Application for success


Designer ideas of the design of the work area in the apartment using the original decorative designs and accessories.

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Anyone who works at home knows how difficult it is to organize himself, gather and sit down, for example, for a computer. It will help the arrangement of home office, thoughtful to the smallest detail. Focus actually will be much easier. When the light is not annoying, paper and pen is always near, but to throw away the garbage, you do not have to run into the kitchen, the work goes faster and fruitful.

We assign space

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Application for success

Happy one who has its own office. Aesley residents do not allow you to have it, the work area has to be arranged in the kitchen, bedroom or living room. It is possible to find peace from the surrounding world using mobile shirm, drywall partitions or zonate space using a wardrobe. It all depends on the territory at your disposal. We propose to consider several options for solving this task.
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It is possible to separate the cabinet from the living room using a closet. On its back wall placed a suspension storage system.

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Wall on wheels (IKEA) - a convenient option for zoning space. The working corner easily changes the location of the dislocation when there is a need.

Application for success

In the original containers (MAGIS) not only convenient to store documents. Aesthetics, too, an argument in the organization of the workplace.

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Figured partition from drywall is another zoning. In the case, with its help, it turned out a small cabinet next to the dining room. Paper and stationery trivia are placed in Case. Minus this solution is the absence of sound insulation.

Non-banking solution of banal tasks

Application for success

So that your workplace look original, try to approach its design non-standard. The shelves and suspended systems are funny, designed for the kitchen. Feel yourself with decorator. For inspiration, you can go to the store of children's toys or the construction market. Lovers do not throw anything we advise you to draw a corner to work in the style of Garbage: tin cans from under cookies, plastic bottles and other "unnecessary things".

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The workplace is equipped with metal rods and baskets (IKEA).

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The suspension system from the fishing line and the clothespins is truly universal. You can hang curtains or use in the working area as a holder for items.

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Beautiful, original and functional Storage Storage CD (Koziol).

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Application for success

Why not look for anything useful for home office in the kitchen? The rolled paper holder is suitable for storing drawings or watman. On the dryer for cutlery (all of the GRANTTAL series, IKEA) will great fit books, diaries, discs. Give the will of your fantasy.

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A funny device for CD in the form of a bright plastic caterpillar (Koziol) perfectly fit into your workplace.

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The advantage of these suspended metal containers is their absolute transparency. Everything you put there will always be at hand. Make sure that the rod fasteners are able to withstand heavy items, such as books. Photos, albums and discs here are also quite fit.

Games in hide and seek

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Application for success

Hidden in the closet workplace is not such a new idea. The furniture industry succeeded in this. The locker with the "Secret" is now easy to buy in the store. However, it is possible to create a similar "secret" design. To do this, you should get a computer table, which we recommend placing inside the cabinet. The length and width of its countertops must be respectively somewhat less than the object parameters selected for the alteration.

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The folding shelves are a thing, comfortable where there is little space. They can be strengthened on the cabinet door or inside it. Aesley such shelves will arrange at the table top, they will continue the table. They are easy to put a small printer, computer speakers, decompose paper. Plus these row- expansion of the functionality of the workplace. But to fold such a shelf, it will have to remove anything somewhere.

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Computer table with retractable worktop "Mikael" (IKEA) (775076cm). The bottom shelf can be set with the recess to the right or left. It easily withstands the system block of the computer (mass- up to 25kg).

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Based on the latest studies, doctors assure that it is useful to work half-sidewer on a high chair for the spine

Not leaving the table

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It is said that the idea of ​​combining the kitchen and the cabinet first appeared in the heads of practical Germans. Right, why lay a big table, if no one else feels behind him? Well, this option is quite suitable for an urban small family, where the households do not crowind a whole day near the plate and refrigerator. Attack for those who do everything on time, not forgetting about sleep, food and walking in the fresh air. As they say, work work, and lunch on schedule.

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Main- Thinking up the lighting of the table so that it turns out to be optimal for creative activities, and for meals.

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Metal chalkboard with letters magnets (MAGIS) can be used as a kind of "reminder", attaching sheets with records or just beautiful pictures.

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Selecting containers dictates workplace style. They can be simple plastic or fashionable, with Piero Fornazretti drawings.

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There is no standard workplace, designed in the form of a bar counter. Plus such a "cabinet": the table is long, so two or three people can be located at the same time. A minus work surface is narrow and laid a large number of papers and books will not be possible.

Your work and your children

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Application for success

There is an opinion that children and work at home - two things are incomplete. Indeed, behind the kids of preschool age need an eye yes eye. The only way out is free to move around the apartment with a laptop. In the case, the cabinet for you will be alternately then the living room, then the kitchen, then the other rooms. If children learn at school, their tables for classes are in the nursery. You can try to organize a common workspace that you will share with your child.

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On a metal shelf (Kartell), you can store books or CDs.

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Sanoma Pictures /

D.Brandsma, D.Vandijk.

The coffee table can become a temporary or constant "refuge" for working homes. At the same time, worry and follow the baby, of course, difficult. AESLI no options?

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In metal containers (Kartell), it is convenient to keep stationery trivia. Put the pillows on them from above, and they will replace chairs.

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Sanoma Pictures /

D.Brandsma, D.Vandijk.

Option of the workplace for the tutor and two schoolchildren. When the teacher sits opposite the disciples, it is easier to build a dialogue and keep the attention of children. It would be nice to purchase a table with boxes, where you can store items that should be at hand without littering at the same time work surface.

Place for professional

Application for success

Shelves, containers, storage systems, proper lighting of the working surface is the basis of any "labor" place. Features of the organization of the mini-cabinet are dictated by specific activities. We offer an example of the arrangement of the tremor workshop. The characteristic signs of this work point: hangers for finished products and large sections of fabric, transparent containers for samples and threads, a mannequin, a large mirror for fitting.

Application for success

The foundation of the workplace is the table "Vika Amun" (1207570cm) and the "Hilbert" chair (535995cm). Additional element-table lamp "Termentation" (attached to the table) and convenient for storing small mini-dresser "Fira" (all models - IKEA).

Application for success

Small objects intended for needlework are conveniently stored in glass jars. Clear plastic containers will serve good service.

Application for success

Bright plastic objects (Koziol) - a stand for scissors and a holder for tacito-ideally look not only in the child's student, but also at the workplace of an adult, who has not yet developed to enjoy funny things.

Application for success

"Trifle - at hand, information - before your eyes" is a motto of any workplace. Especially if a specialist creates here. Use containers for storing small things. Samples of fabrics, sketches, postcards, task for tomorrow and much more can be twisted on the information board so as not to litter your desk.

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