From source to sunset


From source to sunset 13504_1

From source to sunset
Photo of Karen Manko

Alternating the quiet windows on gentle areas with narrow and fast segments on steep, arranging rigs, cascades and small waterfalls, you can create an unusually picturesque stream. The combination of water, stone and a variety of plants is really able to create a miracle on your site.

From source to sunset
Photo of Evgenia Lichina
From source to sunset
Stock Foto Karen Manko, Olga Voronina
From source to sunset
Photo Olga Voronina
From source to sunset
Photo of Karen Manko
From source to sunset
Photo Olga Voronina
From source to sunset

The diagram of the device of the stream with a cascade and the lower reservoir decorated in the form of a natural pond

From source to sunset
Photo Olga Voronina

The outflow of water flow in this case is a pre-wall fountain in the Mediterranean-style. Water, pouring out of the mouth of the lion, is the most traditional version. The construction of this stream has not yet been completed, but soon all the pipes and hoses will hide under a stone masonry

From source to sunset
Photo of Karen Manko

This stream is laid on a very interesting relief. It flows along one slope and descends differently

From source to sunset
Photo Olga Voronina

Creek in the style of high-tech is built on a combination of water and glass

From source to sunset
Waterfall scheme
From source to sunset

ATLANTIS series pumps for streams and waterfalls

From source to sunset

ATLANTIS-2000 pump is able to pump up to 290l per minute

From source to sunset
MPF 3000 pump from Messner
From source to sunset
Photo of Karen Manko

The source of the stream can take different things: from the Spring and a broken jug dried from the ground to a high, powerful waterfall and even the baptized mouth of an unknown mound. The main thing is to start and continue coincided in style

From source to sunset
From source to sunset
From source to sunset
Photo of Evgenia Lichina

Bridge - important element of the decoration of the stream

From source to sunset
Underwater Lamp Lunaqua 2002 from OASE

From source to sunset

From source to sunset
Photo of Karen Manko

Irises, Lily and Hosts will decorate any stream

From source to sunset
Photo by A. Sapelina

Japanese fountain Tsukbay

From source to sunset

Option of the dry stream from the company "Greenmax"

As you know, the creator of all the existing on Earth "flooded" by its seas, rivers and other water systems in one day. The idea is made along the countryside of the artificial stream, you are unlikely to meet in such a short time. But the Creator will certainly feel herself. Agotum will long enjoy your creation for a long time, for there is no longer in landscape design stronger by emotional influence of the reception than a dynamic water flow. Tomeworth of you and the relief of your site depends on how it will be: calm, stormy, winding, stony, concluded in mosaic shores or any other

Even the most beautiful garden sometimes lacks dynamism. Landscape designers offer to give him a move by turning on an artificial water flow into the landscape. Along the way, they solve many other tasks: structuring space, communicate in a single composition separate parts of the garden, decorated "uncomfortable" areas, hide unsightly details and emphasize those to which they want to attract attention. Since the stream is usually associated with an artificial pond, it is also an essential element of the life support of this ecosystem.

Creating a stream is a creative process, and therefore it is not amenable to tough regulation. Is the same with a location, shape and style of an aqueous stream, it is desirable to decide in advance. In other words, without developing a project can not do. Considering that the stream, especially complemented by cascades and waterfalls, is a rather complicated engineering structure and takes about a lot of space, it is better to design it simultaneously with the birth of the garden, that is, from a clean sheet. But in the formed landscape, the water flow is quite possible to "enter". Benefit for laying the channel is most suitable such "uncomfortable" from the point of view of landscape design areas like arms and slopes. Yes, and the shadow of a stream is only useful because he reduces the evaporation of water.

For a stream device, as you know, a slope for which water will be used. He will task the direction of the bed. Alandsaft designer will note its trajectory, taking into account the points of the best perception, the location of the house and other objects. On the smooth section, the slope can be formalized artificially. In this case, it is worth take into account the teachings of Feng Shui, according to which the stream, the current house, supplies its vitality. Since in philosophy, the water flow is associated with the river of life, its current is usually directed from sunrise.

As for the appearance of the stream, the possibilities for fantasy are truly limitless here. Certain frames set only the land relief, as well as the overall style of the landscape, the main buildings and small forms. With the appropriate design, the aqueous stream will fit into the regular, and in the Heiketsky garden. But most of all the streams are close to the landscape style, where it is especially important for him to give maximum naturalness.

Before inviting the reader on a journey through the stream of the stream, a few words about what this water system represents.

The water cycle

Artificial stream from a technical point of view is a system with a closed hydrocycle. In other words, the constant volume of water travels in a circle in a circle, driven by a special electric pump. It delivers water from the accumulative capacity upwards to source. In the Russian market, such pumps mainly supply German companies OASE, GARDENA, Messner, Heissner, English Hozelock, Danish Grundfos, Italian Speroni, Nocchi, Marina, Pedrollo. These devices have a resource of at least 30 thousand hours, allowing to work continuously throughout the season. Their price depending on the power ranges from 50 to 1200 euros. As a rule, such pumps are equipped with a filter, delaying mechanical pollution, some have a check valve that prevents the lower pool overflowing, as well as an automatic device that follows the water level. For streams, compact and silent submersible pumps are usually used. Models with metal working parts will serve much longer plastic.

The role of the accumulative reservoir most often plays a decorative bars perceived as a natural completion of the stream. However, special capacity can be placed under the ground. Then the crossings will be like faster in the sand or pebbles. In love, the volume of the tank must correspond to the stream intensity and at least 10 times to exceed the amount of water circulating in the water system. As a rule, it is not less than 4m3.

From the mouth to the source water comes along a flexible hose or tube. Preference is given to polypropylene tubes due to their frost resistance and ease of installation carried out by hot welding. The flexible hose is usually not plundered into the soil, and they are allowed on top, hiding under stones and plants. Pipes are laid underground along the shortest path between the initial and endpoints of the system. The water reservoir is returned to the stream of the stream to which we suggest looking closely.

Along yes on the river

Character and drawing of the bed will tell the nature itself. In the flat plot, a calm, winding aqueous stream with a relatively wide channel and parallel shores looks naturally. The depth of such a stream is usually minimal. Large stones are mainly used to make a variety of channel drawing, disrupt the uniformity of the stream and create an interesting water game.

The edress medium for terrain having a bias is characterized by narrower streams with a smaller amount of bends. By the way, this flow visually expands the space, so it is especially good in a small garden. So that the stream looked natural, its width often makes unequal. This technique is especially effective if the relief has the slopes of different steepness. In love, choosing the width of the bed, consider: it will significantly decrease after planting plants and design shores by stones.

If enough for the so-called flat stream is quite a shorter height difference, then for the "mountain" it should be very tangible, desirable about 30. Avot on the slope, the steepness of which exceeds 35-40, the aqueous stream will turn into a real waterfall.

At the "mountain" stream, the rumble, as a rule, already, the shore is cooler, and the depth is greater than that of a calm flow. For flow, boulders often encounter, with the help of which regulate the direction and speed of water movement. To slow down the stream, the channel is expanding, removing the stones; So that it is faster, on the contrary, add them.

Valun, through which water overflows is already a threshold, or roll. Several such stone stages located one under the other form a cascade, which is the main decoration of the mining flow. However, landscape designers advise to arrange similar obstacles and in line with not too complete streams, having a slight bias, which repeatedly strengthen their decorativeness. A stream with a ledge or cascades looks more complete, although in fact the flux flow requires a much larger consumption of water. The same aerial and filter properties of the latter are essentially worse.

All rolls yes rolling

Cascade as an element of landscape architecture is extremely multiple. In regulatory gardens, for example, it often takes the type of water staircase with strictly symmetrical steps. Such stairs usually associate decorative water bodies located at different levels or weigh water from fountains. The cascade may also consist of several interconnected bowls installed one above the other. But, imitating a natural stream, we pretend to led by a wild stone. The most decorative cascades with a curved path of water flow, which they achieve, shifting stones relative to each other.

The distance between the ledges is usually choosing arbitrarily, because in nature no one measures its ruler. The minimum height of the thresholds, as well as their depth, can be 10-15 cm. Having even a relatively large territory of a private manor, you should not build near the rocks of the cliff almost in full size. It is quite sufficient to the general height of the cascade of 1-1.5m. All that exceeds this mark, we have the right to call a waterfall.

We choose the pump

Determining the required pump performance, take into account the height of the slope, the length and width of the channel, the flow intensity, the capacity of the lower pond, as well as the inevitable loss of water. The calculations proceed from the fact that the pump bandwidth should be 100-150% of the reservoir volume. For normal filling the channel, it is enough that every 2,5 cm width of its thresholds overflowed about 225l water per hour. Handpad 10m long circulates about 200-300l water.

Water consumption (q, l / h) is calculated by the formula: Q = 144CH3, where the combined flow width, cm; H3 is its desired thickness, or the height of the free spout, see for the orientation we indicate that the weak thread has an exemplary thickness of 0.25 cm, the average 0.5 cm, full-time-1 cm, very full-and-and-1, 1.5 cm. The necessary overall pressure is calculated by the formula: nobysch = H1 + H2 + H3, where H1- the height of the slope, H2- loss of pressure in the hose, H3, is the height of the free spout. Data for calculating water losses along the entire length of the hose are shown in the table. More to help you can pick up the desired hose size. Using formulas and table, it is easy to determine which pump is needed by your stream.

Reference data for the selection of equipment of the stream

Hose sizum, mm (inches) Water consumption, thousand l / h Loss of pressure (1m water column on 1m hose)
15 (1/2) 0.3 / 0.6 / 0.9 0.07 / 0.25 / 0.51
20 (3/4) 1.2 / 1.8 / 3 0.06 / 0.12 / 0.32
25 (1) 3 / 4.5 / 6 0.08 / 0.19 / 0.34
32 (1 1/4) 6/9 / 10.8 0.11 / 0.21 / 0.3
40 (1 1/2) 6/9/12/15/18. 0.03 / 0,07 / 0.12 / 0.15 / 0.26
50 (2) 15/18/21/24/27/30 0,053 / 0,08 / 0.17 / 0,2,2

Back to source

So, the waterfall is a flow of water falling from a significant height. Its sizes and shape can be controlled by drainage. For example, restricting it from the sides of the guide currencies, get a thin transparent surface. Powerful monolithic stream form, passing water through narrow holes between the stones. Choosing one or another shape of the stone, you can affect the configuration of the jets. Flat, well sandwicked surface will create a mirror veil of water, strongly rugged edges form a veil of thin threads. If the waterfall serves as the source of the stream, such an aqueous device is essentially a fountain, the jet of which is directed downward, and the decorative effect creates the beauty of falling water.

We can, for example, create a water veil - a very trendy form of a fountain, based on the ring laminar flow of water along the vertically stretched polymer threads, can be created.

The waterfall in the source of the stream, as a rule, assumes the presence of a bowl, or a lake, where water falls from height. After all, immediately direct it in a narrow course is quite difficult. Such a bowl itself becomes a significant decor element. The effect from it can be strengthened by setting, for example, under the jet stone. Crashing about its surface, water forms foaming flows and sparkling on the Sun halo from splashes. Given the incredible attractiveness of the waterfall, it is often made by the center of the overall composition, and next to the viewing platform with benches or gazebo. The best surroundings for such a sacrifiable kindergarten, or mountaineering.

Fountain technologies give a lot of ideas for the origin of the stream: from a shepherd with a jug, from which water flows to the mill and flow flowing from the retaining wall. Watchful fountains in the Mediterranean style are still popular, where the water is erupted, for example, from the mouth of the lion or the mouth of Gargoyle. Today, few people remember that, following this tradition, the channel must be presented with strict geometric shapes, and the bottom and walls lay a mosaic. Therefore, starting in Mauritanisky, the water flow in our gardens is often turning into a picturesque imitation of a natural stream.

Those who decided to follow natural samples from the beginning and to the end will surely become interested in ready-made fountains with the nozzles "Geyser" or "Spring", allowing to imitate the natural source with great accuracy. Lovers of larger-scale solutions can like a rock source fountain - one of the latest innovations from OASE in the field of water reservoirs. Well fit into the natural style of traditional Japanese tsukuba-fountains, in which water is poured from the hollow bamboo or wood barrel. Especially attractive water curtains from jets arising through many small holes drilled in a bamboo tube.

Outfit for the stream

The first violin in the decor even a flat or forest stream plays a stone. Siskyscisual work is easier due to its smaller weight, but with a natural one, more pleasant. When choosing rocks, preference is given to limestone and dolomites. Granite is trying not to be carried away, it is difficult to hurt, although a pair of rolled granite blocks in the row will give the necessary "wildness". It is recommended to decorate the shores that are relatively flat stones that simultaneously strengthen them. The bottom fall asleep with river pebbles, on top of put stone slabs, for example, from sandstone, and then sprinkle with pebbles again, there and there decaying small pellets. For small focate and cascades, do not come up with nothing better than the tumor. Large waterfalls require monumentality and strength, which makes you remember about granite, although a completely decent pedestal for falling from the height of water can be created from an artificial stone.

No less significant for water flow floral decor. Near a wide stream, you can quite plant enough large shrubs. The lounge stream line is logical to emphasize cereals and grassy perennials, and a mountaineer with dwarf coniferous and soil plants. On the shores of the forest flow, low-spirited spruce, juniper, ferns, mosses are quite appropriate. Moofable plants plant at low sections of the coast near the water itself. In a word, the possibilities of plant decoration are truly inexhaustible. It is necessary to stop and see it on time, whether your stream does not turn into something like a forest belt or a lush flower bed hiding from his eyes.

Having created beauty, it is worth thinking about how to file it in the best light. Special lamps will help solve this task: underwater, surface floors, floating. Reliable, safe, using traditional incandescent lamps and halogen sources, as well as LED and fiber optic technologies, they open tremendous opportunities for the production of light performances. Point fixtures usually focus the most decorative coastal plants. To illuminate the bottom, do not come up with nothing better than glowing fiberglass stones covered with sand (80-100). The picturesque creek will literally play in the rays of underwater luminaires of LUNAQUA 2002 from OASE (100-130), which will light not only the bottom, but also the surrounding plants. Fountains serving the source of the stream, as well as carp and small cascades, as a rule, illuminate the rays directed from the bottom upward, and the aqueous stream falling from the height is preferable to highlight from the inside.

On Sukhu, Aki by sea

The assertion that it is possible to create a stream without water, some will seem absurd. But most of our readers are probably heard about the so-called dry streams now element of landscape design, which came to us from the Japanese garden tradition. A dry stream does not require a source of water, no special equipment, no waterproofing of the bed, and therefore it is much easier to build it, cheaper and faster. Actually construction work will be limited to the laying of the bed with a depth of 10-20 cm. To protect against weeds, it is littered with a dark landscaped cloth on which stones are stacked.

Stone is the main material for decorating the dry stream, regardless of whether you limit you to the imitation of the driedstream or want to create the illusion of the water flow. The effect of moving water will help reproduce flat smooth pebbles, preferably grayish-bluish tones. Boulders and pellets will decorate the channel even if the bottom of the stream will be covered with wood with drinks or bark, which is often found in Japanese gardens. For imitation of water, sometimes small glass balls are used. This bottom looks very impressive, but still a little artificial. Where more attractive looks "flow", formed from low and soil plants, smoothly "flowing" boulders. This is where the scope for an interesting game with all the shades of blue. The plant decor of the coast of the dry stream is not much different from the framing of the real water flow. Is that when selecting plants, preference gives those that grow equally well in the water, and away from it (Lily, Miscantus, Bamboo-leaf-headed IDR.).

On such a "dry" note, we, perhaps, and finish today's conversation about water bodies in the garden, to then return to this inexhaustible topic again and again.

We build a stream

From source to sunset
The technological technology of the construction of the stream is not much different from the process of the pond device and depends on the material lining the bed. In love, everything begins with the growls of the trench. The soil is removed by steps of the same height, the width of them can be varied to avoid monotony.

When using a special film from PVC or butyl rubber (Osefol, Hobbipul, Monarflex IDR), the channel is cleaned of pebbles and roots, the sand layer (5-10 cm) is tested. To protect the film from damage, over sand is a steering geotextile. The film is put smoothly, without folds and fix the ground slightly below the edge of the soil. The channel and shores decorated with stones and fall asleep by pebble layer about 5 cm. Large stones are led by foam. Stones on the ledges are fixed by installing them, for example, on tile glue. Where the blurry is possible, the coast is strengthened additionally.

The formation of a chair from concrete and stone is not easy task. Usually it is used for this purpose a polymer concrete with waterproofing additives. The bed of the stream is reinforced with a metal mesh, and the solution is placed on a sandy-gravel pillow with a thickness of 20-30 cm. Sometimes for additional waterproofing under the concrete, the PVC film is a stel. Temperature-sediment seams that are left every 3m are filled with waterproofing material, such as bitumen mastic. Stones are fixed in a non-frozen concrete. For the construction of the stream, you can use elements from concrete, which are often cast right on the spot.

It is easiest to build a stream using the factory sets of fiberglass that imitating the stony or sandy bed. In addition to all the necessary components, including sources, cascades, turns, mouth. The reliable connection of the elements excludes water leakage in the joints of the joints. To mount the system, a slightly larger hole is digging for each module than that of the finished form. The soil is sealing, the sand is plugged onto the bottom. They also fill the gaps between the soil and the walls of the future stream.

If a cascade of the cascade is provided in the stream of the stream, each of them is installed on their foundation and securely waterproof. Finished forms are placed so that the drain chute of the upper element hung over the edge of the lower. Classes consisting of ledges (steps) are arranged under them, for example, from border slabs, and in places of water drops make shallow depressions. During the construction of the waterfall, special attention is paid to the strength of the foundation, which is calculated taking into account the effects of water falling from a fairly large height.

From source to sunset
From source to sunset
From source to sunset
From source to sunset

The editors thanks the specialists of the Salon "Globus" and the Greenmax company for help in the preparation of the material.

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