Soft landing!


Overview of transformed upholstered furniture: Types of transformation mechanisms, materials for "filling", skeletal species, upholstery options, prices.

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"Kungalv" with a mechanism for transformation "book" and removable x / b Case (IKEA)
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(MBelzeit) unfolded on the principle of "Eurobooks"

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Model Giorgio ("Franz Fertig")
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In models from the Collection of Strike from Comfort (Gruppo Longhi), the upper part is fixed in five different positions, and the lower-three. Bed and sofa can be added to the palm
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The transformable Sona sofa ("Franz Fertig") a long back is backing back, and a minibar is hidden in the depths of the short back
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Verona Classic Sofa (fromMholz) with armrests

With transformers almost all are manually executed. The back repeats the shape of the human body and supports the spine sitting in the right position.

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Diva (Busnelli) with the "Colding" mechanism forms a bed of 115200, 140200 or 160200cm (depending on the sofa length)
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Armrests are moved to the parties - and at your service two narrow table
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"EKTORP" (IKEA) - another representative of "clamshells"
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The mattress is placed on wooden lats, which, unlike the metal mesh, prevent the effect of hammock
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Removable case is easily erased in the car. Cata models can additionally purchase covers of various colors
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Mechanism "Tornado" in the model "Manchester"

("Prestige-Furniture") provides a high and even sleeping place in size 140190cm

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For the corner sofa "Dominic"


Classic ") developed four types of armrests, including in the form of petals

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The "Dolphin" mechanism is rolled out from under the seat. Now it remains to pull the handle of the mechanism up-forward and bring the lower pillows in the bed

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A bright representative of the transformable furniture with the Dolphin mechanism (HUKLA). The back will protect against contact with the wall. Filler sofa-latex polyurethane foam
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("Prestige-furniture") with a sleeping space 155197cm

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Decorative linings are made of beech. Pillow Covers Removable, Lightning

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Corner sofa Paris (Hukla) with a beech frame, a reliable labeling mechanism and an upholstery of NOVALIFE, impregnated with a special composition, which are not scary "eaten" spots, no sharp claws cats, nor strong dog teeth
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"Adele" from MBelzeit can be "dressed" in the skin
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The model from "Franz Fertig" is slightly raised above the floor, which gives it additional airiness
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Two representatives of the Beding family on steel frameworks and removable covers (IKEA): "Beding Standard" with a box for bed linen (a) and "Beding Popple" (b)

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Reflex with a bent back. Thanks to the mechanism of "Puma" the seat cushions are capable of moving along the trajectory resembling a hop of a predatory animal, with the result that the sofa turns into bed

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One of the armrests of the BAG Bed model (L-Style) is made in the form of a box for linen
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"Favorite" with the mechanism of transformation "Accordion" there are silent rubber roller supports ("Conceptual")
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"Douglas" with the mechanism of "Eurobook" and removable lining-

tables made of polished wood ("Allegro-


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"Hollywood" - a sleeping place is separated from the wall with a special back (s). "Labrador" - armrests that can be installed on ten levels of height (b)

("Furniture Factories


Soft landing!
Photo by D. Minkin


("Liberty") with removable armrests

Soft landing!
Photo A. Elistratova

A sofa Puzzle (Innovation) Of course, for everyday, more precisely, the everyday rest is better to have a separate bedroom, and in her wide bed. But not all the inhabitants of our country can afford it. Ocstablish the bedroom in the daytime is reincarnated into the office or living room, and the bed with the help of folding mechanisms is to the sofa, couch or armchair. If the apartment is small, and the hosts are hospitable, it is also necessary to think about how with the minimum number of furniture to provide bedroom seats of suddenly gorges relatives and at the same time not to retain them (or themselves) on the floor. This is where it comes to the help of upholstered furniture with transformation mechanisms, which we have dedicated to this review. It will be considered exclusively objects that can turn into a sleeping place. For more information, we recommend contacting previous publications of our journal affecting this topic: "Click-Click and other transformations", "softness without borders", "Home Cabinet Metamorphosis" and "Throne Place of the XXI Century".

Sofa inside ...

Transformation mechanisms. Times when the sofa bed was stably associated with the "book", long ago passed. The modern market presents a very wide range of folding upholstered furniture with dozens of transformation mechanisms, the number of which is increasing every year. So at least somehow in these mechanisms understand, we propose to divide them into categories.

First category - We will take the mechanisms that act on the principle of the locking lock ("click"). This is a "book" - when the seat of the sofa, along with the back, overturns back, and then folds up, forming a wide sleeping place; "Click-Click" - the sofa back can be recorded in three positions: horizontal, vertical and intermediate (Relax). There are still upholstered furniture with raster (movable) armrests, head restraints, etc. These, for example, the Elf Couch from the Furniture Furniture Factory (Russia) and the Strike series from Comfort (Gruppo Longhi, Italy). Their individual elements can be recorded on several levels at different angles. Achetoba Change the position, say, armrest, it is necessary to lift it up to click, and then omit to the desired level.

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Each armrest has this "elf" ("Furniture Furniture March 8" ") is fixed in four different positions, one of which is horizontal. The seat lift mechanism is equipped with unloading springs facilitating access to the lounge compartment.

Second category - These are folding mechanisms working on the principle of "scroll". This refers to the various kinds of "clamshells": American, designed for everyday use, with a mattress with a thickness of 10-12 cm; French guest velocity with a much more subtle mattress. An example of "clamshells" example can be brought by diva production of Busnelli (Italy), "ETTORP" (IKEA, Sweden).

Third category - Retractable or retractable mechanisms (today they are most popular). "Eurobook" - an option in which there is almost nothing to break in the sofa: the seat must be shifted by itself, and put a back on his place. For example, the model "Alupic" of the Russian company "Liberty" is unfolded. The second option is "Dolphin" when an additional element is shifted from under the seat forward, and then the up-forward displacement is driven into the upper bed. This is the "Dominic" model (Allegro-Classic, Russia), Paris (Hukla, Germany) IDR. In the "Sofa" on the retractable mechanism on top of the pillows of the back or seat. Sofa, folded forward, as a rule, has three sections (the third leaves back).

Among the latest developments, the antipersion system, which is mounted in the roll-out mechanisms to prevent their displacement when the sofa is inaccurate. Such devices can be found in folding upholstered furniture MBelzeit factories, "Good Style" (Russia), Freling (United Kingdom) IDR.

Fourth category - These are turning mechanisms that allow you to deploy a sedentary place on 90. Harlovy sofas in this way can be obtained by a wide sleeping place: the moving part of the seat on special wheels is rolled and joins the fixed, after which it is fixed with a special ribbon and retainer.

Fifth category - It is possible to include mechanisms folded on the principle of "harmonic". This is the "Accordion" - when the sofa or chairs are twice the back of the sofa (example, the "Favorite" from "Conceptual", Russia) and "Cascade" - when half the seat (Wizard from Comfort (Gruppo Longhi).

Since one of the only listed mechanisms assume the presence of a box for linen ("book", Eurobook), and the other is no ("clamshell", "dolphin"), then the first are more often installed in ordinary sofas, and the second Corners, in which the lounge box can be located in the sector adjacent to the main sofa at an angle.

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The Wizard Sofa from Comfort (Gruppo Longhi) The seat, laid out, is put forward forward, and the back is stacked in its place. Thus, it turns out a sleeping place in 195170cm with a thickness of the mattress 15cm.

Filling up soft furniture. Now it is not limited to springs, foam rubber, feather and down. There were new materials.

latex - Elastic, durable and, moreover, having antibacterial properties, which is made from the Milky Juice of Rubber Plants, such as GEVI. The lack of latex is that he is very expensive. If in the sofa with a filler from polyurethane foam replace PPU to latex, this piece of furniture will rise in price by 500-800.

Latex-like polyurethane foam - Artificial and cheaper latex substitute.

Syntheluch - Full equivalent of a natural fluff, which is twisted and easily restoring the shape of the balls from synthetic fibers, anti-allergenic and environmentally friendly.

Molded polyurethane foam - The material obtained by filling the source product into a certain form (say, the form of the future sofa), followed by withstanding until it is frozen. The styled material is everywhere the same and high density is 40kg / m3 and more.

Today, considerable attention is paid to the requirements of orthopedics. Therefore, the filling of sofas, couches and chairs have become more rigid and elastic (spring blocks, latex foam polyurethane foam IT.P.). Soft fillers (natural and artificial fluff, foam rubber 20-25kg / m3) are used mainly in armrests, as well as in decorative and removable pillows. In the "clamshells", metal grids are still applied and all more and orthopedic, slightly curved wooden crossbars (lats). The company "Conceptual" uses in upholstered furniture independent springs Pocket Springs. Each spring is posted in a separate package and individually adjusts to the features of the human body, which contributes to the more correct position of the spine of the rest, normal blood circulation IT.D.

Soft furniture frame. It can be metallic (made of steel tubes), wooden (from an array or linen plywood) or made of chipboard. Metal base is considered the most reliable. Frames from solid wood (beech, oak) are also very durable and not deformed during operation. But they are quite expensive. Therefore, Russian manufacturers are more often used by wood coniferous rocks, and from the beech it makes parts exposed to increased loads (for example, the guides for which the folding mechanism slides). DSP frames are used only in cheap models that have not been calculated for a long service life.

How to choose a sofa bed

Soft landing!
Couch "Twingo"

("Furniture Furniture March 8") First: Mechanism, even a new one, should be folded easily. It is not necessary to count on the fact that with time it is developed. It is also not bad to learn about the warranty period of operation of the mechanism.

Second: a sleeping place should be quite smooth and wide. Feel free to the laid sofa right in the store or salon. Check that there were no gaps and cracks at the joints.

Third: the degree of softness on the entire surface of the bed must be the same. Extract models, part of the bedroom is located on the seat pillows, and part of the mattress. If the softness of the seats and the softness of the mattress is different, sleep on such a sofa will be uncomfortable.

... and outside

Upholstery. Here the choice is almost unlimited. Some companies offer over thousands of external finishing options with their upholstered furniture. Square leather natural and artificial, materials woven and non-woven. The higher the category of material, the more expensive it is. But this does not mean that the fabric of the first, second or third category is always worse in quality than fabric fifth or sixth category. It all depends on how much the material cost the company when buying. For example, the inexpensive microfiber may refer to the second category, but at the same time have a lot of wonderful properties: do not lift, do not roll, do not roll.

Before turning on the material into the range, respecting itself, the furniture company exposes it to a series of tests: the density (for furniture fabrics is the minimum indicator - 200g / m2) and resistance to abrasion. The abrasion resistance test is carried out as follows: The material starts with a little effort to rub the disk with abrasive (felt), making circular movements. It continues until three torn threads appear on smooth fabrics and the full smoothing of the villi on the pile. The higher the abrasibility coefficient, the longer the tissue will last. Thus, the viscose Shenil is withstanding from 6 thousand to 10 thousand, and a polyester velor-50 thousand. The test for the packaging (the formation of katuchkov) is the fabric on which katovka does not appear after 500 abrasion turns.

The color resistance shows how much the color of the fabric racks to the effects of light, moisture and friction. The standard indicator is 3.5, but it is better to choose the material with an indicator4 and more. But it should be remembered that all the fabrics, especially dark, when they hit them, straight sunlight will be burned over time.

The breathability is the materials that are able to "breathe". Furniture, upholstered with such a cloth, will not hide. If the air does not pass through the fabric, it can lead to some problems. After all, when we sit down on the sofa, the air should still go out of it, if not through the fabric, then through the seams. ATEA In case of impermeability of the material, it can lead to the rupture of the seams.

Also, materials are checked for fire resistance. Two pieces of foam rubber are taken and tested with a tested cloth. These details lean over to each other, imitating the sofa, and the rejected cigarette is placed in their junction. If three cooked cigarettes are one at the other at the other at the filter and did not cause ignition, the flap test is considered passed.

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Soft landing!

Golf ("" Furniture Furniture Furniture March 8 "") Mass of advantages: The lining on the armrests perform the role of the tables; the backs of the back with the help of brackets attached from behind, rise into the upper position; the difts with incomplete decoration of the sofa generates the Relax configuration.

New technologies allow processing furniture fabric with a special protective impregnation. There are several variants of these products and ways to apply to fabric. The most famous formulations are Teflon (DuPont, USA) and ScotchGard (SM, USA). The fabric that is exposed to their exposure is more durable and easy to care. But it should be necessary to remember that such protective coatings facilitate the care of the upholstery only at first. After two or three years, they lose their properties.

Some materials do not need special processing, as they themselves have dirt-repellent properties. For example, the pile of Microvoneur, 100% consisting of nylon.

The vaseline of individual Russian ("Furniture Furniture Furniture March 8" "," Allegro-Classic ", L-Style) and a number of foreign firms have appeared a new material - Arpatek. This is a leatherette with unique characteristics: it is not demanding in care, to the touch resembles thin skin, it is easy to clean, it retains the color and appearance well, resistant to mechanical and lighting effects. Clesto on wear resistance resistant 500 thousand revolutions!

In some companies (such as IKEA, L-Style, "Furniture Furniture March 8" "IT.) You can immediately take care of replaceable covers for upholstered furniture or buy them later, for example, after repairing an apartment, as a result of which the color scheme has changed premises. Note: If you order for pillows under the back and seat for the seat bilateral covers (with two types of fabric contrasting colors), you will be able to modify the image of the sofa depending on which side of the pillow is rotated.

How to care for upholstery materials

First of all, it is advisable regularly (no less than once a week) to clean the sofa with a vacuum cleaner. Systematic care prevents the appearance of spots and casualization on the upholstery. Delete local pollution is better immediately. To avoid divorces, the composition for removing stains should be applied from the borders of the spot to the center. Do not use multiple stains at the same time. As you can less use cleaning products containing alcohol.

Shenillas, velor. In no case wash! Recommended dry cleaning. Dust remove a vacuum cleaner, a soft brush or sponge. Spots output with special cleaning products. It is also allowed to be neat cleaning with water and soap solution. Moisture to remove light pattering through the wrapping paper.

Jacquard. All the recommendations set out above are suitable. The main danger for the tissue fabrics is the fading of the pattern under the right sunlight. Therefore, such matter is often treated with a protective composition, for example, ScotchGard. But in this case, the fabric cannot be stroke, since under the influence of high temperature, the coating is destroyed.

Flock. Easy to care. The only thing you need to remember is, this material is prohibited to be cleaned by means containing alcohol and petroleum products. Otherwise, the glue layer is dissolved, and the flock "bald", losing pile particles.

Leather. It absorbs well and gives moisture, so it is desirable to keep the humidity of 65-70% in the room. With a smaller humidity, the skin will begin to give moisture, which leads to premature dry dryness, fragility and, as a result, sinking the dye.

Good one or twice a year to lubricate the skin with a sponge, impregnated with stearic lubricant. So the material longer will not lose elasticity.

To prevent fading and burnout, it is desirable not to put leather furniture under direct sunlight, intense light bulbs, as well as placing it near the heating devices and fireplaces.

To remove dirt and dust, it is better to use soft flannel rags moistened in water or a weak soap solution.

Spots from wine, markers, medicinal tinctures should be removed by medical alcohol with subsequent treatment with stearin sponge.

Organic fat spots for the skin are not terrible, since over time they will pass through all its thickness and will not be visible.

After the transportation of leather furniture in the cold season, it is necessary to withstand it in a packed state in the warm room for at least a day.

Corposu about prices

The cost of soft folding furniture depends on its size, the material from which the framework is made, the components of the internal filling, the degree of complexity of the transformation mechanism, as well as from the type of upholstery fabric. Actual price of a sofa with a length of 210cm varies within 250-3000. The cost of furniture is significantly affected by the upholstery material. Thus, Manchester from Prestige-Furniture (Russia), covered with the highest category, costs 1900, and an upholstered flock (finely chopped pile pasted on the tissue base) of the first category - 850.

We will try to trace the rise in prices for soft folding furniture depending on the functionality and quality of materials. The couches of domestic production on the frame of the chipboard can be purchased on average for 200-400, but with daily use, it is not worth counting on a long time. "Accordions" on metal frame with removable covers, positioned as youth furniture are sold for 350-700. For example, the "favorite" with blocks from independent springs and a quilted cover will cost a minimum of 650.

Models on a wooden or metal frame with simple mechanisms ("Eurobook", "book"), upholstered materials of the first and second category (flock, microfiber), cost 400-1000. KRYMERA, the price of "eurocal" "Alpika" from Liberty with the most inexpensive upholstery - 410. Sofa "Hollywood" production "Furniture Furniture March 8" ", in which a sleeping place is separated from the wall with a special back, you can buy a minimum of 1050.

Sofa with more complex mechanisms (roll-out and "clamshell"), upholstered with a cloth of the middle category (Shenille, jacquard), on the frame of the wood of coniferous rocks costs 600-1500. "ETTRAP" (IKEA) with a cooler mechanism and pillow density 40kg / m3 sold at a price of 620. Double Bag Bed sofa, designed for L-Style designers from Italy, made from components and tissues of Italian production, with highlylastic PPU filler And the fluff, on the frame of the multi-layer birch plywood, is offered to the buyer at a price of 1400.

The price of angular sofas with a wide sleeping place starts with a mark of 1000. For example, the cost of "Dominic" ("Allegro-Classic") on a wooden frame and with a filler from polyurethane foam depending on the upholstery is 1200-1820. Avot imported sofas on a frame of solid wood frames, covered with leather or tissues of the highest categories (Alcantara, Arpatek, silk), will cost the buyer not cheaper than 2500. So, Giorgio (Franz Fertig, Germany) with an upholstery from Alcantara (bedroom size - 160200cm ) It costs 2950. Finally, behind the corner Paris (HUKLA) will have to lay out 3580 or more.

Some trends mentioned above. It remains to add that if before the models in minimalist and classic styles due to the distinctive features of the design could not be folded, now they are supplied with transformation mechanisms. Retractable frames with an orthopedic grille are popular. The French "clamshells" go into the past, their place is occupied by more comfortable American. Also less relevant mechanism "Accordion", due to the features of laying, not providing designers of space for creative fantasy.

It became fashionable to raise the sofa above the floor and put on high legs. So it looks more air, and dust does not accumulate under it. Another tendency is a soft furniture with a low back. Another option is the backrest device so that it can be bent literally twice and straighten when the head restraint is required.

The editors thanks furniture factories MBelzeit, "Allegro-Classic", "Conceptual", "Prestige-Furniture", "Furniture Furniture March 8" "and the company" Academy of the Interior ", IBTM," Module ", IKEA, L-Style," Studio-line »For help in preparing the material.

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