Terra Spa


Terra Spa 13511_1

Terra Spa
Coast Spas.
Terra Spa

Spa is an inexhaustible source of vigor and health

Terra Spa

Hydrotherapy is a healing basis

Terra Spa
Cal Spas.

Attractive application of DVD technology

Terra Spa
Coast Spas.

Healthy alternative to feasts at meetings

Terra Spa
Advantage Pack Equipment Block for PDC SPAS models (to order)
Terra Spa
Commercial Spa overflow Vesta (Pool Spas)
Terra Spa
Arctic Spa

Comfortable massage seats- Attribute of high-quality household spa

Terra Spa
Cal Spas.

The pairs of flavoring granules from the loading chamber are automatically drawn into the flow of water

Terra Spa
Astral Pool.

Remote equipment unit with high performance

The duty filter for commercial mini


Terra Spa
Cal Spas.

Skimmer pool can be embedded in the podium

Terra Spa
The power of the flow-type heaters does not exceed 3.6 kW
Terra Spa
Triple Kios from Jacuzzi (Italy) with plastic cabinet
Terra Spa
CD player on Arctic Spa for Acoustomassage
Terra Spa
Astral Pool.

Mixing of air and water jets ensures an increase in the intensity of the massage more than twice

Terra Spa
An independent control system of each massage place is possible due to their individual pumps (model Piper Glen, Mark Artesian SPAS)
Terra Spa
Coast Spas.

The box in the form, dimensions and equipment of nozzles should be selected by the figure and location of the "patients"

Terra Spa
PDC Spas.

The game of light in the jets of water brings positive emotions.

Terra Spa
Coast Spas.

Chromotherapy- excellent addition to therapeutic massage

Terra Spa

Aerome massage replaces the careful touch of the fingers of the massage therapist. Airlords put tens

Terra Spa
Bowl based on polyethylene in Dream Spas
Terra Spa
Step-highly useful and even necessary for the elderly
Terra Spa
Softub Mobile Design with Vinyl Type Bowls Foamed Polyethylene
Terra Spa
Wamrior Warrior for plastic bowl is used wooden frame (Nordic Hot Tubs)
Terra Spa
Injector- "Duo Motomassage" in HotSpring Spas
Terra Spa
Anti-slip relief on sites - for safety and point mechanical massage (Meridian, Niagara SPAS)
Terra Spa

Swimming Spa-fashion passion, includes a section with counterflow and jets, as well as a completely "equipped" spa compartment

Terra Spa
Sundance Spas.

The convenience of seats is necessary for efficient relaxation.

Terra Spa
Master Spas.

Plastic framing resistant to atmospheric influences

Terra Spa

Frame, pallet and well insulated framing mini

Paragon's pools made of PERMALOC composite

Terra Spa
Cabinet walls, base and bowl in Arctic SPA are closed with a thick layer of thermal insulator, eliminating the equipment freezing on the street
Terra Spa
The lid on the spa bowl is obligatory
Terra Spa
Two skimmer for greater filtering efficiency (Falcon Cove, Artesian SPAS)
Terra Spa
Watkins Manufacturing Corp.

Elevator mechanism will help to easily move the lid

Terra Spa
Cal Spas.

The circulation pump carries its Watch for years around the clock with brief breaks on hot days

Terra Spa
Before buying it is important to decide on the water
Terra Spa

Installation option Spa with Frame on Street

Terra Spa
Watkins Manufacturing Corp.

All cycles and modes are programmed on the console

Terra Spa
Tri-x Filter Filter (HotSpring SPAS)
Terra Spa
Wide floating skimmer and horizontally located cartridge filter provide a good fence of surface pollution and efficient water treatment (SUNDANCE SPAS)
Terra Spa
Electronic control unit in Arctic SPA
Terra Spa

Capsules Spa Capsules 617, TEUCOHYDROSPA Control Bulk 1. Supplement 2.Force 3.Force 4. Injectors: Wicked, vortex, pulsating 5. Filtering Camera 6. Water Stream distributor

Terra Spa
Water circulation scheme in Spa: 1. Hydromassage 2. Ozonization Systems 3. Control System 4. Water heater 5. Circulating 6. Hydromassage 7. Filter 8. Clap Protective 9. Water Fence System

The healing effect of water procedures is well known. This is recognized even the Bedouins of Sahara and Eskimos of the Polar region. Among the devices using unique water opportunities are rapidly growing the popularity of spa hydromassage pools. Americans predict the equipment of all country houses in the next ten years. What is the secret of the spa?

What is SPA?

By the end of the day, do you feel exhausted and hardly concentrated at work due to headaches? Sludging in the joints and muscles makes repaint a schedule of business meetings? At night, you can't sleep for a long time, and in the morning you wake up completely broken? The diagnosis is obvious - you need rest. It would be best to go somewhere in the resort, wash out the fatigue, to treat the nerves and kilives ... What? Familiar situation? For today's business people, she is perhaps even typical. But it turns out, it is not necessary to wait long to wait for the blessed pair of vacation weeks - the resort can be arranged at home and enjoy it daily. To do this, it is necessary to establish a spa-hydro-mass mini-pool, which, like his "big brother", has a bowl, a system of circulation, filtration, heating and disinfection of water. Differences are specific: Small sizes do not allow in it to swim, the bowl is simply stupid to the devices for different types of massage: hydro and hydraulic, often an aeromassage, and the bearing and vibromassage. The last two or three years, the arsenal of spa equipment has been replenished with new devices of sensually emotional impact on a person to enhance the therapeutic effects of hydrotherapy. Waste appeared backlight systems for chromotherapy, audio systems, televisions, and even DVD players. The whole technique is managed by "smart" electronics with built-in or remote controls.

The pool can be installed in the house and on the street. Hot geyser surrounded by snowdrifts is not sketching from Kamchatka. This is your mini pool in the yard. Everywhere and always SPA will help support a good physical form, will provide strong sleep, will provide invaluable assistance in the therapeutic treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular ailments, metabolic disorders, nervous system disorders. Isn't we expecting such an effect from staying at the resort? In addition, the spa is a great place to communicate the whole family, as well as a non-standard addition to a secular party. This is a symbol of respectableness and a healthy lifestyle.

The production of hydromassage basins in the world employs more than 100 firms. KNAM receives equipment from about two tens of well-known foreign companies. Since they often offer several trademarks at once of different price categories, spa products are customary not called manufacturers, but by brands. Among the American SPAS, Dimension One Spas, Dream Spas, Cal Spas, HotSpring Spas, Master Spas, PDC Spas, Pool Spas, Softub, Sundance Spas), Canadian (Arctic Spa, Coyote Spas, Coast Spas, Niagara Spas, Paragon ), European (Jacuzzi, TEUCO (Italy), Paula, Pichler Whirlpool, Hoesch (Germany), Spaform (United Kingdom), System Pool (Spain), Chinese (Apollo, Wiesmaker).

The number of suppliers grows every year. Among the active newcomers attracting buyers lower (20-30%) prices, IBERSPA (Spain), USPool (Czech Republic), and the Chinese Yokozuna prices dropped even twice. In 2006, another American brand Nordic Hot Tubs appeared on the market. When choosing a spa, there really is from what to lose your head is as wide and varied range of models. True, this pleasure is not cheap. The lower level of the price is from $ 3,000, and the upper intersects the mark of $ 30 thousand. Here, as anywhere, the "price quality" factor affects. We will survive for $ 7,000-9000, you can buy a normally equipped "home resort". Outside this range, the laws of the commodity market are clearly working: "expensive it is nice, and the cheaply is rot."

Those who are concerned about their health, makes sense to get acquainted with Spa in more detail.

Mysterious letters

Short word "Spa" (English SPA) surprisingly. Weird understanding is a technique that transforms the natural power of water, air, heat, color, smells into the energy of a healthy body. Fruit SPA means a new health industry: a system of spa-centers of wellness medicine and aesthetic cosmetology. There are two versions of the origin of the term "Spa". The first suggests that hydromassage mini pools are named so in honor of the famous Water Resort of Spa in Belgium. According to another, it is believed that this abbreviation of the Latin saying Sanitas Pro Aqua, meaning "health through water". The common marketing move, in fact the term "spa" in the 70s of the twentieth century replaced the original Hot Tub and became commonplace.

SPA classification

The spa can be divided into species in several signs: for the purpose of domestic (home) and commercial (they are used in spa centers and salons); on installation - inpatient and mobile (portable); By type of installation - the ground (floor) and the built-in; According to the circulation of water circulation, smoky and overflow. Without going into the terminological subtleties and parts, let's say that in most cases a household spa-portable ground-based solid device: this is a small bowl that is closed outside the body (frame), standing on the ground or on the floor, with engineering equipment and strapping mounted under it. Typical commercial spa is a stationary built-in overflow pool. The font is embedded in the podium or bueled to the floor (usually flush). There is an overflow grille around it, and all the equipment is placed in the next room. There is a pretty bulky overflowing container, collecting water-displaced bathing bins with a large tank of high-performance filter tank, as well as the main part of the strapping. Manufacturers' urid have samples that are intended for both ground and built-in mounting. For example, Jacuzzi (Italy) has such a double performance have all SPA modifications, and Sundance SPAS from 16- only 3. Well, of course, any commercial model is not allowed to use for personal pleasure at home that today becomes even fashionable. The term "Mobile Spa" reflects the fact that the pool is practically not tied with stiff communications to a specific place, such as a cast-iron bath. Poured and drained water from it with flexible hoses. Therefore, if desired, the pool can be rearranged in minutes. However, in practice, this is not done, but on the contrary, not only carefully choose a place to install the spa for a long time, but also create an appropriate design of the room or landscape. Home mini-pools have been developed, which have the main equipment assembled in a separate node (Softub) or component to order (as in PDC SPAS). Such a block is located near the pool (or behind the neighboring wall). In this case, the pool itself can be put in small rooms or even in niches close to the walls, because the passage to the case and the inspection of it is no longer required.

Domestic doctor

In Spa, everything, including the shape and color of the bowl, is subordinated to the main objective to ensure the most complete relaxation of the body and filling it with its energy charge of vigor. For this, various devices are used comprehensively.

Hydrotherapy. This is a chef in the kitchen of health, which is called the Spa. Fun two functions: Home- Improvement and Additional-Medical. For their implementation, three factors are used: heat, weightlessness and massage. Water massage devices make all the spa. The heat of hot water (35-40 s) and the hydromassage expand blood vessels and thereby accelerate blood circulation. The cells of the body receive more oxygen and nutrients. Metabolism products are faster with strengthening. The work of the lymphatic system is improved, and ultimately enhances immunity. Active blood flow to brain cells leads to soothing, reduced stress voltage. Immersion in water reduces the weight load on the muscles, ligaments and the bone system. Massage is carried out by directional jets of water and air. It locals affect the receptors of nerve endings, and therefore blocks pain in tissues, causes relaxation of clamped muscles and affects acupuncture points of all the most important organs (heart, kidney, liver, stomach), normalizing their work. The hydromassage contributes to the synthesis of endorphin-hormones of pleasure. Hydrotherapy also helps in the treatment of a number of diseases. In arthrites, a hot directional jet is used, with Lyumbago (sharp) - pulsating massage. Rheumatism gives up a soft hydromassage, and with cellulite struggle with the help of the scattering effects of the jets on the muscles and needle-skin. In case of damage to the muscles, their "obedience" and with stretching, massage sessions in the spa provide invaluable help.

Aerotherapy. Based on the gentle effects of air bubbles on the skin, and therefore complements hydrotherapy there, where the power pressure of water jets is undesirable, for example in the field of lymph nodes, liver, groin. The vaeromassage system includes a compressor, air supply hoses and dozens of aerificormo (nozzles). However, the function of the aeromassage is not equipped with all SPA models.

Aromatherapy. The method is based on the use of phytoncides to normalize the mental state of a person (fear is suppressed, stress is removed). It is realized in the simplest form through the addition of aromatic fluids into water. Some models are equipped with a special aromacone complex. Granulated flavoring (there is a dozen compositions) are loaded into the receiving case, where it gradually evaporates, and the pairs are drawn into the airflow directed into the nozzles and further into the water.

Chromotherapy. Enters the arsenal of the most technological models. It implies the treatment with color based on the phenomenon of photoreceptory. The red light of the spotlights in the bowl has a stimulating effect, a green-tonic, yellow-firming, blue-relaxing. Modern lighting systems based on LED technology make it possible to transform hydrotherapy sessions to a present light show, bringing positive emotions into a general atmosphere of relaxation and harmony.

Acoustomassage. It is to transfer the oscillations of the average sound frequency through the bowl and the thickness of the water on the human body. To do this, the sound transducers transmitting sound from a powerful (up to 300W) audio system are rigid from the bottom to the bowl. The therapeutic effect of special musical melodies are written taking into account the resonant frequency of the bowl whose oscillations are transformed into tender ripples of water. Such systems are only two brands - Arctic SPA and Dimension One SPAS. More often there are audio systems with a subwoofer, fixed independently of the bowl. The action of acoustomassage is currently studied little.

Vibromassage. While is used as an option in Arctic SPA models. Technologically, it is akin to acoustomassa, but the transducer operates at a low frequency (46-68 Hz). According to the developer's application, massage takes place in the cellular and energy levels.

Danielyan A. A., General Director of the company "Serena Pool":

"A closed cycle of water filtration in SPA allows not to change it 4-6 months, subject to the correct care of the pool. This work is complete, but requires accuracy. In short, your actions are reduced to the following.

Once a week. Determine and adjust the total alkaline water level (standard from 80 to 120 ppm); PH hydrogen potential indicator (ranging from 7.2 to 7.6); Free chlorine or bromine level (1-3 ppm). Control can be carried out using special test strips. Sodium bicarbonate is used to correct the indicators (increases alkalinity), sodium bisulfate (reduces pH), chlorine in granules or bromine tablets. Add rust and flocculant inhibitor (both at a rate of 45 ppm), organic oxidizer (at the rate of 30 ppm). Consider the ozonation and silvering of water reduce the flow rate of chemicals.

Monthly. Rinse the filter cartridges and clean the nozzles from the sediment. A more frequent flushing will not hurt either.

2-4 times a year. Drain the water, clean from the layers and rinse the surface of the bowl, pour water after pre-filtration.

Keep in mind that the content of the work and the consumption of chemicals depend on the composition of tap water and the intensity of the use of the pool. "

Hydromassage in the section

The success of the hydromassage in the spa depends on the type of nozzles (jets), their total number, acquiring across the work places and from the skillful use of them. When the model is selected, first of all, ask the seller about the hydromassage system. Do not get carried away by a large number of nozzles, and better find out how they are distributed over the zones of the bowl, because each of them is equipped with its djet set and, accordingly, provides a certain type of massage effect.

Ease of use of the pool depends on the power supply diagrams. Their three: with dependent, partially dependent and independent water supply. The first is found in the cheapest models. One pump feeds all the nozzles. Therefore, when you reduce the heads of the jets in your bowl zone, then in other places it increases, causing the legitimate discontent of the rest of swimming. The second scheme, almost eliminating such surprises, is most common. In the first first, two and even three pumps are used, which immediately reduces the number of interrelated jets. Secondly, blocks (valves) of the flow distribution are included in the strapping (the control knobs are bred on board the bowl). They allow you to change the opposition only where it is necessary, by practically no affecting the work of neighboring nozzles. Inacontal, models appeared, where each massage area is equipped with a separate pump, and all users regulate the intensity of massage to their taste, without interfering with others. This functions, for example, the DirectFlow system in the Artsian SPAS basins. UCAL SPAS has a special pump for two zones, working in pulsating mode according to the program of the "Shiat Tits" massage.


It is the nozzles that create streams of water and air jets and decisively affect the quality of the massage. The number of their designs is calculated by many dozens (cost $ 20-40). Almost every spa manufacturer develops its own options and gives them their trade names.

I'll find a knot of automatic air supply to water (due to ejection). Consumption and water and air should be adjustable. This increases the overall intensity of hydromassage and reduces the rigidity of its impact.

There is no uniform classification. Conditionally, they can be divided into five different-scale groups.

Point (needle). The most elementary unregulated nozzles. Their hydromassage effect is small, so they are usually installed in places for lying and carry out light surface massage, as well as aeromassage.

Straightforward (with a deviant nozzle). Give a strong directional stream, deeply working on the muscles.

Rotating. Provide a wide coverage area, allow you to influence a large muscle group.

Vortex. Form a pulsating or vibrating stream, actively mixing muscle tissues.

Streaming. Create a powerful wide stream applied to a deep massage.

There are also special nozzles, for example, for a shiat massage (Dimension One SPAS) or the processing of the oil-butter-level area (Jet "Motomassage" in Hot Spring).

Rearrange nozzles from one zone to another and thereby customize them for their requests can be used only in several models (Exotic Jets and Steel Jets at Arctic SPA or Fluidix Intelli and Vortex from Sundance SPAS).

There is no interchangeability of nozzles from different spa manufacturers. Details of the jets are made of plastic, and in some structures (especially the rotating type) they are pretty easily breaking (let's say, from the unexpected kick) or quickly wear out. Kschasty, they are easy to replace. Removable parts are easily screwed from the inside of the pool into the cartridge body, hermetically mounted in the bowl at the factory. Westhetic and protective purposes The front part of the nozzles can be closed with stainless steel linings or chrome steel.

Summarizing the "medical" topic, give a number of advice. First- Before buying a spa consult your doctor. The second is not to raise the temperature of the water in the pool above 40 C. The best mode is 35-37 C. The third is the optimal duration of the hydromassage session is 10-15 minutes. The duration of the procedures for more than 30 minutes will be harmful than the benefit. Fourth-alcohol and hydrotherapy are incompatible: you can "revile", fall asleep and drown. Inacontal, Last: Remember that the doctor, medical sister and the patient of the home spa, are you in one person. Programs and massage modes will have to pick it yourself, and therefore first confess the principle "do not harm."

Kireeva S. G., director of the SUPERSPA Salon:

"The layout of the injector- is an extremely important characteristic of the SPA. After all, the impact of the health massage should be directed. The most problematic places of salt deposits (points of attachment of the trapezoid muscle to the spine, hip joints), muscles experiencing increased loads (callers, in the shoulders and neck ), fatty depot (belly, thighs, buttocks), zones of focusing nerve nodes (feet, loins). When choosing a model, evaluate what is more relevant for you, and check that there are one or two places in it, where the desired zone is being worked out Different, then you can choose my best treatment mode. Consider the addition of air jets in the water flow enhances the intensity of massage twice. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out a hydroeairomassage session (for cheerfulness), and in the evening only hydro massage (for soothe). Air temperature for hydro - and aeromassage depends on the design of the SPA. So, in PDC SPAS served "cold" jets (room temperature) that Provides a toning effect. The air is heated in a warm compartment with equipment, and massage is obtained more gentle. Holding on the healing force of the procedures, it is necessary to understand that the hydromassage only helps the therapist to treat your ailments. "

Unity of Form and Content

Bowl (shell). This is perhaps the most important spa element. After all, the choice of the model of the Will-Neils begins with the choice of a bowl, who visited you in appearance. Forward the queue you should pay attention to its shape, sizes, quantity and design of places, material, texture, finishing color. Most of the seashells has a shape close to square, less often it happens rectangular and round, and samples in the form of rhombus, octogon or sector of the circle (in small pools) are very rarely. At the same time, the dimensions vary in the range of approximately 1.5 to 2.5 m, and volumes of 400 to 2500l. The depth of the cup is usually about 0.92-0.95m, but there are also models and less and deeper (0.72-0.78 and 1.02-1.3m (CAL SPAS), respectively). If the form and dimensions are mainly related to the problems of the installation, the number and design of massage places affect the social status of your "resort". The host spa number is made from one (Solo from Sundance SPAS) to seven (most models). The main goal is to achieve the ergonomics of the seats. They have them at different heights, separating apart from each other armrest barriers. Such places are optimal for therapeutic procedures. For comfort, sometimes one or two places for the adoption of lying or half-chair posture (in the form of a chaise lounger). There are models with free (barrier-free) shape of seats that are more suitable for pastime in a friendly company, as well as for installation in saunas and baths. If you have problems with joints, choose a cup with handrail and comfortable stepped platforms, they will help to go down to the water safely (and from it you will choose a kind wellhead).

Shells today are preferably made of composite materials. Leadership here at the combination of acrylic fiberglass. Acrylic racks to chemicals, does not fade from ultraviolet rays, durable, maintainable. The color palette is extensive, some manufacturers use up to 20 shades options. There is a coating with an antibacterial component (Microban). The polymer capsule is strengthened with fiberglass layers to ensure the desired strength and rigidity. The factor of the face surface may be smooth, glossy (under marble or metallic), rough (under granite), relief (to increase anti-slip properties). Sometimes metal fittings (Cal Spas, Coast Spa, Master SPAS) are inserted to strengthen the design inside the composite.

The acrylic layer alone producers are made thin (only 0.6 mm), and it is easy to scratch through, but it is difficult to restore, but the other (6mm from Coyote, Paragon), because of which the scratch on it is easy to refuel.

BBCSULES DREAM SPAS capsule, housing and base are made of polyethylene-based material. Vitoga The product is light (about 100kg), relatively inexpensive and quite suitable for installation in the apartment. Mark Nordic Hot Tubs - an intermediate version of the economy class: the capsule is made on the basis of polyethylene, and the framed - of the tree. Even lighter and truly mobile pools made of foamed polyethylene, vinyl, are produced under the Softub brand. All equipment is collected in a separate block (in the case of the same vinyl) and put out the seashell.

Framing. Bases of swimming pools are based on the frame installed on the bottom of the pallet and closed on the outside decorative panels. European manufacturers prefer to make it metallic, and the overseas (USA, Canada) are from an antiseptic tree. There are few exceptions. For example, in Paragon for frame, trim and bases developed a PERMALOC polymer composite, and in HotSpring spas-solidized material. For the framing, a red cedar lining is used (when installing the outdoor pool) or pine (for installation indoor), as well as plastic panels and even metal (Cal Spas, Arctic SPA).

Base. It should protect the pool from the heat loss, the penetration of dampness and rodents. Perform base of plastics (ABS, PVC), fiberglass, OSB-plates or waterproof plywood.

Heat insulation. Helps keep water temperature. There are three schemes of laying thermal insulation. For the first case, the polyurethane foam layer (usually 50mm thick) is applied to the back side of the bowl, which ensures satisfactory heat and sound insulation. However, the shell must be increased rigidity to resist the hydrowards arising at the moment of inclusion of nozzles and increasing the compounds of the design details, and the small layer of foam is poorly devoid of these blows. Such a method will heat inexpensive spa models, as well as pools designed to install indoors. More often such a scheme use European brands. According to the second, the most common version of the foam is poured all the space between the shell and the frame, except the compartment with the equipment (pumps, heater, electronics unit). However, in winter, on the street, when the electricity is disconnected, this compartment freezes, and the repair of the stamp is difficult. The third scheme involves a separate insulation of the walls of the housing from the inside and bowls. There are variations. Thus, in the Arctic SPA and Paragon basins, the frame is closed with a 80mm layer of foam, in a PDC spas-thin, but foil isolator, and in Master Spas and foam, and a foil insulator. With such thermal insulation, the equipment is securely covered from the cold, and the heat released heat is heated by the air for massage and water, and the sound insulation is excellent.

Cove covers. They are included in the complete set of almost all SPA, as they slow down the cooling of water and its evaporation (up to 10l per day). For a street pool, covers are simply mandatory. They are made warm, durable, usually consisting of two parts. Of course, you can abandon the lid and save, therefore, about $ 400, but later you will have to spend money on heating water. The main problem is the storage of the cover-cover during bathing, and it turns out to be not trifling. Options There are two: put it near the bowl or somewhere to attribute from the eye. Ito and another is not easy. Even folded the lid by half a person sometimes can not be forces. An internally specifically for this housing can be equipped with a lid lifting mechanism (elevator), spending about $ 300-500.

The true price of all design solutions, despite the advertising assurances of firms, that they have all the "most-most", probably gives a warranty period for the bowl. But it is important to know what it applies to. So, PDC SPAS speaks about 35 years warranty without clarifying details, and Arctic Spa- about 30. For the Spa Artesian Spas promises a lifelong warranty from leaks related to a bowl defect, but the lack of bloats and cracks on the surface and bundle walls are guaranteed only for 7 years. By the way, the guarantee for equipment is valid for only 2-5 years.

Terra Spa
Jacuzzi. Household Spa device scheme: 1. Hashes 2.Force 3. Coupler 4. Coupler waterproof Water stream 6. Metal 7. Metal process 8. Controlster control 9. Air heater 10. Filter 11.Onavitory 12. Circulating 13. Hydromassage

Assist with diamond

Crystal clear water - the second after hydromassage the most important SPA attribute. Water preparation is filtering and disinfection.

Filtration. It is carried out on a closed cycle using cartridge filters (sandy-in commercial spa). In this case, one of the three circuits of water circuit is used.

Periodic filtering. The concept of it is simple. If there are pumps for massage soon in the design, then one of them can be used to filter (the cycle is programmed as desired), and at the same time for the run of water through the electric heater. The pump, switching to a small feed, 3-6 hours works for cleaning according to a given program and heated water in automatic mode when its temperature dropped below the set level. This scheme allows you to quickly and effectively remove contaminants, for example, after a collective spa massage session. The lack of it is that the noise of the pumped water can interfere at night, especially when the pool body is not soundproofed. Such a filtering method is used in Arctic SPA models, Coyote SPAS, PDC SPAS, COAST SPAS, Pichler Whirlpool, Paula, as well as in some Sundance Spas and Jacuzzi products.

24-hour 100% filtering. A different scheme is implemented here. Water through filters and heater (it can be turned on only when there is a flow of water) 24 hours a day, a low-power (70-120W) circulation pump drives. In order to ensure complete cleaning, several (3-5 pcs) filters are installed with a large total developed surface (15-30 m2). Wet case massage pumps will work only during procedures. Circulation pumps are almost silent, although the entire volume of water is pumped through filters from 10 to 30 times a day. Night peace and electricity savings are provided. Doubts cause durability of the pump, but it is guaranteed for a period of 5-7 years, and there is a device about $ 280. The scheme is adjacent to the brands of HotSpring Spas and Artesian Spas.

Mixed filtering. This scheme combines the principles of the two previous ones. The circulation pump (continuously), and a massage pump (periodically), but each in a separate network with its filter work on water purification. POMP is now included only on the massage, although only part of the water is driven by it through the filter (part passes by bypass), cleaning is improving during the period of intensive use of the pool. The scheme is implemented in the Sundance Spas brands, Master Spas, Paragon, Niagara Spas, Jacuzzi, Dimention One Spas, and in Cal Spas and Iberspa, a special pump is applied instead of massage.

Disinfection. It is carried out to destroy the microorganisms contained in water. The process is carried out using ozonization and silvering of water during filtering. Chemicals (chlorine, bromine) are used after procedures.

To date, the ozonization is the main way of disinfection and additional water purification in mini-pools. The ozone is a strong oxidizing agent and successfully destroys all bacteria and smells, destroys the body made by man (creams, lotions, sweat, urine, etc.), decomposes harmful chloramines after water treatment with chlorine. Moreover, cleaning the water, it turns into oxygen, making it a healing (oxygen-saturated water rejuvenates the skin). Divide SPA This oxidizing agent is obtained using corona discharge cameras. Of these, the air with ozone is suused into the water and passing through a special tube, contact with contaminants, destroying them. Consider the ozonator in some models is present as an option ($ 600-1600). Check it out when buying.

Installing SPA

"Spa can be installed anywhere, if only there was enough space." This phrase is not cliché in promotional materials. Sellers swaw, accents shift. There are problems with installation.

Installation in the house. First of all, it is necessary to decide at what stage of construction to deliver the pool, and make the necessary adjustments to the project. All define the dimensions of the spa. They are put in the box at home before the construction of overlaps (then the problem of the safety of the equipment arises), and at the ready-made room after its finishing (but with the disassembly of the wall), and after years after the instigation. In the end, the case of spa is limited to the values ​​of approximately 19018080cm, because it must be carried by stairs and through the doors. More precisely, the sizes are determined by the place.

The sufficiency of the place from which we started this conversation means that there should be a 0.5m width of the pool around the casing, then at least a clearance is more than 15 cm, and before the compartment with the equipment is not already 0.7 m. The presence of sewage indoors is required, and the drain route and additional ventilation is desirable. Connect the spa to the power grid through the circuit breaker and the RCD. Around the bowl at a distance of 1.5 m no external electrical appliances (lamps, sockets, switches) should not be. All metal items associated with the fitness of the building or with communications, within a radius of 1.5 m from the case, as well as the pool itself is required to ground.

Installation on the street. The place must be protected from wind and be located near the house. The playground can be concrete (about 100mm thick), wooden (with load capacity of more than 700kg / m2) and even earth (if the pallet is plastic). Arrange the steps and handrails for safe entry and exit from the bowl. In addition, you should take care of water plum: periodically for replacement and emergency. Without deciding where and how to implement it, it is impossible to put the pool. One of the problem is the risk of freezing the strapping in the winter when the electricity is turned off. In fact, the water in it will not freeze around for about 3-4 hours. But it is better to buy a backup power supply. When the adoption of hot baths in the fresh air is not planned, water must be drained, and the system of pipelines is purified.

However, all difficulties are not available compared to the benefit derived from the spa. Five minutes in a raging water in the morning, wash the remnants of sleep and fill the body of energy for the whole day. Ten minutes of relaxing massage in the evening guarantee a deep and calm dream. Spa is the investment in your health.

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