Live with a light!


Review of the Caminated Facilities Market: Design Features, Classification of Closed Fixes, Varieties of finishing of fireplaces, facing materials.

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Chemines Philippe.

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Duo cast iron furnace has two spherical glasses with independent opening (godin)
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Model 1000 with direct facade and two doors (Chemines Philippe)
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Fireplace framework circuit with closed

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Chemines Philippe.

When choosing a firebox should be borne in mind that most manufacturers produce the same models with both swing and lifting doors

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The difference in price depends on the method of opening, the size of the door and is 200-400
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Model Primo with a straight facade of 695mm wide (Chemines Philippe)
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Firecase model865 (godin) has three glasses with independent opening: front glass- lifting, side-lifting and swollen
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Marble Christmas Facing Eduardoi in Classic Style (Argar Decoration)
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Wailed Montavelle Fireplace in Sandstone Country Style (SUPRA)
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Frontal Waped Lauzieres Fireplace supplemented with a Banquette and Shelves (Chemines Philippe)
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Two-sided model model831 with plates (godin)
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Double Face type FACE model 846 with horizontal rectangular straight facade. Rising glass (godin)
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Embroidered hoarfront
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Retractable ash drawer
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Monreal Facing: Luberon Carnish, Absolut Black Granite
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Fireplace with tangene furnace. Falsten after the end of the installation is lined with wild stone Roche (Godin)
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Modern fireplace NEMO-2. Facing made of stainless steel and glass (SUNHILL)
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Vertical Rectangular Firecase Model2001 with Spherical Glass (Chemines Philippe)
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Facing under the outer angle Casalta (godin) with a firebox851 (M-shaped glazing)
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Facing of the Island fireplace Ariel (Supra) from Castillon stone with double-sided furnace 582n
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Fireplace Odenas (Chemines Philippe) in the style of High-tech lined with oxidized cast iron
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Options for fireplaces, under which cladding are produced
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The gate valve is installed in the upper neck of the furnace (remote control)
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Facing a fireplace with a stove and barbecue (Piazzetta)
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"Concrete" block facing the fireplace

Since ancient times, fire attracts the attention of people, fascinating with its magical power. He is able to calm the soul, give joy and distract from problems. It is time for the time to admire the flame play at any time, you need to put a closed-type fireplace in the house. How to do it?

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Steel cladding Kendo with a firebox851 (godin) 10-15 years ago for most of us the fireplace remained an unreserved dream. One was not affordable, because it demanded certain costs not only for the purchase, but also to create a powerful foundation that sometimes led to capital restructuring at home. Another simple there was no place to put it - the construction is not small. Thirds did not suit the low efficiency of the open fireplace - 15-20% (this is the same in the literal throw of money into the pipe!).

The appearance on sale of a closed-type fireplaces consisting of furnaces made from all sides connected to the chimney, and the trim, provided many of the opportunity to realize their dream into life and at the same time solve the problem of the recreation of a country house. Moreover, if in a large cottage such a fireplace can be used as an additional source of heat, then for a small one in the forces to become the main one. The mass of these structures is much less than that of brick, efficiency above (according to the manufacturers, it reaches 75-80%), and the appearance is much more attractive. The alarm is such that, admiring the flame, you can not be afraid of the carbon falling on the floor, capable of causing a bunch of troubles, - the flame burns behind the glass. It is not surprising that immediately after its appearance on the Russian market, these products began to enjoy greatly popular.

Theirs are offered primarily by the company from foreign countries, German, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, French and Italian, which have solid experience in the production of such products. In the early time, domestic companies are successfully competing with them. We will list only some manufacturers: Chazelles, Chemines Philippe, Chemines Diffusion, Godin, Invicta, Laudel, Seguin, Supra (France), Edilkamin and Piazzetta (Italy), Dovre (Norway), Sunhill and Meta (Russia) IDR. The warranty period of imported products ranges from five to ten years, domestic - does not exceed three years. Prices for fireplaces are in the range from one to several tens of thousands of euros, depending on the manufacturer, size and power of the furnace, the material of cladding, its massiveness and even exclusivity.

Fundamental device

How is a closed fireplace? A metallic firebox is placed on the pedestal (powerful stand), which is connected to the chimney. The casing is mounted around the furnace, and so that the air clearance is preserved between them. The gear part of the structure is made for air inlet, in the upper - for exit. A results entered into the clearance air, heating, takes the heat released by the furnace, climbs up and publishes back to the room. Thus, the furnace, and the trim are integral and even inseparable parts of the structure. The first serves as a source of heat, the second forms around the furnace of the air shirt and simultaneously plays the role of decorative design. Even if the sheathing is bothering over time, stops fit into the interior or collapsed (anything happens), it can be replaced by leaving the furnace. The replacement of the furnace is possible (if it failed) with the preservation of the skin.


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Corail Peninsular Fireplace (Chemines Philippe) The closed fireplace furnace is equipped with a special glass door with a metal frame (edging) or without it. The glass is withstanding the temperature to 750c. That side of the furnace, where the door is located, is called the facade. It is a big glass that allows you to see a good fire, so that the device is associated with the fireplace. The stash point of view is not much more difficult than the ordinary bourgear stove. In addition to the "window", it differs from the ancestor of the presence of a grate grid, an ash box and handles or levers that control the air supply and, consequently, the intensity and duration of burning.

Classification. The furnaces can be classified in different ways.

By material manufacturing They are divided into steel and cast-iron. Putting the manufacturer here your preferences. For example, French firms produce mainly cast iron models. Avot Many leading companies in Germany still at the beginning of the 80-hgg. Xxv. refused to use cast iron. There are also companies producing both steel and cast-iron furnaces.

Steel furnaces (although they are not always pure steel - their base on which firewood is burning, as well as the doors are often cast from cast iron) We necessarily fut in chamotte or ceramic tiles (special ceramics). The lining is designed not only to protect the fire from the exercise, but also to accumulate heat to slowly give it to the air of the room. For improving heat transfer on the outer metal surface of the product, small ribs are performed. Cast iron models are produced both with a lining, and without it. In the early case, an additional cast iron plate is mounted on the back wall, which performs protective functions. The standard mass of pig-iron furnaces is 90-250kg (but can reach 650kg). Steel models are about 1.5rd easier.

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Orsey (Supra) portal: White Eldorok, black marble In the width of the facade. Each manufacturer has its own line of sizes. For example, CHEMINES Philippe and Godin offer fireboxs 690, 840, 930 and 995mm wide. Laudel installed other dimensions: 696, 700, 795, 823 and 827mm. Winvicta has its own rule: 585, 692 and 700mm. The width of the facade indicator, since the cladding produced by each company is calculated on a specific width (and sometimes height) of the furnace.

On the shape of the door (glass) The furnaces can be straight, spherical (semicircular), erker (prismatic), M-shaped (large front + small side element) and P-shaped (large front glass + two small lateral side). At the same time, the windows of the archer, g - and p-shaped doors are both solid and composite (planes are separated by a vertical impost).

By geometry facade Rectangular (long faceted is horizontally or vertical) or square models.

By the number of facades: with one facade or with two. The latter are also called end-to-end fireboxes or Double Face.

By the number of opening flaps: single and bivalve.

By the method of opening the door: Swing (opening s), lifting (when lifting the sash hides under the top of the cable of trim) and combined. Combining the opening methods allows you to unhindered to admire the flame (the raised glass almost does not interfere with the review).

There are chain, lever and cable door lifting mechanism. Experts argue that the first works well only in a freshly sanitary condition. But hardly lubrication under the action of high temperature will dry up the failures (for its update it is necessary to have a technological hole in the cladding). That is why it is wiser to prefer or lever, or a cable option.

And further. For lifting the door of any type can be used both two guides and one. With the first way, it is less likely that the door is bothering, but it is not always applicable (for example, with a M-shaped door, this solution is impossible). Then choose the second option, it is believed that it allows you to increase the overview of the flame. He has another advantage more sealed due to the tight fixation of the door when locking.

By the construction of an ash drawer. A hoarse box can be extended from the facade, like a table box, or removed from the inside of the furnace, from under grip. The retractable box is offered in two versions: in the first extension is carried out with a closed door, in second only after its opening. The retractable way is good greater availability of the box, and the bad thing that reduces the visibility. The removal box allows you to maximize the review, but to get it, you will have to wait until the fire is cooled.

According to the presence or absence of a gathering damper. It is case of cases of cases, it is a disk fixed on the rotating axis in the outdoor hole for smoke. The axis makes the lever or the cable mechanism leading to manually movement. The main purpose of the valve is adjusting the duration of the burning of firewood (the more shiven the schieber, the longer the firewood will be lit and the amount of air required for this). When using the Sewberry, you can not be afraid of eeling - special slots in it and the clearance around the perimeter ensure that the channel of the chimney under no circumstances will be completely blocked (translating the flap to the "closed" position, you only switch the firebox to the maximum long burning mode). The furnaces sold without a wicker damper are more likely to the decorative discharge than heating. The acquisition of the chiber will cost = 160.

In time of continuous burning. There are alloy and cyclic combustion. The first are capable of working continuously more than 10h, thanks to which the fireplace based on them can become the main heating system for a small house. The second after 5-8 hours is necessary to give to cool (carefully examine the passport of the product!), Therefore, you can only use them as an addition to the heating system. It must be said that the furnaces of prolonged burning in our market are rare and are more expensive.

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Chalinrey cladding option for an angular fireplace. It can be completed by the corner bench (Chemines Philippe) Constructive features. Here we will include some of the distinctive designs of the furnaces that are important for operation, but not stacked in the above classification.

Fire power. There are maximum and nominal power of the device - both indicators are set by experimentally at the factory. Please note that in booklets often indicate maximum power, whereas to calculate the area of ​​the room, which is able to warm the fireplace, is needed nominal. It is lower than a maximum of 30 or even 50% (the values ​​of the rated power of the furnace are 9-30 kW, and the maximum power values ​​are 18-45kW). It is considered conditionally that 1kW will warm the 10m2 premises at the height of the ceilings 3m.

Glass protection from soot. It is in one way or another all furnaces are equipped. In the intelligent case, the cleaning method consists in blowing the surface of the glass of air flows with a closed door. They come through small holes located above and below the sash. There is a more complex option for the furnaces used as the main heating devices. This is the so-called pyrolysis mechanism of cleaning (it is used, for example, in the models of the FOVEA series from Chemines Philippe). Glazing in this case is double, as in the window glass. Moreover, it is precisely thanks to the air gap, the thermal conductivity of the structure is significantly reduced, and the inner glass during operation is heated to the temperature of the start of the pyrolysis reaction. So from the inner surface and the soot is removed.

But you should not think that engineering tricks once and forever get rid of you from the soot. It will have to clean the glass anyway, simply in the first case, and in second-time.

Locking system. Today, many manufacturers equip their fireplace fireboxes of afterburning, which allows:

First, to extract more thermal energy when burning the same amount of firewood (it is the furnaces with afterburning chamber that have a maximum efficiency) and as a result, save them;

secondly, improve the safety of operation and extend the service life of the chimney (products of combustion come into it with a lower temperature);

Thirdly, increase the duration of the burning of one boot of firewood.

Fireplace inserts and cassettes

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EDILKAMIN Firets can be divided into two groups: Fireplace inserts and cassettes. They differ in both external appearance and internal device. The outer wall of the outer wall is single (and so far we spoke about them). Vcsette the wall double-external is a casing for the inner. Thanks to this "casing" cassette has its own system of fence, heating and release of air. Akline cladding creates a second air shirt around the outer wall, increasing the heat transfer. The second difference is devoid of "collecting smoke" cone on top (this surface is flattering).

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Invicta Cassettes are suitable for installation in any (including self-made) cladding, as well as for the reconstruction of old or "bring to mind" ineptly constructed fireplaces. If the chimney is intact and functions well, the cassette is simply inserted into the furnace. It is connected to the chimney using the "pipe" collected from the shaped elements (they are purchased separately) and having a seal from mineral fiber at the top (it enters the old chimney). If the headmets of the old fireplace is much higher than the sizes
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Keddy cassettes, along the perimeter of its frontal surface, install a decorative grid of chased tin (it is also purchased separately and easily adjusted under the desired size). Release cast iron cassettes at least two firms: Keddy (Sweden) and Chemines Philippe. The price of them is 1170-1400.

Kkamin cassettes include the devices in which the cast iron furnace is enclosed in the steel casing. So that the flow of the air passing between the furnace and the casing is constant, these models are equipped with a fan. For the release of air on the upper plane there are crops. Knamples can be connected flexible air ducts for

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Air supply organization to the neighboring room. Such cassettes are offered by Chazelles, Deville, Invicta (France), Edilkamin (Italy), Olsberg (Germany), "Meta" (Sloyee series) and stand 600-1000.


It can consist of a P-shaped (or similar) portal located behind him, or cladding (it surrounds the furnace from two, three and even four sides) and placed on it box. Sometimes firms selling the portal, refer to his facing. Neither falseland nor the box in the cost of the trim, as a rule, is not included and manufactured at the installation site of the fireplace (the exclusion is the model in the style of high-tech, where the casing is offered complete with facing). Naturally, the main decorative load is carried by cladding and portal, reaching the fireplace, finished and unique, and often a unique appearance. You can also find portals and cladding of almost all manufacturers producing fireboxes, as well as companies specializing in these elements: Stovax (United Kingdom), Boley (Netherlands), Arriaga (Spain), Traforart, Sunhill (Russia) IDR.

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Wailed Fireplace JSOLA (Seguin), made in eclectic stylist Styles. Like architectural structures, fireplaces differ in styles, each of which are inherent in those or other features. Conditionally, they can be classified like that.

Classic style. It is distinguished by the P-shaped portal made of marble, wood or cast iron, which is characteristic of English fireplaces. Punching of the portal decorations can be used stone carving, tiles, sculptural elements and bas-reliefs that attach the construct of grace and elegance. Traditional Victorian portals, decorated with openwork casting and valuable wood, offer Stovax and Boley.

Country style Reflects the love of a person to a relaxed rustic life. Externally, such fireplaces resemble the letter "D": below is a niche for firewood, over it is the furnace, and the facility is completed in the form of a wooden beam. Companies offering these models, many: godin, Chemines Philippe, Seguin, Supra, Sunhill, Piazzetta, "Meta" IT.

Modern style As a basis, the base elements of the classics take the basic elements, but they are much visited.

Modern style. These models fit well into the minimalist style of modern housing.

High-tech style. This is a kind of fireplace avant-garde, in which metal is more than stone (although it is impressed and deceptive), and the forms of portals are limited only by the imagination of their masters. The cladding in this style has Godin and Chemines Philippe.

It should be noted that fireplaces in the style of High-tech are perhaps the most expensive from the listed. You have to pay for originality, and in some cases it is also for the decorative metal box, which is included in the set of cladding, or for an extravagant finish of a simple crying portal.


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Fireplace Carembault, lined with white sandstone and ceramics (Chemines Philippe) A rock. For the manufacture of portals and facing, both artificial materials and natural stone are used. Of the cheapest it, we call the shell, sandstones, marbled sandstone. Among the more expensive, you should mention the rocky stone (pieces of rock are laid by hand and high price), marble and granite of all sorts of colors and shades. Saying a large foreign manufacturer has its own preferences in the rocks, stone careers and even a stone with their own name (name). The acolness of the species used by the material can reach up to 20.

The scene facing materials refers to the main chammed brick.

But it is not necessary to dedicate, thinking that the cladding is always going from blocks made from the above varieties of stone. Nothing like this. Special additives are introduced by the basis of cases of cases of blocks of blocks of blocks. Analog stone is located only on the surface of these blocks and plays the role of cladding. From solid stone, at best, separate elements (for example, angular) cladding are produced. Ilish expensive exclusive portals and facing models consist of "pieces" of solid stone.

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Swanley Fireplace with Wooden Portal in English Style (Seguin) Wood. For the manufacture of portals of classic fireplaces in English style (STOVAX) used solid wood pine, poplar or cherry. It looks elegant and beautiful. True, it is not too cheap: pine - from 1300, poplar - from 1700, cherry, from 3500. When creating beams for Country style fireplaces, almost all foreign firms are chosen by oak, without any coating, a sequence of 150150mm with cracks , in small form defects and other flaws. Of course, in such a material there is a certain charm. However, these beam fit are far from each interior. Manufacturers, and sometimes the sellers themselves propose to replace the "cracked" beam on the produced of items (this wood stand to cracks) or on the glued pine, equipped with the outer side of the layer of finishing wood.

Choosing a cladding, we should not forget that each model is designed for a certain type and the size of the furnace of the same manufacturer. In other words, it is not at all the fact that you, as in the advertising slogan, "combining different models of facing and furnaces, reach a stunning result." Rather, on the contrary, you risk naigted large problems. Desiososno this risk is great if the facing is purchased from one manufacturer, the other, and to mount all this will be a "master-wagon" from the neighboring countries.

Installation options

There are several options for the location of the fireplaces, according to which cladding models are produced. First of all, these are frontal and angular options. Front models, in turn, can be divided into the walls (the back side adjacent to the wall), wall-in-one (the wall is adjacent to the wall and one of the sides), the peninsular (only one side side is adjacent to the wall), island (the fireplace is installed in the center Rooms) IT.D. Moreover, each of the listed facing types is suitable for a certain type of furnace. For example, for the island and the peninsular fireplace, this is a Double Face firebox, for a used angular fire with a M-shaped glass IT.D.

I mean the domestic facing, in particular the products of the company Sunhill. If you, for example, I liked some of her front-faced facing, but you need a corner option, it is necessary to just order it (the term of execution is two or three weeks). Frequent will have to pay 20-30%.

So, we told, which furnaces and facing offers the Russian market. However, the acquisition of the named elements is only half. To get a fireplace, it still needs to be installed correctly. Father, as is done, we will tell in the next room.

The editors thanks Godin, Loki, Saga for help in preparing the material.

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