Electric shrust


Sources of uninterrupted power supply: specifications, household portable models of devices, stationary and combined systems.

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Electric shrust
"Solar technology"

Electric shrust

Electric shrust
"Solar technology"
Electric shrust

Portable uninterruptible power sources weighing 10-20kg are used to connect one or two power consumption

devices, and stationary capable electricity whole house

Electric shrust
P4-Pro launching device (mobilen) can be used to power arc welding machine
Electric shrust
Output power inverters Mobilen- 75-5000W
Electric shrust
"Solar technology"

A variant of the combined uninterruptible power supply system. Unruption of minor interruptions of electricity shortage is compensated for by acid

lead batteries. If there is no electricity on the network for a long time, the inverter automatically starts a diesel generator

Electric shrust

UPS Ellipse ASR for computers and other equipment

Electric shrust
Protection Center (MGE-UPS) includes UPSs, a power filter and a block of eight outlets

Electric shrust

Electric shrust
Powerware UPS Series (Eaton) to protect the computer in the home office
Electric shrust
Electric shrust

In modern UPS, a non-serviced hermetic lead

Acid battery with gel electrolyte

Electric shrust
Electric shrust

Projectors in home theater systems are recommended to equip the UPS, since their microprocessors are calculated on the smooth turning off the current

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without a variety of electrical devices that surround it literally at every step. However, for the obvious amenities, awarded progress, it is necessary to pay more and more dependence on centralized electricity distribution systems.

Electric shrust
The hosts of many country mansions are forced to solve the problem of the unstable supply of their electricity homes. It affects everyone, including the owners of cottages located in the most prestigious settlements any interruptions in power supply violate the usual course of the life of the population and are perceived as an emergency. Citizens are literally cut off from all the benefits of civilization: there is no TV, telephone, "global warming" in the refrigerator degraded to the products stored there ... Even short-term power grids are capable of bringing unpleasant consequences. This is especially true of computers and other devices that may suffer from sudden "light-hand". There are cases when the processors of washing and dishwashers were faced due to the outages of electricity. In general, the more difficult and more expensive the technique, the greater the chances that, due to the population of power supply, it will be hopelessly spoiled.

Another problem with which car owners, garages and country sites are particularly often faced, lies in the fact that the possibility of connecting to the main power supply networks is far from everywhere. Meanwhile, sometimes there is a need to connect electrical appliances in "field" conditions. How to be in a similar situation?

The easiest option that will help once and forever solve the problem of energy supply is to duplicate the operation of the power system with personal power sources. These devices will help the owners when they need to organize the work of electrical appliances in places where there is no power grid. Anaas most perfect uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) will allow secure computers and household appliances with emergency disabled electricity. Other advantages of such devices (compared, for example, with benzo and diesel generators) are small sizes, environmental safety and ease of operation. So, the UPS does not pollute the air outlines and work silently. The cost of portable models with low capacity accumulators is 1-1.5 thousand rubles, and the prices for powerful and stationary UPSs can reach several tens and even hundreds of thousand rubles.

Source in the literal and figurative sense

Electric shrust

Here is what the block diagram of the uninterruptible power supply looks like. KSeti is connected inverter (1), which provides a stable output voltage of 220V. It feeds the domestic network (2). The Basic battery pack (3) is connected to all power sources, batteries are used, characterized by the output voltage, capacity and other parameters (they will be discussed on). In addition to the batteries, the devices may include an electronic control unit that allows the device to operate as a UPS in automatic mode, an output voltage stabilizer, an automatic charger.

Choosing a source of power supply, clearly define the range of tasks you are going to solve with it. If it is needed to connect power tools in the garden plot, as well as a power source for emergency lighting and running engine engines or snow removal combines, then a portable UPS is suitable, such as MP, P4-PRO series (MOBILEN, Russia), EFOY (SFC, Germany) . These models differ from each other with the capacity of the battery, the maximum value of the start current, the voltage of the current produced, weighing and the total charging time.

Capacity batteries. The magnitude of the charge that the battery can give in the process. Measured in amps-hours (Ah). The greater the container, the longer the device connected to the battery can be operated. A large capacity is particularly important when connecting powerful devices that require a lot of energy for a long action. This applies, for example, to circular saw, electric welding IT.P. If the device is used to protect computers and similar equipment from energy crews, battery capacity is usually not too important.

The maximum value of the start current. Measured in amperes (a). Considered if you are going to use the device to run engines of cars. Portable power supplies are capable of making a starting current of 200-1400A. Inesley Talk in 200a is suitable for the launch of engines of garden equipment, motorcycles and small cars, then the current in the 1400a is suitable for truck engines, including diesel.

Electric shrust
MP 747 (Mobilen) model has a mass of only 7.1kg Weight. An important indicator for portable devices, especially if you consider that some of them weigh 15-20kg .This, the burden is explained by the design of batteries intended for indoor use. In addition cases, acid-lead batteries with a hermetic case and gel electrolyte are used. Their cost is higher than alkaline accumulators with acid electrolyte, but they have many advantages. Firstly (and this is the most important thing), such batteries in the process of work do not distinguish harmful gas. Therefore, they can be placed without risk to health inside the residential premises. These batteries are convenient where they can work in any position (not only being installed vertically), which are resistant to low temperatures, do not require an electrolyte topping and easy to maintain. But the safety has to be paid to the increase in the mass of the device. Therefore, if the device is supposed to use "little by little, but often" and in different places of the garden, it may make sense to choose a model with a small mass (4-5kg).

Output voltage. Most models give a permanent current voltage of 12V. A variable current of 220V is required to power the electronics and household appliances. To be able to connect them, additional devices are needed inverters, or current converters. Their main characteristic - nominal output power (from dozens of watts to several kilowatts).

For network security

Sources with uninterrupted power supply are used for unstable electricity. Such a device remains permanently connected to the network, and to it, in turn, the instruments sensitive to energy users are connected. With normal voltage in the network, the inverter works on recharging the battery or "in the background" (in this case, the energy consumed is minimal and amounts to most models 20-50W). But as soon as the supplied voltage drops below the critical level, the inverter automatically starts to compensate for the shortage of nutrition due to the battery resources.

Electric shrust
BK325-RS backup power system (APC) for desktop computers Uninterruptible power sources are used to compensate for peak loads during electricity consumption. If, for example, a domestic system is calculated for 2.5 kW consumption, the simultaneous connection of several powerful devices can lead to the fuses (plug). The UPS monitors such jumps of consumption and, if necessary, compensates for the lack of electricity due to the reserve accumulated in the batteries. Among the manufacturers of household UPSs presented on the market are most noticeable to the company ARS, Xantrex, Statpower, Heart, Eaton (USA) and IRBIS-T (Russia).

In addition to the design of the electronic control circuit, you can select two types of UPS: Offline and Online. Simple design devices such as Offline go to power supply from batteries only when you disconnect or cut the voltage drop in the network. ONLINE devices provide an AC output with optimal frequency and sinusoid form characteristics. This technique provides the best protection of appliances connected to it, but it is not cheap. The average cost of a system with a capacity of about 1.5 kW, designed for a day of autonomous work, is 70 thousand rubles. Support power is growing rapidly and the price. For example, the SW 4548E model (Xantrex) (4.5 kW) provides electricity supply for 16 hours and costs about 200 thousand rubles.

Uninterruptible power supplies for country houses are often performed in a stationary version, and therefore occupy a lot of space. The batteries in them have a large container that allows you to maintain power supply for many hours.

An important parameter for the UPS is the time that is required to automatically switch power from the network to batteries. Household devices like offline provide switching on an average of 30-40 ms (milliseconds), and the UPS type Online reduce this gap to 2ms. Personal computer is usually able to withstand the "pause" to 50-100ms, so that most UPS can provide its performance.

For the autonomous electricity supply for a long time, a combined system consisting of UPS and a benzogenerator is often used. When the voltage is disconnected, the UPS network begins to spend the battery life resource. If during the predetermined time the power supply is not restored, the UPS automatically runs the generator. Such autonomous systems are capable of working until fuel in the tank. The cost of the complex is from 120 thousand rubles. (half the amount will be the cost of the generator). If necessary, you can build up the capacity of the complex by adding additional batteries.

There are other, more promising options for autonomous power sources. For example, a set from a stationary UPS and an autonomous source of electricity (solar battery, wind-generator IT.P.). By paying once for the set of autonomous equipment, the owner of the house eliminates itself from regular communication with the supplier of the main electricity, the steady growth of its cost, interruptions and voltage jumps. Such projects are already implemented and quite successfully operate not only abroad, but also in Russia. We plan to tell about them in one of the nearest magazine numbers.

Battery from batteries

Electric shrust
"Solar technology" is a serious problem for many owners of stationary UPSs represent the mass and dimensions of these devices. Suffice it to say that in some cases the total mass of such UPS reaches several tons! It is possible that they will need to manufacture a separate foundation, such as for a stone furnace. For storage of batteries, it is best to use the room with a constant positive temperature and a small humidity (for example, a warm and well ventilated basement). Sometimes they are placed in a separate subsidiary structure. Most modern battery models are well tolerated cooling to -20c, worse than moisture condensate, which leads to current leaks and rapid battery discharge. For their storage, specially made metal racks are most often used, capable of making the necessary load.

The editors thanks Mobilen, Eaton Representative Office and Solar Engineering Engineering Center for help in preparing the material.

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