

Review of the laminate market with a noise absorbing layer: varieties of noise absorption systems, producers, the collection of "quiet" material.

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Laminate flooring on the draft floor from any solid materials: concrete, chipboard, plywood, ceramic tiles


The most popular collections, imitating a piece parquet and a massive board


The surface of the laminated coating is resistant to abrasion and shocks


The reverse side of the coated coating laminate panel


The built-in noise absorbing substrate makes the extension of walking along the laminate quieter, very similar to those that we hear, moving on the fields from the real tree

Laminate is a solid, beautiful, technological. It is upset only his ability to turn the easiest and silent flow into the steps of the commander. However, manufacturers of this material offer a relevant solution to the problem.

Thanks to an attractive appearance, an affordable price, and the mainly simple and fast laying of the floors from laminate became very common. But there is one significant disadvantage here: walking on them is usually accompanied by a characteristic compound.

Why does he sound?

You can call several reasons why the laminate floors cannot walk quietly. First, a very durable and rigid surface of this coating corresponds to a loud sound for dropping objects or a knock of heels. (For example, we note that there is a ceramic tile, and porcelain stoneware, and marble.) Secondly, the layout of the flooring is played in the strengthening of impact noise. As you know, the laminate is placed by a floating method, without gluing to the floor. The air gap between the material and the base produces the effect of the drum, which is especially noticeable if the coating comes into contact directly with the concrete screed. In addition, the planks lying on a poorly aligned support, after a while begin to creak.

Not only the owners of the apartment suffer from all these sounds, but also the neighbors from below, forced to become involuntary witnesses of someone else's life. After all, noise is one of the main perpetrators of fatigue, irritability and stress. Sometimes to the tenants of the top apartment are requested to muffle the music or calming the measure of the launched guests. But it is impossible to put them into felt slippers or forbid them to walk on our own home.

Opinion of a specialist

The Human Ear has the greatest sensitivity in the range of 1-4kHz. It is in this frequency gap that there are unpleasant shock sounds, clocks and a ringtone of heels. Of course, it is necessary to make aware that the laminate with a noise absorbing layer with a thickness of 1-2mm applied to the bar cannot significantly affect the soundproofing of air noise. For example, loud music coming from the room with such a floor, the neighbors will definitely hear. AVOT Vibration of the coating (and, accordingly, shock noises) in the kHz range and above, such a substrate is noticeably weakened. Hospital, manufacturers do not indicate in which the frequency range is indicated by the decline in shock and air noise. Knowledge of this data would help more accurately assess the effectiveness of the use of material.

Vsevolod Stepanov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, leading researcher at the acoustic institute. N. N. Andreeva

Options are possible

Of course, manufacturers are constantly working on the problem of "quiet" laminate. Initially, it was placed on a special substrate to reduce the impact noise. It is a kind of shock absorber between the coating and the base, and in addition, smoothes the irregularities of the surface, preventing the screenship. But this additional material slows down the flooring floor and makes it more expensive. Maybe therefore some companies began to equip the laminate planks with a special layer, which has sound-absorbing properties.

Built-in substrates are usually original developments. Some firms are talking about their know-how with pride; In others, on the contrary, they keep them in the strictest mystery. For example, Alloc (Norway) from 2003. Complete laminate with a substrate Silent System. It works as a noise absorber and, according to the statements of representatives of the company, reduces shock noise by 17DB, and noise indoors - 2 times.

Similar indicators have all PERGO laminate collections (Sweden) with a built-in substrate made according to the original Sound Bloc technology. Now hardworking and rational Swedes work on a fundamentally new noise absorption system.

Egger (Austria) produces a coating with a cellulose substrate SILENZIO. Sounds subside due to its special properties: multi-layered and high density. The Certificate of the WKI Braunschweig Institute (Germany) confirms that the use of such material improves the soundproofing of shock noise by 17DB, and the air-to-13DB.

The method of absorption of sounds can suggest and nature itself. HDM (Germany) on the opposite side of the laminated panel is applied with a solid layer of thermoactive laminopax thermoactive plastic, which mimics the structure of the bees cells-4600 cells to 1m2. Air and shock noises, falling into these grooves, almost completely quenched by them. Such technology made it possible to reduce the noise level by 50%.

Witex (Germany) has developed a Sound Protect substrate, which is based on a tight granular material: a mixture of polyurethane with sand and other substances. It prevents the vibration of the laminated coating due to its mass. Weighs this "shock absorber" approximately 6kg per 1m2, and the total mass of the panel in size is 128019210mm- 2.71kg. It reduces the noise of steps to 10 DB and shifts it into a region of more acceptable low frequencies. The impact on the lower room, according to the approval of the company, is reduced by 18dB.

The teachers may arise: What does noise reduce noise on 10 DB and how to feel it? Specialists-acoustics argue that the drop in the level of sound at 10DB is perceived as a decrease in its volume halvery! It is realistic to feel how successful the efforts of the manufacturers can be experienced by experiment, for example, knocking on plates of ordinary laminate and coating with a noise absorbing layer. The cost of "quiet" laminate is higher than usual. Yvsa, this product attracts close attention to customers. Such material reduces the level of impact noise and in the apartment itself, and the neighbors living below. The aparti feature an ideal level (with a drop of heights of no more than 2mm for 2m length) Laminate with a noise-absorbing layer allows you to save time and money at floor flooring, in contrast to the design of the coating plus independent substrate.

Laminates with a noise-absorbing layer

Company-producer Country Brand, collection name Noise absorption system Size plank, mm Price for 1m2, $
Alloc. Norway All collections Silent System 120719311 (10.8),


Egger. Austria Emotion, Floorline Feelwood Silenzio. 12921928 (9; 10,5),



HDM. Germany ELESGO Laminate: Wellness Click, Country Click, Country 2 in 1 Laminopax 11841857.6 13.1-19.6
Pergo. Sweden All collections supplied in Russia Sound Bloc 11981989,




Witex. Germany Marena, Galea, Antica, Comodo, Castilia, Casa, Grande Sound Protect. 128019210,




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