Man and repair


Problems of repair of household appliances: accompanying documents when buying equipment, features of the choice of service center, documentation design.

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Karlson's eyes shone. Amalyush has already stopped grieving

About the spots on the shelf. He was happy that he had ...

steam car and what he met Carlson,

the world's best steam car specialist,

Which so skillfully checked its safety valve.

A. Lindgren. Kid and Carlson

Each time, acquiring household appliances, we hope that it will last for us for a long time and in the course of operation will not deliver trouble. Hospitality, these ashes do not always come true. What should I do if a TV, fridge or vacuum cleaner suddenly "Zakaprizninal"? In the article we will discuss some features of the maintenance of technology and tell you what to take into account when purchasing and choosing a service center.

Man and repair
Sylent Press /

East News Many of our compatriots are not careless about how, in fact, they will repair household appliances if it breaks. The maximum that the potential owner is capable is, is to choose from the proposed range model "most reliable" brand and even ask what country it is collected. But such measures are clearly not enough to ensure the owners of the trouble-free operation of the device during the entire period of its service. The latter is often confused with the warranty, although the estimated service period is several times more. Different manufacturers of household appliances establish their service life, which is often from2 to 15 years. For example, for TVs, it can be 7 years old for refrigerators - 10, for gas stoves - 15. Any technique officially sold in Russia should maintain performance during the specified period (it is counted from the date of sale of the product or from the date of release, if not Documents confirming this date). At the end of the service life, the manufacturer does not bear material responsibility for its products.

Of course, most worldwide manufacturers produce a very reliable technique, which is often exploited without breakdown with decades. But even the best manufacturer in the world can not guarantee that his instrument is sooner or later, "ambulance" will not need. According to statistics, for example, about a quarter of all washing machines breaks at least once in the first five years of work. So prepare (at least morally) to the visit of the wizard should be ahead. What to pay attention to, buying equipment?

Documents in order?

Choosing the model you like, you probably carefully inspect it and make sure that there are no visible damage, scratches, dents. Be sure to make sure everything is in order and with the accompanying documents. Complete includes:

passport for equipment;


Warranty card.

Man and repair

It goes without saying, they must be in Russian, otherwise the likelihood is great that the device you have chosen is from the category of "gray" techniques. By itself, "gray" products are not at all defective or unsuitable for use. It is possible that the model that interests you is even certified in Russia. Its main disadvantage is the lack of warranty support from the manufacturer's company. By purchasing a TV or washing machine on the market, the buyer does not know and can not know what kind of technique is "gray" or "white". But when he turns to the company service center, it will be asked to name the grocery number, serial number and warranty service number. Azatat will inform the "joyful" news: this series is not officially supplied to Russia and is not serviced. The manufacturer has the right to refuse warranty.

"Gray" is called equipment brought to the country, bypassing official suppliers. You can find it on the documentation: these are certificates of not installed in the Russian Federation, but, say, the international model adopted in the European Union. It is sometimes there is also no instructions in Russian. Although at the current level of development of copying devices to provide equipment with a fake certificate or warranty card "gray" wage dealer will not be.

Therefore, special attention in the execution of documents should be paid to the warranty card. It must be correctly filled: with the signature of the seller, as well as indicating all the details of the technique and the selling company. In addition, it typically contains a list of authorized service centers (more on what it is, it will be further), providing warranty and post-warranty repairs.

It is important that the date of sale will be specified in the warranty card. The fact is that the warranty period of the product, as well as its service life is calculated from the day of sale. If this day is not possible, the time is counting since the manufacture of the device. AESLI The model you chose is not new, then without specifying the date of sale, the warranty period may be strongly reduced.

Today, Russian legislation allows us to guarantee the product not only to manufacturers, but also trade organizations. Such "dualism" provides freedom of maneuver with unscrupulous businessmen selling "sulver" technique. Let's say the trading organization concludes a contract for maintaining equipment with any LLC "Horn and hooves", and then, as lucky to buyer. It is possible that its technique will be served. It can happen that in five years "Horns and hooves" is safely awesome in oblivion. In addition, the lack of a wide extensive service network makes it impossible warranty maintenance of equipment when moving to another city.

Why did you need to invent a "seller's guarantee"? Apparently, it makes sense when the products produce a small firm with limited opportunities for service support for its products. But when buying equipment from large manufacturers with a widely advanced network of authorized service centers or direct services, such as Bosch (Germany), Electrolux (Sweden), Indesit (Italy), LG and Samsung (Korea), Sony (Japan), Gorenje (Slovenia ), unreasonable reference in the warranty card on Rog and Hoof LLC is a serious reason for thinking.

Of course, the unfinished seller can go even further and fake warranty cards and other documentation. Alas, in this case the buyer is unlikely to recognize the fake. Here we will recommend one thing: make purchases in large trading networks that will value with their reputation. Apodulinity of the purchased thing can be checked by contacting the manufacturer's company's service center and informing them the identification code.

Who is who in Russian service

Organizations providing services for the maintenance of household appliances can be divided into several categories:

service centers of household appliances manufacturers with the right of its monopoly maintenance (direct-service monopolists);

authorized service centers;

Unauthorized service centers.

Man and repair

Direct service monopolist. This, so to speak, the highest link in the hierarchy. European quality, high-class staff, the use of only original spare parts. The only drawback of such a service is the high cost of services. When repairing the warranty, it is not as noticeable, but when the warranty ends, the user can expect an unpleasant surprise. For example, in Moscow, a specialist call from the usual service center will cost 250-500 rubles., And from the company- in 1000 rubles. and more. Much higher (several times) and the price of spare parts. Let's say the replacement of the electronic commander of the washing machine in the branded centers of some manufacturers costs 450-500. This amount is comparable to the price of a new washing machine. Thus, quite a reasonable technique sometimes have to be replaced until the term due to expensive repair.

Authorized service centers. In addition to the direct services of monopolists, there are service centers of manufacturers, coordinating supply of spare parts and components and regulating vacation prices for spare parts for dealers. These organizations also conclude contracts for authorization of services and control the activities of authorized service centers. The latter are actually representatives of the manufacturer. They not only carry out warranty and post-warranty maintenance of technology, but also can act as technical experts, for example, to make conclusions that warranty repair is required, about possible causes of breakage or need to replace things. At the same time, however, it is worth remembering that the independent expert opinion on the damage caused by property, its size and reasons are entitled to give only organizations licensed to conduct evaluation activities. It is engaged in this, say, say, Moscow City Bureau of Commodity Expertise or Central Institute of Examination, Standardization and Certification (CIES CJSC).

The contract for authorization of services between the direct-service coordinator and the service center lies if the latter meets the requirements (sometimes quite serious) manufacturer. In fact, the contract for authorization is a confirmation of the high quality service center service, as it may be deprived of the unscrupulous work.

It is important that the service center cannot be authorized abstractly only in relation to a certain manufacturer. Most often, the same service is authorized by several manufacturers. Therefore, choosing a repair organization, specify whether it is an authorized center of the manufacturer you need. The easiest way to contact the dispatching workshop directly or to the representative office of the manufacturer, where not only confirm or refute authorization, but will also prompt the address of the service center nearest to you (it can exist both independently and as part of one of the major trading houses, for example "M.Video", "Peace", "Technosila").

Household appliances service can also be installed. But this does not mean that an authorized specialist or a representative of the manufacturer is needed to install the technique. According to Russian legislation, this type of service is not licensed by installing and connecting equipment (except equipment connected to gas communications, and complex equipment) can be engaged in any person. The manufacturer's warranty with such a "unauthorized" installation is not canceled if the technique did not receive damage.

Services that do not have authorization. As for the rest of the repairmen (services that do not authorize, private entrepreneurs and "simply masters"), then the market reigns full chaos. Some of these services are specifically created by trading organizations (for example, furniture stores) for installation and maintenance of equipment sold with a guarantee of this organization. Others are engaged in postgaranty repair, attracting customers low prices for services. Well, that sin to hone, there are frank fraudsters.

Store - do not disturb!

Man and repair

How to find out if the service center is good? When it is elected, it is necessary to know if it has long been presented on the market, authorized by major manufacturers. It is very important to clarify whether the master will come with their detail or provide her searches to you. Knai most common type of "light sell" belongs to the so-called paid advice. In addition cases, the master studies a broken thing and then with a smart species, "oral conclusion", it is necessary to replace such a detail, buy it, I will definitely return and make it. SWAS 200 (300, 500) rub. For consultation.

Man and repair
Examples of negligent work of non-professionals:

A- eyewashing the washing machine is fixed in the wall with one self-tapping screw, and not three;

As a result, a flood in the bathroom occurred;

Breathing of the water heater due to the use of substandard rubber gasket instead of a metal stipulated by the rules, three options for the further development of events are possible. First: the fraudster took the money, and you will not see it anymore. Second: Master is relatively honest, the detail you bought will replace. This option is most successful, but the cost of repair is comparable to those in the "right" workshop, where the specialist comes with its spare parts. Finally, the third option is also possible: the master is honest, but does not really help you buy the details "with the reserve". As a result, the repairs price increases sharply and may be comparable to the cost of services of the "steep" service monopolist.

Therefore, when choosing a service center, you need to learn not only the rates for its services, but also the procedure for their provision. If you say: they say, the master will come, will make a diagnosis, and you will search for yourself, it is better to contact the specialists who are rich in spare parts. Be sure to make sure that you will pay on the fact of repair, and not for the diagnosis ("in the morning money - in the evening chairs").

Extreme services adopted a two-stage system of customer service. In this case, one master diagnoses the technique and reports a malfunction in the dispatching. From there, another master arrives from there: it brings and sets the desired detail. Such a system is quite acceptable. It allows you to reduce the cost of the park of spare parts. True, she has a disadvantage: diagnostics without the installed part, "blindly" is not always effective.

In addition, in some services there is a practice of attracting masters under a contract to a subcontract. The service that works in this way actually performs the function of dispatching, redistributing the application between specialists. For the service center it is convenient because it removes all the responsibility from it for poor-quality repairs. So, when placing an application, it is better to clarify whether the masters in the service "own" or work on the subcontract as independent private entrepreneurs.

Not every service center can afford to keep a sufficient number of spare parts - what can we talk about lonely masters?! For example, the service "Park of models" from Indesit Company today has more than 400 items, the full list of parts to them is 5,000 positions. More equipment from Electrolux-2600 models. If the service center wishes to be competitive and to withstand an acceptable date of execution of the application (two to three days), its spare parts warehouse must cost at least 1-1,5mln. No small service in the forces of "digest" such volumes without the help of manufacturers.

On the fact of repair, payment documents must be properly issued. The name of the organization, the name of the master, brand of technology, the cause of the call, the nature of the breakdown, is listed, all types of work are listed and their cost is recorded. Pay attention to the accuracy of filling the blankov, as they say, the devil lies in the details.

Man and repair
Sylent Press /

East News Finally, we want to remind: when malfunctions are detected that make the device for further operation impossible, the technique can be replaced after the warranty period. We were told by otaku in the company "Elko-Service". Fnooked the owners of the refrigerator, in which, after seven years of work, the plastic in the refrigeration unit was covered with cracks and peeled. The invited wizard inspected the device, recognized the defect with disreamed and wrote down the documents that allowed to replace the product. But it is very important that only specialists from an authorized service center or service center directly from the manufacturer are served during the entire operation. If the service was carried out in all the rules, without outside intervention, then in accordance with the current legislation, a faulty product will be replaced with a seller or manufacturer free.

The editors thanks the company "El Ko-service", representative offices of the companies "BSH household appliances", Electrolux for help in the preparation of material.

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