. The usual steel fasteners can only be used after multiple treatment with paintwork compositions, otherwise aluminum profiles will be collapsed in places of contact with it. The most responsible areas and adjoining sites to the base and walls. Winter garden is often adjacent to the finished house; Its design is less rigid, and deformations are in the main structure and an extension occur in different ways. The junctions of the joints (as a rule, special compensators are used here) should perceive this load and compensate for the deformation difference.

The main care for the design of the winter garden consists in periodic cleaning of transparent surfaces. If the glasses are badly polluted, use the tools for washing windows. To clean the roof, and in the winter to reset the snow from it, you will have to call specialists.

The cost of the winter garden, depending on the complexity of the construction and its size, is determined at the rate of 1M2 glazing or 1M2 floor area. Glass conservator costs 12-20 thousand rubles. For 1M2 glazing, and from polycarbonate, from 9.6 thousand rubles. For 1m2 glazing.

How to deal with ice

Cold season season is a serious test for the design of any winter garden. When the temperature fluctuations during the day are quite significant (the sun is in the afternoon, and in the evening frost beats), they certainly appear icicles. This problem is particularly relevant for conservatives, additive to the south side of the main building. If you put the heating cable along the edge of the roof, then the electric "snake" will break the flawless magnificence of glass planes. Therefore, cables are placed in the gutter and pipes of the waterproof system. Such a system is equipped with almost all winter gardens. There are two types of heating cable-resistive and self-regulating. A distinctive feature of the first constant power consumption, while the power consumption depends on the temperature of the medium in which it is located. The resistive cable produces Alcatel (Norway), Ensto (Finland), Ceilhit (Spain). It costs an average of 80-15 rubles. For 1 p. m. put it at least two "threads". The self-regulating cable is released by Devi (Denmark), Nelson Easyheat (France), Raychem, Thermon (USA). Price - 480-670rub. For 1 p. In addition to the heating cable, the anti-icing system includes power and informational cables, special temperature regulators, temperature sensors, precipitation and water, which flows and protective equipment.

Dmitry Martynov, Specialist of the company "M.K.S. LTD "

Weather in the house

Even who orders the winter garden, it wants him to represent himself perfect: in the spring did not proceed, it did not freeze in the winter, and did not turn into a steam room in the summer. So that the air is fresh, and the temperature is comfortable for humans and plants. Is it possible to bring a dream to life with all these wishes at once? With competent design and creating inside a favorable atmosphere, yes. BN 2 of our magazine for 2006. We talked in detail about the problem of organizing a microclimate in such facilities. Now let's stop at the most significant aspects of this issue.

When the winter gardens are erected, energy-saving glass is not accidentally used. In the summer, they reflect a significant part of solar energy, not allowing the room to overheat, and in winter, on the contrary, saved the accumulated heat. Heat the glass house in different ways, applying water, air or electric heating. For comfortable well-being located in the premises of people, you can arrange a warm floor. But it will not be recommended to get the conservatory only in such a way that the land in pots and flowers standing below will heat up too much, and the roots of the plants will begin to "burn". Green pets can also be resettled in those zones where hot air directly circulates. Therefore, if in the winter garden there are many plants, the choice should be made in favor of the "pipe" heating (for example, water).

In the summer, in sunny weather, blinds, curtains, marquises use for shading. Remember that external devices are better protected from heating, but cost more than indoors.

Ventilation can be natural or mechanical. For natural ventilation, 20-40% of the surface area of ​​the winter garden is equipped with opening openings. Exhaust elements are usually placed in the roof, and the supply-in-in the bottom of the conservatorium. The thrust begins to act if the incoming airflow is at least 5C colder than the air in the room. Therefore, the air intake hole of the supply ventilation is better placed in a shaded place.

Vertical glazing nodes

Based on aluminum profile:


b-thermal store;

in water-filling channels;

M-aluminum beam;

d-ribs for blinds.

Canvated summer

On the basis of a tree-aluminum profile:

A-sole glass gluing;


in water-filling channels;

M-laminated glued bar.

Canvated summer

Designs of the Winter Garden Frame Systems from PVC profiles

Vertical glazing knot:

a-rack profile;

B-frame profile;


M-glass package;

d-presser plank.

Canvated summer

Roof Svez:

a-outer glass glass package;


B-Water collection chute;

M-connecting profile;

D-inner glass glass.

Canvated summer

Green pets

Heat, light and pleasant to eyes Green surroundings are always welcome, not only in the summer, but also for the groaning November day, and in the holiday New Year's Eve. We can settle a variety of plants with a variety of garden. In addition to the geography of origin, they are referred to either to tropical or subtropical. The tenants come from the tropics need a constant ambient temperature throughout the year, and 23-24 ° C comfortable for them are suitable for them. Required air humidity - 45-65%.

Most tropical plants have large leaves of bizarre coloring and shapes. These are all sorts of aid (Filodendrons, Monsters, Diffenbahia, Anthuriums, Schifflera, Pahir), Marantic, Spathiflowers, Pelerons, violets, drasens, palm trees, ficuses. Several conditions they grow in the lower tiers of equatorial forests (forming a solid green mass of up to 40m) and, accustomed to the shading, react in room conditions to the lack of light calmer than the immigrants from subtropics. Compositions imitating tropical thickets are lush groups of plants of different heights with decorative leaves and color. Against the background of copies with dark green coloring leaves, you can place bright, motley plants. Compositions make up, playing even on the texture of the leaves: the Monsters are glossy, shiny; At the Anthurium of Crystal and Diffenbachy "Reflector" - velvet-flickering. Interesting combination of nuances, the game of various shades of green- for example, gradual transitions from the dark to the brightest color of the leaf of the Aglionmi varieties "Friedman", "Silver Quen" and "Maria Kristina".

Canvated summer
Photo by D. Minkin
Canvated summer
Photo by D. Minkin
Canvated summer
Photo by D. Minkin

Subtropical plants in vivo grow in Yalta, Spain or on the island of Cyprus. These are various coniferous, fruit (all citrus and even Feichoa), Azalea, Camellia Idr. In winter, they all need a period of rest, reduced temperature (5-10 ° C), more moderate watering. If all these conditions are observed, then at the end of January- early February, you can observe an unusually beautiful flowering of camellia and azaleas. Well, if the temperature in winter is similar to summer, then subtropical plants feel discomfort: they can drop the leaves, do not bloom. The garden, inhabited by cactus and succulent species, is called "dry" subtropics or desert garden. Such plants require elevated illumination (measured in the luxury) and dry air. For such inhabitants of winter gardens, they will have to create special conditions: illumination - 8-9 thousand. LC, and humidity is 20%.

In winter, most plants even in the winter garden lack natural daylight. With artificial illumination, fluorescent lamps or phytolamba are usually used, created specifically for plants. These devices have the most suitable emission spectrum with two maxima - in the blue and red area. Many firms, Sylvania (Germany), Philips (Netherlands) and General Electric (USA) produce such lamps. The model range allows you to choose a lamp of the required power (15-60W). Their cost is about 100-150 rubles. Gas discharge lamps are suitable for plants backlight. They are effective (more than 30% of the power used are converted to light), but they are strongly heated and the cooling system is installed, such as a fan.

How to determine the power of lamps that are capable of providing the illumination required for these plants? Of course, it all depends on whether luminescent is lamps or gas-discharge, from the needs of grown crops, as well as from the distance between the light source and plants. Ficus and lemon, for example, in winter need not least 1500lk. Aestily daylight gives them at this time of the year only 700-800lk. The missing suites should be filled at the expense of artificial illumination. If possible, refer to the specialists - they will calculate you the desired power by using computer programs.

Place green pets in pots or stationary flowers (it can be a deepening in the floor or a huge container). The latter allow planting floral "communities" - almost as in nature. If you decide to use stationary flowers, it is not recommended to completely fall asleep their soil mixture and then plant houseplants. For individuals lined in this way, it is very difficult to care. They always strive to turn the leaves to the light, leaving the audience the opportunity to contemplate their not too cute bare trunks and the "wrong" leaves. Expand the plants will not work, after all, they are planted into the ground. It is difficult to properly organize drainage. AESLI Flower will get sick, it can not be isolated from the rest. It is difficult and transplanting them. This should be done: plants put into individual pots, which are located in stationary flower companies, as you like, and the space between the pots fall asleep with a clamzite or other "inert" material. The pots today are proposed a great set - of glazed ceramics, chamot, metal, plastic and even glass. Decorative models intended for accommodation on racks and shelves are selected according to the surrounding environment.

Of course, a lot of time to create a glass house will take a lot. An order to order the design of the winter garden to its installation takes place at least 2 months. Then it is necessary to place the room. However, when the home oasis will be ready, you are unlikely to regret the efforts spent. Imagine yourself in a chair, exotic plants fraud around ... Think, sheepskin stands.

How to organize a winter garden space

Winter gardens often draw up landscape designers, so they carry the basic principles of the garden in the open air here. Briefly, they can be formulated as follows: along the perimeter of the area, "Forest", and in the center-"emptiness". Why is it necessary to give landscapes just such a species? Most of the private possessions are relatively small sites, acquired on four sides by the fence, usually deaf and not always decorative. High trees are often planted along the fence to disguise it and build another wall that protects against the outside world and other people's views. But the choice of similar planning when the winter garden space is erroneous. Winter garden is a territory bounded by glass surfaces. Visitors look at it not only from the inside, but also outside, from the street. It is very important not to "close" the winter garden around the perimeter, extinguishing from nature and the surrounding landscape with high plants. It is more correct to try to compose a piece of open-air plot and a green world living beyond the glass. It is necessary to remember that the plants will turn the leaves to a transparent wall, where more light comes from. Therefore, if you place your pets not in the depths of the winter garden, but along glass fences, after some time the plants will turn the "face" to the street and guests will have to admire only their "spins".

Elena Brykin, designer of the company "New design technology"

The editors thanks the company "Albion", "Basque", "Kroog", "new design technology", "Shukuk", "El Plast", Four Seasons, Ilbosco, "M.K.S. LTD, "Russian representative office of Reynaers Aluminium for help in preparing the material.

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