

The abundance of white, a bit gray and even less black - this is the entire coloristic range of a three-room apartment (105 m2) in Yekaterinburg.

Cleanform 13458_1


Through the round input opening room, the living room viewed glass doors leading to the tambour in front of private premises. Through their matte glass, bright streams of natural scattered light are passing, shadding "architectural lace" from unusual designs
Home theater entered a shallow niche of the living room. Glazed narrow opening under the ceiling and the door-partition from matte glass visually facilitate the interior
P-shaped location of the kitchen headset - a risky solution for a small space. But here the room does not look overloaded at the expense of the color and severity of the finish. Simple glass shelves visually facilitate the corner next to the sink
The floor in the kitchen is lined with gray polished porcelain stoneware. We will reflect shiny chrome details and white facades of the lower cabinets
The design of the room of the younger family member is consistent with the overall concept of the apartment. The architect only added a few "brutal" details: instead of painting on the wall - car photo, under the ceiling, "office" lamp. The bed replaces the folding sofa (IKEA), providing space saving. Table top for the entire width of the windows of the window, completed to order, is the optimal workplace in terms of ergonomics
A small bedroom is furnished only by the most necessary furniture. Opposite the entrance door at the wall - high floor mirror: This tested reception creates the illusion of spatial depth even in the closer premises
The "point of reference" in the bathroom is set to dark floor and a narrow contrast frieze under the ceiling. The backlight over the font is hidden behind the rounded neckline in the plasterboard ceiling, the outlines of the ceiling niche repeat the shape of the bath
The walls in the bathroom are separated by a ceramic tile of Marca Corona, simulating a fine mosaic. Its textured surface flickers and creates an impression of air vibration, "expanding" the borders of the room. On such a background, even ordinary Sanafayans looks very exquisite
Plan before reorganization
Plan after reorganization

The apartment you see is Achromatichna, as the owners wanted. The abundance of white, a little gray and even less black color, and all the color of the gamma. According to the architect's plan, the form and texture are preferring here: in such an environment, the peace and clarity of thought come by themselves.

The built-in mirror cabinet creates an almost surrealis picture in the hallway: it is incomprehensible, from which side a reality, and with a reflection. The line between the walls and the ceiling is intentionally not indicated, so the room seems higher. The outlines of the hall "drawn" only the plinth is a new 12-storey brick house, where the apartment is located in Yekaterinburg, in a quiet beautiful area. For a local climate with his long winter and rapid summer, cloudy weather and shortage of sunlight are characterized. This partly can explain the desire of the apartment owner to make in it dominant white color. But the main reason for such a decision was still personal addiction of the hostess and its desire to see clean, not overloaded with color and details interior. Such purism is inherent in it in all, including in choosing clothes and accessories. Two words about the owners: This is a modern married couple and their son-student.

So, the owners of the apartment wanted to get an open, bright space, the most architecturally built and mostly solved in white tones. Alexander Voronov rated it like this: "It is always interesting to work if customers are ready for experiments, expressing all the wishes at the beginning, and provide an architect to the maximum of creative freedom."

Forward the queue, I had to free the dwelling from uncomfortable partitions. The space elongated along the axis is easily and logically divided into two conventional parts. Now one side of the entrance is the public area (living room, kitchen and guest bathroom), and on other, private rest (bedroom, son and bathroom room). The central room configuration has radically changed: from a small rectangular corridor, "oversaturated by" doors, it turned out a lounge in the shape of an elongated hexagon, open towards the living room and an insulating private zone. The entrance to the dressing room was transferred to the bedroom. Ana Kitchen Now you can get only through the living room, here they installed matte sliding doors leaving in a plasterboard penaltone in the wall. As a result, the central part of the apartment acquired a solemn appearance and began to look much more spacious.

Hall: out of light and air


Hall and Hall give the first, the strongest impression of the interior. The composite center of the apartment is the hall. Despite the lack of windows, it is filled with light and air. This impression is achieved through the white gamma and architectural "multi-layered" walls. Near the wall opposite to the entrance is an unusual lamp. Architect and hostess at home "composed" him together. The volumetric vertical design of plasterboard starts from the floor and the smooth rounding goes to the ceiling. In the middle of her milk-colored fiberglass, also bent under the ceiling. Inside the design - durable metal frame. (Removable plexiglass is easy to easily change daylight lamps hidden inside.)

Thin chrome profile stretched along the edges of the glass strip. The vertical rhythms of the facilities are smoothed by horizontal lines from the same profile separating the light rectangle on the squares. This is made of aesthetic considerations: only one profile hides the place of connecting two parts of the glass web, the remaining three planks simulate similar joints. On the ceiling everything is completed with a lantern lamp. Residents and architect called him "Eye". The armature is embedded in the ceiling, the daylight lamps are inserted into it, and the plafof is made of plexiglass. A similar "OKO" on the floor is posted with gray porcelain stoneware on the background of the parquet board. Glass shelves are strengthened on the sides of the design. For them, in small recesses, narrow mirror strips are built. The whole composition creates a truly space picture.

The bathroom expanded was too small. To do this, move the wall of the son of the son and the corridor, and also slightly reduced the bedroom.

The elimination of building undertakers demanded a fair effort. For example, the former screed turned out to be so curve that the floors decided to make bulk, using clay and three layers of drywall. Old walls and new partitions leveled, shuffled and covered with white paint, like ceilings. The floor in all residential premises, except for the son's room, posted a whitening oak parquet board.

But what is interesting: instead of monotonous monotony, the interior acquired many expressive nuances. Reflexes, the game of light and shadows gave rise to numerous shades - from the snow-bluished to the shimmering matte-white. Dark on horizontal surfaces, soft and light-vertical, hard and cold-in mirror reflections ... This complex live background made all the objects refined and expressive, without difficulty, united various details, revealed and emphasized the features of the forms and filled the premises with the feeling of lightness .

A special charm of the living room and the dining area gave the works of modern painting: Garden lilies and peonies, as if drunk in colorful clouds, decorated white rooms. Light misty outlines of colors create a poetic image point of the summer. Female silhouette in the bedroom brings the erotic mood. Supporting the appearance of air and light interior, the picturesque canvas bring refinement, tenderness and romance.

Monochromicity also revealed the features of the texture of every detail. Thanks to the textile upholstery of furniture, a gray fluffy carpet and a smoky curtains, the living room has acquired a soft character. Over the glass coffee table, an unusual chandelier is hanging, its plaffers can be grouped as you like, at its discretion. Here, the chandelier unfolded along the entire length, since the room has an elongated shape, and placed as if in disorder that gave the room a lively and immediacy.


To continue the theme of expressive lines in the interior, the architect created a difficult design for the living room. One of the walls of the room is diagonally to the rest. Twin and arranged in-round radius opening. Inside it, at a distance of 40cm from the edges, two straight beams are installed. Fluent pillars close the sharp parts of the opening near the floor, thereby not allowing the incoming touching them. The idea of ​​the portal is enhanced by a horizontal visor, performed on the ceiling above the opening. Around the entrance, on both sides of the portal, a complex system of niche has been created. Summers are narrow, under the ceiling, built in mirrors. The wall in these places becomes like an invisible. Thus, the ceiling connected to a room only by a semicircular design over the radius portal seems to be weighty.

On the wall near the window there are risers of heating, which were first going to hide behind a narrow box, but it would not allow them to hide them completely. At this place, a semicircular design of plasterboard appeared in this place, echoing with numerous radius interior lines. The construction was painted in a matte gray, second the main tone of the furniture. Inside, halogen lamps, aimed at the picture above the sofa, were built. The inlet key is decorated in the kitchen: its right upper part is rounded, and in the end of the portal, the backlight is arranged directed to the chrome glass panels. The architect took into account and the fact that the worse part of the sliding doors will be disclosed: the kitchen section, visible from the living room, is facilitated by transparent shelves. Here you can arrange beautiful dishes or vases. In addition, a dining group is visible, solved in the same stylist as the interior of the public zone. White chairs surround a glass table, which reflects the suspension lamp. The low power lamp inserted into it creates soft warm lighting. In the form, this lamp resembles an eye, as in the lobby.

The window is decorated with a transparent cloth with the image of flying dragonflies. Opposite it is an Effeti kitchen furniture (Italy). Its white facades decorate chrome handles; The kitchen "apron" is posted strict, without ornaments, gray and white matte tiles (1010cm).

In addition to the living room and kitchen in the public area of ​​the apartment there is a guest bathroom. It is resolved in a simple and strict style, using a white tile, decorated with a narrow border with a geometric ornament. Blinds hide the technical compartment with a washing machine, cumulative boiler and filters.

The bathroom decorated more refined: the black floor and white walls are lined with a pale with pearl gloss. Its flicker is enhanced by neon backlight built into the ceiling above the bathroom. Matte glass door throws off the bluish-lilac reflections. A black border passing around the mirror and under the ceiling logically connects the walls with black floor, the decor's graphicity shall.

On the other side of a small corridor is a bedroom of parents. She is also ahromatic, but more contrast. The interior is complemented by black accessories that emphasize the geometry of objects. Opposite the entrance there is a high rectangular mirror in the colors of Wenge. From the same tree, frameworks of the bed, a bedside table, armchairs and a pouf, and the furniture upholstery is white. Textiles supports a general solution: gray bedspread, carpet and curtains with a gray-black and white geometric pattern, which seems particularly bright against the background of white walls and floor.

The appearance of painting


Pictures in the residential room - a business card of the artistic taste of its inhabitants. There are several options for the appearance of painting in the interior. Sometimes the picture is selected for the already decorated apartment or at home, trying to get into the style and character of space. Occasionally, if the owners are the owners of a very valuable work, the design of the whole room can be performed under it. In this case, we are talking about another, more organic, but a non-standard path: all artworks were created in parallel with the interior design, and precisely for him. Artist Vladimir Borodin wrote paintings, in the past, the teacher Alexander Voronov (hence their full creative mutual understanding). Having become acquainted with the owners of the apartment, as well as with the concept of the project, he began to create picturesque canvases specifically for this interior, taking into account the color gamut of each picture, format and future location. The artist himself assesses the style of its works as neo-simpressionism.

Son room is located at the most distant end of the private zone. Upon design, the student's behavior is somewhat different from the rest of the premises: the walls are covered with slightly greenish paint, the floor is laid out a parquet board from a light maple massif with thin lines of wenge at the junctions. Stripes are obtained, emphasizing the direction of movement. The soft carpet and the sofa of the muffled green form form a cozy corner for recreation. Above the large writing desk installed by the window is built decorative composition, the outlines repeating the working area. This is not a whim of the architect - with the help of a tail ceiling I had to eliminate the building shortcomings: the window opening stretched to the top and rested directly to the ceiling overlap. It was necessary to insulate this place that it was possible to do with a drywall superstructure. A thick layer of foam is hidden behind it, and outside are halogen lamps directed at the worktop. On the wall next to the table there are glass shelves, designed to collect car models.

Strict whiteness finish has become an exquisite and expressive background for architectural forms created by the project by the author. The insertion of the fitness of the accessories looks most attractive. An atmosphere atmosphere at the house sets his inhabitants to new creative searches.

The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

Cleanform 13458_17

Architect: Alexander Voronov

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