7 simple ways to save on the paint for the interior


Calculator, buying from hand and special tools - tell about these and other ways not to spend extra when finishing the walls.

7 simple ways to save on the paint for the interior 13406_1

7 simple ways to save on the paint for the interior

At such a simple point of repair, like wall color, you can save or spend money - depends on your approach. Assembled a few Lifehakov, which will help favorably update the walls.

Listed ways of savings in a short video

1 Do not roll the entire volume immediately

Great, if you decide to paint the walls in white in the entire apartment. If not, we recommend not to climb the entire paint volume at once in the selected shade. There is a chance that the color will turn out to be darker or too dim in certain lighting. Consider that there are very powerful lamps in the stores, the apartment is significantly less. Plus, the role of the side on which the windows overlook. In order not to pay the second time for the alteration, tool first a small jar and take a dose. If you all arrange, you can buy the missing part of the paint.

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2 How to prepare the surface

Painting consumption when applied to a flat smooth surface less than the one that is not well prepared. Before you begin painting, you need to handle the wall: remove the old plaster, carefully clean from the dirt and residues of building materials, then project and apply a new plaster. How to align the surface to lay the pigment layer well. All these manipulations will allow you to apply paint into one layer, thus spending a smaller volume.

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3 Select one method of application

Do not apply paint at the same time horizontally, and vertically. It can spoil the surface: strokes that are diverted in different directions will be visible. Such painting looks ugly and requires more pigment, which will block the divorce. In order not to spend excess and save on the volume, choose some one way of applying paint and stick to it when processing the whole wall.

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4 Use a special calculator

There are different paint consumption calculators on many construction sites, however, they have functions. To calculate the number of necessary pigments, you need to know the total area of ​​the surface in square meters and the type of wall (plastered or not). Some calculators help to calculate the additional supply of paint if you want to do so, and also take into account the type of coating (water-emulsion, enamel, acrylic, latex paint and so on). After the parameters are selected, the calculator will issue the total number of pigments that you spend. This will help you choose the volume and not spend too much.

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5 Use special tools

From the type of tools for painting walls, too much depends. For example, some of them can absorb more paint and thus influence its consumption. The "uneconomical" includes rollers with a long pile. They recruit a lot of pigment and make a layer thicker, so there will be more consumption with them. If you want to save, choose the brushes or rollers with the prescript function. In the latter, there are several advantages, for example, they capture a large surface and more evenly apply a coating.

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6 Use expensive paint as an accent

If you really liked the collection of colors from more expensive paint, use it locally. It is not necessary to cover it all surfaces, it is possible to limit ourselves to just one wall or in general to paint only a part. Thus, you will save on finishing materials and create an interesting effect of staining in your interior.

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7 Buy from hand

Because of the wrong calculations and the desire to buy a lot of paint after repair often remains. There should be no open containers. They have a very short shelf life, so they can start thick by the time of sale. Such paint will fall on the surface unevenly. It is best to take closed banks, after completing the expiration date. You can buy such paint with saving up to half, or even most of its market value. The only thing you have to put up is a limited palette.

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