Magic curtain


Four-room apartment with a total area of ​​128 m2 in a new house: an option to change the housing appearance is purely architectural techniques.

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Magic curtain
The corridor ends with a symmetric translucent composition in the center of the Hall. Fourth of its unusual clock. Their rear panel is mirror, and there appears a series of reflections. Hall is the central zone of the apartment through which all the trajectories of the family of family members are held. Therefore, the Hall design is characterized by special sophistication and diversity.
Magic curtain
The living room seems more spacious thanks to almost white color of the walls, the ceiling and curtains merging with them. Fire-red Mobileffe Panel makes remember about the fireplace

Magic curtain

Magic curtain
From the side of the living room and the dining room, to the left and right of the outlet of the hall, the drywall scenery form "pockets". Integrated narrow cabinets with multiple shelves. Matte glass doors and internal illumination help support the feeling of air filled with air
Magic curtain
The design of the dining room and kitchen is based on the principles of functionality and minimalism. The main difference in their appearance is the golden color of the floor in the dining area. Radiator inlet The radiator in the kitchen had to be dismantled, and an electric convector with a fan was installed under the window. But the hosts while they do not enjoy double window windows and insulated walls provide a comfortable temperature.
Magic curtain
Symmetry in this modern interior causes associations with a classic reduced to the primary clarity of lines and harmony of proportions
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Windows of both children's facing east. In the boy's room over the folding sofa and under the ceiling, the original "game" lamps Oligo, the rest of the design neutral
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The corner window of the parents of the parents comes to the southwest, the morning the sun does not wake up the owners, so the curtains are very lightweight, translucent. Little daughter while sleeping in the same room
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The end of the bath enters the shallow niche. In all its width, a mirror has been installed. Creating such illusory "windows" is one of the favorite techniques of the architect. This help it corrects the layout, introduces intrigue into small spaces. Square shape of lamps corresponds to a clear design geometry
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The walls of the guest bathroom are lined with porcelain stoneware. Luminaires are mounted in a cable ceiling
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Plan before reorganization
Magic curtain
Plan after reorganization

We all dream of spacious, comfortable accommodation. But what to do if the area of ​​the apartment meets the needs of the growing family, and the planning layout does not allow significant changes in the project?

Magic curtain
Curtains from organza and drywall "scenes" cause curiosity, the desire to see what remains hidden from the eyes of the decor, the successful placement of furniture and the exactly selected gamut of the finish can be corrected by the inconvenient proportions of the premises. It is precisely such a predominantly decorator approach demonstrate the majority of specialists engaged in Russian interiors today. There is a more fascinating option, but it requires great ingenuity and high professional skills, because it implies a change in the appearance of housing purely architectural techniques. It is in such a way that the architect Dagmara Shaydaeva works.

At first, seeing the plan of the apartment, she was laughed: almost all the inner walls - carriers, the doorways are small, the corridor passes in the center of the apartment, and there is no possibility to expand it to the sizes of the hall.

Albert Shtein.

Field of Dreams

Tatyana tells the owner of the apartment.

Dagmar Shaydaev and my husband and I found on publications in the magazine "Ideas of your home" - bought it during the year. Attracted her ability to "save" interiors in almost hopeless situations. So our option looked. "For me, the main walls and space," Dagmara said, looking at the plan. Then it was asked about everything in detail and after two weeks showed a sketch. We immediately liked it, and we went together to watch the apartment to clarify the details.

Magic curtain

Now, thanks to the open planning of the central zone, sunlight almost does not leave our dwelling. Av lobby even play rainbows: the sun's rays are refracted on the edges of the glass shelves and turn into a multicolor radiance on the walls and the floor. Dagmara turned out to be a wonderful decorator, and today it is satisfied with everything in the apartment, although at first there were concerns. For example, a red panel in the living room. I myself could not choose this for anything, and now I understand that without her the apartment would be much more boring. I was particularly struck by how carefully the architect calculated the nuances of the location of the situation and details. For example, in the bathrooms came to the shower cabins, checked, where it is more convenient to make the shelves and hooks, climbed the chair to accurately calculate the height of the attachment of accessories for my husband (it is very high). Everything was taken into account: how the hand rises in the room to press the switch button where the look after awakening. Vaby Dagmara persuaded me to deploy a bed: "Imagine, the son will wake up, and will see a closet! Let, opening his eyes, he will look at the sky!"

The idea of ​​reorganization of the interior came as if by itself. Wtt that the idea is beautiful and nontrivial, convinces plan, symmetrical and elegant. Subsequent painstaking calculations have turned the solution found in the chitrophic built plot, under the architectural research of Baroque. There is everything here: a series of species zones, "strung" to intersecting plank axes, an increase in small rooms with mirrors, complex persons, the effect of theatrical scene ...

Magic curtain
In the center of the Hall, to the semicircular protrusion of the partition, attached a clock with an open mechanism. Their appearance gave the composition completion and logicality. Narrow scheduling on the walls create the effect of light cracks. Now the long corridor has turned into a picturesque enfilade, divided into zones. Dimensions and outlines each of them has its own. Hall for the mirrors installed at a right angle on both sides of the door, became the likeness of an infinite grotto. According to the author of the project, this is risky in terms of psychological comfort, but in this case justified. Indeed, in this intermediate zone, no one long is delayed, but it forms a non-trivial image of the interior. The next segment is a narrow tambour, with the impressive scale (real and imaginary) adjacent zones. Behind the translucent curtains is the most effective part of the composition of the hall in the form of an elongated oval. This dynamic form "hold" the vertical of small rasting column and curvilinear partitions. At the ends of the larger axis, the oval is revealed to symmetrically planned dining and living room, which make up the front part of the apartment. The streams of natural light are found in the lobby. Bliking surfaces, artificial light and translucent glass blocks enhance the calculated visual effect.

Magic curtain

The apartment in which the central place occupies a corridor stretching from the entrance door along most of the premises is not the most successful option for the comfortable life of the society. Architect Dagmara Shaydaev resorted to non-trivial architectural constructions to change this structure. Especially interesting transformations occurred with the central space, where the current living room, hall and dining room are located on the same axis. Both door openings are expanded so much that all three rooms are now perceived almost as a whole. The apartments windows overlook the East and the West, and the new layout allows the sunlight to peel the space for almost all day. The newly built additional bearing supports are arranged at an angle so that in terms of the hall there was a kind of oval. This form is underlined by floor cladding (texture polished granite) and a cable drywall on the ceiling. The completion of the composition gives steam rash rash, between which glass shelves for souvenirs are inserted. Among other things, Falcholonna denote the boundaries between the zones.

Matte glass blocks have been in the space feeling of airiness: the wall between the hall and the bathroom with their help began to seem almost weightless. The same included in the parade zone now meets the elegant symmetric composition. On both sides of the entrance to the hall, plasterboard "sides" are built, to which low podiums are adjacent for decorative installations. The openings leading to the dressing room and the guest bathroom, on this side are also decorated with inserts from glass blocks.

Magic curtain
In the bathroom you can get from the children's and bedrooms of the parents. The inputs form an imptilade, and the plumbing does not interfere with the movement. The prospect of "lengthens" the mirror above the toilet table is no less beautiful symmetry present in the most distant from the entrance part of the dwelling. Here on the central axis there is a shower and a bath raised to the podium. This technique turned the bathroom into the solemn room for ablutions, although his genuine scale is not too large. On both sides of the bath are the toilet and washbasin. Located strictly opposite the door of the door lead to the bedroom and nursery. To improve vapor and noise insulation, the bathroom on each side was provided with swing doors, followed by narrow tambura, corresponding to the depth of the wardrobes in both rooms. Moreover, the cabinets can be additionally overlapping the passage between residential premises and the bathroom.

The trimming techniques were chosen with such a calculation so that the plastic solutions look expressively and self-sufficient. Therefore, cold, "smoky" wall colors (decorative plaster and paint) dominate in the parade zone. Additional depth create matte glass blocks between the living room and the bathroom. In the texture of the brown-gray-lilac, the texture of the brown-gray-lilac porcelain flooring treads light reflexes on the walls. Apervised curtains from organza between the hallway and the hall look like a slightly condensed shadow. Finally, the golden parquet board in the living room and the dining area bales the cool range of finishes.

The only bright stain in the front area of ​​the red panel, on which the LCD TV of the home theater is fixed. It juicles contrast with an almost transparent dining room, only a bit of "grounded" graphics of the dining group.

Ergonomics + style

Magic curtain

Modern kitchen must meet the best traditional traditional traditions: minimum parts, maximum technical equipment plus flawless ergonomics. Therefore, a neutral design was chosen, and household appliances and working areas are located in accurately compliant with the individual habits of the owner of the apartment. The table for breakfast and the working surfaces of the kitchen constitute a single whole and made from Coriana. The sterile monochromicity of all finishing materials and the rigor of the forms admire a very worthy union of the kitchen with the dining room.

The kitchen distinguishes the neutral "weightlessness" of the design, which is slightly "weighting" only finishing facades under Wenge. Such asceticity of the color is fully justified: it is enough to push the matte shaped partition to open a wide opening between the cooking zone and the dining room, combining both of these rooms. Bedroom and both children's solved in a more saturated range and with greater softness, here priority is given to warm colors and velvety textures.

Thus, the efforts of the architect this "family nest" has acquired a convenient, rationally organized layout. Achmend with a pretty, modern look, by combining a quiet home comfort and palace parade.

Around the soul

Magic curtain

The symmetric composition of the bathroom, which involves the installation of the shower and bath on the same line, required an additional space. For this, the cabin was put forward in the hall, and inside the bathroom separated by a semicircular partition. On both sides of the shower deaf walls were replaced with matte glass blocks. The backlight was mounted in a semicircular bevel element. Due to the remoteness of the cabin from the sewer rim, it was necessary to raise the floor level. The shower and bath were combined with a podium with marble cladding, and the composition gained a complete and solemn appearance.


Magic curtain
Architect Dagmara Shaydaeva feature of this new house built from reinforced concrete with brick facing, the fact that all interior walls bearing. Forward the queue, it was necessary to transform a corridor, breaking it into several zones and adding plasterboard scenery so that the space is read as an interesting composition, multifaceted and symmetrical.

The openings leading to the living room and dining room required an increase in the width of one was 0.9M, another-1.5 m. The apack for this was to dismantle part of the carrier monolithic concrete wall, the decision made on all the rules agreed with the developer and demanded serious work to strengthen the openings. The vanity of the width of each of them is 2.4 m. Stitched plasterboard design on the Hall ceiling masks the chawliers laid on new bearing supports on both sides of the central zone. There are no other plasterboard decorations on the ceilings - their excessive "decoration" came out of fashion, and the ceilings in the apartment are low.

To support the image, all design details were picked up very carefully. For example, Planus doors (Tre-P Tre-Piu, Italy): deprived of platbands, they are embedded in the wall flush, allowing you to not crush the composition. Potton, I have long been looking for paint for the walls of grayish-greenish color.

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Architect: Dagmara Shaydaev

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