Country improvisation


The house with a total area of ​​82.4 m2 with the mezzanine for the country rest is one of the possible options for an economical project.

Country improvisation 13469_1

Country improvisation

Country improvisation
In the evening, the spacious terrace is illuminated with two small lanterns, which have a shape of a ball (Massive).
Country improvisation
The fireplace fireplace is composed of chamotte brick. The brick of handmade Belgian production is used, creating the effect of old masonry
Country improvisation
The living room area has a soft furniture (Gruppo396) with a floral pattern that the interior is a special comfort. Dog Throughout the sofa selected curtains in a large cage that fully correspond to the general "rural" style of design
Country improvisation
Wooden kitchen furniture (IKEA) How it is impossible to fit into the interior of this country house. It practically coincides with the tone with the tree of walls, gender and ceiling
Country improvisation
The chimamine of the fireplace "dressed" into a plasterboard box, the surface of which is decorated with textured plaster. Light creamy shade of plaster perfectly harmonizes with a wooden ceiling trim, which allows the chimney itself visually less noticeable
Country improvisation
On a small mezzanine, two children's area 18 and 14m2 are symmetrically located. The situation is practical IKEA furniture
Country improvisation
Double wooden windows are made in the building. The air layer between Ramami acts as thermal insulation. Interestingly, to reduce the cost of windows in the outer frames inserted glass, while on the side of the interior, single-chamber windows used, providing the necessary protection from drafts. The windows are framed by platbands, which, along with the window frames, are covered with a protective varnish, giving the tree a warm honey tint
Country improvisation
Saturated terracotta color curtains "warms" the interior of the parent bedroom
Country improvisation
In order to save the area, it was decided to abandon the installation of the bathroom, limiting the shower. The bathroom with the shower is located next to the sauna. For floor facing in both rooms, a ceramic tile Marazzi was chosen, resembling the color of the sea pebbles
Country improvisation
Floor plan
Country improvisation
Plan of the second floor

How to build a country house so that it turns out inexpensive, practical and convenient for rest? This question gets up almost before everyone who is solved on such an enterprise. Today we will tell about one of the possible options for an economical project.

Country improvisation

To save time, it was decided to turn to industrial wood construction. Adlya saving funds - buy all materials in the domestic market. Vitoga The cost of the project, including construction work, internal finishing and objects of the situation, amounted to only $ 85 thousand.

Practical base

The building is small and is a pretty lightweight wooden structure. Therefore, it was decided to erected on a reinforced concrete foundation of a column type with a depth of 1.5m.

It is known that when the foundation is always, difficulties have always arise with the device of the house. If, with a tape foundation, the base is a continuation of it, then the process of filling the space between the pillars, wall and the ground is required. In the case, again, in order to save time and means, the continuous filling was not satisfied, but simply closed the space with wooden lattices. The result is the openwork base.

On logs, as notes

Country improvisation
Massive pergola is not only architectural, but at the same time a decorative element that gives the appearance of the Bo / Extament building. In addition, pergola performs an additional synchtercing function. In the absence of special devices, the material for the construction of the house box has served as a profiled bar (150150mm) from wood conifers. Outside the walls are processed by antiseptic composition. From the inside, they are covered with a colorless protective lacquer based on Sikkens (Germany).

Almost all walls of the buildings are carrying. The exception is only the inner partitions made in the form of a frame with a filling of mineral wool (50mm) and a covering from a blockhas-profiled finishing board, which creates the effect of a log wall, similar to carriers.


A small building consists of two volumes of different heights. Andresol is most high, in that low, the second light windows. Each volume has its own bounce roof. The wall fragment between the divergent roofs is a frame that is covered with a block chamber and insulated with mineral wool ISOVER (Russia) thickness of 150mm.

The roof has a rafter design, from the inside is equipped with vapor insulation. The insulation material is used with a mineral wool ISOVer thick 200mm, closed on top of the anti-condensate film "Izosanaf" ("Hexa", Russia). The roof is made of Rannila metal tile (Finland).

Warm atmosphere

The house is heated with steel panel radiators Dia Norm (Germany) with lower eyeliner. They are connected to the wall double-circuit gas boiler with a closed AEG combustion chamber (Germany). In addition, the living room is equipped with a fireplace. However, it bears rather decorative than the practical burden, since the power of the heating boiler is selected with the reserve, and the volume of the building itself is small.


The internal layout of the house is open and democratic, which is quite consistent with the atmosphere of country rest. The largest area occupies a common zone. It is located on the first floor and includes a living room, dining room and kitchen. This is the place of collecting the whole family, as well as receiving guests. On the first floor there is a bedroom of parents, a bathroom with a shower and sauna. Ana spacious mezzanine, separated by partition, are two children. Andresol is protected only by balustrade, and therefore also enters a single inner space at home.

Development of the topic

In the interior decoration was used exclusively. The walls, as we have already spoken, are trimmed by a block chamber, a pine clapboard, in all rooms, a pine floor board is laid. But, despite the single finishing material, the color monotony of space was able to avoid. So, the ceiling and walls due to the lacquer-based lacquer-based lacquer is approached by a low pine. Asperial lacquer used to protect the floor, told him a warm yellowish tint. The same lacquer is covered with a staircase leading to the second floor, railing, window frames and doors.

The furniture in the house is wooden, but inexpensive, as it should be in the country. Almost all objects of the situation, including the kitchen, purchased in IKEA. Ilish a large corner sofa for the living room purchased from another manufacturer (Gruppo396, Russia-Italy).

View around

Since the stay in the country implies primarily active holidays in the fresh air, the arrangement of the local area was paid special attention.

A variety of trees planted on the site: fir, maples, apple trees. The breeds were chosen taking into account the characteristics of the soil. For an apple tree, it was necessary to make a special sandy swelling to protect from closely arranged groundwater (their high level is due to the proximity of the lake). Now these are young landings, but in just a few years they will turn into a beautiful garden. However, today, especially at the time of spring blossom, the village is pleasing to the eye. Buying young seedlings, and not adult trees reduced costs several times.

Almost all the space around the house is a big green lawn covered with forest turden. Garden paths are paved by a wild shale. There are flower beds near the building, which can be admired from a spacious terrace with an area of ​​17.5m2. Its wooden flooring is made of geepboard having a deep antiseptic impregnation. The boards are laid at a distance of 10mm from each other. This, on the one hand, prevents the intake of the floor surface under the influence of moisture, and with the other, contributes to better ventilation and, accordingly, greater durability of the material.

A wide canopy, which is a continuation of the roof of the house, protects the terrace from bad weather. The apack she is addressed to the sunny side, there was a need to create an obstacle to the scorching rays of the sun. This goal was built by Pergola, which the green ivy, giving a cool shadow, in the Summerians.

Interesting Nakhodka

Sometimes the most familiar things can perform unexpected functions. In the case, we mean the elements of the terrace fence. The terrace itself is made as dormant to the house, so the fence was also made from a bar of 150150mm. Avot Thin racks that attach structures lightness and decorative is nothing but cuttings shovers purchased in a shopping store and sawd into fragments of the desired length.

The enlarged calculation of the cost * construction of the house with a total area of ​​82.4m2, similar to the submitted

Name of works Number of Price, $ Cost, $
Foundation work
Takes up axes, layout, development and recess 20m3 12 240.
Device base from rubble 71m3 2. 142.
The structure of the foundations of bonded reinforced concrete 5m3 65. 325.
TOTAL 707.
Applied materials on the section
Concrete heavy 5m3 64. 320.
Crushed stone granite, sand 7m3 28. 196.
Armature, Formwork Shields and Other Materials set - 80.
TOTAL 596.
Walls, partitions, overlap, roofing
Cutting walls and partitions from BRUSEV 20m3 90. 1800.
Assembling overlaps with laying beams, with floors 83m2. 12 996.
Assembling frame partitions 19m2. fourteen 266.
Stairs, Terraces, Porks - - 490.
Assembling roof elements with crate device 150m2. - 2500.
Isolation of overlaps and coatings insulation 233m2. 2. 466.
Device of vaporizolation 150m2. one 150.
Waterproofing device 221m2. one 221.
Metal coating device 150m2. eight 1200.
Eaves Bearing, Svezov 26m2 fourteen 364.
Filling opening windows and door blocks 24m2 - 1200.
TOTAL 9653.
Applied materials on the section
Sawn timber 34m3. 110. 3740.
Paro-, wind-, hydraulic films 371m2. 1,3. 482.
Mineral wool insulation 233m2. 3. 699.
Metal profiled sheet (Finland) 150m2. nine 1350.
Wooden window and door blocks 24m2 - 3900.
TOTAL 10171.
Engineering systems
Device of the well (ground removal, installation and fastening of reinforced concrete rings, sealing joints, cleaning well) 5 pose M. - 400.
Fireplace device, chimney set - 700.
Installation of the sewer system (septic) set - 1900.
Electrical and plumbing work set - 3800.
TOTAL 6800.
Applied materials on the section
Wastewater treatment system (Russia) set - 3100.
Water treatment system set - 390.
Gas wall mounted boiler GKT-243 set - 1240.
Plumbing and electrical equipment set - 4700.
TOTAL 9430.
Ceiling liner lining 130m2 12 1560.
Device of board coatings with installation of plinths 74m2. 10 740.
Floor covering parquet varnish 2 times 74m2. four 296.
Ceramic Tiles Coating Device 9m2. eighteen 162.
Device of stairs, assembly of fences / railing / playgrounds set - 800.
Antiseptation with ready-made solutions (including facade) 320m2. 3. 960.
TOTAL 4518.
Applied materials on the section
Poland Boards (Pine) 74m2. thirty 2220.
Eurovant and finishing board 130m2 eighteen 2340.
Varnish parquet lacquer 10l eighteen 180.
Neck-protecting compositions 50l - 350.
Ceramic tile 9m2. - 280.
Staircase, door blocks, decorative elements, dry mixes and other materials set - 2700.
TOTAL 8070.
* - the calculation is made on the averaged rates of construction firms Moskva without taking into account the coefficients

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