Wall creativity


Registration of walls with decorative plaster: types of structural coatings, technology of applying material to the surface, methods for removing the composition.

Wall creativity 13338_1

Wall creativity

Azure with silver pigment is applied to the applied lime-cement plaster

Wall creativity
Wall creativity
Buryatov Studio Affresco.
Wall creativity
Buryatov Studio Affresco.
Wall creativity
Buryatov Studio Affresco.

Structural plasters create reliefs of the coating - from rough to sculptural

Wall creativity

Vertical coverage lines were carried out by a special tampon

Wall creativity

Wall creativity
Wall creativity

Structural plaster plaster and obedient brushes, brushes and rollers

Wall creativity
Wall creativity

Floating texture with marble crumb

Wall creativity
Buryatov Studio Affresco.
Wall creativity
Buryatov Studio Affresco.
Wall creativity
Buryatov Studio Affresco.
Wall creativity
Buryatov Studio Affresco.
Wall creativity
Wall creativity
Buryatov Studio Affresco.
Wall creativity
Buryatov Studio Affresco.

Sometimes structural plaster becomes a work of art. It decorates walls and ceilings, used when designing door and window openings, arches, for creating artistic panels or bright, attracting the attention of niche surfaces

Wall creativity

The wall covered with structural plaster is the impression of an artistic object.

Wall creativity
Wall creativity
Wall creativity
Wall creativity

The embossed surface of the wall due to the game of light and shadow creates unexpected decorative effects

Wall creativity

Structural plasters retain the brightness of the color for a long time, and their microporous surface allows the walls to "breathe"

One of the few materials that allows a person to show its individuality is decorative plaster. Even assigning the design of walls to specialists, the customer will be able to realize its own creative ideas and fantasies.

How to explain the popularity of decorative plasters? According to a variety of design, they are inferior to modern wallpaper, and the choice and application of the material usually require knowledge and qualifications. Now, in most apartments, where there are curves walls and angles, protruding beams and pipes that appear and go to the depths of the house in the most unexpected places, the stagnation of wallpaper is a grueling work on cutting, fitting the pattern and the exact docking of individual pieces. Avtot roller, a spatula or brush carefully and quickly cope with these problems, helping to create beautiful and original coatings. So the print texture plaster is very beneficial, especially if you consider that its embossed layer will hide small flaws of the basic surface - microcracks, bloating, roughness.

Texture or structure?

Wall creativity

The double layer of lazuries on a wall plaster gives the effect of "clouds" the most simple in circulation textured plaster. The original relief of their surface is formed spontaneously, as a result of applying the composition on the wall. The same who wishes to realize the abilities of the artist, it is worth paying attention to structural plasters. In this case, the unique decor is formed due to the special techniques of the composition, as well as as a result of the use of various tools: brushes, rollers with an uneven or patterned surface, spatulas, brushes. Moreover, professional designers are not limited to this set. They independently manufacture equipment for printing patterns or apply all sorts of techniques: cups, shoes with embossed soles and other items whose prints correspond to the idea and style of the interior.

Business technology

Wall creativity

The effect of antiquity on the relief coating is obtained by applying a water-based paint and lighted with a special composition when working with structural plasters, a creative approach to business is important. The smears applied to the wall with a brush and a spatula can be short and long, rough and smooth, longitudinal and transverse, as well as perform in the form of slap and points. Get the original drawing helps and rolling on the surface in different directions. In short, the wall turns into a polygon for the manifestation of violent fantasy. An important role in the creation of the decor is played by the qualifications of plaster and knowledge of special techniques of material application. Of course, the services of professionals are expensive. But the result of their labor is sometimes superior to the most bold expectations. The cost of work with decorative plasters is usually equal to the value of the material. The price of copyright begins with 5 thousand rubles. For 1m2.

Selection is

In Russia, structural plasters are presented in the assortment of many companies specializing in decorative coatings. Caparol, MEFFERT (Germany), Oikos (Italy), Senideco (France), Terraco (Sweden) and other manufacturers. Structural plasters are divided into mineral (on a lime-cement basis), silicate, silicone, acrylic (dispersion). Each type has prescription and operational features. For example, mineral and silicate compositions are more often used in external work when high performance of hydrophobia vapor permeability is important for finishing material. Winteriers, as a rule, use acrylic plasters. They are easy to use, corganizing (unlike mineral) in a wide variety of colors, possess good adhesion.

Most products are sold as ready-to-use white mastic. Extras, before applying for the walls, the manufacturer recommends adding a certain amount of water. Color coatings are obtained either by pulling the base mass with special pigments, or the surface with the surface after complete drying. Ordinary and pearl paints, transparent lazuries help to make the interior expressive, prestigious and modern.

Regardless of the composition, all decorative plasters easily lay on the walls of concrete, brick, cement, plywood, drywall. However, almost any surface requires preliminary preparation. This is necessary for different purposes. KRYMERA, surface treatment with a special impregnation can reduce its porosity, and thorough alignment will significantly reduce the consumption of the expensive product.

It should be noted that structural plasters are extremely practical and designed for a long life in the interior of at least 10 years. They have high abrasive stability, unresponsible to moisture, it is easy to clean with the use of soft detergents or soap solutions.

Creative process

Wall creativity

The usual spatula in the hands of a professional becomes a tool creating an original relief to have a complete picture of the process of applying decorative plaster, consider it in detail on the example of the decoration of the living room with Chaulisse (RM Distribution, France). To perform work, several components are required: soil, base, dye, colorless wax. The floor is preliminarily littered. The ceiling surfaces, window and door boxes are adjacent to the walls, cover with adhesive tape to protect against unwanted droplets. First on the walls (in this case, concrete and plasterboard) are applied by roller two layers of special adsorbing primer. It improves the fixation and adhesion of the plaster chaulisse with the surface and, moreover, does not give the composition to dry quickly.

The dye is added by the kbala dye. The composition is thoroughly mixed with an electrical mixer until a homogeneous light beige mass is obtained, then begged against the walls of the walls. Apply the material from top to bottom, evenly, abundantly, but not allowing drifts. Work is performed by a small porous foam roller, which forms an uneven structural layer. At the joints of the ceiling and walls, behind the batteries, in the corners, around the sockets and switches instead of roller use a brush. Then the resulting bug surface is united by a steel spatula. A results on the wall appears a drawing resembling a bark of a tree.

It is very important that the work is made in a fairly fast pace, as the composition begins to harde it in 40 minutes. And the wall must handle one master in one reception (and not parts). Only so will be able to get a really homogeneous coating.

Wall creativity
Buryatov Studio Affresco.

Walls are decorated with an ornament in modern style. A layer of wax is applied to the walls of the plaster (approximately 12 hours) to the walls of the plaster (approximately 12 hours) on the wall of the brush, give it a day for drying, then covered with a second layer. Wax protects the surface, it makes it easy to rinse any contamination from it.

Sometimes the light-colored bright plaster is pleasant, barely caught color on a large wall may seem bright and even aggressive. In this case, you should wait until the makeup will dry and the color will become less saturated. If he still will impress the impression of excessively intense, you can process the surface not transparent, but white wax.

Required precautions: adhesive tape on the ceiling protects it from possible to enter the color mass of plaster.

Wall creativity

Before applying, the walls are covered with two layers of primer to improve adhesion.

Wall creativity

A sufficiently liquid mass of structural plaster is distributed over the surface of the roller.

Wall creativity

Wall creativity

Characteristic tubercles left by a foam roller, then smoothed by a spatula.

Wall creativity

Wax, applied to the walls after drying the plaster, increases the durability of the material to the effects of water.

Wall creativity

The drawing of the decorated surface mimics the bark of the tree.

Wall creativity

Akak get rid of her?

Most often, telling about structural plaster, manufacturers and sellers make focus on its decorative and consumer properties. Avot about how, after a few years, remove this super-resistant and superproof coating from the walls, usually do not say. Of course, these knowledge is not secret for seven seals. Just at the time of creative search, buyers are worried completely different questions. We will pay some attention to this problem.

There are at least three ways to convert the plastered surface. The easiest to repaint it. So you can drastically change the perception of the walls, leaving the invariable texture. The main thing is to choose the paint. It must correspond to the type of coverage. Let's say, any dispersion paint is suitable for stuccoings on an acrylic basis.

If the relief surface ceased to like and wanted to have perfectly smooth walls, structural plaster can simply sharpen. The plane aligned in this way is made in any other way, for example, it is covered with wallpaper. The wall is even stronger from this, especially in the case of the use of coatings based on elastic acrylic resins.

However, there is another option to change the wall appearance, but already requiring considerable effort. This refers to the relief concentration with an electric grinding machine. Note that this is a dusty and fairly laborious process, especially in cases where the coating was applied to a properly prepared base-pre-fortified and carefully primed.

Which methods prefer, solve individually in each particular case.

Trust professionals

In conclusion, we note that, only by contacting the designer bureau, to the dealers of large companies or in branded salons selling decorative plasters, you are guaranteed to receive professional advice, and you can also use the services of specialists. The masters will make small samples of the surface for you, for which it is easy to choose the most suitable colors and textures. It will know, beautifully decorated walls will be happy to please you and surprise others.

The editors thanks the company "Stroy City", Buryatov Studio Affresco, Caparol, Oikos, Terraco for help in preparing the material.

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