In point of view of the floor


The floor in the kitchen should be resistant to fat, moisture, mechanical damage and not worry. Options for flooring.

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In point of view of the floor

In point of view of the floor
Book Floors Quick Step from Unilin Flooring Fill the kitchen with warm and sunlight
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Parquet "Maple Country Three Pieces" from the Tarkett Sommer is equipped with a new system of connecting "ultras", so it is fixed
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Do you think this is a parquet? No, this is his successful imitation from the new Linoleum collection from the company Tarkett Sommer

In point of view of the floor

In point of view of the floor
Laminated coating device
In point of view of the floor

Why do not people fly like poultry? .. Alas, we are not a bird, and therefore we walk and all that lies under your feet, - carpets, linoleum, parquet. AB some rooms, such as in the kitchen, do it particularly diligently. Consequently, the choice of kitchen flooring should be taken very carefully. It must be resistant to fat, moisture, mechanical damage, it is easy to carry frequent washing and do not worry for a long time. The most suitable options experts consider ceramic tiles and linoleum, but there is also a chance to take their place in the kitchen and other finishing materials.

Ceramic tile

In ancient Rome, the floors were faced with ceramic tiles. It is an outline in its practical and aesthetic opportunities, it is out of competition. This material is distinguished by strength, 10-20 times superior cement strength. The high stiffness indicator allows ceramics not to bend and not deformed. It does not conduct an electric current, does not fade under the influence of sunlight, is not subjected to destruction when contacting chemicals. The hygienic properties of the material and the ease of cleaning make it an indispensable floor covering for the kitchen. So a single important "for" in favor of ceramics is its environmental friendliness.

Another kind of tiled floor-ceramic granite. This artificial material exceeds its natural analog-natural granite, not only in many technical properties, but also aesthetically, significantly expanding the natural color palette.

Ceramic coatings can be successfully combined with wall decoration, ceiling, kitchen furniture. The main thing is to comply with the unity of the style. Virre Ceramics today there are all from Ampira to High Tek. Strict geometric drawings come to replace the bright screaming panels, as well as imitation of natural material, mramorrhus, limestone, granite, semi-precious stones Idr. Parquet alumens can use a "wooden" version of porcelain stoneware, precisely imitating texture and color shades of wood.

Undoubtedly, ceramic tiles have many advantages. However, to say that ceramics is ideal for the kitchen floor with the coating, it is still impossible. Objectivity for the sake of mentioning its shortcomings. The material is extremely solid, and therefore falling on the floor glass or porcelain dishes the chances of "survive" are practically no. An authentic subject when dropping can scratch or even split part of the tile.

Another minus ceramics is its coldness. Although specialists believe that the temperature on the surface of the tile is equal to the temperature in the room, still agree with them. Especially, if you like half a barefoot at least 10-15 minutes. Therefore, a warm floor is laid to ensure the necessary comfort. However, it is necessary to remember that not for all products from ceramics can be installed this system. So, the tile made of red clay is prone to cracking from the temperature drop. For facing floors with heated, a tile with a shard of high-quality white clay, as well as clinker.

In point of view of the floor

Evgeny Letichevsky, General Director of Ceramholding

"When choosing a floor ceramics, you should pay attention to such parameters as surface hardness and wear resistance. For the kitchen coating, it is necessary to use a tile with indicators 3-4 on the wear resistance scale and 4-5 on the hardness scale. Such products will serve as much as it is Stand building. Ceramic tile- Extremely durable material.

Achto concerns her "broken up" is only a question of compliance with the technology of laying. Properly executed base should be perfectly smooth and well "grab" the tile so that the emptiness is not formed. If glue plays only in the center of the tile, and the angles are "hanging" in the air, sooner or later they will be broken.

Alsome one important point. Praphrazing Bulgakov, it can be said that the kitchen is the very place where "Annushka sheds oil" most often. If not butter, then water or other liquid, which is why the floor lined with ceramic tiles turns into a rink. That is why we advise clients to purchase a tight tile in the kitchen. But some consumers persist in their choice, preferring elementary safety gloss on the floor. "

The choice of ceramic tiles today is unusually wide: from an inexpensive domestic material ($ 6-10 / m2) to the exquisite collections of ceramics from Italy and Spain ($ 45-90 / m2). By the way, it is the Italians that the last 100 years set tone in the tile fashion. They constantly improve the technology and annually update the range. Thanks to this, for the remains of last year's collection, not included in the new catalog, you can often get a discount from 15 to 30%.

Although the care of ceramics is quite simple, still need to follow some rules. So, it is not recommended to use aggressive detergents on an acid-based basis, which may damage the intercutric seams, as well as abrasive substances, especially if the tile has a glossy surface.

In point of view of the floor
In point of view of the floor
Casa Dolce Casa.
In point of view of the floor

Due to the decoration from various ceramic tiles, the working area of ​​the kitchen, made in the style of Hi-tech, and the living area are delimited.

In point of view of the floor
Photo of Evgenia Lichina
In point of view of the floor
In point of view of the floor
In point of view of the floor
Dvarcioniu Keramika.

A shift bright panels come imitued with natural materials


Famous humanity is already over 100 years old, Linoleum remains one of the most common and affordable floor finish options in the kitchen. True, today he is very different from the one we are accustomed to Soviet times. Linoleum manufacturers are constantly improving produced products, because now quite high demands are presented. The material should be resistant to chemicals and lights, have bactericidal properties, pass pressure test and flammability. Modern patterns of linoleum become practically universal, so the demand for these coatings increases.

Initially, the linoleum was a natural material consisting of linseed oil, wood cork flour, lime powder, colored and white pigments and jute fabric. According to European standards and today, the linoleum is only a material in which resins and oils of plant origin are used as binders. At the moment, only three companies are published all over the world: Forbo, DLW and Sommer. Natural linoleum is an environmentally clean material with linseed oil, bactericidal properties included in its composition. Moreover, this feature is maintained throughout the entire coverage service (30-40 years). It is high strength, faintlessly, antistatic, resistant to household chemicals and aggressive environments, it can be placed on heated floors. Coloring in natural linoleum due to the specificity of the production of one-photon, with light marble divorces or motley splashes. In appearance, it looks like a natural stone. The price of such a material is about $ 15-20 for 1m2. The coating does not require frequent care: manufacturers recommend rubbed it once every six months with special mastic to keep the aesthetic surface quality and facilitate cleaning.

Today, consumers today are more likely preferred to a synthetic analogue of natural linoleum-coating on a foam basis. It has a great appearance, no moisture is afraid, it is characterized by high wear resistance, creates good sound and thermal insulation, allows you to hide minor floor defects. The upper protective layer ensures resistance to long-term point loads, and the layer of the foam structure is the elasticity of the material. The service life is 8-10 years. Cost - from $ 3 for 1m2.

Linoleum natural and artificial linoleum. In terms of application and wear resistance, it is divided into three groups: household, semi-commercial and commercial. Household, in turn, is divided into two types of PVC-based (foamed or monolithic) and based on polyester. The most common linoleum on PVC-based, having a thickness of from1 to 4mm. The protective layer is 0.15-0.35mm. The main advantages of the material is an excellent appearance, the possibility of fast and efficient wet cleaning, sound insulation and relative durability (on average 5-10 years). Household linoleum on a polyester-based basis is a cloth up to 3 mm thick, which consists of a film with an applied pattern, concurred based on synthetic fiber. The top layer of material is rather thin, so such a coating is quite sensitive to mechanical damage. Semi-commercial linoleum is similar to household on a foam basis, but with a reinforced protective layer (layer of wear) - from 0.35 to 0.7 mm. Calculated for heavy loads, it is sprinkled in public spaces, as well as in residential rooms with increased permeability. Great for kitchen. Commercial linoleum is fundamentally different from the domestic structure and is intended for use in public places.

The thinner of the linoleum, the shorter the requirements for the surface on which it is placed. Consider: the irregularities of the poorly prepared foundation will not only rush into the eyes, but also significantly accelerate the coverage. In addition, the basis must necessarily be dry.

Before laying the coating, the base must be carefully cleansed from garbage and dust with a vacuum cleaner. The new rolls of the linoleum roll over and give them to relax in order to disperse the smell and the material is a bit unfounded. Regarding the direction of laying the coating, there are a number of recommendations, but there are no uniform rules, it all depends on the area of ​​the room, the size of rolls, lighting, the method of attaching the canvases. Kresmerra, single-color or marble drawing Materials Stelites in the direction of light - so creates the impression of the monolith of the coating. Linoleum with a pattern is placed along the room. But do not forget when buying such a material to make some stock in length (10-20 cm per piece) to fit the pattern.

After a decision was made about the method of laying a linoleum, proceed to its discoloration. To do this, it is better to take advantage of special scissors with replaceable blades. Trapezoid blades serve for marking, and hooked-shaped, for cutting. When you have to leave a small reserve (5-6cm) for climbing the coverage to the walls. The cluster is performed only after the cutting material is completed. To turn out to be smooth, use a special tool that called the Wall Planner.

Glue for natural linoleum-pin. This means that immediately after its application can be applied to the base. Adhesives for PVC linoleum, as a rule, require 5-10-minute waiting (maturation), and only then the material should be attached. The laid linoleum is needed or rolled with special heavy rollers, or to last to the base using a cork board. This is done both to remove bubbles and for uniform gluing material. The pierced swolling pierced and rolling the canvas again or press the cargo for several days (at least two). Suts, if necessary, weld.

In point of view of the floor

Ekaterina Boldyreva, Head of the Studio "Sphere"

"Now the linoleum is undeservedly used in residential interiors, in particular in the kitchen, because they are associated with customers with a cheap floor covering, which was unreasonable in Soviet times. This attitude to the linoleum is unnecessary, because the material produced today has a lot of advantages. It not only allows you to make The floor is wear-resistant and economical, but also opens up huge opportunities for design: thanks to a wide range of colors, as well as various types of canvases (rolls, tiles), the coating can be flattened with patterns and create original drawings. Worldwide manufacturers constantly update their range. So, one From the new products of this year, the Moduuline collection from Tarkett. There are square and rectangular tiles, imitating parquet, wood, stone, metal.

In order for the linoleum to retain his appearance for a long time, the simplest cleaning is required. Initially, it is recommended to clean it from dirt and dust with a vacuum cleaner, and then rinse with warm water with the addition of a liquid detergent of soft action. It should not be filled with water during washing. The emerging pollution is better to delete immediately. When cleaning, it is impossible to use such substances such as gasoline and bleach, abrasive means, as well as graters made of metal fibers.

Today, the Russian flooring of the floor coverings offers a potential buyer of Linoleum with more than 30stran in the world. Products of the company TARKETT (Germany), a transnational company Forbo, ArmStrong (United Kingdom), Gerflor (France), Graboplast (Hungary) won in our country. Linoleum has produced more than 40 enterprises.

In point of view of the floor

In point of view of the floor
Stylish and strong flooring from the company Tarkett Sommer fill the interior with new colors and bring the atmosphere of warmth and coziness to the house
In point of view of the floor
Tarkett Sommer.

Amazing light effect is achieved due to glossy coating, creating a unique game of light and shadow

In point of view of the floor

When cleaning linoleum, it is impossible to use such substances such as gasoline and bleaching, abrasive agents and metal fibers

In point of view of the floor
Tarkett Sommer.
In point of view of the floor

Idle cork

Until recently, the ceramic tile and linoleum were almost given to other finishing materials the ability to "get a residence permit" in the kitchen. Today, materials based on cork are among the practical and comfortable, diverse design and the suitable price of kitchen flooring.

The natural plug is a corter of cork oak growing in the Mediterranean basin, mainly in Portugal, Spain, some areas of Algeria and Morocco. Already mastered the reproduction of oak on an industrial scale. The bark from the tree is removed every nine years since the age of 25, so forests do not suffer and constantly give environmentally friendly raw materials. This material has a bouquet of excellent properties. Due to its molecular structure (more than 85% of the volume occupy the cells filled with oxygen) and the composition (lignin and cork substance suberin), the plug is characterized by a low weight, low thermal conductivity and sound permeability, as well as hydrophobicity and resistance to household chemicals. It springs, easily and quickly restores the form, does not accumulate static electricity and reduces the effect of geopathogenic zones. The cork does not touch the bugs and rodents, do not destroy the fungi.

Textures of cork coatings are diverse, from fine-grained to a plate resembling marble. Light color coloramic gamma includes warm shades of yellow, ocher and brown. In addition, products are produced with colorful splashes and color! In short, the possibilities of creating an original interior with a plug more than enough.

Vevecé cork materials sell a limited number of firms. Amorim's Portuguese Corporations are among them (over 50% of world traffic production) and Valerio, Spanish companies Bertrancork, Roda, Arescork, Primacork, Novocork, German Bertrancork, DearaScork, Roda, Primacork, Novocork, Decosa. The first one of the listed- Amorim has its own representation in Russia and supplies products under the brars of IPocork and Wicanders.

Since the plug is rare, and therefore the checked, the manufacturers have come up with how to spend it economically. There are two methods of industrial cork processing. First-cutting of the veneer, that is, thin plates (from 0.3 to 1 mm thick), from bark pieces. The plates are then attached to a solid base, for example, on the panel from an elevated waterproof chipboard (DSP-B). The second method is pressing cork crumb. The bark is crushed into the granules (crumb), dry and pressed into blocks or rolled into the stove at high temperatures. The material obtained, specialists call agglomerated, or granular, plug. Granules are connected by adhesive properties of the cork subterynamic fluid. This technology guarantees the environmental purity of the product. Pressed blocks cut on the plates and finish: decorated with a veneer of cork (or wood), grind, lacquer it.d.

In point of view of the floor

Fyodor Kleschev, Commercial Director of Kork-Service

"Cork-stable material. Validity from a piece parquet, parquet board and laminate, it slowly changes linear dimensions with a drop of moisture. Protected by varnish cork can be safely used in any wet room, and including in the kitchen. For the kitchen more suitable Cork coatings that are fastened to the base with the help of glue and additionally treated with wear-resistant varnish (preferably in three layers). EVENTION On the type of finishing trim, the cork in the factory conditions is covered either by a layer of varnish that performs the function of the primer, or the protective layer of polyvinyl (medical, from which valves produce artificial heart) with durability of class 33, 42.

Many consumers are bothering whether the cork floor can withstand possible "flood" in the kitchen. In compliance with the laying technology and the finishing coating of several layers of varnish, insignificant spills of water plug are absolutely not terrible. If we are talking about the breakthrough of the plumbing pipe, of course, this is a serious test for a larger number of finishing materials. However, from a similar situation, cork floors overlook much smaller losses (and more often and without anything else) than, for example, parquet or laminate. "

The basis for flooring serves as an extruded cork crumb (agglomerate), which is then applied with a natural plug. Top floors Massive merits. First of us, environmental friendliness (in the production of material, chemical components are added only at the finishing stage). Another plus-high sound insulation properties. In addition, the plug is the perfect heat insulator, so there is no need for an additional heating of the floor. Being an elastic material, the plug, firstly, is favorably affecting the human musculoskeletal system, significantly reducing the load on the spine, and secondly, it is not exposed to deformation from the furniture legs. As already mentioned, cork floors do not create a static field, which means they do not attract dust, thereby making cleaning less laborious. They have a very high friction coefficient - 0.4, therefore, the risk of slipping on them is minimized.

By the method of laying the coating can be divided into two categories: adhesive and "floating". For adhesive floors, relatively thin tiles are 3.2 thick; 4 and 6mm (300300mm) or plates (900150 and 600300mm). Samples with a thickness of 3.2 mm (Wicanders) are made with multi-layered: bottom glue base, then a damping layer made of granular cork, which decorated with a cork veneer and protect the wear-resistant transparent varnish. Thicker products (4 and 6mm) veneer do not finish, and the entire core is performed from agglomerate (ARESCORK, RODA, PRIMACORK).

Such a type of coating requires even and dry base. For mounting tiles use special brand glue. They are tightly pressed to each other and to the floor in the corners. Putting a small section of the coating, it is carefully rolled by a heavy roller.

"Floating" floors are laid out of cork parquet floors with a thickness of 9, 10 or 12mm and size 900180 or 900185mm, arranged according to the "Sandwich" principle: a rigid base of 4-6mm thick from MDF plates or DVP top covered with a layer of pressed 2-4mm thick layer, and a lower layer (2mm) of a tree or cork. Parquet plaques to the base are not attached, but are connected with each other with spikes or branded glue.

Original cork materials will cost cheaper of products from the array: 1m2 floor facing costs from 23 to 37. The price of cork parquet - from 32 to 44 for 1m2, the veneer veneer used for it increases the coating cost for another 4-6.

In point of view of the floor

Cour from cork oak remove every nine years since

from 25 years old, so forests do not suffer and constantly give environmentally friendly raw materials

In point of view of the floor
In point of view of the floor

Textures of cork coatings are diverse - from fine-grained to a lamellar resembling marble

In point of view of the floor
In point of view of the floor

In point of view of the floor

The plug is the perfect heat insulator, so there is no need for an additional heating of the floor. Cases of material applies to high sound insulation

In point of view of the floor
Thanks to special preparations for cleaning products from the tube from the company Haro, care for cork floor does not represent any difficulty

Parquet and laminate

Products from wood-based materials (and laminate applies to them), frankly, not the most appropriate option for the kitchen. It is no less lovers of "Chic" put parquet in the kitchen. Parquet floors look great, successfully combined with wooden furniture and "natural" accessories. They are environmentally friendly, comfortable. However, the flooring of the parquet, and the care of it requires professional skills.

Parquet selection Today is extremely wide on the rocks of the middle strip trees (oak, ash, beplace, maple, cherry, acacia, pear) to exotic (bamboo, red tree, Merbau, Iroquo, Wenge, Sikamora). The latter have a high density due to climatic characteristics of growth, and therefore optimal for kitchen flooring. From the breeds of our region, the greatest resistance to moisture is exhibiting oak, tick, ash. Parquet prices range from $ 14 to $ 55 for 1m2 "native" wood and from $ 52 to $ 220 for 1m2 "Exotic". Main suppliers of parquet board at the Russian market - the company TARKETT (Germany), Parla, Upofloor (Finland).

With all the undoubted advantages of the parquet, it is in the kitchen, he is able to show his difficult "temper" to the fullest. A frequent change of temperature and humidity regime significantly reduces the life of the coating. So, with humidity below 30%, it is possible to expect irreversible changes in the structure of the tree, as well as with humidity above 85%. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature and humidity in the room. Parquet in the kitchen should be covered with five layers of varnish. The most vulnerable place is a technological cut (the side surface of the parquet, separated from the wall with a distance of 10-15mm and covered on top of the plinth). It is advisable to fill it with elastic silicone sealant.

Piece parquet - Coating from wooden planks having the following overall dimensions: length from 200 to 450 mm, width from 40 to 70mm, thickness from 14 to 22mm. It is made from the massif of the trees of valuable breeds; On the side and end faces of the planks, as a rule, spikes and grooves are made for better bonding elements when assembling. On the market there is a piece parquet covered in the factory. Such a coating is more durable, since the polymerization of the varnish occurs under the action of ultraviolet.

Shield parquet - Outdoor wood coating made in the form of shields. Typically, shields have a square shape with a side size from 400 to 800mm (thickness from 20 to 40mm).

Parquet board glued - coating in the form of a multilayer structure consisting of a coniferous substrate and the facial layer of valuable wood with a protection of several layers of varnish. Overall dimensions of the board: Length from 2000 to 2500mm, width from 180 to 200mm, thickness from 18 to 20mm.

Massive parquet board It is performed from the planks of the valuable rocks of the tree, which are interconnected by side and end faces. Board length from 2000 to 2500mm, width - from 120 to 200mm, thickness - from 18 to 22mm.

Laminate - artificial coating with imitation of a natural tree pattern. The basis of the material is a compacted fibrous plate, covered on top of a particularly stable film. The reduced side of the substrate slab is a stabilizing film that prevents moisture penetration.

If you choose between the parquet and laminate, then it is still better to make a choice in favor of the latter, since it is more resistant to all external influences. Laminate does not scratch and not remembered, for a long time retains the initial look. Under it can be mounted a system of warm floors, since the coating withstands the heating of the base to + 27c. If there is a class33 laminate in the kitchen, it will last up to 50 years old, class 32- to 15 years. The variety of colors (all the breeds of wood, including exotic, granite and marble of various shades) allows it to organically fit into any interior. The cost of this type of floor covering is from $ 22 to $ 32 for 1m2. Leading producers - Germany, Finland, Sweden.

Laminate is laminated by a "floating" way to a special moisture-resistant substrate without the use of glue. This type of laying is called Beslev. Spike and groove plates are inserted into each other and snap like a castle. With this form of the assembly, if necessary, you can remove the damaged panel and replace it with a new one.

As with other flooring, the laminate has its own minuses, it is sensitive to moisture on the edges. If moisture is leaked in the seam or under the plinth, the material will start to swell. For this reason, only laminate is suitable for the kitchen with a special moisture-resistant impregnation along the entire surface of the plate - for example, the products from the Kichen series (its name ("kitchen") speaks for itself) produced by Pergo (Sweden). The joints of the plates are saturated with an oil on a wax basis, which is why the surface of the coating is good "holding" moisture (the puddle on the floor remains in one place, does not spread), and the variety of colors and shades allows you to use it in the interiors of any styles. Experts note that recently consumers are in the textured, "vintage" species of laminate. If earlier preference was given to the coatings of light and neutral tones, then the magnificity and the flow of the decor are relevant today.

In point of view of the floor

Anna Ivanova, Parket Center sales manager

"Kitchen is one of the most favorite places in the house, so the owners try to equip it as comfortable and beautifully. Inapole coverage plays here not the last role. But those who choose a piece parquet must keep in mind that the repair to do quite often. With an active movement in the kitchen, the coating can be extermined in 3-4 years. In this case, its restoration will be required. Grinding (removal of varnish and thin wood layer) 1M2 parquet costs from $ 5 to $ 8. Laca coating in three layers- $ 4.5 per 1m2, not Including the value of materials. Significantly longer (10 years or more) will serve the parquet for which the lacquer was applied in the factory conditions. They will help extend the service life of the floor and various wax clips. For general cleaning, removal from the parquet of stains there are special detergents, for example, perfectly cope With any kind of pollution, Dr. schutz preparations. Placement of parquet is desirable to perform in the cold season when the tree is in a compressed state. Then The appearance of the appearance in the further slots between the planks will be extremely small. "

The editorial board thanks the company "Ceramholding", "Cork-Service", "Parquetrter", "Polimpex", "Sphere" studio for help in the preparation of material.

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