By your footsteps ...


Overview of the market of hydromassage baths for legs: design features, models with additional features and a convenient control system.

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By your footsteps ...

By your footsteps ...

With the help of massage, you can increase the performance and the overall life tone of the body, develop the concentration skills, get rid of the negative impact of stress

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The PMF 1232 (BOSCH) model is equipped with nozzles for the sessions of the hydromassage of the stop using intensive water jets. The action of these nozzles is the same as the similar devices used in the jacuzzi baths
By your footsteps ...
The device includes a slight pressing of the selected nozzle. Examples of using various nozzles (Bosch): A-nozzle with balls for toning massage Stop soles; B-nozzle with pembasspie for peeling
By your footsteps ...

Well, if the bath is equipped with non-slip stands, - so less chances to accidentally pour water during the procedure

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Ves electric
By your footsteps ...
Ves electric

Unlike the DH 72L (A) model, the DH 90L hydro line (b) is suitable for vibromassage at once both feet. This package includes a remote control that provides maximum device management.

By your footsteps ...
Compliance of points in feet footsteps to organs and muscle groups
By your footsteps ...
By your footsteps ...

The appearance of the hydromassagers for stop can vary greatly. Most often, their housing has smooth, streamlined outlines, but there are also models rectangular in terms of form.

By your footsteps ...

The device with the function of continuous heating of water allows its hosts to carry out sufficiently long sessions of a foot massage in the most comfortable temperature conditions.

By your footsteps ...
Ves electric

Many hydromassar models are equipped with built-in or removable rollers for a deep massage of the foot soles. The number of rollers for one foot in different models is 1-3 pcs.

By your footsteps ...
The FBM-200 model kit (BINATONE) includes massage accessories.

How often do we ruthlessly expose our poor legs with excess loads, harassment and all sorts of humiliation! It is not surprising that only units of us boast the ideal state of their lower limbs. Avteda man is obliged to take care of them, fuck and cherish, in order not to repeat the sad fate of the colossus on clay legs ...

Everyone is well acquainted by the winged phrase: "In a healthy body a healthy mind." This, the expression remains relevant to us from the depths of centuries. But what could be a "healthy body" if the legs swell, "buzz" and generally feel terrible?! They also need rest and care. To make a set of necessary relaxation procedures, use special hydro-massage devices for stop. By design, hydromassagers resemble the SPA basins, only much smaller sizes, and are plastic baths with an integrated pump, aerator and water heater. The pump serves water into the system of nozzles located in the bottom. Thanks to the aerator, it is saturated with air bubbles. Water heater provides its necessary temperature over the entire massage session. In addition, the devices are equipped with a number of additional devices (nozzles), allowing not only different types of massage, but also other procedures.

Maximum benefit

By your footsteps ...
Bosch Massage is extremely useful for health. This help can significantly improve the human well-being, to strengthen the immune system, increase the mood (during the procedure, the natural production of endorphin-hormones of pleasure occurs). Massage not only removes the stress in the muscles, but also stimulates the lymphatic system, improves the blood supply to the skin, which helps make the skin more elastic and beautiful.

Household hydromassagers for stop are primarily intended primarily for hygienic and cosmetic massage, which, for example, accompanies pedicure. These devices help to deal with accumulated muscle fatigue and discomfort that occurs in the footsteps with intensive load or wearing uncomfortable shoes. Massage allows you to cope with edema, increases the elasticity of the skin and tendons, strengthens the muscles and joints, improves the metabolism in the tissues of the stop. In addition, such procedures stimulate blood circulation and compensate for the lack of movement (hypodynamine).

At the same time, it should be remembered: like all household appliances, such hydromassagers are not the instruments of medical (in the strict sense of the word). They are not intended for self-treatment. AB some cases, their use is not recommended at all.

What can be contraindications for the use of hydromassas for stop? As Galina Ledin, the doctor of the Higher Category, head of the department of dermatocosmetology of the Institute of Beauty, referred to us, refer to various skin diseases, fungal lesions, cracks, wounds, ulcers. In general, with any health problems, it should be accustomed to the services of hardware cosmetology, only after consulting a doctor.

Take care of your feet!

How to facilitate the tests that fell on the stake? Try to choose comfortable shoes. Narrow pad, high heels are extra "risk factors" for your feet. Especially carefully should treat the choice of shoes, those who, by the nature of their activities, spends a lot of time standing. Shoes should be equipped with a thick soft sole and well ventilated. Exercises for foot are very useful (they can be combined with hydromassage sessions). Here is some of them.

Put the stops on one line, not far from each other. Do not take off the heels, try to lift your fingers as high as possible.

Put the stops in parallel. Sit down your fingers, without tearing them from the floor. The heels at the same time should fit tightly to the floor.

Try your fingers to raise small objects from the floor.

Today, there are several dozen models of hydromassagers for stop. These devices are produced by AirComfort (Italy), Binatone (China), Babyliss (France), Bosch, Rowenta (Germany), Vitek (Russia), Ufesa, Ves Electric (Spain). Cost of devices - 2-3 thousand rubles.

What can "stop car"?

Almost all the instruments presented in the market are capable of functioning in several modes. This is usually a massage using water jets (actually hydromassage), with the help of freely rising air bubbles and the warming method (temperature baths). In addition to the basic modes, there are a wide variety of combinations thereof, such as turbomassage (jets with bubbles), massage with warming with water jets heated to a certain temperature, etc.

From additional options, it is possible to note the built-in vibrator massagers that allow you to influence the footsteps with different intensity (anything relaxes or tones). The model of the baths differ in the number of nozzles attached to vibromassagers and their designs. For example, in the package of model PMF 1232 (BOSCH) includes three nozzles: a massage brush, a nozzle with balls and a pumice nozzle. The first two tones the feet feet, and the nozzle with pumice is designed to peeling-remove the upper, burned and forged skin layer (corn on the pads and heels).

Your "Pedicure Center" is also available in models as DH 65L, DH 90L, DH 99L (VES Electric). In addition to vibromassage, this is usually one or two (in the DH 99L model), the nozzles made in the form of pumice circles or a special brush for more delicate skin. The device for peeling is provided in hydromassagers 8030 B (Babyliss), TS 8050, TS 5510 (Rowenta). BINATONE ACCESSIBEL offers a separate pedicure kit complete with FBM-200 massager.

Most of the hydromassar models are equipped with only one jack with a drive for a particular nozzle. The exception is the TS 8050 model (Rowenta). A pair of nests allows you to conduct vibroromassage at once both feet, it is more convenient, and twice the time of the procedure.

Many mass makers provide the ability to install removable moving rollers. They are used for intensive foot massage. Rollers and vibro-massagers can be used without water procedures (for example, in conditions of lack of time), although, of course, it is preferable to carry out a complex massage. Among other additional options, you need to mention infrared lamps for deep warming up of foot tissues. These devices are available in DH 90L models (VES Electric), PMF 1232 (Bosch), VT-1389 (Vitek), FBM-311 (Binatone). It is less commonly occurring water ozonation - it is provided in the DH 99L model (VES Electric). An interesting function of magnetic therapy is offered to the owners of the hydromassager FM-2833 (Aircomfort).

The lower part is powerful permanent magnets. According to manufacturers, the effect of the magnetic field in combination with vibration has a beneficial effect on nervous nodes of legs, improves blood circulation.

Not forgetting about amenities

Choosing a hydromassar for yourself, pay attention to the convenience of its design. This is especially true of the buttons and control system switches. After all, to switch the modes of operation in most cases, you have to be tilted almost to the floor. Perhaps, for young and flexible it is not difficult, but a person is elderly, with a "problem" spine, and even after the work watch, once again bend hard. To simplify this task in the VT-1793 B (Vitek) model, the control keys are designed so that the operation modes can be switched with a thumb. Another decision was offered by Ves Electric. Its models DH 90L and DH 99L are equipped with a remote control, the use of which allows not at all.

The duration of a massage procedure should be installed in strict accordance with the instructions for the device, as well as the recommendations of the doctor. A shortened session is likely to not give a tangible effect, and overly protracted can harm health. Therefore, to measure the time of each therapeutic event, a clock or timer will be required. The most convenient timer built directly into the hydromassar is - in this case the owner receives a signal from the end of the session, and the device itself turns off. The timer is provided in models of DH 90L and DH 99L (VES Electric), FM-2833 (AirComfort). When buying a household hydromassage, you will definitely ask how quickly it heats the water. Most models are equipped with a built-in low power heater (100-300W). As practice shows, 100W heaters are not always able to maintain a constant temperature of the water, it inevitably cools (especially with stormy stirring during the combined massage with bubbles). Therefore, lovers of prolonged procedures are better to purchase a device more powerful.

Unexo devices The maximum water heating temperature is 40C (for example, at the FBM-311 massager from Binatone), in other cases heating is possible to 50c (let's say, in FM-2833 from AirComfort and similar models). The latter option is preferable if you like massage "Ignorable". If it is assumed that children will use the massager, it is better to choose safer devices with a low heating temperature. Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the rules of safe operation of the hydro massager for stop. Remember: Plastic baths are not designed to withstand the total weight of their owners! Therefore, it is possible to use the hydromassageser in a sitting position.

Equally important electrical safety device. It is forbidden to enable and turn off the hydro-massager from the outlet at the moment when your legs are in the water. The device should be located away from the electrical outlet so that the water splashes accidentally fell to it during operation. This is especially important if small children enjoy the instrument. So that innocent prank does not harm health, they should receive procedures only under adult supervision. It is also desirable that the device is equipped with a splashing visor (a removable spray protection cover is provided in many models). In addition, it is good if the device is equipped with a long (more than 1.5 m) wire. This allows you to install it in a non-dangerous place.

Under cargo concerns

By your footsteps ...
Bosch Our legs are a much more perfect mechanism than any miracle of engineering genius. The anatomy of the feet is extremely difficult. Its "architectural design" includes 26 bones, 31 joints, 107 bundles and 19MUClov. Throughout the human life, the stop is undergoing huge loads. For example, when walking, running and jumping, it withstands the effort equivalent to the load of several hundred kilograms. At the same time, people, even leading a low-wear lifestyle, pass the day on average 7km. In the whole life, thus runs 150-160 thousand km. Having passed this distance on the equator, we would be able to make a round-the-world journey.

The editors thanks G. Lady, head of the department of dermatocosmetology of the Institute of Beauty, as well as representative offices of Babyliss, Binatone, Bosch, Rowenta, Ves Electric, Vitek for help in the preparation of material.

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