Homemade color therapy


The role of the stretch ceiling in the interior largely depends on the correct selection of flavor and texture. Practical recommendations of professionals-designers.

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Homemade color therapy
The textile canvas of stretch ceilings from CLIPSO is made of polyester and saturated with a special mixture containing a polymer and the coloring agent. The fabric "breathes", but does not let water
Homemade color therapy

Moisture-resistant tension ceiling canvas is optimally for rooms with high humidity. Duplex design repeats the contour of the pool and consists of two colors

Homemade color therapy

The wavy edge of the second level of the stretch ceiling is obtained due to the fancy curved frame, covered with PVC film

Homemade color therapy

Stretch ceilings are practical and have a large margin of strength. The manufacturer's warranty is ten years. Any lighting devices and other decor elements are perfectly combined with this type of finish (Extenzo)

Homemade color therapy

Simple and very rational solution: green matte web ceiling repeats the outline of the cooking zone

Homemade color therapy
Carre Noir.

The top level of the stretch ceiling has an unusual shape resembling a brightly lit bell

Homemade color therapy

The elegant solution of the stretch ceiling in the kitchen-dining room is created due to the contrast of white and black glossy canvases. The cooking area lights the built-in halogen lamps, the traditional chandelier is right above the dining table.

Homemade color therapy

The roof of the shower cabin with the wires placed on it over time covers dirt and dust. So that all this is not reflected in the gloss ceiling, the angle is made of white matte fabric

Homemade color therapy

In the room for classes of the tension ceiling, transformed into a translucent lamp. Soft scattered light does not cause eye fatigue, creates a favorable atmosphere to perform homework or creativity

Homemade color therapy
Carre Noir.

The ceiling in the form of a surrealism cone- an unusual decor element. The texture and color of the cones can be different, and their diameter and height vary freely

Homemade color therapy

The ceiling "Starry Sky" is suitable for children: the optical fiber cable does not conduct electricity, only light is transmitted.

Homemade color therapy
Carre Noir.

The depth of the starry sky is created due to the use of glossy texture, and the reliability of the image, due to the different brightness of the glow of "stars"

Homemade color therapy

Ordinary matte texture resembles the perfectly blued ceiling. Central insertion from white gloss makes the whole interior more refined

Homemade color therapy

Multicolored walls, unusual scattered light in combination with the stretch ceiling turn the children's young princess into the boudoir. Although it is possible that the smaller child can use this original type of finish as a polygon for testing material for strength

Homemade color therapy
Carre Noir.

According to the original design designer, part of the stretch ceiling smoothly "descended" on the walls

Homemade color therapy
Carre Noir.

According to psychologists, there is a preferred color gamut for each age group. Todders up to six years old like red and orange, but if they are chosen as the main color of the ceiling or walls, their shade should not be bright, otherwise the child can be transported. Yellow promotes children's creativity, blue soothes

Stretch ceiling is one of the most beautiful and durable finishes. Its new unusual forms can transform the space of any room. The actual selection of flavor and texture allows him to become a kind of dominant interior or emphasize the artistic decorated color idea.


Homemade color therapy

The characteristic property of stretch ceilings with glossy texture is the ability to mirror the interior items. Thanks to this, visually increase the volume of the room and the ceiling height let's think that it makes us pay attention to the ceiling. Cracks formed after shrinkage of the house, yellowed from time and excessive smoking, as well as the sleeve at the kitchen. Extremely close attention of the ceilings attract to themselves after the "natural disasters" from the neighbors from above, when a smooth white plane turns into an improvised waterfall, which subsequently resembles contrasting subteps and detachable paint. If a reason to admire a multi-level structure with original backlit or a variety of built-in luminaires, anxiety hasted admiration for admiration: can this magnificence transfer a sudden water on the water?

However, modern materials and technologies allow you to create ceilings that can withstand any homemade attacks and, moreover, perfectly fit into classic and trendy interiors. We are talking about stretch ceilings. The idea of ​​their creation belongs to the generally accepted lawmakers of fashion-French. The company's engineers in the Russian market offer products produced in France: Barrisol, Carre Noir, Extenzo, Grupa Dps, Skol, New Mat, Prestige Design. However, our market includes products and other countries: Deckenfest, Decomat (Germany), Mondea (Netherlands), Clipso (Switzerland).

This type of ceilings received its name thanks to the installation method. The thin PVC film or textile canvas (CLIPSO) is stretched and fixed in a special baguette of hard PVC or aluminum, fixed around the perimeter of the room slightly lower ceiling overlap. The most common montage systems of the canvas are Carpudnaya and Wedge.

Garpune - The most demanded system. It assumes the following sequence of actions. Initially, a careful measurement of the ceiling is carried out, taking into account its configuration, protrusions and recesses of the walls. The drawing is sent to the manufacturer, which makes the canvas with a rigid and durable side (harpoon) around the perimeter. This side will then be inserted into the baguette. Initially, the size of the canvas is slightly less than the area of ​​the room (about 7%). For installation, it is heated by a heat flush and stretch to the desired size. Cooling, the stretch ceiling gives the necessary shrinkage and forms an absolutely smooth plane.

Wedge The fastening system looks different. The canvas cut out a little larger size than the area of ​​the room. After heating, it is clamping in a baguette with a special spacer profile, excess material is cut off. Avot Ceilings CLIPSO from polyester impregnated with a polymer mixture do not require heating during installation.

The teacher may arise a fair question: is it really important to know how the ceiling is fixed? And is not the main quality final result and the immutability of the product properties of the product? This is what: Stretch ceilings can be mounted both at the stage of repair of the room and in the process of life in the apartment. During the operation of the thermal gun, the temperature in the room often rises to 45-50c. Furniture is able to transfer such heat, but for many indoor plants or paintings it is unacceptable.

Here it is, the ceiling stretch ...

Homemade color therapy

Multi-level stretch ceiling in a spacious lobby. The unique technology allows you to connect two canvases of different colors and textures (Deckenfest), perhaps, the basic technical property of the tension ceiling is the immutability during the warranty period of operation. As a rule, it is 10-12 years, during which the film does not savage, cracks and wrinkles appear on it. Install stretch ceilings most often after the completion of the main finishing works. Installation is not accompanied by "wet" processes, does not leave behind the construction dirt and dust and lasts quite a bit of time. Judge for yourself: the ceiling arrangement in the 16m2 room with a hole under the central chandelier takes about 4h. For a complex multi-level composition with an abundance of lamps, temporary costs, of course, will be greater.

Listening the fire of the stretch ceiling does not support combustion, but only melts, as evidenced by the available certificates of fire safety authorities. Yes, and to the sun rays, it is completely immune, maintains bright primordial colors throughout the service life. Along with the classic challenge of the tensioning ceilings, you can equip point luminaires. And no restrictions on the quantity are not, it is only important to accurately determine their location in advance (for wiring), and subsequently comply with some rules. Thus, the power of incandescent lamps should not exceed 60W, and halogen - 35W. So that the PVC web around the built-in lamp does not become plastic and did not resist, the hole is usually equipped with a safety thermal fuse.

The minimum loss of height indoors with a stretch ceiling depend on the size of the baguette. For example, with the harpoon system, they constitute only 3 cm. In love after the end of the installation, all the defects of the capital ceiling (spots, cracks, poor-quality temperatures), as well as communication systems of lighting, ventilation, air conditioning, fire sensors will be reliably hidden behind the smooth surface of the stretched canvase.

Our permanent enemy, especially in urban apartments and houses, is household dust. But if the floor and furniture can be washed or cleaned without problems, then it's very problematic to do it with a whitewash or painted ceiling. So you have to periodically paint it or bleve, shindle the floor and walls. Stretch ceilings during contamination sufficiently wipe the wet or moistened in the soap solution with a cloth, and then wipe dry. It is necessary to do it carefully, without touching the "basic" ceiling, and it is better to entrust the entire operation to employees of the service service.

For residents of multi-storey houses, it is also important for another quality of stretch ceiling, resistance to the effects of high humidity and water. According to the manufacturers, the material calmly maintains the load of 100 liters to 1m2. That is, with a small bay and wall decoration, and furniture, and floor coverings will remain safe and maintained. Penetrating the liquid is collected in one place, the film will lead and forms a characteristic bubble. Certainly caused by the service team partially dismantles the canvas and eats water. If supelled small particles sat down from the base ceiling on the stretch, they will definitely delete them to avoid formation of folds and irregularities. Then the canvas dried and waters in place, using, as at the initial installation, the heat gun. After deformation, it will fully restore the original shape.

Condensate does not accumulate on the surface of the ceiling (the thin PVC film is instantly heated to the room temperature, and the condensate is formed on colder surfaces), so the design is successfully used in the bathrooms and pools.

Stretch ceilings are indispensable for low-rise cottages. Despite the strength of the foundation and walls, during freezing and thawing the soil, the house is a bit "walking", which is why ugly cracks are formed on the usual painted or plastered ceiling. The appearance of the stretch ceiling such "progress" will not change. However, owners of houses intended for seasonal accommodation should be known that as the PVC film temperature decreases, as opposed to the textile clipso, it becomes more rigid and fragile, and at -40c begins to collapse. Therefore, the question of the expediency of its application under these conditions remains open.

Picnic on the ceiling

Homemade color therapy
Carre Noir.

To give this interior of an unusual appearance used stretch ceiling. Smoothly moving from the main level to the column, the design imitates a vaulted ceiling to pay attention to other features of stretch ceilings. First, it is impossible to install them yourself, work requires skills and special equipment.

Secondly, this type of finish is one of the most expensive: the cost of 1m2 (with installation) is 800-2450 rubles. On the sites of large companies in the "Calculator" section, you can calculate the approximate cost of a particular ceiling, taking into account the type of web, the area of ​​the room, the number of corners, the built-in lamps, the ventilation holes, and edging pipes. For those who involve an original multi-level or multicolor design, the calculation will be more complex, and the final amount is more impressive.

Some blends the very presence of artificial material on the ceiling in addition to plastic glass windows, vinyl wallpaper IT.P. Well, although in a hygienic certificate it is indicated that the web of stretch ceilings is non-toxic and allowed to use in residential premises, the choice, of course, is purely personal. We only note that the plastic packaging of yoghurts, mayonnaise or pastries is by no means an obstacle to consumption. Yes, and nobody is going to arrange a picnic on the ceiling ...

The happy possessors of stretch ceilings are not suitable to remind you that stretched PVC canvas easily pierce or cut. Therefore, the rehearsals of the "dance with sabers" or violent pricks billiards are fraught with unpleasant consequences. If the damage to the canvase could not be avoided, you should contact the company that was engaged in the installation of the ceiling, experts will find the optimal solution to the problem.

Wonderful transformations

The amazing decorative properties of stretch ceilings are already 30 years prove that there are no restrictions on the embodiment of design ideas in this case. The question is that preferred: a classic matte texture with a complete lack of brilliance or stylish gloss, converting the ceiling into a magic mirror, sparkling metal or sparkling and exquisite silk. Is it possible to imitate skin, marble or tree?

The greater the room and the above base ceiling, the more opportunities for creativity. After all, a thin canvas, a clutching rigid frame, can take the most bizarre and unusual forms: from a classic perfectly flat plane located strictly horizontally or at any angle, to popular multi-level compositions from Russians, especially interesting when combined with paintings of different textures and colors.

Stretch ceilings in the form of arched archs transform the standard rectangle of the room, and the sacrificial dome stands up from four sides. Vavanangard interiors are relevant presence on the ceiling "hills" or "dunes", especially in combination with original lamps. In this case, the transition from the "hill" to the main plane can have clear outlines or be smooth. The "hill" -conus is inverted downwards, is used to simulate vaulted ceilings or for organic compounds of the plane with columns. But perhaps one of the most complex and beautiful forms of stretch ceiling. Smooth bends of the glossy surface of the light game and highlights create an impressive effect of rolling waves.

Turn on starfall

Homemade color therapy

Along with the optical fiber threads to create the original stretch ceiling "Starry Sky", you can use crystal light scattens (Swarovski) inhabitants of large cities due to permanent employment, they infrequently have the opportunity to relax and dream under the dark sky with an axes of flickering stars. Yes, and the stars themselves are often hidden behind the vests of Smog. The situation is able to resolve the Star Sky Stretch ceiling, reliably reflecting constellations, the Milky Way, the accumulation of galaxies. The design is a PVC web, most often blue tones, and a fiber optic fiber system (less often LEDs), for which the light from the projector is transmitted to their ends.

An aqueous case of light guides approach close to the inside of the canvas without a puncture of the film. Iichly not standing in the daytime ceiling at night turns into a magnificent picture of the starry sky. Lovers of stronger sensations should pay attention to another option, in which the tips of the optical fibers pierce the web and are outward. The combination of bright luminous dots and dark background looks very impressive. But most affect the imagination of burning "stars", the light of which is scattered with crustami of Swarovski (Austria). Clear diamond cut makes them shine especially bright and beautiful. The unusual effect of "incident stars" is achieved by pulling fiber at 10-30 cm below the ceiling plane. Now you can make a desire. You can literally every evening. True, in the morning went out, but so not fallen "stars" produce a somewhat strange impression.

Manipulation with color

For a man's awesome person, dark earth under legs and a bright sky above his head. Maybe therefore the traditional color of the ceilings in our houses is white. But it would be strange to not take advantage of the possibilities of a huge color palette of stretch ceilings, which almost all manufacturers have more than 100 options. Especially low (2.5 m) ceiling in small rooms of Khrushchev, even even a dazzling white, does not give the feeling of height, but causes a feeling of some pressure. It disappears due to the game with texture, color and relief. After all, any variety is better than a boring identical surface. The same monophonic or multi-colored fragments are welded into a single web with high frequency currents, so the joints are practically invisible.

The low ceiling can be visually lined with a glossy web. It actually becomes a mirror reflecting the walls, windows, lamps, and makes the room visually more spacious, high, light. An interesting nuance: the white color of the ceiling is neutral, but in combination with white walls can cause a feeling of hospital room and a sense of loneliness. It will retreat if you decorate the interior with bright curtains, warm gamut furniture, multi-colored lamps.

In other words, the larger the area occupied by the fact that it is richer, the stronger its impact on man. The color of the ceiling and walls dominate in the interior. Their choice is very important and should be based on the wishes and preferences of the inhabitants of the house, to harmonize with the spiritual and physical condition of people.

Raise pressure and ... mood

Homemade color therapy
Carre Noir.

The dark red ceramic tile of the walls and the floor of the bathroom successfully complements the red glossy ceiling man with reduced pressure feels a little better under a bright red blanket, since this color has a stimulating, exciting action. The abundance of red in the kitchen interior improves appetite. Raspberry or pink bedroom ceiling creates a cozy intimate atmosphere, but only on condition that you will not spend the worse part in the room, since too long the influence of this color is tired.

Professional designers when creating interiors apply the rules of coloring space. For example, if a saturated color is present on the ceiling, then in order to harmonize it is desirable to repeat in the floor covering, curtains, pillows, or other accessories, otherwise the bright stain will look meaningless. In addition, when choosing a color, it should be remembered that warm paints (red, yellow, orange) visually approach the surface and, therefore, reduce the height of the ceilings.

Aon is so cold ...

Cold colors, blue, blue, purple- optically expand the space, give themselves from the viewer (of course, we are talking about pastel, bright scheme). A variety of shades of blue are well suited for the bathroom - they will make the room lighter and spacious, create an atmosphere of relaxation and peace.

Fresh-wide apartments designers do not recommend using a lot of colors. It is better to build an interior on one, applying the principle of nuunting. Let's say, to the gentle-blue ceiling to choose the wallpaper of brighter shades of blue and blue. The difficulty lies in the fact that the choice is usually performed on tiny samples on colorful wine, where all the colors seem lighter. After mounting the stretch ceiling or the color of the walls, when the color takes a large plane, it will look brighter, even more aggressive. If a person realized that he was mistaken, after he painted the entire room, there are some tricks that can slightly improve the impression. First, it can be applied to the walls to the walls, it will soften the flavor, make it lighter. Secondly, it is possible to supplement the interior with cold gamut accessories or a contrasting color, which neutralizes the unsuccessful color, responds from it.

Summing up, we note that modern stretch ceilings open almost unlimited opportunities for interior transformation. But every designer idea should be justified and adapted to a person who will live in it.

The editors thanks the representative offices of Carre Noir, Clipso, SKOL, Gala Grand, Mal-C, Ecosil Design Studio, Attack Designer Irina Polyanskaya for help in preparing the material.

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