Italian guest


Italian guest 13505_1

Italian guest
Photo of Evgenia Lichina
Italian guest
Italian guest

The pergola-complemented lattice lattices clearly distinguishes various sections of the garden or turns into a complex structure with its own patio

Italian guest
Italian guest
Italian guest

The combination of wood and brick causes an association with cloth architecture

Italian guest
Photo Konstantina Dubovets, Olga Voronina

Choosing a design option, it must be remembered that pergola should be coordinated in a plot with other, main, buildings

Italian guest
"EP Master Land 2000"
Italian guest
Photo Mikhail Stepanova, Zinur Ranuddinova
Italian guest

It looks good pergola when its width is more than 1.5-2 times

Italian guest

The platform from pergola can be concreted or paved with a tile or stone, there is a good boarding flooring (garden parquet) or laid into the ground, cross-spins of trees, as well as- ordinary lawn

Italian guest
Italian guest
Italian guest

Italian guest

If pergola is covered with transparent polycarbonate, it will turn into a practical one for our breadth

Italian guest
"Life at the cottage"

Bench with PVC lattice bench will make it possible to choose a new place on the construction site every year.

Italian guest
Italian guest
Photo Mikhail Stepanova

Ltdi Pergola You can arrange a patio, install a small bench for two or hide the car. This construction does not limit the fantasy of the creators in either its functions, nor in the design

Italian guest
Italian guest
"Small architecture"
Italian guest
Italian guest

Around the design you can land any long-term Lian. The most popular girl grapes, in the autumn turning into a bright burgundy red wall

Italian guest
Italian guest
Photo Olga Voronina

Live pergolalas from IV-rods - perfectly fit into any landscape, but will require additional care

Italian guest

Since the time of the ancient Rome gardens, often surrounded by colonnade, was distinguished by the well-thought-out interconnection of all parts and small architectural forms. A secondd place has discovered a breath quietly, a murmur fountain or statue. Tripped trees and shrubs with a neat linen-choler designated the way to secluded garden corners. Atam under their refreshing shadow of the tired citizens took the elegant pergolas seized by liaans or roses

The arts of the arrangement of gardens came to Russia after century, already in French-German-English interpretation. Iv country, how to say, not with the hottest climate there were more beloved pavilions and arbors having a solid roof, and then the windows protect against wind. One is so practical from the point of view of the functionality of pergolas, quite recently spoke everywhere. Experts knew about them always, but they received wide distribution in our country sites for ten years ago.

Italian guest
Italian guest
Italian guest

Italian guest
"NIKO" Multifunctionality Pergola Determines and a variety of options for its design and design. Installation of a barbecue furnace will make pergola necessary when organizing a recreation area on the site. Wrought by plants, she will give a special, intimate character and, as if showcase, will demonstrate all the advantages of her green outfit. Emphasized left without Lian will make admire the accuracy of engineering calculations and the beauty of the material from which made

Defend with concepts

Until now, many mistakenly call pergola almost any construction of a wooden lattice. Actually the grille, and it can be not only wooden, but also made of metal, referred to as a troll. Sometimes it is called another chopler, although the latter actually, as they say in the dictionary, is a number of densely planted, short-sized trees or shrubs formed in the form of a vertical plane. " Avtus In order to keep his shape, the tavern is supported to it the same lattice or stretched into several rows and the wire attached to the columns. Trellier may well be one or even four pergola walls, but not herself. In the same way, it is not entirely correct to call pergola with a gazebo (although it is even sinned by an architectural dictionary), since, unlike the latter, the subject of our study does not have a solid roof. An article under the word "pergola" (by the way, in Italian, the emphasis stands on the first syllable, in the Russian version, the emphasis was transferred to the second) the structure of several vertical columns covered with a lattice or slotted overlap. The space between the columns can be closed in the same way. The beams or overlap board are installed often by the type of lover so that the internal volume of pergola is open to the morning or evening oblique rays of the sun, more useful for a person, but closed from vertically falling midday light.

Why and why

Pergola is an excellent place to relax. We saw by plants, but an outdoor breeze, with a comfortable benches or "stretched" in full length of sun loungers, it creates a special mood: it is pleasant to relax, retire from the bustle or from other people's eyes. For growing curly plants, both supports and walls of pergola can be used. For example, the wall, completely covered by the branches of the plenty rose, will become a bright colorful accent of the site, demonstrating, as if showcase, all the advantages of blooming flowers. So, with the help of pergola, the problem of vertical gardening of the garden will be partially solved.

Depending on the location, the design is capable of performing another function- organization of the garden space. Punching pergola (in this case, additional trails are also used) separated the garden from the garden, or the recreation area from the track, or the private part of the site from the parade. Mounted along the track, it determines the overall direction of movement, creating from different elements of the architectural and landscape composition, house, garage, arbors, lawns Idr.- one. Pergola may be on the open clearing and in the courtyard, for example, next to the kitchen, giving the opportunity to arrange a meal at the plenier. But in any case, its installation in a particular place must be justified. It is important to keep the proportions of the site and logic in its design.

It can also be a function of the screen, such an elegant way, can be covered with a too beautiful shed wall, standing on the next plot of an ugly garage or a deaf fence. Here, a variant of semi-guns-canopy is fully implemented, when the horizontal rails are attached to one side to vertical supports, and the other to the wall of the building. Topberry plants will give this part of the garden proper appearance, and the tunnel formed will decorate a dull corner.

Pergola gives the input zone both to the site itself and on a certain part of it. The pergola inside the stoves-barbecue will be at all the beloved place of recreation and the owners of the manor, and their guests. Pergola you can "cover" parking for the car. Speeciously stated in a row of pergolas-arches. This option is real on the large area, where this gallery will be clearly visible and highlighted spatially, which will emphasize its beauty. In a small area, such a design, it is likely to strengthen the impression of cramped. But correctly selected, on the contrary, allow pergole to optically increase the modest size of the garden.

Italian guest

Lyudmila Nikolaenko, Chief Designer of the Woodworking Plant "Niko":

"When planning an installation on a plot of small architectural forms, in particular pergol, it should be processed not so much of personal preferences as from the landscape features. Sometimes it will look like an indoor gazebo. Aidogo, so as not to lose the cozy garden corner, it will be necessary to be lightweight, seized by Lianam Pergola. How The rule, such structures are built in close proximity to the main house, thus drawing up a terrace or exit to the garden. Pergolast structure on the support pillars, having a transparent "roof" from beams and crossbars, of which the so-called rietery system consists. The most common in our Country building material - Tree. But if pine or fir requires processing with antiseptic compositions, then products from larch, the smallest wood, not creating any trouble for the owners, for many years. Larch does not absorb moisture and does not rot, it is resistant to atmospheric influences . No wonder and St. Petersburg, and the Venice of the century stand on stilts from larch. "

From what, from what, from what ...

The variety of materials from which pergola do, practically does not limit the fantasy of the designers and the homeowners themselves. Wood, brick, natural or artificial stone, concrete, metal, PVC are suitable for construction construction. You can stay on something one, and you can achieve an interesting result, combining two, or even three material. AESLI plot is large enough, Feng Shui specialists advise in the southern part of it to install a wooden pergola, in south-western-made of brick or stone, and in Western metal.

The most common material in Russia is a tree. Its worthy of natural origin, which means ecology, low weight, interesting texture, the ability to give the product to any shape, cut the decorative pattern. Almost all styles are "rustic", modern, classical - take into account these quality wood. Overweight trunks of young trees are suitable for the design, but the usual lumber is often used. Of course, wood needs to dry, so that in the future the support or horizontal rails does not "behave." All components of the future structures must be treated in advance with antiseptics. Optionally, you can choose a specific color. One of the best options, if we talk about the ratio of "price quality", - pine, spruce. A small pergola (18075220cm) will cost 1782 rubles. ("New Aland"). Products made of hardwood, oak or larch, much more stronger, more durable, but also much more expensive. For example, pergola from larch (22060300cm) pulls on 8500 rubles. (Doses "Niko").

A bamboo, a plant, although somewhat exotic for the middle strip of Russia, has good performance characteristics, but pretty widely represented on the market.

Designers offer a variant of live pergolas from IV routines. Different grades of willows are distinguished by color bark, orange, yellow, red. Cut in the spring, full branch juices are able to quickly root and give a lush greens. To impart the construction of the desired form, they should be overwhelmed with each other at the top, forming a "roof". Sometimes it is worth supporting the "braid" with a wire or rush frame. In order to further avoid deformation, the growing branches can be cut. It is clear that such a pergola will not be very large (the average length of the branches of 150-180cm), but the surprise of the neighbors and the consciousness that you are the owner of exclusive creation, will sweep in pride.

A completely simple pergola variant is possible when a conventional rope or plastic cord is attached to the installed supports and top grille, which is easily rummaged by any non-heightened rigging plant. It is necessary to take into account that the hemp rope is enough for one season, plastic seasons for five. Inesley for landscaping the design used perennial plants, then over time they can break the stretched "strings".

Pergolas look original (usually with arched floors) from forged metal. Manufacturers ("Tula Forging", German Forge) offer ready-made samples, but do not exclude the possibilities of manufacturing the design by individual order, which is of course more interesting, but also more expensive. The cost of the finished module ranges from 2100 to 8000 rubles. / M2. There are products from an aluminum profile, they are durable, easy and not subject to corrosion. From it you can collect pergola almost any form. Its prefabricated models of metal-colored metal (colors - from white to black) on the domestic market are firms from Germany (KOMET) and Poland (EBA). Their price varies in the range from 1693 rubles. (11060246cm) to 5246 rub. (10461216cm). The main disadvantage of products made of metal-high thermal conductivity of the material, which can lead to frostbite parts of plants in winter and their burn in summer.

Another solution is pergola from metalplastic (steel in PVC pipe). Wate material combines the flexibility of vinyl and reliability of reinforcement steel. According to the manufacturers themselves, products from it are practically eternal and have a number of advantages. PVC is durable, resistant to heat, frost, damp, ultraviolet and fire. Therefore, the supports from it are frost-resistant, do not lose weight, they are not afraid of water, do not need painting, but with all the same they are pretty slippery. Plants on plastic lattices are not burned in nor frost nor the sun. For the price, such pergola is quite accessible, but there are options here. On the round pergola-yurt (1.61.8 m) will have to spend 2150 rubles. (According to the "Gardens of Auriki"), and for a model resembling a park pop sink (1.8520.5m) - already 4900 rubles. (PTF "Life at the Dacha").

Pergolas of brick, artificial or natural stone, as a rule, are constructed in combination with a tree or metal. On solid durable poles, lighter wooden structures or elegant metal are installed. Sometimes one row of brick pillars are erected, the space between which is closed with trolls, this is the rear wall of the pergola, and its "facade" is wooden supports. The object of stone and metal, where the stone laying also performs the function of the retaining wall at the same time, and the metal (possibly) horizontal and vertical, visually reducing the weight of the structure, do not obscure the opening view of the garden. Combined options are most individualized. Therefore, prices for them will be divided depending on the size and used materials.

Italian guest

Alexey Tumakov, General Director

LLC "Association of Landscape Designers":

"Pergolas are made from different materials. When it is elected, it is worth considering the external registration of the main house and the utility buildings so that everything on the site complements, and did not contrast each other.

In addition, each material has its own characteristics. The metal, for example, is durable, but the plants on it rise much worse than on the tree: they are not for it to cling, and they sculp down. Using additional special lattices or grids often spoils the overall appearance of the design. You should also think about the platform inside the pergola. You can save a lawn section here, but many prefer to make wooden flooring. This is one of the most convenient and eco-friendly options. Yaba did not advise concreting the platform or lay it out with a stone: inside pergolas, due to the shadow, it is always more cooler than outside, and the tile further lowers the temperature. Bruscha is very nice, but how many of our latitudes of such days? .. "

Not to make a mistake with the choice

Having equipping the territory of the garden, do not forget that all architectural elements are pergolas, gazebos, trolls, etc., should have the right proportions and be proportionate to the area of ​​the site. It should also take into account the nature of the terrain, and the traditions of this area. An essential role, naturally, the tastes and financial capabilities of the owner are playing. The use of small architectural forms should not be an end in itself, they are designed to emphasize the most interesting compositional solutions, to identify bright accents of the landscape project. As for pergola, the wooden model will suit almost any garden. Avota that, who has supports are erected from a brick or stone, it will look in a single style with a house if the same material is present in its finish. But it is important not to overdo it: pergola or gazebo, even if it has impressive sizes, should not be distinguished by an excessive pathos. Projibly roughly performed supports are organically looking in the garden in a rural style, and Pergola Pagoda will let the beauty of the Japanese garden. If pergola is in close proximity to the house or connected to it, it is better to paint it into one tone with a building or with any it detail.

Forms pergol can be the most different. The most common - arched and P-shaped. Six-eight-marched or round facilities will remind the gazebo. Functional and design, which is in terms of a quarter of a circle: Lattheys are located on radii, and the outer boundary is designated by vertical supports, which are attached beams leaving the rays from one point. Another option is possible when the circle is placed with a lattice wall, and the "angle", on the contrary, leave open. There is no restrictions here, which prompts fantasy, everything is feasible.

When the device is pergola, it is important to take into account that its length (width) should be at least height. The optimal height is 2 to 3m. It must be remembered that the design overgrown with plants seems below, and free space is reduced inside it, and all this can create a feeling of flavored. However, the height also depends on the place and purpose of pergola. If it is located above the pedestrian walkway, then 2.1-2,4 m is enough. Uponstructions surrounding the platform for recreation, the beams of overlapping is better to raise up to the level of 2.5-3m. Although if you wish to organize something like a mysterious grott, it will be enough and 2m. The minimum width of the structure is 1.5 m, so that when passing do not touch the supports of the shoulders. If the gallery is designed for the passage of the car, its dimensions must be increased accordingly. The optimal width is not more than 4m. Vertical supports installed on one side of pergola with a step less than 1M, published will merge and create a fence effect. When the walls of the pergola are sewn with lattices, the attractiveness looks at the designs of the bonded perpendicular to 2525mm with cells 4040 or 5050cm. Reiki can be located both strictly vertically and at an angle of 45, forming a drawing from rhombuses.

Considerable importance is also the design of space under pergola. So that there is a platform with benches, lawn, track or barbecue, in any case, you need to remember that each element should work for a general impression. Initially, unlike a gazebo, a vertical pillar is not so much carrying support for horizontal beams or boards, how many important decorative items: the lion rises in its own way zonies space, closing the inner volume of pergolas from foreign eyes and, on the contrary, allowing you to view outdoor garden. Therefore, often near the support or build a box for plants, or there are special "pockets" for Lian during paving.

Italian guest

Wooden design can be installed in several ways. The first, when in a trench with a special "pillow" from sand or rubble, a wooden support is buried, pre-treated with moisture and bioprotective compositions (A). The second one is more practical way - using a metal slainable support: it is much better to isolate the surface of a wooden rack from the contact with the ground (b)


Installation pergolas is not the most difficult lesson, especially if you purchased a ready-made PVC or metal profile module. To the depth to 50 cm, the metal tube-glass is clogged larger than the feet of pergola, diameter. Insert the leg and tightly screw it with a self-tapping screw. Sometimes the design is equipped with a leg with support. There are one or two holes for studs (crutches) that are supplied in the kit. Studs (4-6 or more, by the number of supports), scored to a depth 50-80cm, give the construction sufficient strength - it should withstand the weight of the plant, and the strengths of the wind. The leg with the support can be concreted by lowering it on the desired depth in the cooked solution.

Pergolas of stone and bricks due to their weight require a real foundation, ribbon or columnar. The choice of one or another variant is determined by the project and the level of groundwater.

For wooden structures, it is sufficient, as a rule, a column foundation. The most important problem is to insulate the structures of wood from the contact with the Earth. VGRUNE to the depth of the freezing, pits on the number of columns (sometimes it can be a trench), they are fixed (poured concrete) metal or concrete supports, to which already above the ground surfaces are fixed by pergola. Special metal staps or P-shaped structures with welded piece of fittings are sold. The basis can be made by itself by using 2 or 4 corners cooked around the perimeter as close as possible to the ground. Punching pergolas in such a basis are fixed with self-tested, inserting them in pre-drilled holes. Sometimes they get a wooden support itself, then before installation you need to process its moisture and bioprotective compositions. The installation of wooden columns in advance concreted metal or asbestos pipes of the required diameter is also practiced. This will further greatly facilitate the replacement of fallen supports to new ones. This method is suitable when the inner platform of pergola is the lawn. If pergola is installed on a ready-made concrete or tiled base, it is possible to build a brick shoe with a metal insert, in which the vertical stand of the structure is placed. For support, you should choose the brus with a cross section of at least 100100mm. For the lower longitudinal beams, they use the same bars or boards with a cross section of 50150mm, on top transverse boards and bars of thorough-40120mm.

All wooden pieces of pergola can be copped with brackets, screws, brackets. But if you own the skills of carpentry craft, it is better to use his techniques (connecting to thorns, in a spike with a triangular propyl, direct lock, with the help of the IDR bent.), Then the design will be stronger, and most importantly, beautiful. Before assembling, all surfaces need to be treated with an antiseptic.

The craftsmen supplemented the pergolas with another element-transparent roof of cellular polycarbonate. The Pavilion in the Pavilion will always be dry and light. AESLI It is necessary that the plants are covered and this slippery surface, you can help them, stretching along or across the roofs of special "strings" from the ropes for which Lianins will be cling.

What a view to plant

You can not be causing a custody of the pergola by girlish grapes, one of the most unpretentious lien, stretching to 15m even in a shaded place. Three years later it will grow so that it will require cardinal thinning, but the real shadow in the green "gazebo" will be provided. Apoloching red autumn leaves of Liana will create a bright colorful accent on the site.

In addition to the girl's grapes, there is a sufficient number of plants, which individually, and in the company with each other will turn into a pergola in the original flowering "flower". This is a perennial actinidium of the kolomykt, the sodoguers (kolyascripts), honeysuckle, kirkazon, lemongrass Chinese, Amur grapes, hops, ivy, plenty rose, Clematis, as well as annual brushful peas, decorative beans, nasturtium.

The fiber of the flowering of the Kolomikt actinide (Amur gooseberry) of its leaves in the sun becomes the motley, and later paint in pink or crimson color. In the autumn, they are red and purple, but in the shaded places remain green. Bright orange fruits and yellow leaves of the sodogue on the outcome of the summer will create a spectacular picture. However, before planting it near the wooden pergola, it is necessary to think, no wonder the plant is called the vessel. The honeysuckle honeriflation flowers tender yellowish or pinkished color. Closer to the autumn instead of them form orange fruits shy, shining on a green background of foliage.

There is a huge number of varieties of Clematis (Lomonos). If you use several varieties of this perennial, the garden will turn out to be painted from April to September in various shades from dark purple to white. First summer to autumn covered with white, yellow, pink or red flowers and plenty roses.

The editorial board thanks the company "Pagoda", Woodworking plant "Niko", Greenmax, "Association of Landscape Designers", "Li-Er", "EP Master Land 2000", "Divo", "Small Architecture", "Globus Salon "," Life at the Dacha "," Eniktek ", German Forge, Sakura, Novaland, Tula Forging for help in the preparation of material.

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