Both durability and comfort ...


The layout of a two-room apartment with an area of ​​94.1 m2 corresponds to the principles of Feng Shui: smoothed sharp protrusions of the walls, there are no contrasts and sharp shadows.

Both durability and comfort ... 13444_1

Both durability and comfort ...
The most spacious room is a living room. There are even a place for a small winter garden located on the podium. The casual partition allows you to combine the space from the dining room and the kitchen
Both durability and comfort ...
Electrical outlets, especially if there are many of them, pay attention, so they were hidden into the front of the podium and departed with a table with equipment
Both durability and comfort ...
Corner Leather Sofa Color Ohry, acquired for the previous apartment, took the locomotive corner of the living room. Wall niches over the sofa helped not only compact to furnish the room, but also save on cabinet furniture
Both durability and comfort ...
Table (Flay) and kitchen countertop made of corona-beautiful and durable artificial material
Both durability and comfort ...
When selection of furniture for the kitchen, one of the criteria was color- always nutty. Stopped on the Trendy model (ASTER CUCINE) with a veneered facade. Kitchen modules are located an angular way by creating an ergonomic area for cooking
Both durability and comfort ...
The end of the wardrobe (Mr.Doors) in the hallway is hidden by a semicircular protrusion with niches
Both durability and comfort ...
For the framing of radius walls, the plinth is cut into small fragments and plant on glue
Both durability and comfort ...
The dresser has branches for clothing and bed linen and can turn into a miniature dressing table. To do this, its top there is a retractable section with a supporting leg.
Both durability and comfort ...
Installation system for suspended toilet and bidet (Presqu'ile, Jacob Delafon) were hidden over a low partition from moisture-resistant drywall, over which the shelf was arranged for toiletries.
Both durability and comfort ...
The monotony of the main decor is disturbed by a vertical of colored tiles with frivolous stains
Both durability and comfort ...
Plan before reorganization
Both durability and comfort ...
Plan after reorganization

How to eliminate deficiencies in the original planning? What materials are used for construction and finishing? .. This is not a complete list of questions that had to decide to arrange an apartment in a new house.

Both durability and comfort ...

Hypotenus of a rectangular triangle

Both durability and comfort ...
In order to be in the apartment there were no sharp protrusions of the walls, a small radius partition was made in the corner of the living room, located in a monolithic house-new building, provided architect Alexei Silantyev soil for reflection. Its configuration resembled a composition of two geometric shapes: a rectangle (far room) and a large rectangular triangle truncated by sharp corners. The limit of the smaller "truncation" was the entrance to the dwelling, next to which one of the risers was located, and then the deaf long outer wall-hypotenuse of the rectangular triangle stretched. A larger "truncation" accounted for the window opening and Erker. On the same side, the window of the far room was also published. Such a location of windows clearly reduced the number of redevelopment options.

The most difficult stage was the search for the planning solution for the input zone and the kitchen in the triangular compartment without windows. Of course, the kitchen could be

Both durability and comfort ...
Blue translucent glass blocks are passed into the hallway a little natural light "move" closer to the light, but what then to place on a large area near the apartment in the apartment? The rationality took the top, and after the guest bathroom and the smarter appeared kitchen, separated from the hallway with a radius wall with translucent fragments from glass blocks. Uokna is apart located a dining area. Formally, all the rules were observed: it turned out a kitchen with an area of ​​18,2m2 with a window opening. Aesley look wider, it came out very comfortable. Due to the fact that these zones are equipped quite autonomously, no residential volume seems elongated. In addition, light from the dining room penetrates not only in the kitchen, but also in the depths of the hallway, and the three-rolled sliding partition in the living room allows you to make a representative part of the apartment with a single studio space. The rest of the premises have not undergone significant changes. The in the distance of the room is a corridor, which opens the doors of the master bathroom and dressing room. The opening in the bedroom was left open, and the door arranged in the middle of the corridor, including the dressing room in the bedroom.

Both durability and comfort ...

Under the dining room allocated space between the kitchen, the zone of culinary delights, and the relaxation site. Initially, the passage to the living room was supposed to be issued in the form of a wide portal, but later it was decided to isolate the room with a translucent sliding trilateral partition. Of the two possible systems of operation of sliding structures - outdoor combustion and upper combination, when the partition moves above the floor along the upper guide, the second option preferred, since it was precisely the single floor covering in the living room and the dining room.

From glass and brick

Both durability and comfort ...
The accuracy of the masonry of the radius partition provides "lighthouses" - ropes stretched from the ceiling to the floor. The curvature of the wall arises mainly due to cutting and fitting bricks. Closer to the ceiling, the material is put no longer a layer behind the layer, but the ladder so that access to the upper row is left when the redevelopment was consistent, repair and construction work began. Some interior partitions, built of ceramzite-concrete blocks, were dismantled due to their curvature. New partitions lay out of the brick, including the radius wall with inserts from glass blocks, the design of such materials is resistant to loads and mechanical damage.

The laying of nonlinear walls is time consuming and requires high qualification of the mason. First, in accordance with the drawing on the floor and the ceiling, the contours of the partition were marked. Then the so-called lighthouses are exhibited on the curvilinear sites from the ceiling to the floor, indicating the form of a future wall. Brick and glass blocks were balled up, layer behind the layer. Where the brick alternates with glass blocks, the seam was made wider (2 cm) so that in addition to cutting the brick, there was an additional possibility to compensate for the difference in the size of the size of the square glass blocks (1616cm) and rectangular bricks (2512cm). When erecting the partition, the glass blocks "plant" on the binder solution directly in the packaging polyethylene film so as not to scratch the surface. When finishing works are over, the film was removed.

Finishing surfaces

Both durability and comfort ...
In the corridor, behind the wall niche for the painting, there is a hatch of access to risers in the technical mine. It is located here so that the maintenance does not have to go to the master bathroom. Luca size is greater than standard: it improves the conditions for carrying out repair work after the construction of partitions in the apartment laid the wiring, made the pipe laying. Because in the technical mine, placed near the entrance door, only the sewage was installed, the sawing of cold and hot water to supply the kitchen, the wigner and the guest bathroom had to be made from the risers of the master bathroom. To do this, used metal-plastic pipes Henko (Belgium). Extended communications on top flooded with cement-concrete tie. In tasteless and the hallway equipped with electric warm floors Devi (Denmark).

Wall, the living room and bedroom was challenged parquet of teak tree Jungle Wood (Indonesia). The floors in the kitchen, bathrooms, worship and hallway were tested by bright porcelain stoneware Viva Ceramica (Italy). The Black Ceramic Tile of Losa Preto from the Rusticos collection (Revigres, Portugal) laid out the floor of the podium, girding the erker in the living room, where the winter garden was located. The podium height 17cm allowed raising the plants and give them more light. Thanks to the ceramic tile on the floor, it is convenient to care for them, without fear to spoil the floor covering. The radiators of heating in the apartment have already existed, and along the perimeter of Erker, they had to be reinstalled to comply with the technological gap in 10 cm between the bottom of the radiator and the floor required for the air movement.

Both durability and comfort ...
In a niche formed between the upper and lower levels of the plasterboard ceiling, neon lamps are hidden, creating a mysterious blue backlight in the dark. In the center of the ceiling, a lamp is installed in the shape of a hemisphere with a matte flange, a flooded bedroom with uniform light. From the furniture, the headset of the Valentino series (Zanette) with a chest of drawers, two couches and a bed, the back of which was finished with light skin on the ceiling made multi-layered noise insulation with a thickness of 20cm. To do this, used noise-absorbing cotton wool "Shumanet-BM" ("Acoustic Materials and Technologies", Russia), ISOVER Soundproofing Material ("Erveyor", Russia), Suspension SUPPLY SUSPENSION SUPPLY SUPPLY SUPPLY "Vibrosil-K" ("Acoustic materials" And technology ") between the wall and the ceiling cover. The second, decorative level of the ceiling of plasterboard height 12cm is not only for sound insulation, but also to install the lamps.

Due to the large number of niche and radial surfaces in the apartment, preference was given to decorative plaster. The walls were prepared for finishing with a classic way: pasted with the use of plaster grid, leveled, dried, treated with finishing putty and rejuvenated. There is also a living room, lobby and hallway on the walls of a washing decorative pale yellow coating from the Chaulisse series (RM Distribution, France). This material based on white lime is applied with special dyes containing natural pigments and having a palette of natural shades. After drying on the surface of the walls, a protective layer of wax was applied, which enhances the brightness of the color.

For the bedroom, Fibres De Cotex (RM Distribution), applied in liquid form and more resembling textile than plaster, finishing is selected. It, unlike textile wallpaper, does not absorb odors and does not fade over time. This is an environmentally friendly material, antistatic and providing a healthy microclimate. In addition, it is convenient in work, as it has a relief texture and does not require the perfect alignment of the walls. The coating is elastic and able to hide small (up to 2 mm) cracks on the walls.

Partition on roller suspension

Both durability and comfort ...


Both durability and comfort ...

Cost of preparatory and installation work

Type of work Scope of work Ral payment, $ Cost, $
Dismantling partition 15m2. four 60.
Device of brick partitions (including complex configuration) 76m2. - 1030.
Device of stitched ceilings from plasterboard sheets (including complex) 97.9M2. - 2100.
Loading and removal of construction trash 3 containers - 350.
TOTAL 3540.

Cost of materials for installation work

Name number Price, $ Cost, $
Ceramic construction brick 2235 pcs. 0.17. 380.
Dry masonry mix (50kg bag) 4200kg 0.05 210.
Armature (for monolith) 0,046T (128 pm) - 90.
Plasterboard sheet, profile, screw, ox ribbon, sound insulation plate - - 870.
TOTAL 1550.

Cost of work on the device of floors

Type of work Area, m2 Ral payment, $ Cost, $
Device of coating waterproofing 97.9 five 490.
Concrete screed device, podium 97.9 - 1150.
Flooring plywood on glue with fastening 50.5 4.7 237.
Dressing Parquet Coating Device 50.5 28. 1414.
Ceramic Tiles Coating Device 47.4. - 930.
TOTAL 4221.

Cost of materials for flooring device

Name number Price, $ Cost, $
Waterproofing (Russia) 120kg 2.7 324.
Ground-primer "Betokontakt" 20l 2,4. 48.
Peskobeton, Ceramzit (Russia) 5400kg - 390.
Plywood FSF 23 sheets fourteen 322.
Parquet (Dark Tick) 50,5m2 97. 4899.
Ceramic tile, porcelain stoneware (Italy) 47.4m2. - 1870.
Tile adhesive (Russia) 237kg 0,3. 71.
TOTAL 7924.

The cost of finishing work

Type of work Scope of work Ral payment, $ Cost, $
High quality plaster walls 190m2. - 2280.
High-quality wall painting and ceiling 288m2. - 4608.
Laying tiles and glass blocks 50m2. - 1200.
Carpentry, carpentry work - - 790.
TOTAL 8878.

The cost of materials for the production of finishing works

Name number Price, $ Cost, $
Stucco "Rotband", putty, soil, glue 2570kg - 1230.
Paint, Decorative Coating (France) 89l - 900.
Ceramic tile (Italy), glass blocks 50m2. - 2100.
Door blocks, partition (Italy) - - 5400.
TOTAL 9630.

The cost of electrical work

Type of work Scope of work Ral payment, $ Cost, $
Installation of wiring, wires 650 pound M. - 980.
Installation of power and low-current set - 340.
Installation of switches, sockets 40 pcs. 10 400.
Installation of floor heating system set - 190.
TOTAL 1910.

The cost of electrical materials

Name number Price, $ Cost, $
Electro-, telephone, antenna cables and components 650 pound M. - 590.
Electrical, Uzo, Automatic set - 300.
Electric installation (sockets, switches) 40 pcs. - 430.
Heating system of floor set - 490.
TOTAL 1810.

Cost of sanitary work

Type of work Scope of work Ral payment, $ Cost, $
Laying water supply pipelines 37 pog. M. 7. 259.
Laying of sewage pipelines 11 pound M. 3. 33.
Collector installation, filter set - 120.
Installation of toilet bowl, bidet 3 pcs. - 210.
Installation of washbasin, bath 3 pcs. - 300.
Reinstalling heating radiators - - 230.
TOTAL 1152.

Cost of plumbing materials and installation devices

Name number Price, $ Cost, $
Pipes of metal-polymer 37 pog. M. 2. 74.
Sewer PVC pipes, angles, taps 11 pound M. five 55.
Distributors, Filters, Fittings set - 350.
Toilet, bidet, installation system set - 1270.
Washbasin, bath, heated towel rail set - 3800.
TOTAL 5549.

The editors thanks the company Union for help in preparing the material.

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Both durability and comfort ... 13444_23

Architect: Alexey Silantyev

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