On the deck under the pine


On the deck under the pine 13498_1

On the deck under the pine
During construction, no tree is injured - some grow straight from under the walls
On the deck under the pine
A simple rustic-style fence is best combined with the house.
On the deck under the pine
Columns that support a visor over terraskaya at the entrance to the living room are made of non-spined logs and "grow" straight from the wooden flooring
On the deck under the pine
Those who wish to retire the house will close from the wind from the lake, almost without lighting up the horizon
On the deck under the pine
Light ceilings and glass wall make the living room volumetric, and the setting maximizes relaxing and relaxing among comfort and comfort.

On the deck under the pine

On the deck under the pine
Fireplace with steel furnace (Varia LL from Spartherm, Germany, $ 2210), lined with shallow ceramic tiles of warm tones (collection of Porphir from Sant'Agostino, Italy, $ 44.5 / m2), is the main element in the interior of the living room. Surprisingly, its clear, geometric shapes fit very well into the atmosphere of an old dwelling
On the deck under the pine
Blue twilight for the glass wall and chamber lighting make the atmosphere in the evening living room especially intimate (plasma panel TH-65PHD8 from Panasonic, Japan, $ 12,650)
On the deck under the pine
Cracked ends logs and coarse wooden shelves on a spacious kitchen give her an antiquity raid, but behind the kitchen headset is hidden the most modern household appliances (Ariston KBT 6412 iX cooking panel from Indesit COMRANY, Italy, $ 630)
On the deck under the pine
Bronze Hoody man, a chest with forged handles - a corridor looks like the house was not built at the beginning of the XXI century, and a hundred years earlier
On the deck under the pine
Vintage interior items give guestrooms a special flavor, and fur cushions soften the asceticism of the situation (Sofa "Lund Eneken" from IKEA, Sweden, $ 885)
On the deck under the pine
The massive bed of moraine oak in the bedroom of the owners as if it was created for traveling on the waves of the Great Flood - no pitching is not terrible
On the deck under the pine
In the corridor, a small half of the house is well combined with a rack ceiling and wardrobes of built-in cabinets
On the deck under the pine
In order not to break the restrained interior of the bathroom, decorated exclusively, the boiler in a niche behind the washbasin was hidden by the canvas curtain
On the deck under the pine
Golden Pine Tones and Handmade Textile Paints and Scattered Light Because of the Retail Ceiling Create in the Children's Atmosphere of Joy, Lowness and Harmony (Chairs "Yuel" from IKEA, $ 257 / PC.; Bed "Chemneces" from IKEA, $ 225, Tesser "Sheet" from IKEA, $ 18)
On the deck under the pine
Fish lamps on the wall float in the rays of light, flowing from above (Dresser "Marker" from IKEA, $ 480)
On the deck under the pine
Furnace-fireplace on an open "deck", lined with natural stone (limestone, series "rock", Russia, 45-49 $ / m2) and decorated with steel sheets and will warm up and feed
On the deck under the pine
Located in a wicker chair of an unusual form on a terrace at the entrance to the living room, you can admire the sunsets above the lake, and it is possible to look at the very living room, which seems even more attractive outside than from the inside

Enlarged calculation of the cost of work and materials for the construction of the house with a total area of ​​158.8 m2

Name of works Units. change Number of Price, $ Cost, $
Foundation work
Takes up axes, layout, development and recess m3. 85. 12 1020.
Device base for sand foundations m2. 160. 3. 480.
Waterproofing Horizontal Hydrosteclozol (2 layers) m2. 160. five 800.
Protective screed for waterproofing m2. 160. four 640.
Device of foundation plates of reinforced concrete m3. fifty 60. 3000.
(formwork, reinforcement, concreting)
Device of lateral coating waterproofing m2. 23. four 92.
Cargo transport by car dump trucks without loading m3. 70. 7. 490.
Reverse fusion, layout of the area remaining soil m3. fifteen 130.
TOTAL: 6650.
Applied materials on the section
Concrete heavy m3. fifty 64. 3200.
Career sand (with delivery) m3. 32. fourteen 448.
Hydrosteclozol, Bituminous Mastic m2. 183. 3. 549.
Rental of steel, fittings, knitting wire T. 2. 620. 1240.
Formwork shields and other materials set 420.
TOTAL: 5860.
Walls, partitions, roofing
Wall cutting from logs m3. 72. 110. 7920.
Assembling the porch, visors, installation of wooden columns set 1400.
Assembling roof elements with crate device m2. 190. sixteen 3040.
and covered with plywood sheets
Hydro, vaporizolation device m2. 190. 2. 380.
Warming of coating mineral wool slabs m2. 190. 3. 570.
Bitumen Tiles Coating Device m2. 190. eight 1520.
Swinging sinks rm. M. 80. 7. 560.
Filling opening windows and door blocks m2. thirty 1100.
TOTAL: 16 490.
Applied materials on the section
Log-rounded log m3. 72. 300. 21 600.
Sawn timber m3. sixteen 120. 1920.
Flabbing kg fifty one fifty
Wooden copper PC. 300. 0.5 150.
Plywood FSF m2. 190. five 950.
Paro-, wind-, hydraulic films m2. 190. 2. 380.
Insulation m2. 190. 760.
Bituminous tile, Dobornye elements m2. 190. 2100.
Wooden window blocks with a glass m2. thirty 7500.
Garage gate set 900.
TOTAL: 36 310.
Engineering systems
Installation of the sewer system (septic) set 1700.
Autonomous Water Supply Device (Well) set 1260.
Device fireplace set 2. 3000.
Electrical and plumbing work set 5400.
TOTAL: 11 360.
Applied materials on the section
Autonomous Water Supply System set 2600.
Wastewater treatment system set 2400.
Fireplace (firebox, brick, components) set 2. 4900.
Water treatment system set 1100.
Plumbing and electrical equipment set 6700.
TOTAL: 17 700.
Grinding of wooden surfaces m2. 520. 6. 3120.
Antiseptation with ready-made solutions (including facade) m2. 520. 3. 1560.
Canopate wooden chopped walls rm. M. 500. 2. 1000.
Device of board coatings with installation of plinths m2. 158.8. 12 1905.6
Filling door opening blocks m2. sixteen 35. 560.
with installing platbands and appliances
Mounting, facing, carpentry, painting work set 2630.
TOTAL: 10 779.6
Applied materials on the section
Gulf Boards, Plinth m2. 158.8. 6200.
Neckcase compositions, varnishes kg 200. 900.
Decorative Elements, Door Blocks, Dry Mixes set 11 800.
And other materials
TOTAL: 18 900.
Total cost of work: 45 269.6
Total cost of materials: 78 800.
TOTAL: 124 069.6
This house resembles Noah the Ark, which has just thrown over the waves of a worldwide flood overgrown with ship pines. The feeling enhances the mirror smooth of the lake, to which only a few tens of meters, and the lack of any signs of human housing around. Privacy and harmony with virgin nature was the intention of the owners and architect.

Do not harm your nature for her love

Unlike the biblical hero, besides his family that took on board all living creatures in a pair, the inhabitants of this ark were less than ambitious, the total area of ​​which is 153m2, is designed for a family of four. Moreover, the customer put the task before the architect to enter his creation to the landscape so that it literally merged with him, having a minimal impact on the surrounding landscape. Therefore, it was originally decided that the future house would be wooden and one-story.

On the deck under the pine
In nature, the perfectly flat lines are rare. By this sense of the loghouse from different diameter logs with unevenly cut ends, as it should not fit into the wild landscape, the planning solution is quite peculiar to the house consists of two buildings: in one of them there are a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom hosts and guests, in the other, large Children's room (in case of need, it can serve as a guest) and a garage for boats. Between the enclosures arranged the covered platform paved by boards. The center is a furnace-fireplace with a stove for cooking and a table, followed by the whole family. For summer time, such an indoor "deck" is the perfect version of the kitchen and a dining room in the fresh air. In addition, the courtyard and the function of the central porch, from where you can get into both half at home.

There is an open courtyard in front of the house, also paved by boards. When it was built, so as not to cut the trees, approaching the walls of the building, in the milking flooring for each of them specially saw holes. It turned out as if the trees grow straight from the wooden floor. From here it goes paved by boards track to the lake.

When choosing the type of foundation for the new "Ark", an unambiguous solution was made only a monolithic reinforced concrete plate. The fact is that the ground on the sandy area, the groundwater level due to the proximity of the lake is high, but the main pine is very sensitive to violations of the currents of these most groundwater. That is why in this case the plate monolithic foundation laid on the drainage pillow and the waterproofing layer turned out to be the most suitable design.

Roughly crouted, yes firmly sewn

The walls of the cut, in contrast, again from the biblical prototype, for the construction of which, according to the Book of Genesis, a mysterious "Tree of the Goffer" was used, composed of pine-cylindered logs with a diameter of about 30 cm. The space between them is corrupted by packles (after shuing the seams re-punctured). The walls are processed by special impregnations of Biotex Standard from "Tex" (Russia), increasing waterproof, fire resistance, stability of wood to microorganisms. The house was built in two testes: first, a part was built, where the living room and the parents' bedroom are located, then a block with a nursery was attached.

According to the architect's plan, the log house is made in a coarse, an old Russian manner, the releases of the logs are deliberately cut off unevenly to give the building a kind of old building. Windows in the whole house wooden with three-chamber windows. Illustratively, the thoroughness and strength of the structure adds rather narrow horizontal window openings.

Cash-Care with Lake View

The living room is the largest room in the house- is its center: the doors of all other rooms and kitchen come here. One of the walls facing the lake is almost completely glad. Here is the door to the garden. For the neuro-cozy terrask, protected from the irrigation of the roof visor. In the summer, braided chairs are taken for her to spend time, contemplating the sunsets above the water stroke.

On the deck under the pine
The style is despicable in everything from uneven ends of the logs, to the ancient cabinet and the chest at the wall. Even the color of the rocking chairs is selected so that the fireplace is harmonized with a bright ceiling, the fireplace is drawn to a brutal structure that has smooth geometric shapes. It is lined with a shallow tile of a warm brown shade, resembling tiles. Flake-closed steel, the air into which is reduced below. In general, no extra details. However, the whole interior is designed in a very calm, almost ascetic style. An array of the board toned into the dark color is laid on the floor in such a way as to highlight the texture of the tree. The walls are covered with dark verses. Speected plinths are performed: instead of them, it was decided to make a copper floss-metal tape knubled around the entire perimeter of the room. The same, but a wider copper strip on the floor turns fireplace. The ceilings are also not quite common, they are an open rafter design, reminiscent of the splits in the thrill of the ancient vessel. Such a solution made it possible to significantly increase the volume of the room. Despite the lack of a attic, modern technologies and building materials allowed to make the house warm: the roof is made in the form of a puff "cake" - a wooden lamp, vaporizolation, thermal insulation, wind-and-waterproof material and top of the entire flexible tile "tree bark" from Pikipoika, Finland.

There is no central light source, its function is performed by several lamps under the antiquity. Such local islands of light, located exactly where they are needed, give extra intimacy of the atmosphere of this room, especially when the glass wall is painted twilight into blue.

Oak furniture with inlaid from natural stone is made to order. Her deliberately uneven edges, chips strengthen the impression of antiquity at home. The objects of the situation here are a bit, three chairs, the form of which is even very convenient for the form, and in front of them a squat table on the curved legs. The windows are decorated with curtains from multi-colored flax with inclusions of beads and seashells. If you drag them during the day, the illusion of stained glass windows is created. The ancient spirit of the living room breaks only a large plasma panel of home theater. This is perhaps the only modern subject of the interior in the whole house, in sight. Everything else, relevant to the technologies of the XXI century, is diligently hidden from the eyes. For example, a refrigerator standing in the corridor is stubborn in a wooden wardrobe.

In the same place, in the corridor, a wooden shop is installed, near the bronze wage over the bronze basic. Vugl-old chest, in the corners of an iron challenge. Of course, there are two full-fledged bathrooms in the house, so the colors serves as an element of the decor, successfully inscribed in the situation.

On the deck under the pine
Plan of the house
Big housing

1. Hallway

2. Hall

3. Kitchen

4. Sanusel

5. Bedroom

6. Guest room

7. Living room

Small housing

1. Hallway

2. Children's

3. Sanusel

4. Garage

Technical data

Total area of ​​the house ............... 158.8m2

Square of the Big Corps ...... 98,4m2

Square of the Small Corps ........... 60,4m2


Foundation: Monolithic reinforced concrete plate

Internal and outer walls, partitions: Rounded log (pine)

Overlap: wooden

Roof: Roof - Soft Tile

Windows: Three-chamber windows in wooden livelightestation systems

Life Systems Systems

Sewerage: Septic

Water supply: well, water treatment - filter system

Power supply: centralized network, diesel power station

Heating: boiler on liquid fuel, heated floors, fireplace

Interior decoration

Gender: Massive Board

Walls: Lining, Antiseptic Composition

The bathroom in the parent half is quite a spacious room decorated with wood. The material was treated with special compositions protecting moisture and microorganisms. The central elemental wall with the ceramic sink FUORI from Ceramica-Art (Italy) and the mixer above which the mirror is located in a square carved frame. This wall is located between two niches, in one of which is a shower, on the other, the accumulative water heater and washing machine. In order not to disturb the restricted interior of the bathroom, both niches are hidden from the eye of the curtains from the canvas. Compare walls are installed floor toilet. Thus, the central part of the room was completely free. From the objects of the situation here only a wicker basket for linen. The ceiling is made of wooden plates, between which several lamps are fixed. The light falls here and from the street, through the window with a linen curtain, which makes the bathroom even more.

The kitchen, the entrance to which is made through the living room, is equipped with the latest technology, there is a glass-ceramic panel, oven, dishwasher. Along the walls installed open shelves from the boards, on which the favorite utensils of the hostess and the objects of antiquity are placed, as in the whole house, designed to emphasize the traditional Russian style. The kitchen lights made of light pine are specially cleaned with massive shelves located above the large working area. Uokna is a dining table. The kitchen room is stretched across at home, and the only window that goes outside does not provide it with proper lighting. To compensate for the lack of light, in the wall, adjacent to the corridor, one more window has been done, and in front of it, already in the outer wall, is another. Thus, in the kitchen penetrates enough light. In addition, "Anfilada" windows additionally binds the premises of this wing of the building.

From the living room doors lead in two living rooms, the interior of which is also made in the traditional Russian stylistics. The hosts will flash the main element-massive bed of thick boards of sea oak, bonded with forged nails. Near the wall, the chest and chest made in the same manner. Even the heating battery was very successful to enter into the interior-painted in steel, it seemed to be formerly in ancient times.

In order not to have a feeling of excessive severity of the situation, the walls are tinted in very light, almost white color. The same purpose serve as a bright bedspread handmade on the bed, a homework rug on the floor and linen translucent curtains on the window. Accessories were specifically selected in villages and flea markets.

The room for guests planning and square is identical to the bedroom of the hosts, but her atmosphere is completely different, although it was possible to create an atmosphere of antiquity. The desire of the owners of the house strictly follow the selected style emphasizes the real wooden stupa, standing in the corner, and deliberately roughly worked out. The role of the chair is played by ancient stalls, decorated by Best. A little hot guest can have a sofa cloth with a cloth, putting a pillow under the back, confused with natural fur. The only detail connecting the interiors of the bedroom and the guest room is linen curtains on the window.

Childhood in Golden Tones

Having passed through the covered platform, from the "adult" half, you can get into the children's room. This is the lightest room in the house: walls, floors, ceiling - everything has a joyful golden color of natural pine. Interesting built-in wardrobes with rush doors. From the rails are made and the ceiling, behind which the light sources are hidden. It turns out very soft lighting, creating an atmosphere of unusual ease. Even the table of thick boards stretching along one of the walls does not look too massive and heavy. KSLOV, in the same way decorated and the ceiling in the corridor, which gives the room an additional volume.

As in the whole house, only eco-friendly materials are used in the nursery: the table, chairs, beds, chest and couch - and flax (bedspreads, pillows, curtain) are taken from it. Above the table is one above the other are glass shelves, tested with soft toys.

All you need is around you

As it should be the ark, the house is designed for long-term autonomous "swimming". This is due not only to its location - on fenced territory, away from settlements, but also the desire of the owners to retire on vacation from the outside world. You can drive back here by the only gravel road. However, guests are always happy. It is not by chance that guest rooms and a garage accommodate not one car are also provided.

From the outside only electricity comes into the house. But for all sorts of raising and the power supply interruptions are their own diesel power plant. System septication system. Since the fireplace is still more decorative than the functional thing, the building is equipped with a water heating system, water for which the boiler on liquid fuel is prepared. In addition, floors in the house, as well as all pipe climates are still not southerly warmed up. Water supply is carried out from a personal well, and water passes additional cleaning through the filter system.

So people are arranged: some are looking for a lost plaeling, built by an old man whirlpool and his sons to escape from the Flood, and others themselves are glad to get lost at least for a while, and therefore build their own ark. It is unlikely that this house in the suburbs of St. Petersburg will also be valuable for humanity five thousand years later, but for his owners, the only refuge from the Flood of Affairs and the bustle, with his head covering each citizen in our time.

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