Computer parking


Overview of the computer tables market: varieties of devices for the keyboard, system unit and cable, models with additional convenient elements.

Computer parking 13427_1

Computer parking
Computer parking
Home Office Module with Door Closing (Boconcept)
Computer parking
Table from the Periscope series with a height-adjustable working surface and an ergonomic neckline in the worktop. The system unit and peripheral devices are placed in a mobile tube (Orgspace Consulting)
Computer parking
The table is attached to the rack. You can work for him without getting out of bed, or hide it into a wall niche and move a chair to the table (CLEI)

Computer parking

Computer parking
Documents can be stored in the suspended folders in the table box. Support for system block - retractable (Giorgio Collection)

Computer parking

Computer parking
The computer table can be rotated so that the suspension platform for the system unit is located on the right or on the left. Model AVANTGARDE-D (Calligaris)
Computer parking
The table with a length of 90cm fits perfectly into the system of modules from the EOLO series (LAPRIMAVERA)
Computer parking
Power element joins the table using the plug-in fastener "Metal to Metal" or put on the wheels (OrgSpace Consulting)
Computer parking
Version for children and adolescents. Countertops at different levels allow you to use the workspace more profitably ("All for PC-Furniture")
Computer parking
The veneered table of laconic shapes is supplemented with a slit lacquered box for printer, documents and paper (BoconCept)
Computer parking
Computer table as part of a compact modular composition of furniture from the "Gnome" series ("Shatura")
Computer parking
Lip Bled.

Decorative bar serves as a limiter and protects the keyboard from dust

Computer parking
Small but very functional storage system (Nueva Linea)
Computer parking
Niche in which the monitor is installed, protects the screen from unnecessary glare with natural and artificial lighting ("Ladium")
Computer parking
Picture Press /

East News.

Built-in rack and part-time working area

Computer parking
Computer table and cabinet adjacent to it open and closed sections are made by the design project (Filippe Grandy)
Computer parking
An independent mobile backscreen rack, which contains a monitor and system unit, allows you to organize a temporary workplace with almost any table. "Techno" series (Enran)

The number of apartments where there is no personal computer is rapidly reduced. According to statistics, in Russia, the owner of the PC was every tenth family, AB2005-M- each fifth. Therefore, the production of furniture items that would be a worthy refuge for an artificial intelligence system continues to develop.

More recently, it was decided to clearly distinguish the desks writing and computer. The latter was called such structures, which under the tabletop were the retractable shelf for the keyboard and section for the system unit, and in the table top and the hole or niche for the executive cables itself. Written tables in such features did not need. But the time goes ... Today, the rare desktop costs without a computer. Therefore, classic writing tables are made less often. The appearance of computer tables is changing. This is due to the fact that the computer itself is modified, and its capabilities are growing.

Adjustments of time

Many modern computer tables produce without shelves for the keyboard. The fact is that most of the current workers of mental work are forced to be for hours to be in front of the monitor, making manipulations with keys and mouse. For evidence of ergonomics, it is better for the hands to be bent in the elbows at an angle of 90 and were not on the weight (which is inevitable if the keyboard is located on the retractable stand), and relied on a wide worktop. Tables with retractable shelves for the keyboard are produced for those buyers who cannot purchase a large table due to a lack of area, or for people who do not intend to spend a lot of time at the computer and prefer to use the surface in front of the monitor as a written table.

The section for the system unit today is much less likely to be mounted directly under the tabletop and more often produced as a separate element, more resembling a stand, than a box closed from four sides. First, this is due to the fact that users prefer to periodically improve their computer miracle, which requires free access to the rear and side surfaces of the system unit. Secondly, modern systemic blocks are becoming increasingly powerful and produce a lot of heat, so their effective ventilation is necessary not only from the side of the back wall, but also from the sides so that the device does not overheat. The cables that are connected to the system unit are proposed to hide into the vertical cable channel, which can be attached both to the table and to the stand under the system unit.

Extract models of computer tables The system unit is suspended on the side of the belts or metal holders. This solution is suitable only for inexpensive and non-heavenly system units. The fact is that for the full functioning of the hard disk, the system unit in which it is located is steadily. Some professional system units for this are even specifically dried to reduce vibrations that interfer reading and recording information on the hard disk. If the computer "brain" is in a suspended state, fluctuations during its work will be stronger and the hard drive will last less. In addition, if the system block hangs on the belts, there is a big danger to accidentally hurt it with his foot, push out that it may be detrimental for the working hard disk.

Computer parking

Computer parking

Computer parking

Cable Channel and Shelves, which are fastened under the tabletop, allow you to release the surface of the table from unnecessary wires and stationery ("Enran").

Many stands for the system unit today make mobile, on wheels. They are convenient because they can easily move from place to place, remove the dust accumulated under them, which is harmful to work the system unit and contributes to its overheating. Huscing such elements of furniture is also easy to touch the wheels, the wheels will work as shock absorbers and soften the blow. The most ideal is considered a rigid steady stand that does not obscure holes for air conditioning system unit.

Manufacturers increasingly offer to install a system unit on a separate stand, and to reduce the table to 80 cm. If the computer table is quite large, the vacated space under his worktop can take an additional stand or low rack for books and office equipment.

The only thing that still relevant attribute of the modern computer table remains a hole in the table top for electric cords, edged with plastic or supplemented by special separators for each wire. Padded cases for cable are provided by special gutters in the top cover of the table or legs, such as in the IKS model (DELLA Valentina, Italy). Cords can be attached to the inside of the table top with special clamps. It is very convenient, because even if you are not a professional user and on your table are not so many all kinds of electronic devices, with a dozen wires, it is still typed: from the monitor, keyboard, mice, speakers, printer, scanner, modem, table lamp, network filter with a built-in voltage stabilizer, as well as a cartride, Internet cameras, microphone from karaoke. Yes, you never know what else ... so that cables from all these devices do not "flow" in the workplace and are not confused under their feet, it is important to streamline them properly.

Computer parking

Computer parking

Computer parking

Electrical cords (OrgSpace Consulting) options.

Additional amenities

Many tables are made on wheels (it is desirable that they are with the clamps). Such jobs are designed for those who like frequent permutations in the house. It is important to remember that this furniture can not overload heavy objects. Even an extra pack of paper on the tabletop can cause the wheels that the wheels can not stand and cracked.

Unex models are adjusted by the height of the table top, and some of this is done only in order to compensate for the unevenness of the floor, the other this indicator changes dramatically for a specific user. Idiapaz may be different. So, the Periscope model (OrgSpace Consulting, Russia) is 10 cm (68-78cm), and the ER-T-GO models (actiforce, the Netherlands) and Matrix Ergo El (Isku, Finland) are as long as 65 (63-128cm) . At this table you can work sitting, half a walk (for which, of course, you need to be used in addition to the table adjustable in height of the chair) and standing.

The width of modern computer tables - 60-80cm. For a monitor with an electron-beam tube, the table is most likely to be sewn, for a liquid crystal, it is quite suitable for the parameter 60-65 cm. It is only important to remember that the monitor must be from you at least at a distance of an elongated hand. AESLI The screen is large (from19 diagonal), it is recommended that the distance between it and you are 1M.

Well, when the tabletop is provided for legs. The fact is that long sitting is not very useful for the body, in particular for the vessels of the lower extremities. Inesley, it is necessary to stay a long stay in the sitting position, it is better to be able to bend legs in the knees at right angles and blending, slightly raising them. If there is no such support under the table, we advise you to buy a bench for the legs or a low stool.

According to SanPiN, when the monitor is vertical placement, the eye level should be located in its center or at an altitude of 2/3 from the bottom of the screen. If you have a small display, you should purchase a table with a stand for the monitor, and if large- with a special niche for it. Going for buying, measure the screen to pick up the optimal option of the table with your growth.

Now the model of computer furniture makes more ergonomic, without sharp traumatic corners, with rounded edges. Not only rectangular tables, but also angular, with the front edge of the countertops, as if clapping sitting. At this table, about 90% of the area turns out in the access area, and almost everything is at hand.

Computer parking

Computer parking

Computer parking

PowerDesk Work Center model with height-adjustable Corian table top and built-in computer, which can be updated if necessary (PowerDesk).

Account application

Modern personal computer pays many opportunities. Therefore, only appearing in the house, he inevitably begins to "figure out" by various peripheral devices: the printer, the IDR scanner. So that these subjects have a worthy place nearby, for them are developing special devices that can be attached to the computer table in the form of stationary, folding or retractable flat elements (for example, in Calligaris, Italy models), and can exist autonomously as a roll-out bedside tables, Hinged shelves, etc. Additional surfaces sometimes connect to the table using the detachable fastener, for example, in ORGSpace Consulting or Tables of the Delta series, "Practice", "Strategy" ("Shatura", Russia).

The permanent computer desks, in contrast to office, often there are sections for storing CDs, and since the system unit began to equip the sound card, and also for columns. Some models are structures with numerous superstructures in the form of racks where not only peripheral devices and discs can be placed, but also literature. Such an option usually choose schoolchildren and students. Professional users prefer to have the entire office equipment horizontally on a wide table, similar to the cabinet.

If you do not care if you know exactly where every item is to be able to find it in the shortest possible time and later to return to the place immediately, then all additional techniques, and therefore, and the stands under it need to be located in the form of an angular composition. The printer is better to place on the same level with the monitor, not far from it so that you, without getting off the place, could see the printed material.

However, not necessarily all shelves, racks and boxes focus next to the computer table. Bookcase offer away. Thanks to this, you will have an extra reason to get up and cross the muscles.

Computer parking
Compact angular composition allows you to conveniently place the most necessary appliances and accessories (Felix)
Computer parking
Another compact corner version of the home office. Its dimensions are 143,485,585.5 cm ("Ladya")
Computer parking
Transparent tabletop allows you to place a monitor below the level of work surfaces (Tran Quillita)

The starting point

You decided to buy a computer desk. First, think how much space he should occupy in your room and in which direction it will need to increase if necessary: ​​in horizontal or vertical. Secondly, decide why you need a computer. If only in order to view mail and occasionally to make orders in online stores, it is quite enough for a laptop, and therefore a small elegant table for it, without numerous boxes and shelves. Are you a student? Then you, of course, you will need a more massive table, with a place for writing, textbooks, drawings, with hinged shelves for books and CDs. You may also come in handy screen from chipboard or plywood attached to the far edge of the table to arrange suspended containers for pencils, paper trays, documents, etc. This design is convenient and in the event that the room you need to burn the working area from residential.

The gamers are offered a steady table without a retractable shelf for the keyboard. For a different type of joysticks and consoles, as well as for the keyboard, which will have to be mercilessly hit to cope with control, the wide surface of the table top will fit better.

Those who intend to expose their computer to the constant upgrade, that is, to fully improve it, you need to choose such a model of the table or an appropriate device for the system unit to be available from all sides.

Computer parking
The table of smooth lines is supplemented with a table and mounted shelves. Surfaces can be laminated or lined with a veneer (CIA INTERNATIONAL)
Computer parking
An additional swivel plane can significantly increase the useful surface of the table (CIA INTERNATIONAL)
Computer parking
The right and left sections of the AVIO computer desk can be covered down. Included, he resembles a bedside table (CIA International)

Purchase in the minds

The overwhelming majority of modern computer tables are made from 16-26 cm thickness. Furniture from such tiles is the most inexpensive. I experienced a few years as soon as she obscures morally, it can be easily replaced by a new one. MDF models are usually more refined, and the edges of the countertop from this material are made rounded, and not with a vertical cut, like a chipboard (countertops with beveled, rounded edges from chipboard are not released, because during operation they will start crumble ). Chipboard and MDF are usually laminized by melamine film, but can be covered with veneer. The cost of the table from the DSP with a tabletop from MDF is about B2Read, than models that are fully made of laminated wood chipboard. Tables decorated with veneer, more than similar furniture items from chipboard are already 3 or more times (depending on the wood of wood, from which veneer is made). Computer tables are also produced from metal and glass, metal and plastic (metallic is usually the base). There are models that are fully made of glass or plastic. Their price exceeds the cost of such models from chipboard more than B1.5. Choosing the material of the purchased table, you need to proceed from how your purchase is intended for any interior.

Russian company companies, such as Filippe Grandy, Orgspace Consulting, "Bis-N", "All for PC-Furniture" (Brand "Computer Tables TopDesk"), Cambio, "Lady", "Felix", " Shatura "IDR., Sell computer tables from laminated chipboard for 1400-8000 rubles. And more depending on the configuration. Tables firms "Enran", "Merks-Furniture" (Ukraine) can be purchased at a price of 2200-15000 rubles. For models brought from Asia (China, Taiwan), it will be necessary to lay out an average of 4500-10000 rubles. Versions from European countries, such as Calligaris, Cia International, Casprini, Clei, Giorgio Collection, La Primavera, Valentini, and Nueva Linea (Spain) and Boconcept (Denmark), cost 12,000-25 000 rubles. and higher. So, the choice is yours!

The editors thanks the company "Alterra-Furniture", "Vista", "All for PC-Furniture", "Contour-Style", IBTM, Felix, Shatura, Boconcept, Filippe Grandy, Orgspace Consulting for help in the preparation of material.

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