Revolution in the kitchen


Kitchen redevelopment issues: necessary package of documents, instances, timing. Professionals.

Revolution in the kitchen 13548_1

So, happened! "Long live repairs!" - You exclaim, deciding on this desperate step. Well, in courage you will not refuse. Is also a real hero He who ventured not to repair, but on a reorganization, which without exaggeration can be called the flow of flour. However, about everything in order.

According to the letter of the law

Revolution in the kitchen
Studio "Interior Design", Designer Vasily Antipov

If you believe that, being the owner of the apartment, you can reorganize it as you like, then deeply mistaken. "To live in society and be free from society," or rather, it is impossible for his laws. What of them are governing your future "kitchen revolution"? First of all, this is the law of the Russian Federation "On the Fundamentals of the Federal Housing Policy" (No. 4218-1 of 24.12.1992). Residents of Moscow should also take into account two more documents: the law of Moscow from September 29, 1999. №37 "Speak of reorganization of premises in residential buildings in the territory of Moscow" (with changes taken by 7Appl 2004) and the order of the mayor of the capital Yu.M. M.Luzhkova "The formulation of re-equipment and redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises in Moscow residential buildings" (№166 / 1-RM dated 07/31/1996).

The echruting of the process of coordination of redevelopment The Government of Moscow wants to introduce a "single window" system, where the customer will pass all the documents necessary for obtaining the permission of the MVK. Through Dvmeni, he should give the answer. The idea is attractive. However, the staff of construction and architectural and law firms involved in the coordination of redevelopments relate to it quite skeptical. First, they say, "the legs need to be needed, otherwise it will not walk." If now paper "with your feet" pass the procedure for about six months, then how "without legs" will have time for two? Secondly, the result of two-month expectations can be a refusal, perhaps even without explaining the reasons.

If it is impossible, but I really want ...

Revolution in the kitchen

Revolution in the kitchen
One bedroom apartment in the "Stalinist" house. The advantage of this project is that the demolition of capital walls did not need. It was necessary only to distinguish the kitchen zones and the living room, for which a fairly common architectural and planning solution was used ... it is still impossible! The kitchen is considered a "wet" zone, and therefore the requirements for its reorganization are no less rigid than to the bathroom. The kitchen can only be located on the kitchen. It can not occupy the area of ​​the bathroom or residential premises. Previously, according to the law of Moscow No. 37 from September 29, 1999. (up to the 7Applél 2004. amendments), practiced kitchen uniting and the loggia adjacent to it. The windows zone was demolished, radiators were installed on the loggia, a large general space was formed. Today it is categorically forbidden to transfer radiators on the loggia.

From communications passing in the kitchen, it is forbidden to touch the ventilation box. If you planned it to disassemble and make a niche for the refrigerator, leave this idea. I also remember that your square meters of housing, and all risers and communications belong to the one who is a balance holder at home. It is not easy to agree on a gas stove. Mosgaz is little interested in the problems of ergonomics of your kitchen. Soon your requirements, to bypass which is very difficult. Recently, the previously agreed cases of explosion of household gas are little help to increase the loyalty of officials of this organization.

If a gas stove is installed in the kitchen, the kitchen-table can hardly be done. According to the requirements of the Office of the State Fire Service, the kitchen with the gas stove must be separated from the adjacent room by the door or partition. It is explained by the fact that in the case of an explosion of a gas or a fire that arose from the gas stove, the door will be a barrier to penetrate fire in the nearby room.

Revolution in the kitchen

Lyudmila Kozlova, Deputy Director for Design and Marketing Architectural and Construction Firm "Leve-Artis"

"In connection with the introduction of changes to the law of Moscow No. 37 of September 29, 1999." The opposite of the premises in residential buildings in Moscow "The requirements for redeveloping the kitchen became tougher. Ito correctly, since many engineering communications are concentrated in the kitchen, and in the kitchen The reconstruction time is touched upon not only the "filling" of one apartment, but also the whole house. Another thing was that it was assumed to simplify the coordination procedure, but in fact it was complicated. For example, it was necessary to sign the Agreement of Parties with the owners of the adjacent premises for the MVK. Now It is necessary to take permission to redevelop the residents of the entire entrance. Perform such a requirement is difficult. The exit from the situation can be an insurance policy, which will ensure the protection of interests as affected by third parties and the owners of the reconstructed apartment. The cost of the insurance policy is approximately 0.2% of the cost of construction - Mortar works, draft materials and equipment. "

Still, you can!

Revolution in the kitchen
Architectural Studio Kuzmin Head Pavel Kuzmin, designer Gulzhat Karipovatto can be taken if the kitchen association and loggia became your cherished dream? Architects advise to establish a sliding door between the two premises so that the world's warm season is formed. Akak and winter? Here is the possible option. The owner of one of the reconstructed apartments decided forever "register" on the dining room loggia. He decided the heat problem with the help of triple glass and electric heating devices, which are taken to the loggia in the winter.

According to our Snipham, the concept of "studio" does not exist. However, create a "studio" in the form of a kitchen-living room really even in houses with gas plates, if you resort to the same "trick" - sliding doors. In brine with electrical plates of problems with the coordination of the kitchen-living room, it usually does not occur: it is possible to completely remove the nonsense wall, and in the carrier make the opening from90 to 120 cm.

Due to what is allowed to expand the kitchen? Only at the expense of non-residential premises (storage room, corridor). Harmful cases can be coordinated by the increase in the kitchen area at the expense of the residential room.

The project is only the beginning

The first documents that should be, is a technical project (TP), which defines how to plan a new kitchen, and technical conclusion (TK) on the status of structures. Full information about the design features of your home is located in the architectural bureau or the institute that has been designing it. If we are talking about a typical object, then contact Mosproject, MoszhilniaProject, MNIITEP IDR. The project is the basis, but at the same time only the beginning. A matage of receiving it in the hands until the permission of the MVK on redevelopment will take a lot of time, forces and financial resources.

Revolution in the kitchen

Sergey Alekseev, Commercial Director of Rick CJSC

"It's not a secret to anyone (even the coordinating authorities inform about this) that in Moscow there are many firms collaborating with private architects and designers who independently develop redevelopment projects, and also prepare technical conclusions, not having a license for designing buildings and structures. They enjoy the name of specialized design organizations, while no responsibility to the city services. The cost of services of such a coordination company is significantly reduced and looks very attractive for the client. The in the distance like "coordination" can turn into the need to re-driving on instances, time loss and money".

"The Road to Calvary"

Revolution in the kitchen
Architectural Studio Kuzmin Head Pavel Kuzmin, designer Gulshat Karipovali You will decide to deal with the reconstruction of the reconstruction project in the district interdepartmental commission independently, be prepared for the fact that you will have to go through a very cheerful and tedious procedure. The first thing you encounter is the queues that resemble the times of total deficit.

Auzho on bureaucratic wires and not to speak! Imparably remember and this is today the current lines of Mayakovsky on bureaucrats and all sorts of "proseted". Avot and list of documents that still need to be represented in the MVK (until the "single window" system does not earn):

1. Continuing plan of the apartment with the explication of the room, as well as the premises adjacent to it (BTI).

2.The ideological conclusion on the status of structures (MoszhilniaProject, MNIITEP IDR.).

3. The redevelopment project, made in accordance with the current Snip requirements of the corresponding specialized organization (Moszhilniaproekt, MNIITEP, Mosproject).

4. A sign on the author's supervision with the project organization.

5. The status of the structure and extract from the BTI passport (form1a and form5).

6.The Financial and Facial Account.

7.This from the house book.

8.Sanepidenzor (SES), Mrs. Epidezor, Balancer (DEZ, ECC, Office), District Architectural and Planning Department (RAPAP), State Housing Inspectorate of the Prefecture of the Administrative District. If necessary, re-planning should also be agreed with MGP "MOSGAZ", IHP "Mosvodokanal", the management of fuel and energy economy.

9. The assignment of all adult tenants and the owners of the reconstructed premises with the stated redevelopment, certified in the housing body at the location of the apartment (Ra, DEZ). To sign a certificate is obliged to all adult persons who have owned ownership.

10. Documents on the right of ownership of the apartment.

11. Agreement of the Agreement of the Parties (with the residents of the entrance).

12. Insurance report.

13. Tagging on garbage collection.

14.Newing a general meeting of the housing partnership (LCD, housing and communal services) - in the case when re-equipment affects common areas.

If, after reading this list, your desire to coordinate anything instantly disappeared, we advise you to refer to the specialists.

Skem cooperate?

Revolution in the kitchen

These experts can be employees of architectural and construction or legal companies dealing with redevelopment agreement. The cost of their services varies from $ 900 to $ 2500. As practice shows, self-"walking on flour" can be delayed for a year and a half and not always end up with a positive decision. When contacting the company, the process of coordination usually takes half a year, and in the case of an accelerated option, half-orphanage. However, the price of such "acceleration" is 30-40% higher.

You will need to provide employees of the company following the following documents: a copy of the document confirming your ownership of housing, a power of attorney to a specific person who will be engaged in instances by instances, as well as an apartment plan, before and after the alleged reorganization.

Revolution in the kitchen

Valery Kireev, General Director of Rick CJSC

"Deciding with the choice of a firm providing services to coordinate redevelopment, it is necessary to evaluate the conditions offered by it, namely: the terms of approval (from six months to two months), type of contract, the amount of the service. Before concerning coordination, the company's specialists are obliged to examine the object of reorganization, learn Necessary initial documents for this object and offer the Customer to choose a few options for obtaining permission. Only after that the company can clearly designate the cost of the service. Warganizations professionally engaged in coordination must be a website on the Internet, where you can get information about the activities of the enterprise, the types of services provided to them , possible options for design solutions, as well as valuable advice on matching issues. "

Terms of matching

Revolution in the kitchen
Studio "Interior Design" Designer Vasily Antipovsposle how the MVK adopted a positive decision, follow 2- 4 weeks to wait for an extract from the protocol. Having on his hands this document, you get the full right to start redevelopment. The lifetime of the MVK is specified during which construction and repair work should be completed. It is usually given from four months to one year.

However, in practice, often the owner of the apartment does not want to wait until the tedious coordination process is over, and seeks to start transformations as early as possible. In order for the "Kitchen Revolution, which began without permission, the Kitchen Revolution was legitimate, enter into an agreement with a law firm engaged in coordination of redevelopments, and be sure to receive technical conclusion on the status of structures. According to Alexei Tarchenkova, General Director of Centrierswis, if you have these two papers, then by 99% we can say that the permission of the MVK will be obtained.

What's next?

After redevelopment, it is necessary to obtain the latest document on the ownership of the apartment. To do this, you should sign in the operational organization an act on the work performed, to order a new apartment plan in the BTI and pass these documents to the establishment of justice to register rights and real estate transactions. The term of issuing a new certificate of ownership of the apartment-month.

Alexey Tyrchenkov, General Director of Centrierswis

"A new version of the law introduces the author's supervision of the project organization. The architect who performed a technical project should be in accordance with the law and the contract with the owner of the apartment to carry out redevelopment. By the way, it is in the interests of the owner of the apartment. If any problem occurs later, and the reorganization is made according to the project, then the responsibility falls on the design organization.

Technological supervision is also held. It is carried out by representatives of exploiting organizations (Ra, Wheck IT.D.). Now they were given the right to control the reorganization and notify the commissions in the prefecture if illegal redevelopment was revealed. The owner of such an apartment is issued prescription to eliminate this violation.

The new provisions of the law limit the time of repair. It is impossible to produce repair and construction work on weekends and holidays, on weekdays - earlier 9.00 and later 19.00. The penalties are applied by penalties - from2 to 20mal wages. Astroesive organization-contractor can deprive the licenses. "

Almost Shakespearev question

Revolution in the kitchen

Revolution in the kitchen
Four bedroom apartment in a monolithic house. The project was supposed to make the kitchen by passing room, for which it was necessary to cut two openings in the nonsense partition. Problems with the coordination of such redevelopment usually does not occur, because the capital walls it does not affect or not? Or maybe refuse the tiring procedure for obtaining permits and quietly realize the conceived? First, it will not work quietly: the punch of the perforator will be heard throughout the entrance, and the heaps of construction waste will cause inevitable curiosity among the alerted old women, "patted" on the access bears. They will not promise to ask who it "destroys" the house, and run into the hop to share your concern. What will happen next, predict is easy. According to the new administrative code, which came into effect from 1 Iyulya 2002, for unauthorized reorganization of residential premises in apartment buildings, a fine is relying in the amount of from 20 to 25mal wage. In addition, if during the reconstruction, construction standards and rules, fire safety and sanitation requirements were violated, and this has adversely affected the technical condition of the whole home, you will be obliged to return everything to its original state. Listening to the abandon from such a repair, according to Article293 of the Civil Codecarf of the apartment owner, can deprive the rights of ownership and implement an apartment with auction for compensation for damage caused. Is it worth waiting for a similar version of the development of events? However, we are not supporters of "threatening with your finger", so we call on not only to lawy, but also just to common sense. I am a single argument. Illegally reconstructed apartment can not be sold nor exchange. Therefore, to the question "to be or not to be agreed?" The answer is only one: to be!

The editors thanks the company "Leve-Artis", "CenterReservice", "Rik" and the regulatory and technical documentation department of the Russian government for help in the preparation of material.

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