Open Multimun


Home automated system Multimun: Coponents, operation. Approximate cost of installation for a three-room apartment.

Open Multimun 13352_1

Open Multimun

Open Multimun
Street acoustic system

ROCK 6.3 (Jamo)

Open Multimun

AM4.6 (Jamo)

Open Multimun

Open Multimun
The AIM LCR 3 acoustic system (SPEAKERCRAFT) (A) (A) allows an independent turnout of the acoustic axes of LF / sch and high-frequency speakers for the best sound quality. JSS6-TS Acoustic System Selector (b) (b) is designed to connect six 80W Loudspeaker Caps

Open Multimun

Open Multimun

MPA 101 (Jamo).

On the rear panel, universal screw terminals and a low-pass filter controller

Open Multimun
Control panel control

Z250 (ELAN)

Open Multimun

AV Receiver

TX-SR 803 E


C access to the second multi-zone

Open Multimun
Touch control panel

Via! (ELAN)

Open Multimun

This is what the back panel is typical.


(TX-SR 803 E).

Two dozen audio and video connections, outputs for speaker systems, RS-232 port, antenna entry FM / am tuner

Open Multimun
Ceiling loudspeakers (in-ceiling) in most cases can be deployed in the landing socket to ensure optimal sound quality at high frequencies.
Open Multimun
Bathroom with built-in acoustic system. Find from three attempts ... loudspeakers for these purposes make moisture-proof ("waterproof" diffusers, closed gaps of magnetic systems)
Open Multimun
Multi-System System System

Signal from sources is fed to a multi-controller, then by cable lines through control panels are distributed to receivers

Open Multimun

Open Multimun

Open Multimun
Architectural (Jamo) series embedded acoustic systems
Open Multimun
AV processor


(Lexicon) HD

Equipped with HDMI digital interfaces (6 inputs and 1 output)

Open Multimun
AV processor

SSP 600.

Delfa series

(CLASSE) is equipped with a touch screen

Open Multimun
AMX American company produces a whole family of wireless (wireless) touch panels with different screens sizes

The "smart home" is often called anything, starting from the cottage with automatic garage gates and ending with a building control complex. Meanwhile, home automation is a system consisting of many elements, and it is not necessarily faded dear.

The concept of "intellectual house" is really extensive. Specialists-installers say "automated control systems", but the "smart home" entered the source. Systems are simple, including lighting control, or complex, combining multiple components: light, climate control, curtain control, signaling, computer network, home theater ... Automated systems are widely used all over the world and even contribute to significant (up to 40% ) Energy savings. However, given that the price of "smart homes" "shrinks", we have not yet suggest that with their help you can reduce the cost of electricity. But to eat candy, it is not necessary to be the director of the confectionery factory. A small part of the "smart home" called "Multi-member" (Multirom) has all the chances of becoming relatively inexpensive acquisition, which is consistent with considerable comfort.

What is Multifunction?

From the point of view of technology, Multifier is a system of distribution of video and audio signals in several rooms-zones. It implements the transmission of the image and sound from different sources in different rooms at home. In general, the system of multicamum consists of signal sources (DVD player, video recorder, satellite TV tuner), multiple switching devices, cable network transmission, acoustic systems, televisions ... The composition may vary, but the essence is one: Multiform is centrally managed image And the sound transmitted throughout the apartment.

Smart House (Smart House), and Multifunction In particular, in addition to the equipment, it is implied to carry out a set of work on laying cable networks and installation of equipment. All these activities are carried out at the stage of construction or repair and usually require significant investments. In the early time, the sets of multicamom "from one box" appeared, which can be installed with minimal interventions in the interior of the house. One of the latest solutions of this kind of Jamo Link multicamum. This is a set of means designed to receive, strengthen and distribute audio and video signals for all rooms of an apartment or house (main and additional zones). The estimated cost of the Jamo Link basic set is 43 thousand rubles.

Why is it needed?

The need to organize information flows, as well as in the distribution of audio and video signals in different zones, occurs when I would like to listen to music or watch movies in several rooms. Until recently, it was possible to do this only where, in fact, the amplifier, speakers and TV were located. To get the sound and image at any point of the apartment, I had to buy several AV equipment kits, often did not fit into the interior design and took too much space. Avto Multifunction with embedded acoustics and flat TVs can not be noticed at all in the interior. For large houses, multi-humus is, of course, more relevant than for two-two-bedroom apartments. But in urban conditions, it greatly facilitates life (for example, it allows you to save on the number of satellite receivers and paid NTV + cards).

It is significant that almost all manufacturers of AV technology today seek to "get into multicam." For example, in new models of AV receivers, audio outputs are provided on the second zone (Zone 2). As a result, if the home theater is arranged in the living room, you can simultaneously listen to music in the bedroom.

Receivers and processors with multi-supported support are presented on the market for international companies Denon, Marantz, Yamaha, Sony, Nad, Harman-Kardon, Onkyo, Lexicon, Pioneer IDR. These devices give the user the ability to create multi-either, although most often such attempts are ending with dust beams of wires and puzzle instead of the desired comfort. Even the universal remote control, replacing several ordinary remote control, does not always cut down. The simplest multicamum can be arranged using a remote infrared sensor for remote control. The sensor is connected to the receiver and together with the cables that carry the beep, moves to the second zone where the speakers are. This allows you to click the console in the second zone (changing the volume, select the signal source), although the receiver is hidden behind an opaque for IR rays with a wall.

True, such a multicamum has limited capabilities. This system requires the installation of a device called the controller supplemented by control panels.

If you decide to create a multi, better consult with installers. AESLI Tomorrow you want to manage and home theater, and light reinforcement, and air conditioning? About the future, which, of course, for the "smart home", it is better to think in advance. You can call from the multi-member system!


The main component of the multi-controller system. This is a switching device and distribution (sometimes with amplification) signals along zones. Such devices may be several. Sound and image go to the controller, which redistributes signals from different zones depending on the current settings and commands. Signals go through the cable network covering the entire apartment or house. As a rule, companies that produce multi-controllers produce a full range of equipment, including acoustic systems, amplifiers, control panels. The most famous manufacturers of controllers and peripheral equipment on our market- AMX, Crestron, Xantech, Elan, RUSSOUND.


This is relatively simple, although literally a long theme ... A grip house The total length of numerous wires and cables can be calculated by kilometers. In addition cases, of course, the signals are conveniently transmitted without cables (Wi-Fi Systems), but the quality of sound and especially images in such networks still leaves much to be desired. Wi-Fi is mainly applied to an organization in a wireless Internet apartment. For transmission of audio and video signals, experts prefer to use good (read-dear) cables. First of all, this applies to the video. Moreover, long cable lines cause a serious reduction in the quality of the audio and especially video signals on them. The range of cables offered in the market is huge. Proper wiring, high-quality wires and connectors - all this is an important (and not cheap) part of the multi-system system.


In the system, multi-controlled control is carried out either using programmable remote control (their capabilities, repeat, extremely limited), or from portable and stationary (embedded in walls) panels. They are also the push-button, but the most "advanced" sensory LCD panels are considered (LCD Touch Panels). The multifunctional sensory panels of Amx and Crestron companies with large color screens (diagonal - 5-15 inches) were particularly popular. Use these devices is extremely easy: to activate any setting it is enough to touch the virtual buttons on the screen. So that the control was convenient and simple, the touch panel must be programmed to pre-program specific tasks and a set of home appliances. This process is the prerogative of professional installers. The control system with the panel makes it possible to customize the sound in any room-zone, select the sources of the signal (player, VCR, satellite tuner), as well as adjust their functions (playlist / recording list, selection of TV programs IT.P.).

Open Multimun
Desktop touch control panels

TPS 12 G and

TPS 15 G.


Open Multimun
Embedded in the wall Control panel with LCD screen



Open Multimun
Embedded in the wall Color touch control panel

Modero NXD-1500 VG RGB (AMX)

Acustic systems

Embedded acoustic systems that have an indisputable advantage are most often used - they are practically invisible in the interior. Such speakers are divided into built into the walls (in-wall) and in the ceiling (in-ceiling). For country houses are relevant outdoor (outdoor) models that can be installed outside the building - they are protected from moisture, atmospheric precipitation, temperature drops, dust, ultraviolet rays ... Embedded and street speakers produce almost all major European and American acoustic market players: Bose, Atlantic Technology, BW, Dali, Dls, Davis Acoustics, Jamo, Jbl, Kef, Boston Acoustics, Speakercraft, Mirage, Polkaudio, Sonance, Mission, Canton, Focal ... The list is not exhausted. This sector also mastered many electronics manufacturers. Street loudspeakers may look like "singing stones" or "flower pots". Such unusual models tend to offer specialized companies: Jamo, Rockustics, Stereostones.

Is it time to multiply?

Even with a favorable conjuncture, the mass distribution of systems multicamum is constrained by a number of factors. Among them are quite objective (for example, high prices for specialized equipment). But the human factor, perhaps, prevails: the conservatism of the mass consumer, a weak awareness, the lack of conscious need ... A complex of multicams rarely popularize in a specialized press, where Hi-Fi problems are discussed. This happens, in particular, because the multicamum initially psychologically adjusts the consumer attitude to sound and video: listening to music ceases to be a sacred ritual. Of course, the ability of the instrument to dissolve in any interior costs money. This technique, together with the cost of installation, costs several times more expensive than traditional electronics. Well, this is the price of comfort.

Not every consumer is able to clearly formulate their own requirements, and installer specialists come to the rescue. They propose to discuss the features of the future system at the earliest stage, at the stage of forming the requirements and development of the project. The services of the installation company are expensive, but in this case the qualitative result is guaranteed. There is a set of typical solutions and ready-made recommendations for the placement of embedded acoustics. For example, five embedded speakers (three-wall, two-ceiling) form a home theater in the living room. Stereopara- in the bedroom. For cuisine, you will need two more ceiling speakers. The wedn and toilet is enough for one moisture-proof Aux ... Vitoga built-in speakers Even at the city apartment is recruited and a half dozen. But the music will follow you, and not you for her!

Open Multimun

Time Vf.

At the embedded

AU Signature 7NT.

(B W)

Open Multimun
Built-in acoustic system

AIM 7 Five.


Open Multimun

In-wall (in-wall) CWM800 acoustic system

(B W)

How much will the typical project-installation cost for a 3-bedroom apartment with an area of ​​120m2, consisting of six independent zones? The cost of such pleasure (design, equipment, power and signal cables, assembly and commissioning works) will be about 250 thousand rubles. Plus, about 100 thousand rubles. - on embedded speakers. The amount of considerable, but pulls just a few percent of the basic cost of housing. We emphasize that after installing the system, the liquidity of the apartment increases sharply. It is worth thinking about it.


Installation In the language of experts, it is necessary to work on the installation and configuration of the "smart home" system, multicam or home cinema.

Multi The distribution system of audio and (or) video signals for several rooms (Multirom). Combines AV electronics and acoustics into a common complex. It consists of sources, controllers, a transmission network, control panels in each zone, as well as signal receivers.

AV receivers An important element of the home theater system. Combines a set of AV input / outputs, surrounding decoders (Dolby Digital, DTS), multichannel amplifier (5-7 channels) and FM / AM tuner. A device with decoders without tuner and power amplifiers is called an AV processor.

To get cheaper

Is it possible to buy multicams, like a cinema, "in one box"? Usually such a system is not a finished product, although the trends towards the emergence of comprehensive solutions are already visible. The equipment sets of comparatively affordable cost appear mode, for example, Jamo Link at the price of a pair of solid speakers. But the factor restraining their application is the undeveloped communications of typical housing. Until now, in new buildings, unfortunately, ready-to-use low-current networks are provided. Therefore, to lay cables, it is necessary to either fine the walls, or create a layout "under the plinth".

The need to violate the established interior does not make multipart more popular. However, the construction of individual housing (cottage villages and other forms of development) today is increasingly hand in hand with the design of integrated control systems. The far-sighted developer works in a pair with an installation company providing a whole package of services. For example, you can agree in advance about connecting an apartment to the Internet and cable TV, make wiring for a local network, lay a twisted pair to switches and sockets to control light ... If you can not implement The idea immediately, the canned cable farming will work out in the future, when the dwelling will want to "form". In love, starting the construction of the house or repair of the apartment, it is worth thinking about the automated control system.

By the way, without waiting for the global restructuring, as the first practical step to the multicamum system you can embed in the suspended ceiling of the bathroom, moisture-proof acoustics ... However, about it, in the following rooms.

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